Version-5 (Mar-Apr 2017)
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Abstract: The study concentrated on the thermal performances of Barkin-ladi fireclay for its appropriateness as refractory lining. The Barkin-ladi clay brick has thermal conductivity of 0.03 K (W/m.k). The clay needs 0.7 J/g °C to raise its specific heat capacity at the minimum temperature of 93.33 °C. The specific heat capacity of the clay showed that as temperature increases the heat capacity changes with phase changes. The energy absorption of Barkin-ladi clay as shown in the DSC result indicated a glass transition at mid-point of 554.74 °C with exothermic reaction at 510 °C which signified energy being released and then crystallized............
Keywords: Material degradation, Material reactions, Temperature, Thermal property.
[1]. ASTM C27-98: Standard Classification of Fireclay and High-Alumina Refractory Bricks, (ASTM International., 15, 2013).
[2]. Energy Efficiency Guide for Industry in Asia UNEP Thermal Energy Equipment: Furnace and Refractories, 2006.
[3]. P Hoffman, E. Hopewall, and B. James, Precision machining technology (Carnage Leaning, Clifton Park, New York 12065-2919, USA, 2015) 180-188.
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[5]. V, Pena. Munoz, and G. T. M. Analfa, Physical, chemical and thermal characterization of alumina-magnesia carbon refractories, ceramic International, 40, 2014, 9133-9149..
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Abstract: Water is very important for life,so it must be make sure that everyone is getting it in adequate amount.water supply is also very important for achieving good health for all. The ambition of Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation (PCMC), Pune (Sector No. 21) is to supply safe and potable water for 24x7 hours to the people. This can be achievedby framing the legislation on regulation of drinking water through a scheme which is named as 24x7 water supply scheme. In continuous water supply, PCMC (Sector No. 21) taking the efforts to provide quality and its continuous supply to the consumer............
Keywords: Water Leak Detection, Pipe Lines, Helium Gas Leak Detector, Successful Implementation.
[1]. Dr. Sanjay and V. Dahasahasra, "A model for transforming an intermittent into a 24x7 water supply system", (August 2007).
[2]. Sandul Yasobant & Kranti Suresh Vora, "A situational analysis of 24x7 primary health Centre from Gujarat", (IJSRD Vol 1, issue 2, 2013).
[3]. Namrata Patil & Dr. V. N. Deulkar, "Quality management of water supplies under 24x7 schemes, at sector no.21,PCMC, Pune", (IJERA, vol 3, issue 4, Jul-Aug 2013).
[4]. Priya Sangameshwaram, Clifton D. Rozario 24x7, "Privatization and Water Reform‟, (5th April, 2008).
[5]. Karnataka Urban Water Sector Improvement Project, "Innovations Under Development, Karnataka Three Towns Pilot 24x7 Water Supply", (2013 issue 12).
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Abstract: Jatrophacurcas as a non-edible methyl ester biodiesel fuel source is utilized to run single cylinder, variable compression ratio and four-stroke diesel engine. Emission parameters are measured for Jatropha biodiesel – diesel mixes. The properties of fuel biodiesel for example kinematic viscosity, calorific value, flash point, carbon deposit and specific gravity were found. Tests have been conducted using the biodiesel blends of 100D0B, 50D50B, 0D100B where diesel is denoted by D and Jatropha biodiesel is denoted by B.The emission parameters are additionally influenced by different working parameters like inlet air pressure, injection pressure and compression ratio............
Keywords: Diesel Engine, Jatropha biodiesel, Biofuels, Blending, Emission Characteristic, Supercharging, Injection Pressure, Inlet Air pressure.
[1] Berchmans, H. J., & Hirata, S. (2008). Biodiesel production from crude Jatrophacurcas L. seed oil with a high content of free fatty acids. Bioresource Technology, 99(6), 1716–1721.
[2] Hanumantha Rao, Y. V., Voleti, R. S., Sitarama Raju, A. V., &Nageswara Reddy, P. (2009). Experimental investigations on Jatropha biodiesel and additive in diesel engine. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 2(4), 25–31.
