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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Study of P-Delta Effect on Regular and Irregular RCC Buildings |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Payal Shah || V.G.Jadhav |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1504020110 ![]() |
Abstract: During earthquake, the building undergoes various random motions of the ground at its base, which induces inertia forces in the structure. Different types of irregularities are considered in the building viz. Mass irregularities and geometric irregularities in urban India, which are subjected to several types of forces. Earthquake load mainly induce lateral forces which causes lateral displacement of the structure. The effect of gravity load acting on the structures lateral displacement is called the P-delta effect. Due to P-delta effect, geometric nonlinearity induces in the building which creates additional moment and shear. It is generally observed that the regular buildings have a dominant fundamental results participation in their seismic responses and as the irregularity increases the contribution of it. Hence, In the present study, modelling and analysis of Regular and Irregular RCC building is carried out in SAP2000V16 considering P-delta effect using Time history analysis. Various parameters such as base shear, storey drift and overturning moment are obtained. It is found that p delta effect in building needs to be considered and controlled..
Keywords: P-delta effect, Regular buildings, Irregular buildings, Time history analysis, SAP
[1]. A. Gupta and H. Krawinkler, "Dynamic P-delta effect for flexible inelastic steel structure," Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 126, No. 1, January 2000, pp 145-154.
[2]. E. F. Black, "Use of stability coefficient for evaluating the P-delta effect in regular steel moment resisting frames," Engineering Structures, Vol. 33, February 2011, pp 1205-1216.
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[4]. H. Kwak, and J. Kim, "P-delta effect on slender RC column under seismic load," Engineering Structures, Vol. 29, April 2007, pp 3121-3133.
[5]. M. Aschheim, and E. H. Montes, "The representation of P-delta effect using yield point spectra," Engineering Structures, Vol. 25, April 2003, pp 1387-1396..
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Abstract: The objective of this paper is to make a 3D model of the Combustion chamber outer case and study the structural and thermal behavior of the Combustion chamber outer case by performing the finite element analysis. SOLIDWORKS and 3D modeling software (UNIGRAPHICS NX) was used for designing and analysis software (ANSYS) was used for thermal and structural analysis.
Keywords: Combustion chamber, Finite Element Method (FEM) or Boundary Element Method (BEM), SOLIDWORKS,ANSYS, VonMoises stress, Thermal flux & Thermal Gradient
[1]. The Jet Engines - Rolls-Royce
[2]. Aircraft propulsion by farooki
[3]. Modeling of combustion systems: a practical approach by joseph colannino
[4]. Combustion chambers for jet propulsion engines by v. s. and l. s. skubachevskiizuyev
[5]. development of aero gas turbine annular combustor: by Dr. c. darinathcombustion group..
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Abstract: In this project development of Micro gas turbine with three different materials are tested and designed using Autodesk inventor and Autodesk nestron software. Generally micro gas turbine is a size so they are compactable and easy maintains compared to large turbines. in this project three different materials like Aluminium and Stainless steel and Tiatanium are used for turbine blade .the solid model is created using Auto desk inventor software and analysis is is done by using Autodesk nestron Software. the micro gas turbine are few rotating parts so the frictional losses and pollution is less compared to other power generating elements. the micro gas turbine are quicker to respond to output power requirements and also more efficient than other machine elements. Micro turbine being small in size as compared to large turbine, such that less weight which reflects on pressure ratio, low cost and easy maintenance.
Keywords: Micro gas turbine rotor, Stress analysis, Strain analysis
[1]. Development of Mixed flow compressor impeller for Micro Gas Turbine Applications by Olaf Herbert Ferdinand Diener
[2]. 2.3D Modelling &Analysis of Micro Gas Turbine oppressor Blade by Ajin Elias Alex & Nadeera M
[3]. Design Methodology Of Axial flow Turbine
[4]. Amanda (2009)"Design of Micro Turbine for Energy Scavenging From A Gas Turbine Energy" NASA
[5]. Review paper on Stress Distribution over the blade of compressor of micro turbine-RD Banpurkar ,P.K Katare.
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Abstract: This article's main function is to analyze the possibilities and applications of numerical-computational analysis (in this case, the Abaqus software) to drawing considering both problem solving and project definition related to the manufacturing process. Therefore, this work starts with a comparison between analytical and numerical analysis of the process, mentioning the advantages and disadvantages, as well as the indicated application of each; and with a presentation of the Abaqus software potential and limitations. Next, a theoretical case study is proposed to better analyze this problem, testing the differences between the two methods (analytical and computational) of a specific problem solving in drawing process. The results are, finally, compared generating further conclusions.
Keywords: Drawing process, Numerical Analysis, Abaqus, Finite Element Method, Slab Method.
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[4]. M Iqbal, S Khan, R Ansari, and N Gupta, Experimental and numerical studies of double-nosed projectile impact on aluminum plates, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 54, 2013, 232-245.
