Version-3 (July-Aug 2017)
Version-1 Version-2 Version-3 Version-4 Version-5 Version-6 Version-7
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Abstract: The durability performance of reinforced concrete is influenced by those physical characteristics of concrete that controls the diffusion of gases and or liquid through its pores. These physical characteristics depend on the chemical composition and the microclimatic condition of the environment. In the present paper, properties of concrete made with Condensed Silica Fume (CSF) blended cement were characterized in terms of physical and chemical composition at early-age. In addition, the effects of inland exposure condition on the durability performance of the concrete were...........
Keywords:Reinforced concrete; Concrete durability; Pore structure; Pozzolans; carbonation; condensed silica fume; inland environment.
[1]. Hilsdorf, H. K. (1989). Durability of concrete-a measurable quantity? Paper presented at the Durability od Structures. IABSE Symposium, September 6-8 1989, Lisbon (IABSE Report, Volume 57/1).
[2]. Dhir, R. K., Hewlett, P. C., Byars, E. A., & Bai, J. P. (1994). Estimating the durability of concrete in structures. Concretes Society, London, Vol. 28, No. 6, pp. 25-30.
[3]. Parrott, L. J. (1994). Design for avoiding damage due to carbonation-induced corrosion, Durability of Concrete- 3rd International Conference, Nice, France 1994, pp.283-298.
[4]. Mehta, P., & Monteiro, P. (1993). Concrete: Structure, Properties, and Materials, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1993.
[5]. Alhassan, A. Y. (2014), The effects of materials and micro-climate variations on predictions of carbonation rate in reinforced concrete in the inland environment, PhD Thesis, School of Civil Engineering & the Built Envir, Univ. of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa..
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Abstract: Seismic building analysis is one of the research interest now a days, it is because earthquake causes lots of damage and losses with respect to life, loss or damage of structures, loss of economy or finance. It is desired to study seismic response with real time history to prevent seismic effect by designing structure to withstand against earthquake. This paper analysed four different building models which are vertically irregular and each model is analysed for without mass irregularity,...........
Keywords: Time history analysis, mass irregularity, vertical irregularity, E-Tab, drift, displacement, overturning moment, periods & frequencies, base shear.
[1]. Aijaj, S.A. and Rahman A., (2013). "Seismic Response of Vertically Irregular RC Frame with Stiffness Irregularity at Fourth Floor." International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, 3(8), 377-385.
[2]. Bansal H., (2014). "Seismic Analysis and Design of Vertically Irregular RC Building Frames." International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 3( 8), 207-215
[3]. Bansal H., Gagandeep, (2014). "Seismic Analysis and Design of Vertically Irregular RC Building Frames." International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 3 (8)
[4]. IS 1893 (Part 1):2002 Design Criteria for Earthquake Resistant design of Structure.
[5]. Konakalla R., (2014). "Effect of Vertical Irregularity in Multi-Storied Buildings under Dynamic Loads Using Linear Static Analysis." IJEAR 4(2), 29-34.
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Abstract: Today the aim of the manufacturing companies is to reduce all types of wastes which are; man, money, material and mechanical their properties through the system simplification, organizational potential by using modern techniques. To remain the market leader many types of refinements are used to make the product cheaper and system efficient. Now day, various automotive and cycle industry starts to use the plastic components instead of different costly and heavy metals. So in the chaotic scenario the natural fiber composites are widely used for this addible purpose..
Keywords: Mica, Polypropylene, Rice Husk, Silica
[1]. Ashori A. (2008), "Wood- plastic composites as premising green composites for automotive industries" Bioresource technology, Vol. 99, No. 11, pp. 4661-4667.
[2]. Alves, C., Ferra, P. M. C., Silva, A. J., Reis, L. J., Freitas, M., Rodrigues, L. B., and Alves, D. E. (2010), "Ecodesign of automotive components making use of natural jute fiber composites", Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 313–327.
[3]. Akil, H. M., Omar, M. F., Mazuki, A. A. M., Safiee, S., Ishak, Z. A. M. and Abu Bakar A. (2011), "Kenaf fiber reinforced composites: A review", Materials and Design, Vol. 32, No.8, pp. 4107–4121.
[4]. Balashov, V., Preston, R. D., Ripley, G. W., and Spark, L. C. (1957), "Structure and Mechanical Properties of Vegetable Fibres. I. The Influence of Strain on the Orientation of Cellulose Microfibrils in Sisal Leaf Fibre", Proceeding of Royal Society , Vol. 146, No. 925, pp. 460-468 .
