Version-8 (May-June 2014)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Assessment of Cost Monitoring System (Pune Real Estate Sector) |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shreyash Raut, Dr S.S. Pimplikar |
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: | 10.9790/1684-11380107 ![]() |
Abstract: It is very common to see project failing to achieve its mission within specified time and cost. The factors contributing to overrun are inadequate project formation, poor planning for implementation and lack project management during project execution but the main cause of failure can be attributed to cost estimation failure and management failure. As project become larger and more complex, the ability to exchange information on a timely basis is shrinking. Looking to current scenario in Pune construction industry problem faced is of cost & time overruns. This paper is intended at exploring the cost monitoring technique used to manage the budget of the real estate construction projects in Pune. Suggesting feasible monitoring methods to the suitable for pune's real estate sector working environment & approach of the industry towards construction projects is also one of the intentions of these papers.
Keywords: CAD drawings, Cost Management, Digital techniques, ERP-SAP, EVA
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[4] Redzuan Bin Jaafar,‟‟Collabaration and Communication Of Project Team In PWD Web Based Project Monitoring System "University teknologi,Malaysia.
[5] Yelda Turkan,"Automated Construction Progress Tracking using 3D Sensing Technologies", A thesis presented to the University of Waterloo,Canada 2012.
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Abstract: In this paper results of an experimental investigation of the mechanical properties of SiC, E-Glass and Red mud reinforced aluminium alloy (LM25) composites samples, processed by stir casting route are reported and analyzed. Four sets of composites with constant weight fraction of two reinforcements and varying one reinforcement (3 Sets) and a base metal specimen. The main mechanical properties studied were the tensile strength, ductility impact strength &hardness. Unreinforced LM25 samples were also tested for the same properties. In our study we varied the reinforcing material in smaller quantity to avoid the mixing problem. And from the results what we got shows the addition of reinforcing materials like Red mud, E-Glass and SiC improves tensile strength, Impact strength and reduces % Elongation. But addition of E-Glass minimizes the hardness.
Key Words: LM25 Aluminum Alloy, Silicon carbide, E-glass, Red mud and LM25 Mechanical properties.
[1] Mr.Sharanabasappa R Patil, Prof B.S Motgi, Studies on Mechanical Properties of Fly Ash and Alumina Reinforced Aluminium Alloy (LM25) Composites. IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE) e-ISSN: 2278-1684,p-ISSN: 2320-334X, Volume 7, Issue 6 (Jul. - Aug. 2013), PP 41-46
[2] Akhilesh Jayakumar, Mahesh Rangaraj, studies on Property Analysis of Aluminium (LM-25) Metal Matrix Composite. International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 2, February 2014)
[3] K.Annamalai, Ramangouda Patil, Arjun C C, Venugopal Pillarisetti, studies on influence of e-glass and graphite particle on al-356 alloy (LM 25 alloy) composite produced by vortex method. (IJEST).
[4] Neelima Devi. C, Mahesh.V, Selvaraj. N studies on Mechanical characterization of Aluminium silicon carbide composite. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED ENGINEERING RESEARCH, DINDIGUL Volume 1, No 4, 2011
[5] Md.AzharFarooqManiyar, B.S.Motgi studies on MICROSTRUCTURE AND TRIBOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF LM25/SIC/MICA-HYBRID MMC'S. International Journal of Advance Research, IJOAR .org Volume 1, Issue 8, August 2013,
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Abstract: Abrasive jet machining is an Emerging machining process in which the metal removal takes place due to abrasion. A stream of abrasive particles mixed with carrier gas (generally air) is subjected to the work surface with high velocity (150-300 m/Sec). The abrasive particles used for this machining are Silicon carbide, Aluminium oxide, boron carbide, etc. This process is effectively adopted for cleaning, polishing, deburring, drilling and cutting of Hard and Brittle materials. Abrasive jet cutting involves a high velocity jet of air with entrained Abrasive particles onto the material to be cut. In the present study focused on experimental research and evaluation of the abrasive jet drilling process in order to evaluate the technological factors affecting the Metal Removal rate of FRP Composite of various thickness using Optimization modelling called Response Surface Methodology and The adequacy of the model is evaluated using analysis of variance (ANOVA) technique.
Keywords: abrasive jet cutting, optimization, CFRP composite, analysis of variance
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[4] N. Jagannatha1*, S.S. Hiremath2 and K. Sadashivappa3 , Analysis And Parametric Optimization Of Abrasive Hot Air Jet Machining For Glass Using Taguchi Method And Utility Concept, International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering (IJMME), Vol. 7 (2012), No. 1, 9–15.
[5] K.B. Sehgal, Study and Optimization of Process Parameters in Abrasive Jet Machining,Impulse,ITM university,vol 7,2011.
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Abstract: Slum is an area with heavy population living in substandard housing which lacks basic and civics amenities. Urbanization, growing population and migration pressurizes cities leading to overflowing infrastructure, increase in urban poverty and haphazard development of cities. Thus rehabilitation of slum is necessary to provide fair and affordable houses to slum dwellers Fast track techniques proved to be useful to serve the purpose. Fast track techniques are associated with using methods that reduce the project overlapping and total duration of the project at sustainable finance. This paper focuses on fast track techniques like Tunnel form and Rapidwall compared with recent in use technique Aluform in terms of cost, duration, benefits and their utility in Indian conditions.
Fast track techniques are necessary as rehabilitation is long term process including costly affairs which generates problems to slum dwellers and ultimately to the country. Tunnel form and Rapidwall helps in reducing rehabilitation time by completing the project in optimum cost and duration.
Keywords: Aluform, fast-track techniques, rapid wall, slum rehabilitation, tunnel form
[1] 131128 Rapidwall Installation Manual by Rapid building system pty ltd .
