Version-2 (Nov-Dec 2014)
Version 1 Version 2 Version 3 Version 4
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Abstract: Service to man Is service to God, This term usually discuss by the people when they works with in the health sector but here i would like to exclaim that A provision satisfactory service to man is good service because every employée is paid for his or her service they produce to the client. In regard to this subject the curent study based to as the patients satisfaction related to nursing care among hospitalised patients conducted in Dehradun. A qualitative non experimental method was approached & non-experimental descriptive survey design keeping in the view the objective of the study. The objective was To assess the patient's satisfaction level related to nursing care in selected units, and To assess the problem faced by patients during hospitalized patients. Purposive Sampling technique was used. Sixty hospitalized patients were involved in the study. The Demographic data is collected through tool Part A and Part B was used to collect the patients satisfactory level through 4point Likerts scale developed in Mostly satisfied, Partially satisfied, Mostly unsatisfied, Partially unsatisfied points in the areas like Communication, Personal Hygiene, General nursing care, Nutrition, Behavior, attitude, punctuality
Keywords: Patients satisfaction, Nursing care, Hospitalized patient
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[5]. R.A.K. College of nursing New Delhi 2006. "A study to identify the level of satisfaction of mother with postnatal care.The nursing journal of India.
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Abstract: Objective: To determine the association of Insulin Resistance (IR) characteristics; as a predictor of diabetes mellitus and hormonal disturbance in patients with PCOS. Material and methods: Design: Prospective study Setting: Kerala Medical college and Hospital, Mangode, Cherpulassery, Palakkad Dist,, Kerala Subjects: 102 females with PCOS diagnosed by Rotterdam criteria were enrolled. Methods: Patients with PCOS were examined in detail for anthropometry, blood pressure, hirsutism and acanthosis nigricans and other markers of insulin resistance. Biochemical estimation such as fasting glucose and fasting lipid profile with an oral GTT were done. Analysis of TSH, FSH, LH, DHEA-S, Testosterone, cortisol were done by radioimmunoassay. Results: 51 females with PCOS were enrolled for the study of which (78.4%) 40 were having IR and among those (72.5%) 29 had diabetes. P<0.001, which is statistically very high significant Conclusions: IR characteristics could emerge as a marker of diabetes mellitus in PCOS subjects in Kerala state population
Key words: PCOS, Diabetes.
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[5]. Kashar-Miller M, Azziz R. Heritability and the risk of developing androgen excess. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 1999; 69: 261-268.
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Abstract: Voice disorders are common to see in ENT Clinical practice., There are so many varieties of vocal cord affections like inflammatory,infectious,Neoplastic,and Neurological .Here are different cases of voice disorders of Benign lesions recorded in ENT Department,Govrnement General Hospital, Guntur Medical college in the annual year of 2012-2014,and their management is different using video attached rigid endoscopic exposure of vocal cords and excision of these lesions with Laparoscopic instruments attached with Diathermy ,
Key words: Benign Vocal cord lesions, Endoscopic approach, Laparoscopic instruments in laryngeal surgeries.
[1]. Blake Simpson, Clark Rosen, Hans Von Leden, Robert H. Ossoff (2008) Operative Techniques in Laryngology
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Abstract: Postnatal is the period beginning immediately after the birth of a child and extending for about six weeks. Most women are eager to get to some abdominal exercises to firm up their now-stretched-out middles. An evaluative research approach with pre-experimental design was used. The sampling technique used was non - probability convenient sampling. Data was collected from 60 postnatal mothers from selected hospital at Vadodara. The study aims to find out the existing knowledge regarding postnatal exercises among postnatal mothers, to evaluate the effectiveness of planned teaching programme, to find out the association between the post-test scores with their demographical variables.
[1]. Arya P Meethambaran on Effectivenss of teaching program on postnatal exercise. [online series].
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[3]. J.P. Sharma, guest editorial physiotherapy in obstetrics, the relaxation exercise, Indian Journal 2008.
