Version-6 (May-June 2017)
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Abstract: Family support for the elderly people plays a pivotal role in their lives. Approximately 77% of the elderly live with their families. The aging process which results in physical, mental, spiritual and psychosocial changes leads to the nature of the elderly being dependent on others in performing activities of daily living. This study aimed to determine the relationship of family support with the elderly's performing activities of daily living in the Neighborhood III and IV of Baru Ladang Bambu Sub District, Medan Tuntungan Distrcit,m Medan City, Indonesia. This analytical survey study applied cross sectional approach. Sixty one elderlies were involved as the population in this study..............
Keywords: Family Support, Activities of Daily Living, the Elderly
[1] Stanley, M, Beare P, G. (2007). Buku Ajar Keperawatan Gerontik Jakarta: EGC.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Perceived Level of Stress, & Coping Strategies among Saudi Nursing Student |
Country | : | UKA |
Authors | : | Luma Ghazi Al Zamil |
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: | 10.9790/1959-0603060613 ![]() |
Abstract: The present study aimed at assessing the stress level& determine the coping strategies among the nursing students at umm al qura university .The study design was descriptive, cross- sectional. The study was conducted at the beginning of second semester inthe academic year 2015/2016. The sample consisted of three tools for data collection: which included a socio-demographicprofile sheet, two scales; Perceived Stress Scale-14(PSS 14) to assess stress level , and The Brief Coping Orientation for Problem Experiences (Brief COPE) to assess The Students' coping strategies............
Keywords: Stress, Coping Strategies, stressors (socio-demographic) &Nursing Saudi Students.
[1]. J.M. Kohler, D.C. Munz, M.J. Grawitch . Test of a dynamic stress model for organizational change: do males and females require different models? ApplPsycholInt Rev, 55 (2) (2006), pp. 168–191
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[4]. F. Timmins, M. Kaliszer. Aspects of nurse education programmes that frequently cause stress to nursing students – fact finding –211
[5]. I. Deary, R. Watson, R. Hogston. A longitudinal cohort study of burnout and attrition in nursing students. J AdvNurs, 43 (1) (2003), pp. 71–81.
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Abstract: Background: Eating habits among university students are changing while they are transferring from home environment. Despite the fact that unhealthy eating habits can affect negatively on their health. Aim of the study: Was to explore the association between eating habits and Body Mass Index (BMI) among nursing students. Methods: A descriptive correlation design utilized to conduct this study. This study carried out at Faculty of Nursing, Benha University. Subjects: The study included 125 (male and female) second year nursing students. Tools of the study: Two tools used in this study; 1) Demographic data sheet: included demographic characteristics of the students and their anthropometric measurements...........
Keywords: Eating habits, Body Mass Index, nursing students.
[1]. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2012). Healthy People 2020.Availablefrom:URL:
[2]. Kremmyda, L.S., Papadaki, A., Hondros, G., Kapsokefalou, M. and Scott, J.A. (2008). Differentiating between the effect of rapid dietary acculturation and the effect of living away from home for the first time, on the diets of Greek students studying in Glasgow. Appetite; 50: 455-463.
[3]. Manu, R. and Krishna R.(2011). Obesity in children & adolescents. Indian Journal of Medicine;132:598–607.
[4]. Adole, A. (2014). Assessment of Breakfast Eating Habits and its Association with Cognitive Performance of Early Adolescents. Southern Ethiopia. JFNS; 2:130.
[5]. Shriver, L.H., Harrist, A.W., Hubbs-Tait, L., Topham, G., Page, M.,and Barrett, A.(2011). Weight Status, Physical Activity, and Fitness among 3rd Grade Rural Children. J Sch. Health; 81(9):536-544.
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Abstract: Background: Today's, Performance of nursing requires a cognitive ability that includes problem solving, decision-making, and clinical judgment. Problem-based learning (PBL) is a student-centered education approach in which learners cooperatively solve problems and reflect on their experiences. The study aimed at conducting problem based learning approach in nursing administration teaching methods for improving group dynamic and assessing student perceptions and competences toward problem based learning
Subject Andmethods: aquaziexperimental research design wasused, the study was conducted in 4th year nursing students with convenience sample size(n74)who were enrolled in nursing administration course. One tool was used for collecting data were 1- self- administrated questionnaire...........
Keywords: Problem based learning, student'perception, group dynamic
[1]. Mohamed , R.B .(2006): Evaluation of the personal and professional development course in a nursing programme : A case study , Published doctorate thesis in philosophy , Public university , Malaysia , p. 8
[2]. Keeling . A (2008) ―We Are Scholars‖: Using Teamwork and Problem-Based Learning in a Canadian Regional Geography Course Memorial University of New found. Mountain Rise, the International Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning pp1:13
[3]. Engelbrecht , C ; Wildsmith , R . (2010) :Exploring Multilingualism in a Problem-based Learning Setting: Implications for Classroom and Clinical Practice in the Nursing Discipline, Alternation Journal , 17(1) :p.115
[4]. Hodges HF. 2011. Preparing New Nurses with Complexity Science and Problem-Based Learning .Journal of Nursing Education 50(1): 7- 12.