[2] A. Tavafoghi and S. Eshghi (2008), Seismic Behaviour of Tunnel Form Concrete Building Structures.
[3] Census data 2011
[4] Devdas Menon, A Meher Prasad (Dept of Civil Engineering, IIT Madras), Development of Building, Systems using Glass Fibre Reinforced Gypsum (GFRG) Panels.
[5] M.Wallace, cast walls and slab at the same time with tunnel forms.
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Abstract: The aerodynamics of the flow in a turbine stage (stator/rotor) is rather complex and still subject of many ongoing research activities in the gas turbine community. Gas turbine have air is the most important fuel which is produce power. It is easily and freely available in nature. But in the gas turbine have many losses occurs in running condition of it. The cascade arrangement has different-different type aerodynamic losses occurring in turbine blade. In the turbine blade have occurred profile loss, annulus loss, secondary loss and tip clearance flow loss. In this all losses the tip clearance flow and secondary flow losses have major effect in the turbine efficiency. So the turbine efficiency improvement kindly depends on these losses. The knowledge of these losses provides better idea to reduce these losses. This article provides review on different studies on secondary flow and tip clearance flow losses in linear turbine cascade.
Keywords: Tip clearance flow, secondary flow, and linear turbine cascade.
[1] B. Lakshminarayana. "Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer of Turbo Machinery". John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1996. New York.
[2] S. B. Lattime and B. M. Steinetz. "High-Pressure-Turbine Clearance Control Systems: Current Practices and Future Directions", 2004, Aiaa J. Of Propulsion and Power, 20(2):302–311.
[3] J. D. Denton. "Loss Mechanisms in Turbo Machines". Asme J. Of Turbo Machinery, 115:621–656, October 1993. 93-Gt-435
[4] Venkateswara Babu, N Sitaram , M Govardhan, 2002, "Experimental investigation of tip clearance effects on flow field in an annular turbine rotor cascade", pp, 424-431
[5] Han Warrjin, Yang Qinghai, Huang Hongyan, Jia Lin, 2002, "Topology and vortex structures of turbine cascade with different tip clearance".
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Abstract: Due to decreasing trend of river flow and increasing demand of water for irrigation, domestic and other purposes, it is an urgent need to investigate the scope of ground water (GW) development within safe yield criteria. Surface water (SW) and groundwater is a part and parcel of the hydrological cycle. So it is essential to consider both the ground and surface water in an integrated approach and this can be done using physically distribute mathematical modeling tools. In this paper, a case study was carried out for Panchagarh, Thakurgaon, Dinajpur and Joypurhat Districts which is situated in the north-west region of Bangladesh using physically distributed hydrological modelling. With the existing irrigation facilities, it was possible to bring only about 40% of the total cultivable land under irrigation. To bring more potential land under irrigation through sustainable water resources management, an integrated GW-SW model was developed using mathematical modelling software MIKE-11 and MIKE-SHE which was calibrated for the period 2003-2007 and validated for the period 2008-2009. Using model result, groundwater and surface water resources, possible expansion of irrigation coverage and a zoning map suitable for different mode irrigation equipment for the study area was assessed along with requirement of additional number of Deep Tube Well (DTW). Considering the scarcity of SW and safe yield criteria the potential GW was identified and additional 4803 DTWs of 2 cusec capacity for 28 Upazilas to cover the future demand. As a result irrigation coverage as well as agricultural production would be increased considerably if the project is implemented following the study findings and suggestions. Some area were also been identified which is potential for surface water irrigation. The economic analysis shows minimum EIRR value of 29.85% when all costs increase by 30%. So the study output has positive impact and for sustainable water resources management it is very essential to use the state-of -the art technology.
Keywords: Mathematical Modelling, Irrigation, Groundwater, Surface water, Zoning. Potential resources, Sustainable water resources management.
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Abstract: This paper studied the use of waste chicken feather as reinforcement in cement bonded composites. Several panels were fabricated consisting of ground feather, cement, river sand and some chemical additives. The properties of the panels were tested after curing and were found to have improved. The moisture content on dry basis was found to be between 15.74% and 19.51%. The hardness was found to be between 17 and 28.1; 20 and 30 for both exotic white and local chicken feathers, it increased rapidly at lower volume fraction (VF) of feather and with further significant increase in feather VF gave little increment in hardness value. The tensile strength and strain were found to be inversely proportional to volume fraction while the Young's modulus was proportional to volume fraction up to 0.20 and inversely proportional at VF above this value.
Keywords: Cement, Chicken feather, Composite, Feather fibre, Reinforcement
[1]. G. Parkinson, Chementator: A higher use for lowly chicken feathers? Chem. Eng. 105, 1998, 21.
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Abstract: Removing feathers by hand is the traditional means and method of removing feathers from poultry species. For certain reasons, removing feathers by hand was becoming obsolete since the inception of industrial age. Development of a poultry de-feathering machine is a process of producing a mechanical means of removing feathers from scalded birds. This paper focuses on development of a household poultry de-feathering machine. Meanwhile, in this paper locally available materials were used for the development of the devise. Design calculations were done appropriately to ensure correct shaft diameter as this could affect the efficiency of the machine. The machine consists of rubber pluckers which do the actual picking of the feathers. The rubber pluckers are attached to a rotating plate against a stationary plucking basin carrying protruding rubber pluckers. Test was carried out on the machine with three spent layer chickens. The chickens were soaked inside hot water at about 70°c and held for about 45-60s. The machine removed feathers without any major damage to the chickens. The efficiency at each trial was calculated and average efficiency was calculated to be approximately 95%. In conclusion, the machine performed efficiently and effectively, leaving behind products that could meet market standard.
Keywords: Chicken, De-feathering, Efficiency, Feather, Plucker
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