Version-2 (May-June 2018)
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Abstract: This paper aimed to evaluate Sudanese Civil Airlines domestic services for passenger & cargo, statistically estimate their cost function and determine the factors affecting their efficiency. The study endeavours to upgrade civil aviation activities to meet the future requirements for Sudan development. The data were obtained from Sudan Civil Aviation Authority and some currently active Sudanese airlines. They were statistically analyzed to determine the annual cost function of six Sudanese airlines from 2004 to 2013. The researcher was to find out how the total cost (TC) behaves in relation to the domestic output, in revenue passenger (PAX) and freight (FRT), fuel cost (FC) and load factor (LF). The data were analyzed by using the Eviews statistical package to estimate an airline cost function by using the Classical Normal Linear Regression Model (CNLRM), to evaluate the model for forecasting, by satisfying the main features of a good regression model that was represented as follows:...........
Keywords: CNLRM, Passenger, Freight, Fuel Price, Load Factor
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Abstract: Uniformed search (also called blind search) is a technique that has no information about its domain and the only thing that it can do is to distinguish a non-goal state from a goal state. The efficiency of bidirectional, breadth first, depth first, iterative deepening and uniform cost search in terms of time taken, memory usage and number of nodes visited was studied. Experiments were conducted on these algorithms by varying the input route lines of Arik airlines and results subjected to factor analysis by SPSS. The performance of each of the experimented algorithm was evaluated........
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Abstract: In this paper, the inverse optimal value problem is equivalently reformulated as a corresponding bilevel programming (BLP) problem. A coadapted coevolutionary particle swarm optimization (CCPSO) is proposed for solving the BLP, in which the evolutionary paradigm can efficiently prevent the premature convergence of the swarm.
Keywords: Inverse optimal problem, bilevel programming, particle swarm optimization
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Abstract: The study aimed to find out tolerant peanut varieties under growing environmental stress using depth statistical analysis on functional plant growth analysis, combined analysis of variance, and biplot analysis. Five peanut varieties (Biawak, Hypoma 1, Galur G300-II, Wajik, and Lokal Bima) havd been evaluated based on three replicates of randomized complete block design experiment. Aerobic irrigation growing environments were setted in shade and no shade conditions. In the shade condition, peanut varieties were grown under red rice plants, however, for no shade the peanut were planted as monocrop. Statistical analysis was done on derived variables of growth (AGRmax, RGRmax, inflextion point of growth, and final growth of plant height and tetra-foliate leaf numbers) and yield peanut...........
Keywords: biplot analysis, combined ANOVA, functional plant growth analysis, growing environmental stresses, peanut varieties
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Matrix Summability of Conjugate and Derived Fourier series |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Ahmadu Kiltho || Ado Balili || M. Abdullahi |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1403022326 ![]() |
Abstract: The object of this paper is to prove that Hankel matrix is almost conservative and hence almost regular. Further, ordinary conjugate and derived Fourier series are both proved to be almost regular Hankel matrix summable.
Keywords: Conjugate Fourier series, Derived Fourier series, Conservative matrix, Almost regularity, Hankel Matrix
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Trisection of Angle (0 Degree to 90 Degree) |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Jyotis Chandra Chakrabarti |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1403022729 ![]() |
Abstract: It is seen from my experience that most of the people, even educated people, are not aware of the fact that trisection of an angle is not an easy task. This is tried by various persons ( mathematicians ) from a long since, but the easy solution of this problem is not yet found. Only a group of people are aware of this fact, This is because they are not learnt anything about this from their school level, as, there is nothing mentioned in this regard in their High School Geometry Syllabus. I have tried to find out the solution of this problem which may be understood and drawn by the students of High School level. They are the best judge to decide how far I am succeeded. Here, Trisection of an Angle is divided in three parts namely: ( A ) Trisection of a smaller angle,( B )Trisection of a higher angle and ( C ) Trisection of a right angle. The process for all of them is basically same, that I have tried to prove in the remark column.
[1]. The Great Archimedes for his method of Trisection of an Angle: read from page 17 of 30 dated 6/13/2011.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Single Slope Single Basin Solar Still Using Fuzzy Logic |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Vivek Raich || Neha Yadav |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1403023036 ![]() |
Abstract: Solar energy is a non-conventional source of energy widely used in many areas like electricity, cooking, transportation, electronic devices etc. Seventy five percent of Globe is cover with water but drinking water is serious problem in developing countries. To resolve shortage of potable water, planning commission as well as government of under developed countries made efforts in so many ways. Awareness programs to "Save Water" by Government in collaboration with NGOs are running. Nowa day's Single Basin Solar Still is a very simple device used for converting waste water into potable water. There are so many modifications made by researchers to improve the efficiency and capacity of this device. The aim of this paper is to study the effect of various parameters on Performance of single slope single Basin solar still using Fuzzy logic. In this paper an attempt has been made to predict the effect of.........
Keywords: Fuzzy Controller, Solar Still, Cruise Controller, MATLAB.