[5]. Bell ,S (2010) Project-Based Learning for the 21st Century: Skills for the Future, The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas .Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 83: 39–43
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Abstract: This was a cross-sectional, descriptive study Public National Boarding High schools in Nairobi (N=352 students with 172 males, 180 females).The sample was systematically, randomly selected and allocated proportionately to both genders. This study aimed at assessing "snacking and dietary intake of protein and energy among high school adolescents". Quantitative data collected using a semi-structured questionnaire were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (2007 SPSS inc.) version 16.0. Qualitative data were collected through focus group discussions, key informant interview, observations, Food frequency Questionnaires. Dietary intake data using 24-hr recall were analyzed using Nutri-survey...........
Keywords: Dietary intake, High school adolescents, Protein energy intake, School meals, snacking
[1] Bellisle, F., Dalix, A.M., Mennen, L., Galan, P., Hercberg, S., de Castro, J.M., et al. (2003). Contribution of snacks and meals in the diet of French adults: a diet-diary study. Physiology & Behavior, 183–189, [Pub Med].
[2] World Health Organization, Nutrition in adolescence: Issues and Challenges for the Health Sector. Issues in Adolescent Health and Development, (Geneva, Switzerland: WHO, 2005).
[3] G.M, Wardlaw, Contemporary nutrition: issues and insights, 5th ed. (Boston: MacGraw Hill, 2003)
[4] A.B, Barbara, M.R, Robert, eds., Present knowledge in nutrition (8th edition), (Washington, DC: International life Sciences Institute-ILSI Press, 2001), 426-36.
[5] F. Bellisle, Impact of the daily meal pattern on energy balance, Scandinavian Journal of Nutrition, 48, 2004, 114–118.
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Abstract: Background: Organizations which engaged in continuous improvement to improve outcomes had certain key factors such as having a quality-centered culture, and to overcome barriers directly involve top and middle-level leaders, integrating improvement efforts with organizational priorities, and actively developing interdisciplinary teams for continuous improvement. Aim: Study aimed to (1) assess hospital team in tracing medication errors causes using incident report and (2) investigate medication errors through using six sigma methodologies among nursing staff............
Keywords: Interdisciplinary team, Incident report, Six Sigma, Medication errors.
[1]. Parand Anam, Dopson Sue, Renz Anna, Vincent Charles (2014): The role of hospital managers in qualityand patient safety: a systematic review; BMJ Open 4:e005055. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005055
[2]. Bender, M.; Connelly, C.D.; & Brown, C. (2013): Interdisciplinary collaboration: The role of the clinical nurse leader. Journal of Nursing Management, 21, 165-174.
[3]. Taghizadegan, S. (2011): Statistical Process Control. Journal of quality Practice Management. 26: 12-16.
[4]. National Coordinating Council for Medication Error Reporting and Prevention, (2015): About medication errors: What is a medication error? Available at:
[5]. Bush, K. (2010): Fixing the System: Practical Examples of Patient Safety and Learning From Adverse Events in Respiratory Therapy. Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy, 46(4), 6– 12.
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Abstract: Triage is an essential function of staff in Emergency Department. The triage nurse is typically the first person a patient encounter when presenting for emergency care in the Emergency Department. Nurses' knowledge about triage is a key in triage decision making. Effective decision making can influence the health outcomes of presenting patients. The study aimed to assess the perceptions and knowledge of triage of nurses working in the Emergency Departments of hospitals in the Tamale Metropolis, Ghana. A quantitative descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in the Emergency Department of hospitals in the Tamale metropolis. A sample of 65 nurses were selected from the Emergency Department of the three hospitals by using non-probability purposive sampling method.............
Keywords: Triage Knowledge, Triage Nurse, Working experience, Emergency Department.
[1] Aloyce R, Leshabari S, Brysiewicz P. Assessment of knowledge and skills of triage amongst nurses working in the emergency centres in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. African Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2014; 4: 14-18.
[2] Gilboy N, Tanabe T, Travers D, Rosenau A.M. Emergency Severity Index (ESI): A TriageTool for Emergency Department Care, Version 4. Implementation Handbook 2012 Edition. AHRQ Publication No.12-0014. Rockville, MD. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2011.
[3] Considine J, Botti M, Thomas S. Do knowledge and experiences have specific roles in triage decision-making? Accid Emerg Med, 2007; 14:722–6.