[4]. Hay Smith J. Et al, Physical therapy or prevention of urinary and fecal incontinence [serialonline]2007
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Abstract: In the twenty first century with the different advancement in the society, it has been tried to bring women to a stage where they have the equal rights, equal pay and independence but still it is not achieved. Though it may seem that women have a great deal of freedom and independence, the overall condition of women in the world of today is not as it should be1. Women have been the subject of deprivation, discrimination, intimidation and injustice treatment in society throughout the history2 as the brutal crime like "female foeticide" still exists in the world. They are devalued as human beings from the day they are in the mother's womb. The worst part is that they are even denied the right to be born if their family does not wish them to be borned.
[1] Women role in the society: www/ananda
[2] Haj L, Umrah. Female feticide. A crime against generation in Kashmir. 2013 Oct11. Available form: free crime- against-generation/
[3] Kaura, Shanlcar G. Female foeticide on rise the trabune. 2001 June 23rd.
[4] Grewal Ian, J. Kishore. Female foeticide in India. IHN. 2004 May, 12-16.
[5] Chaudhary V. Female foeticide: cause, effects and solution. Department of Community Medicine. 2012 May 30.
[6] Smith ND, Luke N, Graveys MC. Too many girls, too much dowry: son preference and daughter aversion in Tamil Nadu. Culture, Health and Sexuality. 10 (7), 2008 Oct.
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Abstract: Background: Osteoporosis is a common age-related disorder manifested clinically by skeletal fractures. Women lose bone density faster in menopause when estrogen level decreases. Objectives: To assess the level of knowledge on type I osteoporosis and its prevention among menopause women.
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[4]. Dinesh K Dhanwal, Elaine M Dennison, Nick C Harvey, and Cyrus Cooper Epidemiology of hip fracture: Worldwide geographic variation Indian J Orthop. 2011 Jan-Mar; 45(1): 15–22. (Internet).Available from:
[5]. Malhotra N, Mithal A. Osteoporosis in Indians. Indian J Med Res.2008 Mar;127(3):263-8. (Internet).Available from:
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Abstract: Hospital waste management constitutes special category of waste because they contain potentially harmful materials. The problems of how to manage hospital waste has become one of the critical concerns in Nigeria. A cross sectional descriptive study was carried out at Primary health care centers of Fagge local government, with the aim to examine the current practices and commitment to sustainable Hospital waste management practice. The study involved the evaluation of waste segregation, collection transportation, treatment, storage and final disposal.
[1]. Akter N. (2011).Medical waste management: a review, International Journal of science and pharmaceutical educational research.1 (1);53-61
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[4]. Bassey BE, Ben-Coker MO, Aluyi HS(2006).Characterization and management of solid medicalwastein Federal capital Territory, Abuja Nigeria. Journal of African Health Sciences 6;6(1): 65-67
[5]. Coker AO, Sangodoyin AY,Ogunlowo OO (2008).Managing hospital waste in Nigeria proceedings; proceedings of the 24th WEDC conference ,Islamabad,Pakistan;70-72.
[6]. Diaz LF, Savage GM, Eggerth LL. (2005). Alternatives for the treatment and disposal of health care wastes in developing countries. Journal of waste management; 25; 626-637
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Abstract: Breast cancer has now become the most commonly diagnosed cancer among women in several Sub-Saharan African countries, a shift from previous decades in which cervical cancer was the most commonly diagnosed cancer in many of these countries. One potentially important strategy in reducing breast cancer mortality is breast cancer screening to achieve earlier detection of cancer through Breast Self-Examination. So, creating awareness which is a very important tool entails better screening of breast cancer especially in middle and low income countries.
[1]. Okobia, M., Bunker, C. H. Okonofua, F. E., & Osime, U., Knowledge, attitude and practice of Nigerian women towards breast cancer: A cross-sectional study. World Journal of Surgical Oncology, 4: 2006, 4-11.
[2]. American Cancer Society, Breast cancer: early detection. (Atlanta, GA, American Cancer Society Inc. 2011)
[3]. American Cancer Society, Breast Cancer Facts and Figures 2013 – 2014. (Atlanta, GA: American Cancer Society Inc. 2013)
[4]. Mason, T. E., & White, K. M., The role of behavioural, normative and control beliefs in breast self-examination. Women's Health, 47, 2008, 39-56.
[5]. Crossing, S., & Manaszewicz, R., Breast Self-Examination: Be alert but not alarmed? Medical Journal of Australia, 178 (12), 2003, 646–647.
