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Abstract: The paper is all about pragmatic method of increasing structural performance of reinforced concrete circular column at the same quantity provision of the main bars. Main attention was given to the ring component of the column reinforcement. Materials were collected and treated as it may be demanded in normal design and construction processes. Circular column reinforcement fabrications were carried out as specimens with circular and spiral rings. Different angles of inclination were considered for the spiral rings at equivalent spacing of that of circular, using the same cross sectional size of steel and area of the composite element. Laboratory crushing test was carried out at the required same ages of casting and curing to obtain results. The analysed crushing strength results thus revealed considerable increase in load carrying capacity of the spirally ringed reinforced column above the circular rings at same cost implication.
Keywords: Capacity, Circular Column, Lateral ties and Optimization.
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Abstract: The research work investigates the potential of locally sourced Jatropha and Neem oils as prospective biodiesel feedstock for fuelling gas turbine engines in Nigeria. The oils and resulting biodiesels were characterized for specific gravity, viscosity, lower heating value, acid value and free fatty acid using the American Oil Chemist's Society method. The deduced specific gravities and viscosities of the oils met Pryde's specification while the acid and free fatty acid values exceeded the requirement. On the other hand while the specific gravities, viscosities and free fatty acid values of both the Jatropha and Neem biodiesels conform to the American Society of Testing and Materials Biodiesel (ASTMB) condition, their acid values exceeded it. The obtained lower heating values for the oils are 36.50 and 34.10 MJ/kg for Jatropha............
Keywords: Jatropha oil, Neem Oil, Gas turbine engine, Specific gravity, Viscosity
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Abstract: This paper presents Markov chain technique as a tool for forecasting the suitable maintenance of machines that helps managers in organizational decision making. Markov process is a tool to predict that it can be make logical and accurate decisions about various aspects of management in the future. Monte Carlo simulation is manipulated in this paper and a new methodology for determination of the transition probabilities in a Markov Decision Process is done. It also illustrates three suggestions for plant maintenance and determines the best plant as a decision support for manager.
Keywords: Markov Chain, Forecasting, Maintenance, Transition matrix
[1]. Abubaker Shagluf; A. P. Longstaff ; S. Fletcher, "Maintenance Strategies to Reduce Downtime Due to Machine Positional Errors", Centre for Precision Technologies, University of Huddersfield Huddersfield, United Kingdom, 2014.
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[4]. Jodie L. Evans, et. all., "Probability of breakdown at freeway merges using Markov chains", Transportation Research Part B 35, 237:254, College of Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, USA, 1999.
[5]. O. A. Adebimpe and, "Preventive Maintenance Interval Prediction: a Spare Parts Inventory Cost and Lost Earning Based Model" Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research Vol. 5, No. 3, 811-817, 2015.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Use of Nano-Clay in Asphalt Binder Modification |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Varun || Tarun Gehlot |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1501032530 ![]() |
Abstract: -In order to increase the life of bituminous pavement, performance of bitumen needs to be modified. The study was carried out to explore the addition effect of nanoclay on physical and mechanical propertieslike stiffness, fatigue resistance, strength, and aging resistance. In this paper potential of modified bitumen with nanoclay is tested, rheological test and mechanical test containing unmodified and nanomodified bitumen were carried out. Impact of nanoclay on aging and rheology of binder is discussed. The impact of nanoclay modifiers on unaged&aged bitumen was measured with Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR)and on asphalt mixture with the direct tensile strength, fatigue, resilience modulus test at lower temperature and dynamic creep test at high temperatures and addition of nanoclayin asphalt mixture, the results showed remarkable improvement in the nanoclay modified asphalt binder inmechanical properties & aging resistanceperformance..
Keywords: Asphalt Mixture, Modified Asphalt,Modified bitumen, Nanotechnology, Nanoclay, Nanomaterials
[1]. Saeed GhaffarpourJahromi, BehroozAndalibizade, and ShahramVossough, (2009), Engineering Properties Of Nanoclay Modified Asphalt Concrete Mixtures,The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Volume 35, Number 1B
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[5]. AbolfazlZare-Shahabadiet. al. , Preparation and rheological characterization of asphalt binders reinforced with layered silicate nanoparticles, Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology Research Lab, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, K.N. Toosi University of Technology
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Abstract: A new hyperbolic shear deformation theory for bending of isotropic beams, in which number of variables is same as that in the hyperbolic shear deformation theory, is developed. The theory takes into account transverse shear deformation effects; the noteworthy feature of theory is that the transverse shear stresses can be obtained directly from the use of constitutive relations with efficacy, satisfying the shear stress free condition on the top and bottom surfaces of the beam. Hence, the theory obviates the need of shear correction factor. The cantilever isotropic beam subjected to parabolic load is examined using the present theory. The scope of the present study is restricted to the linear analyses of beams with different aspect ratios. The beams can have cantilever as well as simple support boundary conditions. Results obtained are discussed critically with those of other theories.
Keywords: isotropic beam, deformation, principle of virtual work, equilibrium equations, displacement
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Abstract: An empirical study on the physical and mechanical properties of no-fines concrete produced from natural and artificial aggregates through laboratory work is presented in this paper. Aggregates to aggregates bond was achieved through water-cement paste resulting in significant lightweight concrete. Laboratory tests were conducted on test cubes to study the basic physical and mechanical properties; that is, density, water absorption and compressive strength. The effect of water/ cement ratio and aggregates/cement ratio was also investigated for essential optimization. It was found that the strength of no-fines concrete produced from both natural and artificial aggregates was lower than that of normal weight concrete, but appears to be sufficient for specialized construction works where compressive strength demand is not very high. Its application in the construction industry may include core work in concrete like sandwich panels, drainage layer under reservoir and basement floors, paving and lightweight screed for leveling and roofs as a damp-proof material..
Keywords: No-fines concrete, lightweight concrete, density, compressive strength, water-cement paste
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Abstract: Refrigeration hinges largely on efficient cooling system, energy conservation and environmental safety. In this work, a numerical model for the absorption process on a thin-liquid smooth falling-film in an absorption cooling system using Lithium Bromide (LiBr) and Lithium Chloride (LiCl) solutions was developed. The model considered a two-dimensional steady laminar flow within the film thickness to the absorber wall and utilized conservation of mass, energy and momentum equations for its development. The domain was discretised and the finite difference formulated equations were applied across each element including boundary conditions. Standard values of the absorber dimension and fluid properties were utilized in the MATLAB programming for the simulation. Data were validated using student t-test. With the bulk and interface of the film approaching an equilibrium concentration of 54.0% at a wall temperature Tw = 35oC, the Concentration distributions within the film thickness......
Keywords: Numerical modelling, refrigeration, lithium bromide, lithium chloride, Simulation temperature.
[1]. Ajuka, L.O., Odunfa, K.M., Ohunakin, O.S., Oyewola, M.O., (2017). Energy and exergy Analysis of vapour compression refrigeration system using selected eco-friendly hydrocarbon refrigerants enhanced with tio2 nanoparticle. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, vol.6, 4, pp. 91-97.
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[3]. Kyung, I.; Herold, K.E.; Kang, Y.T., (2007). Experimental verification of H2O/LiBr absorber bundle performance with smooth horizontal tubes. Int. J. Refrig., vol. 30, pp. 582–590.
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Abstract: The deep deposits of highly compressible marine soils cover vast areas along the coastal belt of the Indian peninsula. These are very soft and contain large amount of shells. They possess low shear strength and high compressibility thereby causing larger settlements when structures are constructed in these soft soils. Many attempts were made in the past to improve the engineering properties of marine soil but still it is difficult to stabilize these soils. A laboratory investigation has been carried out by mixing the hydrated lime with soft marine clay at different proportions of 2%, 5% and 7% by weight of marine clay in the presence of sea water and distilled water separately. The mineralogical variations with XRD and fabric studies of marine clay are presented at curing periods of 10 and 40 days.......
Keywords: Lime, Marine Clay, Soft Clay, Sea water, Distilled water
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Abstract: Concrete has been used since Roman times for the development of infrastructure and housing, but its basic components have remained the same. Three ingredients make up the dry mix: coarse aggregate, consisting of larger pieces of material like stones or gravel; fine aggregate, made up of smaller particles such as sand; and cement, a very fine powdered material that binds the mix together when water is added. As is it is well known, traditional or conventional concrete which is greyish in colour, but its high density prevents the passage of light through it, which means that it's also impossible to distinguish colour, shapes and bodies through it. But with the addition of optical fibre to the concrete, light can be passed through the concrete from one end to another end which will very much improve the aesthetical and architectural properties of the concrete. Furthermore, addition of glass fibre.......
Keywords: Architectural, Concrete, Glass Fibre, Light transmitting, Optical Fibre, Reinforcement
[1]. Sathish Kumar paper on "Study behaviour of Light transmitting Concrete Using Optical Fiber", IJETS-ISSN (P):2349-3968, ISSN (O):2349-3976, April 2015.
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[3]. Bhavin K. Kashiyani, Varsha Raina, JayeshkumarPitroda, and Dr. Bhavnaben on a Study on Transparent Concrete: A Novel Architectural Material to Explore Construction Sector ISSN: 2277-3754 ISO 9001:2008 Certified IJEIT, Volume 2,Issue 8, February 2013.
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[5]. IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE) e-ISSN: 2278-1684, p-ISSN: 2320-334X PP 67-72..
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Abstract: This study is mainly concerned with the calculation of the values of response modification factor at failure for idealized reinforced concrete moment resisting multistory frame systems designed according to the Egyptian code of loads ECP-201 (2012). Parametric studies are carried out for RC moment resisting frame with 3, 6 and 9 stories that are modelled in three-dimensions as residential buildings with different configurations and variable parameters. SAP2000 software is used to model and analyze these systems using three-dimensional nonlinear static pushover analysis considering material and geometrical nonlinearity. The buildings are studied under the effect of several parameters such as single or multi-bay frame, number of stories, seismic zone intensity and type of spectrum according to.......
Keywords: Base shear, Pushover analysis, Response modification factor, Seismic Zones, Spectrum type
[1]. Abuo El-Ela A., El-Hadidy, M. and Abou Elenean, K. (2012) "Seismic hazard studies in Egypt" NRIAG Journal of Astronomy and Geophysics Volume 1, Issue 2.
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Abstract: The combustion chamber of diesel engine is maintained hot with the provision of low thermal conductivity materials, so as to burn high viscous vegetable oils, biodiesel and low cetane alcohols. Experiments were conducted on different combustion chambers of diesel engine like low insulated engine (LIE), medium insulated engine (MIE) and high insulated engine (HIE).with pongamia biodiesel. LIE contained ceramic coated cylinder head, while MIE consisted of an air gap insulated piston with superni (an alloy of nickel) crown and air gap insulated liner with superni insert. HIE had the combination of LIE and MIE. The provision of low thermal conductivity materials like air, partially stabilized zirconium (PSZ) and superni resulted in semi adiabatic diesel engine which prevented heat loss to the coolant thereby increased thermal efficiency and reduced particulate emissions.......
Keywords: Alternative fuels; Low thermal conductivity materials, insulated combustion chamber; Fuel performance; Exhaust emissions; Combustion characteristics
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