Version-3 (May-June 2014)
Version 1 Version 2 Version 3 Version 4
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[1]. Amuta, A. C., & Houmsou, M. M. (2006). Assessment of the nutritional status of school children aged 6-17 years in Makurdi Benue State. Nigeria. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 6 (6), 83-92.
[2]. Burren, C.P. (2009). Normal and Abnormal Growth. United Bristol care NHS Trust. London: Cambridge University Press.
[3]. Cole, A. H., Timori, O.F., Odumbako, S.O., & Aminu, K. S. (2002) Nutrient intakes, Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and body congestion of Nigerian female adolescents. Nigerian Journal of Nutrition Science, 36, 97-104.
[4]. Garza C. & de Onis M., For the WHO Multicenter Growth Reference study Group (2004). Rationale for developing a new international growth reference. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 25 (Suppl.), S 10 - S14.
[5]. Habicht, J. P., Martorell, H. A., & Melina; V. W. (2002). Standardization procedure for the collections of weight and height data in the field. Pan American official Bulletin of Health. 76, 375-384.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Towards an Empirical Definition of Graduate School Healthcare Informatics |
Country | : | New york |
Authors | : | Thomas Virgona, PhD |
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: | 10.9790/1959-03330816 ![]() |
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[3]. Arie Hasman, R. H. (2000). Thoughts about Curricula in Health Informatics. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 72:27-33.
[4]. Berg, B. (2001). Qualitative research methods for the social sciences (4th ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
[5]. CAHIIM. (2014, 01 08). Health Informatics Graduate Education Programs. Retrieved from Health Informatics Graduate Education Programs:
[6]. Dalrymple, P. (Jun/Jul 2013). Health Informatics: Introduction. Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (Online), 18-19.
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Key words: Common Infections, Infants, knowledge, practice, Planned Teaching program
[1]. Meharban Singh (1999), Care of the children (5th Edition). New Delhi: Sagar Publishers.
[2]. Kashurisundarao (1995), An introduction to community Health Nursing,(1st Edition.). Chennai: B.I. Publication.
[3]. Donna L Wong (2005) Nursing care of Infants and Children (6th Edition), Missouri: Mosby publications.
[4]. Park. K (2002), Text Book Of Preventive And Social Medicine, Jabalpure: M/S Banarsidas Bharat Publishers Badruddin. (1997)
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[6]. Bajpal smith VD (1998), Welcome Newbaby, Health Action, 9(4).
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Keywords: Knowledge, STP, Menopause, Menopausal symptoms and its management, Menopausal women
[1]. Dewhurst. Text book of obstetrics and gynecology for post graduates. 6th ed. Blackwel Science; 1999. p. 441-461.
[2]. Jish K. The menopausal symptom experience in young midwife women with breast cancer. Cancer Nursing 2009; 24(3): 2-1-11.
[3]. Shaws. Text book of gynecology. 11thed. New Delhi: BI Churchill Livingstone;1998. p. 53-58.
[4]. Studd JW, Barbar R. Text book of clinical obstetrics and gynecology. 1st ed.London: Churchill Livingstone; 2007. p. 340-348.
[5]. Meir,Stinier. Psychological aspects of post menopausal syndrome. British MedicalJournal 1999; 5:173-7.
[6]. Jiny James; a study to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding menopausal problems and its remedial measures among middle aged women in selected rural areas, Bangalore.
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Keywords: Stroke, Trunk control, Balance, Gait
[1]. World Health Organization. Task Force on Stroke and other Cerebrovascular Disorders: Recommendations on stroke prevention, diagnosis and therapy. Stroke.1989; 20(10): 1407-1431.
[2]. Vats M 2013, 'Efficacy of task specific step-up exercises on the gait Parameters of chronic hemiparetic stroke individuals' International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research, Vol. 1,pp.30-37.
[3]. Sethi PK 2002, 'Incidence in India and management of ischaemic stroke', Neurosciences today, vol. 4, pp. 139-143.
[4]. O' Sullivan SB &Schimtz 200, Physical Rehabilitation assessment and treatment, 4thedn.,F.A.Davis, Philadelphia,pp. 519- 581.
[5]. Karthikbabu S, Rao BK, Manikandan N, Solomom JM &Chakrapani M 2011, 'Role Of Trunk Rehabilitation On Trunk Control, Balance And Gait In Patients With Chronic Stroke, A Pre Post Design', Neurosci Med, vol. 2, pp.61-67.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Smoking Cessation Among Methadone Users In Mauritius |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Gilbert Roland |
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: | 10.9790/1959-03333241 ![]() |
Method: At the stages of Transtheortical model, methadone users are surveyed in a cross sectional study using the Global Adult Tobacco Survey instrument. Data was collected from two groups and compared. One group was treated with the standards protocol of therapy while other with interventions sessions of motivational enhancement therapy. Both inferential and descriptive statistics encompassing non-parametric tests were used to analyze the collected data. Results: At the baseline for survey, the results demonstrated mean of 9.7 with a standard deviation of 5.8 self reported cigarettes per day. Out of which 56% were in state of precontemplation. Literacy levels were generally low in the whole community. At post intervention, patients reported decreasing their smoking by an average of 2%. Till the session of follow-up, 41% participants of the final sample self-reported a 50% decline in smoking while 26% reported no change. Generally, no major differences were observed between the groups concerning education, methadone intake doses, employment, marital status or age. Conclusion: Motivational enhancement therapy that serves as a catalyst for stage movement as well as a barrier for stage regression.