[5]. A. A. Dehkharghani, Tuning johnson-cook material model parameters for impact of high velocity, micron scale aluminum particles, master diss.,Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, 2016..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Characterication Of Modified Asphalt Mixtures With Asphalt Cement With Road Bond En-1 |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Amal Al-Ayaat || A.M., Azam |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1504023944 ![]() |
Abstract: The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of adding Road bond EN-1 to the asphalt cement and their asphalt mixtures properties, and the long term performance. The variables considered are the effect of adding different ratios of EN-1 to suej 60/70 Asphalt cement properties . The added ratios are 0.3, 0.4 and 0.57 by weight for 60/70 A.C. For asphalt mixtures, the variables considered are the effect of the above modified asphalt cement on Marshall Properties. The results of this study indicate that the addition of EN-1 to suez A.C and its asphalt mixtures at all ratios improved all properties. The addition of EN-1 to seuz A.C improves its thermal characteristics by increasing its penetration index. Increasing the percentages of EN-1 increases stability and Marshall Stiffness and decreased the flow of Asphalt concrete mixtures.
Keywords: Road bond EN-1 ,penetration Index , Rutting.
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Abstract: In this research, three different tool geometries (pinless, cylindrical and square pin) were developed to study the effect of friction stir processing (FSP) tool geometry on microstructure and mechanical properties of metal inert gas (MIG) welds 5083-H111 aluminum alloy. MIG welds and FSP specimens were evaluated using microstructure examination, tensile, and hardness tests. The microstructure investigation of FSP specimens reveals a very fine grain size in the processed zone, and reduction of welds defects compared to MIG welds. FSP of weld surface without reinforcement improved the tensile strength when compared with MIG welds, when pinless tool is used. In addition, the processed zone record higher hardness values than the base metal as well as the MIG welds.
Keywords: Friction stir processing, MIG welding, 5083 aluminum alloy, microstructure, mechanical properties.
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[3]. K. J. Colligan, Friction Stir Welding for Ship Construction, Concurrent Technologies Corporation (CTC),, .2007, PP. 1-6.
[4]. J. Silva, J. M. Costa, A. Loureiro, and J.M. Ferreira, Fatigue behaviour of AA6082-T6 MIG welded butt joints improved by friction stir processing, Materials and Design, Vol. 51, 2013, PP. 315- 322.
[5]. M. S. Weglowski, Friction stir processing-State of the art, Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 18, 2018, PP. 114- 129...
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Abstract: This article reports the results of comparative analysis of the significance of categorical factors with two to five levels influencing safety on interstate highways. The study used the Highway Safety Information System (HSIS) accident data observed on interstate highways in the State of Ohio for the five years period ranging from 2010-2014. The analysis considered about thirteen potential variablesincluding roadway design elements, environmental conditions, drivers' demographic factors, time of the day, and day of the week. The results suggest that among the variables considered, only about half of the factors appeared to have significant differences in crash rates across their respective categories. The identified explanatory variables are mainly associated with highway design elements such as median type, number of lanes, access control and contour of the roadway; and the drivers' age and gender..
Keywords: Highway safety, Interstate highway,transport safety, traffic accidents,traffic safety, categorical variables.
[1]. Abdulhafedh, A. (2016). Crash frequency analysis. Journal of Transp.Techn. 6, 169-180.
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Abstract: This research integration of lean manufacturing and six-sigma was carried out in the Nigerian Breweries Enugu Plant where management strategies were not so developed. The main objective of this work was focused on the minimization of the line wastes such as time, over-processing, over-production or defects. The DMAIC (Define-Measure-Analyse-Improve-Control) was the methodology used for the identification of compatible lean techniques and strategies for the reduction of defects and rejects bottles in the company. Data were collected and analyzed using statistical methods. The result showed the production line A rejects 0.37% of the produced bottles against 0.23% of the production line B. This showed that production line A rejects one bottle in every 271 bottles against one bottle from 435 bottles in the production line B. The result also showed that minimum and maximum value for extraction...........
Keywords: Lean manufacturing, Six-Sigma, waste, inventory, value added.
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Abstract: Productivity is a measure of the effective use of resources.It is the relationship between result and the time it takes to achieve the results. Leather processing is a high labour intensity process of converting hides and skins to leather which is a source of employment. However, leather production in Kenya has not reached full potentialas a result of low productivity by individual tanneries. This paper evaluated productivity level Key Performance Indicators(KPIs'), sought knowledge by analysing the OEE, throughput analysis, cycle time analysis and labour productivity analysis. The study was done through observation,assesment of company records and documents and...........
Keywords: performance indicators (KPIs), Leather processing, Productivity, Tannery..
[1]. Adriana, F. (2013). Application of Lean Concept in Optimization of Manufacturing Systems. Advances in Production, Automation and Transportation Systems, 194-197.
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