[5]. Bahadur, P. and Sastry, N. V. (2005), "Principles of polymer science", 2nd ed., New Delhi. Bax, B. and Mussig, J. (2008), "Impact and tensile properties of PLA/Cordenka and PLA/flax composites", Composites Science and Technology, Vol. 68, No. 7, pp.1601–1607..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Analytical Strip Method for Thin Isotropic Cylindrical Shells |
Country | : | USA |
Authors | : | J. Taylor Perkins || Issam E. Harik |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1404032438 ![]() |
Abstract: The Analytical Strip Method (ASM) for the analysis of thin isotropic cylindrical shells is presented in this paper. The system of three governing differential equations for the cylindrical shell are reduced to a single eighth order partial differential equation (PDE) in terms of a potential function. The PDE is solved as a single series form of the potential function, from which the displacement and force quantities are determined. The solution method applies to cylindrical shells with simply supported edges, clamped edges, free edges, or edges supported by isotropic beams.............
Keywords: Analytical modeling, Thin shells, Stiffeners, Distributed loads, Line loads, Point loads
[1]. H. Kraus,Thin elastic shells (New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1967).
[2]. A. Leissa, Vibration of shells,NASA SP 288, 1973.
[3]. S. Timoshenko and S. Woinowsky-Krieger,Theory of plates and shells, 2nd ed.(York, Pa: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc, 1959).
[4]. P. Bijlaard, Stresses from local loadings in cylindrical pressure vessels, Trans. Am. Soc. Mech. Engrs 77, 1955, 805-814.
[5]. F. Odqvist, Action of forces and moments symmetrically distributed along a generatrix of thin cylindrical shell, Trans. Am. Soc. Mech. Engrs 68A, 1946, 106-108...
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Abstract: This paper presents the testing of a Hybrid Fluid coupling system for effective and efficient Power transmission with fluids having different viscosities at various filling capacities. A specific prototype is designed and built to carry out the performance tests. The objective lies in developing an efficient fluid coupling which would transfer the mechanical power with minimum transmission losses. This fluid coupling would transfer the power from the two main sources, namely the Induction motor or any other source of power and then transmit it to the output shaft through the Fluid medium...........
Keywords: Fluid coupling, Impeller, Runner and Working Fluid
[1]. "Comparative Study of Fluid Coupling for Oil and water as working fluid" International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, e-ISSN: 2278-067X, p-ISSN: 2278-800X, Volume 9, Issue 6 (December 2013), PP. 56-61
[2]. "Design and performance analysis of hydro-kinetic fluid Coupling" International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue 4, July-August 2012, pp.227-232
[3]. "A theoretical model for the performance prediction of fully filled fluid coupling" International journal of mechanical Science, Volume 20, Issue 6, 1978, Pages 335-347. F. J. Wallance, A. Whitfield, R. Sivalingam.
[4]. "Hydraulic Analisys of a Reversible Fluid Coupling" Charles N. McKinnon, Danamichele Brennen, Christopher E. Brennen.
[5]. Dr. R.K. Bansal, fluid mechanics and hydraulic machines "Mathematical modeling of partially filled fluid coupling behavior" , A. M. Maqableh, International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineering Vol:5, No:12, 2011.
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Abstract: Water access in rural Kenya, and generally in Africa remains low despite the evidence of its importance for livelihood and economic development of all its nations' societies. Sustainability challenges of rural community-managed water supplies leading to high failure rates of up to 60% have been a major deterrent to closing this gap on water access. The aim of this study was to establish the sustainability of water supply cooperatives as suitable alternatives for rural community managed water supplies............
Keywords: water supply cooperatives, rural water supply, water sustainability indicators
[1]. T. Katko and P. Juuti, Eds., "From a Few to All - Long Term Development of Water and Sanitation Services in Finland," Tampere: KehräMedia, 2005, p. 7.
[2]. WHO/UNICEF, "WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP) for Water Supply and Sanitation: Updated June 2015," 2015.
[3]. GoK, Kenya Water Act, 2016, vol. 164, no. 164. 2016.
[4]. GoK, Kenya Water Act, 2016. Kenya: Kenya Law, 2016, p. Chapter 94, Subsection (2).
[5]. J. K. Koros, "Contribution of water supply cooperatives to sustainaible water supply in Kenya," University of Nairobi, 2016..
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Abstract: Compression testing is most commonly used as quality control measure in concrete masonry production and construction. For checking strength we required smooth surface for uniform load distribution. We use capping material to eliminate surface imperfection and provide uniform load distribution. This project aims to study the strength variation between the capped and uncapped concrete cylinders. The capping material is selected based on the multiple criteria including compressive strength, surface bonding, thickness, Poisson's ratio and hardness. Uncapped cylinders are chosen as control method and are compared against gypsum; cement paste, neoprene pad and steel caps...........
Keywords: concrete, compression test, capping material, bonded, unbonded.