[4] Australasian College for Emergency Medicine. Policy on the Australasian Triage Scale 2006; Available from;
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Etiological Study of Corneal Blindness |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Mrs).Bhanu Devi || Dr SumonKurmi |
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: | 10.9790/1959-0603066671 ![]() |
Abstract: Purpose - To study different etiology of corneal blindness and the distribution of corneal blindness according to age, sex, laterality, locality and socioeconomic status. Methodology: All the patients with healed corneal pathology fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criterias during the study period. Cases were also sub-grouped on the basis of sex, laterality of the involved eye locality and socioeconomic status. Results: Out of 62 consecutive patients having corneal blindness male (66.13%) and female (33.87%); rural (83.87%) and urban (16.13%); unilateral (85.48%) and bilateral (14.52%); Upper lower socioeconomic group – 80.65%, Upper lower socioeconomic group.............
Keywords: Assam, corneal blindness,
[1]. Prevention of blindness and visual impairment. [Last accessed on 2014 December 30]. Available from: causes/en.
[2]. Garg P, Krishna PV, Stratis AK, Gopinathan U. The value of corneal transplantation in reducing blindness. Eye (Lond) 2005;19:1106–14.
[3]. Matthew S Oliva. Tim Schottman, Manoj Gulati. Turning the tide of corneal blindness— Indian J Ophthalmol 2012;60:423-
[5]. National Programme for Control of Blindness. [Last accessed on 2011 October 30]. Available from: Blindness.pdf.
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Abstract: Background: Iron deficiency anaemia is a major cause of morbidity and mortality of pregnant women and increases the risks of foetal, neonatal and infant mortality. Nutritional education, with special emphasis on strategies based on locally available food stuffs to improve the dietary intake of proteins and iron is important during pregnancy. This study aimed to evaluate diet behaviour of pregnant woman with iron deficiency anaemia before and after the implementation of educational intervention based trans-theoretical model of change. Methods: A quasi-experimental design was utilized. Setting: The study was conducted at obstetrics and gynecology outpatient clinic affiliated to Benha teaching hospital. A purposive sample of 73 pregnant women were included in the current study..............
Keywords: Diet behaviour, Iron deficiency anaemia, Pregnant woman, Trans-theoretical model.
[1] World Health Organization (WHO). The global prevalence of anaemia in 2011. Geneva: World Health Organization. 2015; Available at: nutrition/ publications/ micronutrients/ global_prevalence_anaemia_2011/e n/. Accessed on 9 th June 2015.
[2] Kawaljit Kaur, B.D. Anaemia 'a silent killer' among women in India. Euro J Zool Res, 2014;3(1):32–36.
[3] Chowdhury, S., Rahman, M., & Moniruddin, A.B.M. Anemia in pregnancy. Medicne Today, 2014; 26 (1): 49-52.
[4] WHO , Micronutrient deficiencies: Prevention and control guidelines, 2015; Geneva, Switzerland.
[5] Krafft, A., Murray-Kolb, L., & Milman, N. Anemia and iron deficiency in pregnancy. Hindawi Publishing Corporation: Journal of Pregnancy. 2012; 1. doi: 10.1155/2012/241869.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Assessing the Components of Mentoring In Nursing Practice Placements. A Mixed Study Approach |
Country | : | Egypt. |
Authors | : | Victor Etu Tanyi |
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: | 10.9790/1959-06030686102 ![]() |
Abstract: This study is based on assessing the components of mentoring aiming at identifying ways in improving the quality of mentor/mentee dyads. Design: Qualitative and Quantitative design. Sample Type: Simple random sampling, cluster sampling, and purposeful sampling. Results: The key components of mentoring are important in the mentor/mentee dyads. Cultural competency is vital in a mentoring relationship. Making use of evidence-based principles by the mentors is essential to instil the culture of best practice in the mentee. Structured learning is an essential compliment for modelling...........
[1] Achinstein, B. and Athanases, S. (Eds) (2006), Mentors in the Making: Developing New Leaders for New Teachers College Press, Columbia University, New York, NY.
[2] Bailey- Mchale, H., and Donna, H. (2013) Mastering Mentorship. A Practical Guide for Mentors of Nursing Health and Social Care Students. London: Sage Publications.
[3] Bandura, A., (1997) Self-efficacy: The Exercise of Control. Freeman, New York. [4] Bean, N. M., Lucas, L., and Hyers, L.L. (2014), "Mentoring in Higher Education should be the norm to assure success: lessons learned from the faculty mentoring program, West Chester University, 2008-2011", Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, vol. 22, (1), 56-73, DOI: 10.1080/13611267.2014.882606
[5] Bennetts, C., (1994) 'Mentors. Mirrors and Reflective Practitioners: An Inquiry into Informal Mentor/Learner Relationships', M.Ed. dissertation, Division of Adult Continuing Education Library, University of Sheffield.