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Abstract: With the repeated values, that the factorial experiments will be in three nested factors. And, the third factor is presented by experimental units (subjects).The repeated values or the experimental unit treatments definitely can be taken. And, these treatments can be dealt with as a fourth factor. Actually, these kinds of experiments have been analyzed by factorial ways, which are presented by F test. That can be taken place in condition of variance analysis to the repeated values experiments and in case there no condition fitting in, we may use non factorial ways which are presented by shifting into ranks. Therefore, the aim of this research is to make an analyzed study for this kind of factorial ways or non-factorial. This kind of experiment can be applied on Thalassemia in Thi-Qarprovince.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | La preuve de la conjecture de Birch et Swinnerton-Dyer |
Country | : | France |
Authors | : | M. SGHIAR |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1403025059 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture : If L is the function associated to an elliptic curve, then the order of the zero of L at s = 1 is exactly the order of the curve. In particular, the curve admits an infinity of rational points if and only if L(1)= 0 . Résumé : Le but de cet article est de démontrer la Conjecture de Birch et Swinnerton-Dyer : Si L est la fonction associée à une courbe elliptique, alors l'ordre d'annulation de la fonction L en s=1 est exactement l'ordre de la courbe. En particulier, la courbe admet une infinité de points rationnels si et seulement si L(1)= 0 ..
Keywords: Birch, Swinnerton-Dyer, L-function, courbe elliptique, zêta de Riemann.
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Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and its Applications , Volume 10, Numbers 1-2, 2015, Pages 1-31...
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Abstract: An investigation is carried out on unsteady magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) natural convection in a boundary layer flow of an electrically conducting fluid through porous medium subject to uniform transverse magnetic field over a moving infinite vertical plate in the presence of thermal radiation, heat absorption and chemical reaction. The fundamental equations for governing flow through porous medium based on viscoelastic Rivlin-Ericksen fluid model. The basic governing partial differential equations for the fluid flow, temperature and concentration profiles are reduced to a system of coupled linear partial differential equations. The derived coupled linear partial differential equations and corresponding boundary conditions are solved numerically by finite difference method. To exhibit the effects............
Keywords: MHD; Viscoelastic Rivlin-Ericksen fluid; Thermal Radiation; Heat and Mass transfer; Finite difference method;
[1]. R. Srinivasa Raju, Unsteady MHD boundary layer flow of Casson fluid over an inclined surface embedded in a porous medium with thermal radiation and chemical reaction, Journal of Nanofluids, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 694-703, 2018.
[2]. R. Srinivasa Raju, Transfer Effects On An Unsteady MHD Free Convective Flow Past A Vertical Plate With Chemical Reaction, Engineering Transactions Journal, Vol. 65, No. 2, pp. 221-249, 2017.
[3]. R. Srinivasa Raju, B. Mahesh Reddy, G. Jithender Reddy, Influence Of Angle Of Inclination On Unsteady MHD Casson Fluid Flow Past A Vertical Surface Filled By Porous Medium In Presence Of Constant Heat Flux, Chemical Reaction And Viscous Dissipation, Journal of Nanofluids, Vol. 6, pp. 668-679, 2017.
[4]. Ramya Dodda, R. Srinivasa Raju, J. Anand Rao, Influence Of Chemical Reaction On MHD boundary Layer flow Of Nano Fluids Over A Nonlinear Stretching Sheet With Thermal Radiation, Journal of Nanofluids, Vol. 5, No. 6, pp. 880-888, 2016.
[5]. R. Srinivasa Raju, Combined influence of thermal diffusion and diffusion thermo on unsteady hydromagnetic free convective fluid flow past an infinite vertical porous plate in presence of chemical reaction, Journal of the Institution of Engineers: Series C, Vol. 97, Issue 4, pp. 505-515, 2016...
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Abstract: The study is aimed at using Gamma and Weibull probability distributions to analyze human fertility behavior in Borno State. Very little insight has been shed on the determinants or consequences of regional differences in fertility regimes on women's lives and fertility transitions. The study therefore employedex-post-factor as research design. This design was appropriately chosen because it is not possible for the researcher to directly manipulate the independent variables (demographic factors). In other words data will be collected after the phenomenon under investigation has taken place...........
Keywords: Demographic factors, Fertility, Gamma and Weibull distributions
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Abstract: This work aimed at examining the mathematical modelling of the solutions of partial differential equation with physical implications. In particular, we looked at the consistency and well-posedness of the solution of homogeneous one-dimensional wave. The general solution of the wave equation was derived by the method of change of variable and finally the general solution derived leads us to the unique solution of the problem, called the d'Alembert's formula. We then proof that the d'Alembert's formula obtained exists, it is unique and stable. There after we used the solution obtained to analyze result and show the behaviour of our result in a table and conclude that the notion of a well-posed problem is important in applied mathematics. Keywords: Birch, Swinnerton-Dyer, L-function, courbe elliptique, zêta de Riemann.
Keyword: Partial Derivatives; Partial Differential Equation, Well-posedness, Modelling
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