Keywords: Motivational Enhancement Therapy, Methadone Users, Smoking Cessation, Transtheoretical Model Stages of Change
[1]. Acock, A. C., (2012), A Gentle Introduction to Stata, Revised Third Edition Book [Paperback] Alan C. Acock (Author), STATA Corp USA, Retrieved from
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[3]. Babb, E. R., (2013), The Practice of Social Research. Book Thirteen Eds, Chapman University US,
[4]. Baker, M. K., Simpson, K., Lloyd, B., Bauman, A. E., & Singh, M. A. F. (2011), Behavioral strategies in diabetes prevention programs: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials, diabetes research and clinical practice, 91(1), 1-12,
[5]. Barnett, E., Sussman, S., Smith, C., Rohrbach, L. A., & Spruijt-Metz, D., (2012), Motivational Interviewing for adolescent substance use: a review of the literature. Addictive behaviors, 37(12), 1325-1334.
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Key word: Nursing Managers, Transformational Leadership, Conflict management style, Decision making effectiveness
[1]. Roussel L & Swansburg R, 2009. Management and leadership for nurses administrators, 5th edition, Jones and Bartlett, USA.
[2]. Robbins, S. P. and Coulter, M. (2007) Management (9th ed.). London: Prentice- Hall
[3]. Warrilow. S (2012) Transformational Leadership Theory - The 4 Key Components in Leading Change & Managing Change. [Retrieved 15/03/2013].
[4]. Surakka T (2008) The nurse manager's work in the hospital environment during the 1990s and 2000s: responsibility, accountability and expertise in nursing leadership. J Nurs Manag 16(5):525–34
[5]. Bass, B. M., & Avolio, B. J. (1999). Training full range leadership. Redwood City, CA: Mindgarden.
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Abstract: Thoracic surgery is a dramatic event with great source of stress to the patient and the family; which can produce many special problems related to physical, emotional disabilities and rehabilitation of the patient. A study aim is to determine the effect of standardized nursing interventions on the recovery outcomes of patients undergoing thoracic surgeries. Quasi experimental study was used Setting: The study was conducted at the cardiothoracic surgery unit and cardiothoracic surgery outpatient clinic, Main University Hospital at Alexandria, Egypt. The sample comprised of 40 adult patients planned for thoracic surgeries divided equally into study and control groups, 20 patients each. Method: Two tools were developed by the researchers; The Preoperative Learning Needs Assessment and Thoracic Surgery Patients Assessment Sheet. Results: The results revealed that, the majority of the study and control patients had poor knowledge about modifiable life changes. In addition, there were highly significant improvements of the study group patients in relation to following the therapeutic regimen immediately after applying the standardized nursing interventions and after two weeks of hospital discharge. In conclusion, applying standardized planned nursing interventions to thoracic surgeries patients' pre and postoperatively was effective in improving thoracic surgeries patients' outcome physical parameters which in turn improve their quality of life.
Keywords: Nursing Interventions, recovery outcomes, thoracic surgeries
[1]. El Shenawei H. Effect of specific nursing intervention on recovery outcomes of patients undergoing coronary artery by-pass graft surgery. Unpublished doctoral thesis, Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University; 2008.
[2]. Burden N. Thoracic Surgeries Nursing. Philadelphia: W.B Saunders Company, 2010; 217.
[3]. American Thoracic Association. Advanced practice nursing: A new age in health care, nursing facts. Washington: American Nurses Publishing, 2013.
[4]. Bakul K. Thoracic surgeries. London: Churchill Livingstone Publishing Company. 2011; 97 - 220.
[5]. The Main University Hospital medical statistical records. Alexandria, Egypt, 2012.
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Abstract: Background: HIV/AIDS has emerged as a major health problem and challenges to health services. It has grown to a size of pandemic affecting over 17 million persons all over the world. In parts of north east India, widespread injecting drug use helped to spread HIV infection, whilst a different pattern was seen in southern and western states with prevalence levels of 25-71% amongst sex workers in cities including New Delhi, Hyderabad, Vellore and Mumbai. Objective: To Assess of the knowledge and attitude of nursing personnel on prevention and control of perinatal transmission of HIV/AIDS. To find out the relationship between:- knowledge and attitude of nursing personnel Design: Co relational research study research Setting: Selected Government hospitals in Himachal Pradesh. Participants/ Patients: The study was conducted in the two selected Government hospitals of Himachal Pradesh from 2009 –2010. Purposive sampling technique was used for the selection of sample subjects. Total sample 100 nursing personnel were enrolled in the study. Material and Methods: A structured knowledge questionnaire was prepared to assess the knowledge of nursing personnel. An extensive review of research literature related to perinatal transmission of HIV/AIDS. Peer group discussion was held. Opinion of experts were sought to ascertain the clarity and appropriateness of the items. A blue print was prepared for specifying the various domains of objectives and content area. Blue print indicates the relative weight-age given in terms of percentage of items for each content area. Structured questionnaire was prepared to determine the attitude of nursing personnel regarding perinatal infection of HIV/ AIDS. Attitude items concerning attitudes related to HIV/AIDS. Sixteen declarative statements were developed.