[6]. Petro-Nustas, W. & Mikhail B. I., Factors associated with breast self-examination among Jordanian women. Public Health Nurs;19: 2002, 263-71.
[7]. Carney, P. A., Miglioretti, D. L., Yankaskas, B. C., Kerlikowske, K., Rosenberg, R., Rutter, C. M., ... & Ballard-Barbash, R., Individual and combined effects of age, breast density, and hormone replacement therapy use on the accuracy of screening mammography. Annals of internal medicine, 138(3), 2003, 168-175.
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Abstract: Obesity and hypertension are risk factors to a spectrum of cardiovascular diseases. The incidence of hypertension and obesity were assessed among market women of child bearing age. A total of 500 market women were randomly selected from different market site in southwest, Nigeria. Semi-structured questionnaire was used for the data collection, Respondent's Nutritional status was assessed using anthropometric indices and sphygmomanometer was used to assess blood pressure. Findings showed that the mean waist circumference, hip circumference, BMI and waist hip ratio of the women were 85.08 ± 16.09, 101.3 ± 17.12, 29.91 ± 7.16 and 0.84 ± 0.10 respectively.
[1]. World Health Organization; (2005) Bulletin of the World Health Organization on obesity and overweight 89; 7:579-86
[2]. World Health Organization; (2011). Obesity; preventing and managing the global epidemic. Report of WHO consultation on obesity, Geneva: 1997 P.1-276
[3]. Ajani J.A (2003). Prevalence of hypertension and diabetes mellitus in obese market men in Ibadan. Nutrition survey 2nd edit (2):67-98.
[4]. Himes, A.R., (1991): Effects of Overweight and Obesity on Health. Ann Intern Med10; 55-72.
[5]. Abdulbari B. (2006). Prevalence of obesity, overweight, and underweight in Qatari adolescents. Food Nutr Bull , 27: 39-45
[6]. Holmboe-Ottesen G, (1993) Preliminary results from field surveys on nutritional and socio- economic conditions in the Kirama Oya river basin. In: Progress report to NORAD. Oslo: Institute for Nutrition Research.
[7]. Abubakari AR, Lauder W, Agyemang C, Jones M, Kirk A, Bhopal RS; (2008). Prevalence and time trends in obesity among adult west Africa population Obes Rev 9(4): 297-311.
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Abstract: Iron-deficiency anemia, is an important public health problem in developing countries. This study reviewed the antenatal enrollment and the prevalence of anemia among pregnant women in a specialist hospital in Akure. Hospital record was reviewed from 2008 to 2013, and records of antenatal enrolment for each month of every said year was recorded. The data was analyzed and test of significance was carried out on the varibles using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 17. The result showed that year 2013 witnessed the highest enrollment of 7591 pregnant women for antenatal and prevalence of anemia among the women was very low as it was less than 0.5%. However, year 2009 witness the highest incident of anemia.
[1]. Bertil G. The Anaemias. In Berhrman RE, Klahman RM, Jeson HB, editors. Nelson textbook of Paediatrics. 17th ed. Philadelphia: Sauders; 2004:1614 – 1616
[2]. WHO. Iron deficiency anaemia: assessment, prevention and control. A guide for programme manager. (UNICEF, UNU, WHO) 2001, pp 38
[3]. Leblanc CP, Rioux FM. Iron deficiency anaemia following prenatal nutrition intervention. Can J. Diet Pract Res. 2007; 68: 222 – 5.
[4]. Choi CW, Cho WR, Park KH, Choi IK, Seo JH, Klim BS. The cut off value of serum ferritin for the diagnosis of iron deficiency in a community. Ann Hematol 2005; 84:358 – 61. 78
[5]. Maziya–Dixon B, Sanusi RA, Akinyele IO, Oguntona EB, Harris FW. 2004. Iron Status of children under 5 in Nigeria: Result of the Nigeria food consumption and nutrition survey. In: proceedings of Iron Deficiency in Early life and challenges and progress. 2004
[6]. Emodi I. Azubuike JC, Nkangineme The Anaemias.In. Owerri, Nigeria KEO,editors. Paediatrics and Child Health in a Tropical Region 2nd ed: African Educational Services;2007:355-63.