[1] Vichit- Vadakan, W., Carino, N. J., and Mullings, G. M. "Effect of elastic Modulus of Capping Material on Measured Strength
Concrete Cylinders," Cement, Concrete, and Aggregate , CCAGDP, Vol.20, No, Dec. 1998, pp. 227-234.
[2] Lobo. C. L. Mullings . G. M. and Gaynor. R. D., "Effect of Capping Materials and Procedures on the measured Compressive
Strength of High-strength Concrete," Cement, Concrete and Aggregates, CCAGPD. Vol.16, No.2 Dec.1994, pp.173-180.
[3] Khamput P. and Kumnuantip C. "Properties of para-rubber plates using as the capping on concrete specimens for compression test
instead of molten sulpher."
[4] Dennis Vandergrift, Jr. Anton K. Schindler "The Effect of Test Cylinder Size on the Compressive Strength of Sulphur Capped
Concrete Specimens" Highway Department of Civil Engineering at Auburn University Research Center and Department of civil
engineering at auburn university.
[5] Analysis of bonded and unbonded capping materials used in determining the compressive strength of concrete masonry units and
prisms- Hector Mexica Grivel..
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Abstract: Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) has undergone considerable industrial development because of all of these properties: good heat resistance, high impact resistance, rigidity, and its dimensional stability. The combination of the three monomers which constitute it of chemical and physical different properties, makes it possible to have a material of interest with good performances. The disordered nature of macromolecular chains makes it difficult to understand the mechanisms of deformations and damage on the microscopic scale and the resulting descriptive models are generally............
Keywords: ABS, Characterization, Damage, Polymer, Rupture.
[1] Farid, K. Elhad, M. Elghorba, F. Erchiqui and M. Chergui, Damageable Thermal Behavior of Thermoplastic Flat Plate under Uniaxial Stress», British Journal of Mathematics & Computer Science Vol 3,P 527-538, 2013
[2] B. Ni, J. Li et V. Berry, «Plastic zone in front of a mode I crack in acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene polymers,» Polymer, vol. 31, p. 2766–2770, 1992.
[3] S. Ramaswamy et A. Lesser, «Microscopic damage and macroscopic yield in acrylonitrile–butadiene–styrene (ABS) resins tested under multi-axial stress states,» Polymer, vol. 43, p. 3743–3752, 2002.
[4] I. Makadir , M. Barakat , M. Elghorba, H. Farid«Study of Damage to ABS Specimens Submitted To Uniaxial Loading», The International Journal Of Engineering And Science (IJES), Volume 4, Issue 1,January – 2015,Pages , 05-08.
Proceedings Papers:
[5] ASTM D882 - 02 Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Thin Plastic Sheeting...
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Abstract: One of the raw materials for making cement is limestone which is a non-renewable natural resource. If limestone is taken continuously then its availability will decrease significantly. Sea shells are one of the marine products in Surabaya. The utilization of sea shells is generally limited to be consumed, while the shell tends to be seldom exploited. The Shells are usually only used as a result of crafts even though shells itself contain compound CaO about 66.7%. This compound is one of the...........
Keywords: Eco-cement, compressive strength, shel, waste.
[1] Nelvia Adi Syafpoetri, Monita Olivia, Lita Darmayanti.2012." Pemanfaatan Abu Kulit Kerang (Anadara grandis) Untuk Pembuatan Ekosemen".Tugas Akhir. Jurusan Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Riau Pekanbaru.
[2] Siregar, S. 2009." Pemanfaatan Kulit Kerang Dan Resin Epoksi Terhadap Karakteristik Beton Polimer".Tesis.Jurusan Fisika Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Sumatera Utara Medan.
[3] Nana Dyah Siswati, Rubin Nanda, Riant Anggraini.2009." Pembuatan Ekosemen Dari Sampah Organik ".Jurnal Teknik Kimia Vol.3 No.2 . Jurusan Teknik Kimia UPN Veteran Jawa Timur.
[4] Syafpoetri, N. Olivia, M. Darmayanti, L. 2012. "Pemanfaatan Abu Kulit Kerang (Anadara grandis) Untuk Pembuatan Ekosemen".Tugas Akhir. Jurusan Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Riau Pekanbaru 3 No.2 . Jurusan Teknik Kimia UPN Veteran Jawa Timur.
[5] Ariesta F, Sawitri, D. 2013. " Studi Eksperimental Pembuatan Ekosemen dari Abu Sampah dan Cangkang Kerang sebagai Bahan Alternatif Pengganti Semen". Tugas Akhir. Jurusan Teknik Fisika ITS Surabaya Jawa Timur...