[3] Jindal, S. (2011). Effect of injection timing on combustion and performance of a direct injection diesel engine running on Jatropha methyl ester. International Journal of Energy and Environment, 2(1), 113–122
[4] Kim, J., Yim, E., Jeon, C., Jung, C., & Han, B. (2012). Cold performance of various biodiesel fuel blends at low temperature. International Journal of …, 13(2), 293–300.
[5] Kumar, M. L. S. D., Drakshayani, S., & Reddy, K. V. K. (2012). Effect of Fuel Injection Pressure on Performance of Single Cylinder Diesel Engine at Different Intake Manifold Inclinations. International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology, 2(4), 20–28.
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Abstract: In the present investigation experimental work will be carrying out to estimate the performance characteristics of a single cylinder, four stroke variable compression ratio multi fuel engine fueled with Jatropha biodiesel blended with standard diesel. Tests have been conducted using the biodiesel blends of 100D0B, 50D50B, 0D100B where diesel is denoted by D and Jatropha biodiesel is denoted by B, with compression ratio 18 and an engine speed of 1500 rpm at different loading conditions. Present paper deals with effect of supercharging on engine performance characteristic. Paper deals with effects on engine fueled with diesel, blend of diesel with biodiesel with a view to provide a platform for comparison of the parameter on blended Jatropha fuels...........
Keywords: Diesel Engine, Jatropha biodiesel, Biofuels, Blending, Supercharging, Performance Characteristic, Injection Pressure, Inlet Air pressure.
[1] Berchmans, H. J., & Hirata, S. (2008). Biodiesel production from crude Jatrophacurcas L. seed oil with a high content of free fatty acids. Bioresource Technology, 99(6), 1716–1721.
[2] Hanumantha Rao, Y. V., Voleti, R. S., Sitarama Raju, A. V., &Nageswara Reddy, P. (2009). Experimental investigations on Jatropha biodiesel and additive in diesel engine. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 2(4), 25–31.
[3] Jindal, S. (2011). Effect of injection timing on combustion and performance of a direct injection diesel engine running on Jatropha methyl ester. International Journal of Energy and Environment, 2(1), 113–122
[4] Kim, J., Yim, E., Jeon, C., Jung, C., & Han, B. (2012). Cold performance of various biodiesel fuel blends at low temperature. International Journal of …, 13(2), 293–300.
[5] Kumar, M. L. S. D., Drakshayani, S., & Reddy, K. V. K. (2012). Effect of Fuel Injection Pressure on Performance of Single Cylinder Diesel Engine at Different Intake Manifold Inclinations. International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology, 2(4), 20–28.
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Abstract: This paper studies the dynamic behavior of the AP1000 nuclear island building under the action of the Japanese Kobe 1995 earthquake. A three-dimensional finite element model for the building is developed and employed in the study. The modal and dynamic analyses of the building under the safe shutdown earthquake are carried out with the help of the commercial finite element software ANSYS. The vibration characteristics, including the natural frequencies, mode shapes, and the time histories for the dynamic displacements, velocities, and accelerations of the building are computed and given in the tabular and figure forms...........
Keywords: AP1000, nuclear island building, finite element model, Kobe earthquake, dynamic analysis
[1] M. Manjuprasad, S. Gopalakrishnan, and T.V.S.R. Appa Rao, Non-linear dynamic response of a reinforced concrete secondary containment shell subjected to seismic load, Engineering Structures, 23(5), 2001, 397–406.
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Abstract: Practical study has been accomplished for Karanja Biodiesel blended with Diesel utilize in single cylinder 4 strokes Research Diesel engine. Karanja oil is made from Karanja seeds, then after its Biodiesel made using a trans-esterification process. Maximum possible proportion of Biodiesel helps to reduce the utilization of Petroleum fuel. In this Paper, the effects of Variables like Intake Air Supply, load, Blend rate and injection pressure are taken as a dominant variable for an optimization. As the requirement of a Practical, this selected four variables with three levels optimized simultaneously,...........
Keywords: Karanja Biodiesel, Trans-esterification, Taguchi method, SFC.
[1] Y. V. Hanumantha Rao, R. S. Voleti, A. V. Sitarama Raju and P. Nageswara Reddy, "Experimental Investigations on Jatropha Biodiesel and Additive in Diesel Engine," Indian J. Sci. Technol., Vol. 2, issue 4, Pp. 25–31, 2009.
[2] D. H. Joshi and P. T. M. Patel, "Parametric optimization of single cylinder diesel engine for pyrolysis oil & diesel blend for mechanical efficiency using taguchi method,"International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, vol. 1, issue 4, pp. 1–6, 2012.
[3] A. K. Agarwal and D. Khurana, "Long-term storage oxidation stability of Karanja biodiesel with the use of antioxidants," Fuel Process. Technol., vol. 106, pp. 447–452, 2013.
[4] K. B. Patel, P. T. M. Patel, and S. C. Patel, "Parametric Optimization of Single Cylinder Diesel Engine for Pyrolysis Oil and Diesel Blend for Specific Fuel Consumption Using Taguchi Method," IOSR, vol. 6, issue 1, pp. 83–88, 2013.
[5] M. S. R.SenthilKumar, M.Prabu, "Performance , Emission and Combustion Characteristics of a CI engine Using Karanja oil Methyl Ester as a biodiesel with Tyre Pyrolysis Blends," Int. J. Eng. Sci. Innov. Technol., vol. 3, issue. 4, pp. 837–849, 2014.
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Abstract: Jatrophacurcas as a non-edible methyl ester biodiesel fuel source is utilized to run single cylinder, variable compression ratio, and four-stroke diesel engine. Combustion parameters are measured for Jatropha biodiesel – diesel mixes. The properties of fuel biodiesel for example kinematic viscosity, calorific value, flash point, carbon deposit and specific gravity were found. The combustion parameters are additionally influenced by different working parameters like compression ratio, injection pressure, injection timing and inlet air pressure. The paper deals with effects on engine fueled with diesel, mix of diesel with biodiesel and simply on biodiesel with a view to give a stage to correlation of the combustion parameter on Jatrophabiodiesel fuels. In it research paper deals with the variation...........
Keywords: Diesel Engine, Jatropha Biodiesel, Biofuels, Blending, Supercharging, Combustion Characteristic, Injection Pressure, Inlet Air pressure.
[1] Berchmans, H. J., & Hirata, S. (2008). Biodiesel production from crude Jatrophacurcas L. seed oil with a high content of free fatty acids. Bioresource Technology, 99(6), 1716–1721.
[2] Hanumantha Rao, Y. V., Voleti, R. S., Sitarama Raju, A. V., &Nageswara Reddy, P. (2009). Experimental investigations on Jatropha biodiesel and additive in diesel engine. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 2(4), 25–31.
[3] Jindal, S. (2011). Effect of injection timing on combustion and performance of a direct injection diesel engine running on Jatropha methyl ester. International Journal of Energy and Environment, 2(1), 113–122
[4] Kim, J., Yim, E., Jeon, C., Jung, C., & Han, B. (2012). Cold performance of various biodiesel fuel blends at low temperature. International Journal of …, 13(2), 293–300.
[5] Kumar, M. L. S. D., Drakshayani, S., & Reddy, K. V. K. (2012). Effect of Fuel Injection Pressure on Performance of Single Cylinder Diesel Engine at Different Intake Manifold Inclinations. International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology, 2(4), 20–28.
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Abstract: In this project an attempt is made to utilize the advantage of Darrieus and Savonius rotors, to improve the efficiency of power conclusion. This combined wind turbine with a lift-type Darrieus rotor is providing main power, and a drag-type Savonius rotor is providing starting power. At low wind speeds the Savonius rotor starts rotating, pulling along with it the Darrieus rotor, through the free wheel. When the Darrieus rotor reaches its critical speed, it starts rotating at faster speed, decoupling itself from the Savonius rotor. Now for the same low wind speed, both the Savonius rotor and Darrieus rotors rotate at their own speeds, the output of which will be fed to a two input epicyclic gear box...........
Keywords: Savonius rotor, Darrieus rotor, Power co-efficient, Tip speed ratio, Overlap ratio, Velocity, Combined vertical axis wind turbine, Design calculation, Modeling, CFD.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | FEA and Optimization of Flywheel Energy Storage System |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Aakash B Rajan || Parth H Patel || Dr. Tushar M Patel |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1402057177 ![]() |
Abstract: The objective of this Paper is to carry out a case study in finding an optimal combination of design, material designation and geometry modification of the flywheel which results in increasing the overall energy storing capacity of the flywheel. The geometrical design of the flywheel and the material of the flywheel are the considered variables here. Optimum flywheel is chosen on the basis of weight, energy density, energy storing capacity and specific energy of the flywheel. Considering the amount of variables and results, for better selection of the flywheel design a (DOE) Design of Experiments is chosen along with using Finite Element Analysis. Using both these approaches the best possible flywheel is obtained for better energy storage.
Keywords: Increasing energy, parametric optimization, Flywheel, FE Analysis, FEA-Design, Energy Density, Material characterization, Taguchi Method
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[5] Patel, T. M., Bhatt, M. G., & Patel, H. K. (2013). Analysis and validation of Eicher 11 . 10 chassis frame using Ansys, 2(2), 10–13..
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Abstract: Glass Fiber – reinforced polymer (GFPR) has been used as an alternative to steel due to high strength –to-weight ratio, high stiffness- to – weight ratio and corrosion and fatigue resistance.GFRP have been found to be more attractive in asian region due to their cost competitiveness. Hence effort is required to find the bonding and flexural behaviors of fiber reinforced composite(FRC) beam made using epoxy resin and glass fiber sheet with Triethylenetetramine (TETA) as hardener for curing of resin. To achieve the objective, an experimental setup was prepared with, specimen of hollow square section is casted and two point loading was applied to specimen. This will help in finding the elastic nature of the section..
Keywords: GFRP,Epoxy Resin,Glass Fiber,TETA
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Mitigating the Steel Structures Using Friction Damper Device |
Country | : | Egypt |
Authors | : | Dawood M. || El-Hakem Y. || Tork B. || Mokhtar A |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1402058592 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper presents an experimental work on a friction damper locally manufactured in Egypt. The device idea is based on well-known devices that convert the kinetic energy to heat energy and transform destructive energy into harmless oscillations. It is manufactured from cheap materials in the local market in Egypt. The tests are performed at the construction institute of National Water Research Center in Egypt. Such damping device is equipped to a steel frame and its properties and efficiency are investigated under shaking table excitation. The obtained results from the current work prove that the manufactured device has performed very well although it is made from cheap material..........
Keywords: damping ratio, experimental test, finite element, friction damper, natural frequency
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Present Status of Groundwater in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sudhir K. Parmar |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1402059395 ![]() |
Abstract: The present status of groundwater in many States of India has reached to a level of crisis. The solutions of this problem are demanding an urgent attention at many fronts. The distribution of replenishable ground water by river basins is quite skewed and thus national average level of ground water development as 58% of the available potential in the aggregate is misleading. The available data is analysed to define a critical factor as level of groundwater development (in percent) per unit percentage of villages having tubewell irrigation that can be incorporated for available ground water resources for irrigation (in MCM/year). This critical factor for most of the States is quite in agreement with the percentages of the overexploited/critical blocks of the concerned State, except Maharashtra..
Keywords: Critical factor, Integrated Water Development Schemes, Overexploited and critical blocks, Skewed distribution of replenishable ground water resources, Unplanned groundwater extraction
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Abstract: The aim of this research is to study the effect of using a number of quechants for quench annealing on some mechanical properties of 316L stainless steel.A solid model of the specimen is created and a finite element analysis (FEA) by solidWorks is conducted using the ASTM standard as a guide. Experimental bending test shows that the best quenching media is water which gives the highest modulus and apricot juice was the lowest. The highest von mises values for all quenching media for the three loading types are below the yield strength demonstrating that they pass the von Mises stress failure criteria by successfully withstanding the applied loads. Quenching by apricot juice gives the highest displacement values while water gives the lowest displacement value............
Keywords: 316L stainless steel, quench annealing, solution annealing, solidworks, FEM analysis.
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Abstract: Karanja, which is one of the source of biodiesel. In this study, blend of Karanja biodiesel is in the proportion 50% and 100%. Engine performance have been investigated and compared with the straight diesel fuel in a diesel engine. Aim of this study was to investigate effect of parameter like blend, compression ratio, injection pressure, and load on the performance of diesel engine using Karanja biodiesel. Input parameter that is injection pressure, blend ratio, load and CR are taken as variable for optimizing result for BSFC. Experimental results show that the various parameter are optimize using the Taguchi method. The Taguchi method used for decreasing number of experiments and contribution of each noise factor calculated.
Keywords: Karanja biodiesel, Transesterification, Taguchi method
[1] Nataraj, M., Arunachalam, V. P., & Dhandapani, N. (2005). Optimizing diesel engine parameters for low emissions using Taguchi method : variation risk analysis approach — Part I, 12(June), 169–181.
[2] Hulwan, joshi, a. (2010). Study on properties improvement and performance benefit of diesel-ethanol-biodiesel blends with higher percentage of ethanol in a multicylinder idi diesel engine. International journal of advance engineering technology, vol.I | (sept 2010).
[3] Karnwal, A., Hasan, M. M., Kumar, N., Siddiquee, A. N., & Khan, Z. A. (2010). Paper ID : 20100142 Optimization of Diesel Engine Performance Parameters by Applying Taguchi Method and Grey Relational Analysis, (November), 1–6.
[4] Joshi, D. H., & Patel, T. M. (2012). Parametric optimization of single cylinder diesel engine for pyrolysis oil & diesel blend for mechanical efficiency using Taguchi method, 1(4) | page1–6.
[5] Sivaramakrishnan, K., & Ravikumar, P. (2012). PERFORMANCE OPTIMIZATION OF KARANJA BIODIESEL ENGINE, 7(4), 506–516.
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Abstract: An experimental study has been carried out for Karanja biodiesel and it's blend with diesel used in single cylinder diesel engine. Biodiesel is obtained from oil by Trans-esterification process. In this study, the effects of parameters` i.e. blend ratio, compression ratio, injection pressure and load are taken as variable for optimization. As the experiment required simultaneously optimization of four parameters with three levels, Taguchi method of optimization is used in this experiment. The results of the Taguchi experiment identifies that 0% blend ratio, 18 compression ratio, injection pressure 160............
Keywords: Karanja biodiesel, Trans-esterification, Taguchi method
[1] Nataraj, M., Arunachalam, V. P., & Dhandapani, N. (2005). Optimizing diesel engine parameters for low emissions using Taguchi method : variation risk analysis approach — Part I, 12(June), 169–181.
[2] Hulwan, joshi, a. (2010). Study on properties improvement and performance benefit of diesel-ethanol-biodiesel blends with higher percentage of ethanol in a multicylinder idi diesel engine. International journal of advance engineering technology, vol.I | (sept 2010).
[3] Karnwal, A., Hasan, M. M., Kumar, N., Siddiquee, A. N., & Khan, Z. A. (2010). Paper ID : 20100142 Optimization of Diesel Engine Performance Parameters by Applying Taguchi Method and Grey Relational Analysis, (November), 1–6.
[4] Joshi, D. H., & Patel, T. M. (2012). Parametric optimization of single cylinder diesel engine for pyrolysis oil & diesel blend for mechanical efficiency using Taguchi method, 1(4) | page1–6.
[5] Sivaramakrishnan, K., & Ravikumar, P. (2012). PERFORMANCE OPTIMIZATION OF KARANJA BIODIESEL ENGINE, 7(4), 506–516
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Abstract: Metal matrix composite (MMC) material is one which contains two or more materials with different physical and chemical properties with two constituent parts, one being a metal and other may be metal, ceramic or fiber. Due to their light in weight, high strength and high hardness, among various MMC‟s, aluminium MMC is the most widely used. The wide range of availability of aluminium has made it an important material for manufacturing many components. An aluminium alloy which has low tensile strength and hardness is been composited with other materials to improve its properties and reduce its drawbacks. Aluminium is been composited with silicon carbide that drastically...........
Keywords: Metal matrix composite,Aluminium alloy 8090 , silicon carbide (sic ), Stir casting process.
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