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Abstract: cross-sectional study was conducted in first MBBS students to assess their knowledge about HIV/AIDS & the effect of health education on the same. The pandemic of HIV/AIDS remains on the increase with young people at which increases risk of infection. Regarding HIV infections in the world, India ranks 3rd in number. Near about 2.5 million people currently living with HIV/AIDS. Adequately trained & sensitized health care professionals like 1st MBBS students can play a vital role in combating this HIV pandemic. Limited studies have explored about effect of health education on knowledge about HIV/AIDS in 1st MBBS students.
[1]. Geneva: UNAIDS and WHO; 2009. AIDS epidemic update. ISBN 9789291738328.
[2]. Park K.; Textbook of preventive and social medicine, Jabalpur; M/S Banarasidas Bhanot publishers 2007,p 285-297.
[3]. Medical students' knowledge & Attitudes related toHIV/AIDS-Shaikh Mohsin, Sunil Nayak, Vipul Manda viya.
[4]. Perception & knowledge about HIV/AIDS among students in a medical college in Western Nepal –Shankar PR,Subish P,Paudel R,Alam K(Department of clinical pharmacology)
[5]. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, New Delhi; New Delhi: Department of AIDS Control. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India; 2009. Annual Report.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Knowledge and Attitude Regarding Cigarette Smoking Among UG Students |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Kevin Silas Christian |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/1959-03624954 ![]() |
Abstract: Today's smoking culture includes a subpopulation of smokers called "social smokers". Many college students define "social smokers" as those who use tobacco in more social activities, rather than using tobacco on a regular basis. Social smokers don't believe that they are addicted or worried about the social acceptability of their smoking habits.
[3]. (cited on 25/09/2012)
[4]. Knowledge, attitude and practice of university students towards smoking in Irbid, Jordan, Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology Vol. 5(1), pp. 29-36, January 2013
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Abstract: This study was a descriptive correlational survey performed to find the quality of life and social support of children living with HIV (CLHIV). The subjects were 50 CLHIV selected using purposive sampling, living in one of the districts of South India attending ART plus centre of Distrcit hospital. Among 50 CLHIV, 23(46.1%) of the belonged to the age group of 16-18 years and 28 (56%) subjects were males.
[1]. UNAIDS. [Online].; 2013 [cited 2014 September 8. Available from: HYPERLINK ""
[2]. UNAIDS. People Living with HIV Stigma Index- Asia Pacific Regional Analysis. ; 2011.
[3]. NACO. Annual Report. ; 2012-2013.
[4]. Gupta M, Nanda S, Kaushik JS. Quality of Life in Symptomatic HIV Infected Children. Indian Pediatrics. 2013;: p. 1145-1147.
[5]. Oberdorfer , Louthrenoo , Puthanakit , Sirisanthana , Sirisanthana T. Quality of Life Among HIV-Infected Children in Thailand. Journal of the International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care. 2008 ;: p. 141-147.
[6]. Tao Xu. Quality of life of children living in HIV/AIDS-affected families in rural areas in Yunnan, China. AIDS Care. 2010;: p. 390-396.
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Abstract: Background:The specific objectives addressed in this paper are to assess the utilization of mental health. In particular identify barriers which prevent uses of these services, suggestions for encourageuses of the services at IBB city in Yemen. Method the data were drawn by using the questionnaire, a sample random sampling procedures to select 493 peoples at IBB city randomly, using a descriptive analysis Results the researchers found that 42.8% of the participants use the informal types of services (spirits, herbs), 20.3% of participants use the formal services(psychiatrics)while 36.9% didn't use both.
[1]. Quartana, P. J., Wilk, J. E., Thomas, J. L., Bray, R. M., Rae Olmsted, K. L., Brown, J. M., & ... Hoge, C. W. (2014). Trends in Mental Health Services Utilization and Stigma in US Soldiers From 2002 to 2011. American Journal Of Public Health, 104(9), 1671-1679. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2014.301971
[2]. Tsai, J., Whealin, J. M., &Pietrzak, R. H. (2014). Asian American and Pacific Islander military veterans in the United States: health service use and perceived barriers to mental health services. American Journal Of Public Health, 104 Suppl 4S538-S547. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2014.302124
[3]. Davis T, Deen T, Fortney J, Sullivan G, Hudson T. Utilization of VA Mental Health and Primary Care Services Among Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans With Depression: The Influence of Gender and Ethnicity Status. Military Medicine [serial online]. May 2014;179(5):515-520. Available from: Academic Search Complete, Ipswich, MA. Accessed November 8, 2014.
[4]. Maclean, J. C., Xu, H., French, M. T., &Ettner, S. L. (2014). Mental health and high-cost health care utilization: new evidence from Axis II disorders. Health Services Research, 49(2), 683-704. doi:10.1111/1475-6773.12107
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Abstract: The need for radiation dose assessment of patients during diagnostic chest x-ray examination is considered in this study. Radiation exposure received by patients during routine x-rays is known to increase the risk of malignancy these was the major problem that necessitated this study. This study was carried out in two university teaching hospitals in Northeastern Nigeria. The aim and objective of this work was to assess the Entrance Skin Dose delivered to patients during routine chest x-ray examination and to evaluate the Image quality of the radiographs produced. Sixty thermoluminiscent dosimeters were placed on the patients during chest x-ray exposure to estimate the entrance skin dose received by each patient during exposure.The thermoluminescent dosimeters were analyzed at the Center for Energy Research and Training Zaria. Committee for European Guidelines 1999 criteria was used to analyze the image quality. Findings show that the dose obtained in the two hospitals were 0.50 mGy and 0.54 mGy respectively.The results obtained were high compared to other established work. The image quality criteria score was good with a score of 60% and above. Conclusion showed that there is need to optimize service in the two teaching hospitals and most hospitals in Nigeria.
Key Words: [Radiation, Dose, Thermoluminiscent, Dosimeter,X-ray]
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[2] Babalola I.A, (2004) "in quest of light Quanta", University of Ibadan Inaugural lecture series.Vol 10.p25-30.
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[4] Brennan PC. MC Donnell and Leanly D.O (2004) Increasing FFD Reduces Radiation Protection, Dosimetry, Oxford University Press Vol.108 no.3, p263-68.
[5] BushongSc: Radiography Science for Technologist Physics, Biology and Protection 5th edition St. Louis, Mo: Mosby year book 1993.
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Abstract:Surgery and general anesthesia directly affect the respiratory system. Postoperative pulmonary complications occur after upper abdominal surgery.. Breathing and chest wall physiotherapy have been used to prevent atelectasis. The study aimed to identify the methods of pulmonary care used to avoid occurrence of atelectasis in the first year of life of infant undergoing abdominal surgeries, determine effect of pulmonary care on the occurrence of atelectasis in the first year of life undergoing abdominal surgeries. The study consist of 60 infant undergoing to abdominal surgery in surgical unit at Tanta University Hospital. Five tool were used for data collection Preoperative Assessment Sheet ,Intraoperative Assessment sheet Postoperative Assessment Sheet, pulmonary Care Sheet. Pulmonary Care Evaluation Sheet. Results: their was a statistical significant difference in oxygen saturation after breathing exercise. It was observed that the highest value of oxygen saturation was in third day at fifth position and the lowest value of oxygen saturation was observed in the first day . There was a statistical significant difference in oxygen saturation after three days . It was concluded that chest physiotherapy performed in postoperative period following upper abdominal surgery improved the oxygen-hemoglobin saturation and reduced pulmonary complication. Recommendation. In service training Program should be conducted for the nurses about effect of chest physiotherapy in prevention of postoperative pulmonary complication.
Kay wards: Pulmonary Care, postoperative , and Pulmonary Complication.
[1]. Brooks D, Parsons J, Newton J, et al. Discharge criteria from perioperative physical therapy. Chest. 2002;121(2):488-94.
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[4]. Brooks - Brunn JA. Predictors of postoperative pulmonary complications following abdominal surgery. Chest 2010; 111:564.
[5]. Smetana GW, Lawrence VA, Cornell JE; American College of Physicians. Preoperative pulmonary risk stratification for noncardiothoracic surgery: systematic review for the American College of Physicians. Ann Intern Med. 2006;144(8):581-95.