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Abstract: Joor Road (La 946) is an Urban 5-lane Portland cement concrete roadway withan annual daily traffic (ADT) of approximately 13,500 with 7 percent trucks and posted speed of 89 kmh. Since being opened to traffic in 2009, residents have been complaining about the high noise levels emanating from the roadway. A comprehensive experiment was developed. The experiment consisted of randomly selecting six Portland cement concrete (PCC) slabs, three north bound and three southbound, in the noisy areas plus an additional slab outside of the noisy area to use as a control............
Keywords: Portland Cement concrete pavement noise, Asphaltic concrete pavement noise, tine depth, tine width, tine spacing, randomness of tine spacing, Pass By noise analysis, OBSI noise analysis, Noise pollution, Noise in urban areas, environmental guidelines in transportation, pavement noise guidelines
[1] Lara Saenz, A., Stephens, R., "Noise Pollution," John Wiley and Sons, 1986.
[2] Jansson, J.O., "Marginal Cost Pricing of Scheduled Transport Services: A development and Generalization of Turvey and Morhring's Theory of Optimal Bus Fares," Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 1979.
[3] Ejsmont, J., Sandberg, U., "The Influence of Tire Age and Wear on Tire/Road Noise Emission," 2002.
[4] Ejsmont, J., Sandberg, U., "Tire/Road Noise Reference Book," 2002.
[5] Olek,J., Weiss, J., and Garcia-villarreal, R., "Relating Surface Texture of Rigid Pavements with Noise and Skid Resistance,"2004...
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Finite Element Simulation of Flashless Radial Extrusion Process |
Country | : | Ukraine |
Authors | : | Dr. Payman Abhari || Dr. Igramotdin Aliiev |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1404037983 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper, the flashless radial extrusion process of flange form is considered. The material behavior, stress-strain state and variation of punch and upper die loads by using a theoretical and numerical method as the rigid-plastic finite element method for two different schemes of flashless radial extrusion, viz, single-ended and double-ended at several stages are investigated. The die geometry parameters, billet dimensions and power mode parameters are determined...........
Keywords: Cold forging, Finite element simulation, Flashless forging, Radial extrusion
[1] Du Ko.B, D. Kim, S. Hyung, B.B. Hwang, The influence of die geometry on the radial extrusion processes. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 113 (2001) 109-114
[2] Fu,M.W., Yong,M.S., Tong,K.K., Danno,A., Design solution evaluation for metal forming product development. Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol. 38 (2008), 249–257.
[3] Giuliano,G., Process design of the cold extrusion of a billet using finite element method. Mater. Des. 28 (2007), 726–729
[4] Investigation of defect in combined precision extrusion process with multiple ram / I. Aliiev, L. Aliieva, P. Abhari, K. Goncharuk // XVI International scientific conference New technologies and achievements in metallurgy, material engineering and production engineering. – Series : Monographs. – Czestochowa, Poland, 2015. – №48. – P. 90–93.
[5] Payman Abhari Investigation of load on the tools in precision radial extrusion process with multiple ram /Payman Abhari // XVII International scientific conference «New technologies and achievements in metallurgy, material engineering and production engineering» :Series: Monografie. – Nr 56. – Częstochowa, Poland, 2016 – Р. 330–333...
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Capacity Analysis of Rcc Frame Structure with and Without Infill Walls |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | N.Rahul verma || B.Suresh || V.Navodaya |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1404038491 ![]() |
Abstract: Often in a framed structure, the frames are infilled with stiff construction such as brick or concrete block masonry, primarily to create an enclosure and to provide safety to the users. Such masonry walls are known as Infill walls. The typical multi-storey reinforced concrete framed constructions in India comprise with brick masonry infills. Unreinforced masonry infill wall panels may not contribute towards resisting gravity loads, but contribute significantly, in terms of enhanced stiffness and strength under earthquake (or wind) induced lateral loading. However, in practice..........
Keywords: Infill walls, Fema356, Pushover analysis, User-defined Plastic hinges, Inelastic Analysis.
[1] IS 1893: Part 1 (2002); "Criteria for earthquake resistant design of structures", Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
[2] ATC 40, Volume 1 (1996) "Seismic evaluation and retrofit of concrete buildings", Applied Technology
[3] Council, Seismic Safety Commission, State of California.
[4] IS 456:2000; "Plane and Reinforced Concrete-Code of Practice", Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
[5] FEMA 356, "Federal Agency Management Agency", Pre standard and commentary for the Seismic rehabilitation of Buildings.
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Abstract: A three-dimensional study of laminar flow and heat transfer in a channel with built-in oval tube and delta winglets is carried out through the solution of the complete Nervier–Stokes and energy equations using a body-fitted grid and a finite-volume method. The geometrical configuration represents an element of a gas–liquid fin–tube cross-flow heat exchanger. The size of such heat exchangers can be reduced through enhancement of transport coefficients on the air (gas) side............
Keywords: Heat transfer enhancement, oval-tubes, Delta winglets, cross flow heat exchangers