Key words: HIV/AIDS, Perinatal transmission, Knowledge, Attitude, Nursing personnel
[1]. Abdellah, F.G. and Eugene, L. "Better patient care thorough nursing research" 2nd edition, New York: Macmillan, 1979.
[2]. Adler M.W. "ABC of AIDS", 5th edition. BMJ Books, London, 2001.
[3]. Andreasson et al. "Prevelence of HIV virus in antenatal mother" Year 1993.
[4]. Association of British Insurers, "ABI statement of practice:
[5]. underwriting life insurance for HIV/AIDS". ABI, London, 1994.
[6]. B.T. Basavanthappa, Nursing Research, 1st edition, New Delhi, Jaypee Brothers, year 2007.
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Abstract: The aim of radiation therapy is to maximise the dose to the tumour, while minimising the dose to healthy tissue. Monte Carlo (MC) methods are now widely used to model radiotherapy systems for accurate treatment planning and evaluate the accuracy of the dose distributions in a variety of clinical situations involving highly heterogeneous media, such as lung or head and neck treatments. This study aimed to simulate the photon propagation in tissue using MC technique.The MC simulation was written in Fortran 77 program. Moreover, emigration of photons in tissue was determined using MCNP-4C code. The tally F5: P, 9 MeV photons beam as a source and point detector was utilized to calculate the flux of photon at various depths of tissue. Neptun 10 PC linear accelerator of Imam Reza Hospital with 9 MeV photon beam energy was used to determine experimental results.The result of MC methodwas evaluated withthose of MCNP-4C code and experimental result performed by clinical treatment planning system. The result of MC method shows a good consistent with those of MCNP-4C code and experimental result. The results of this research provide a method to characterize the primary radiation energy spectrum produced by a linear accelerator.
Keywords: Monte Carlo simulation, photon propagation, tissue, MCNP code, Linear accelerator of Imam Reza hospital
[1]. Zhu, C., & Liu, Q. 2013. Review of Monte Carlo modeling of light transport in tissues. Journal of Biomedical Optics. 18(5), 050902, 1-12.
[2]. Crowe, S. B. 2011. The development of Monte Carlo techniques for the verification of radiotherapy treatments. Ph.D. thesis. Queensland University of Technology, Australia.
[3]. Katukuri, V. M., 2005. Photon transport in turbid media: simulation and experimental study. Sri SatyaSaiUniversity, India. [4]. Moreno, M. Z. 2005. Monte Carlo simulations for dosimetric verification in photon and electron beam radiotherapy. Ph.D. thesis. Universidade Nova De Lisboa, Portugal.
[5]. Sempau, J., Reyes, A. S., Salvat, F., Tahar, H. O., Jiang, S. B., &Varea, J. M. F. 2001. Monte Carlo simulation of electron beams from an accelerator head using PENELOPE. Journal of Physics in Medicine and Biology. 46, 1163-1186.
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Abstract: The lifestyle of the Adolescents is a major issue in the today's society and it differs though nature & experience of individual, so here is the study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of planned school health awareness programme on the knowledge and practice of adolescents about healthy lifestyle in selected school of Dehradun. A quantitative research with quasi-experimental approach & one group pre-test post-test design was adopted. Convenient sampling technique was used. Fifty subjects were included in the study. The analysis of pre-test and post-test knowledge and practice score using paired t-test revealed that there was significant improvement. The mean of the post-test knowledge and practice score (11.72 ± 3.26) and (27.38 ± 3.48) was found to be higher than the mean of the pre-test knowledge and practice score (7.06 ± 2.17) and (23.7 ± 3.95). There was association between found in pre-test and post-test knowledge and practice score. The study concluded that the planned school health awareness programme resulted in significant improvement of knowledge and practice about healthy lifestyle among adolescents which was very helpful healthy individuals and their family, thus society in future.
Keywords: Adolescents, Healthy Lifestyle, Knowledge and Practice
[1]. Marlow Dorothy R, Redding Barbara A. text book of pediatric nursing: stages of human development. 6th edition. India: Elsevier private limited; 2010.174.
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[3]. Adolescents Transition: The Challenges And The Way Out (African Perspective)[online]. 2007[cited 2013 Jan 5]; [2-3]; Available from: URL:
[4]. Strecher.V.J. and Rosenstcok.I.M. "Health Belief Model".Jones and Bartlett. (1997) [cited 2013 June5]; Available from: URL:
[5]. Malleshappa K, Shivaram Krishna, Nandini C. Knowledge and attitude about reproductive health among rural adolescent girls in Kuppam mandal: An intervention study. Indmedica [serial online] 2007 July [cited 2012 March 27] ; 22( 3). Available from:URL: