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Abstract: A Quasi experimental study to assess the effectiveness of information booklet on knowledge regarding dengue fever and its prevention among Senior Saecondary School Students.The sample consisting of 150 Senior Secondary School Students was selected by using simple random sampling. The tool comprised of structured self-administered questionnaire. The pretest was conducted and the information booklet was administered. The post test was conducted after one week. The data obtained were analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. The mean score of post-test knowledge 18.22 (60.73%) was apparently higher than the mean score of pre-test knowledge 12.56 (41.86%), suggesting that the information booklet was effective in increasing the knowledge of the Senior Secondary School Studentsregarding dengue fever and its prevention. The mean difference 5.66 between pre-test and post-test knowledge score of the Senior Secondary School Studentswas found to be significant.
Keywords; Dengue fever and its prevention, Senior Secondary School Students, one group pre – test post – test Quasi experimental study
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Abstract: A quasi experimental One group pre-test post-test study to assess the effectiveness of information booklet on knowledge regarding breast cancer among female young adults in selected teacher's training colleges at Udaipur, Rajasthan.The sample consisting of 140 female young adults in selected teacher's training colleges at Udaipur by using simple random sampling technique method. The tool comprised of by using structured knowledge questionnaire. The pretest was conducted and the information booklet was distributed. The post test was conducted after one week. The data obtained were analyzed by using differential and inferential statistics. The mean score of post-test knowledge 26.00 (76.5%) was apparently higher than the mean score of pre-test knowledge 14.87 (43.73%), suggesting that the information booklet was effective in increasing the knowledge of the female young adults regarding breast cancer. The mean difference 11.13 between pre-test and post-test knowledge score of the female young adults was found to be significant.
Keywords; Breast cancer, female young adults, and one group pre – test post – test quasi experimental study
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Abstract: Background: Shock-wave lithotripsy has become the treatment of choice for urolithiasis. Aims:Assess patients` knowledge and priorities towards shock-wave lithotripsy for urolithiasis and evaluate the effect of health education protocol on patients' knowledge and priorities towards shock-wave lithotripsy for urolithiasis.Research design:Pretest-posttest design.Patients and methods: A sample of 245 patients undergoing shock-wave lithotripsy for urolithiasis at Assiut Urology and Nephrology University Hospitalfor a period of 3 months with mean age 35.21±17 years. Patients were divided into: Group (A1)(123 patients did not have shock-wave lithotripsy before) and group (A2)(122 patients had previous experience of shock-wave lithotripsy). There were 86 males and 37 females in group (A1), while 81 males and 41 females in group (A2). Tools:Knowledge assessment questionnaire,patient......
Keywords; Health education protocol, Shock-wave lithotripsy, Urolithiasis.
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Abstract: Trans-femoral approach for cardiac catheterization has typically been more prevalent. But, radial access has expanded in popularity due to lower complication rates. Aim of the study: Assess femoral versus radial access for coronary angiography or intervention and the effect on the nurses, patients and relatives' satisfaction. Subjects and methods: Descriptive design was utilized. All available nurses (30) working in Cardiac Catheterization Lab at Assiut University Hospital, in addition to (200) adult male and female patients, scheduled for coronary angiography or intervention and (200) members of their relatives. Patients were assigned into two groups (femoral and radial). Tools: Three structured interview questionnaire sheet were utilized for nurses, patients, and patient's relatives. Results: two third of nurses (66.7%) and the largest percentage of femoral and radial groups patients and their relatives (63% and 100% respectively) and (55% & 100% respectively) preferred and satisfied:......
Keywords; vascular access, coronary angiography, percutaneous coronary intervention, satisfaction and relatives.
[1]. Abu-Fadel, M. (2016): Arterial and Venous Access in the Cardiac Catheterization Lab, chapter 2 ,complications of femoral artery access, 1st ed. Rutgers University Press. USA.P. 123.
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[5]. Askari, A.T., Shishehbor, M.H., & Messerli, A.W. (2012): Introductory Guide to Cardiac Catheterization, 2nd ed., Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Tokyo, P.151
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Abstract: Introduction and Objective: The incidence of nosocomial infections in Indonesia is in quite high number. The most common phenomenon is surgical wound infections, while it is getting worse by the increase of bacteria resistance due to the excessive and inappropriate use of antibiotics. This study aims to find pattern and sensitivity test against bacteria in the air at Ob/Gyn Operating Room, Central General Hospital (RSUP) H.Adam Malik. The research result expected to be use in order to find bacteria sensitivity against many antibiotics mostly used as prophylaxis of pre-operation and become reference whether the antibiotics are necessary and the type that should be used. Method: This study used descriptive observational design, while the research sample was contaminant bacteria taken from Ob/Gyn Operating Room.........
Keywords; Nosocomial Infection, Surgical Wound Infection, Bacteria, Resistance, Sensitivity, Antibiotics.
[1]. Girard, Perraud, Prüss, Savey, Tikhomirov. Prevention of hospital-acquired infections, A practical guide. 2nd ed. 2002. 1-2
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Perceptual Learning Style Preferences of Clinical Laboratory Science Students |
Country | : | Saudi Arabia |
Authors | : | Jerlyn Apatan Enrera |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/1959-0701103436 ![]() |
Abstract: This study was conducted to determine the perceptual learning style preferences of the clinical laboratory science students. Descriptive methodology was used where questionnaires were distributed and analyzed using mean and ANOVA. The results revealed that the predominant overall learning style preference of the students was kinesthetic. There was no significant difference in the learning style preferences for visual, auditory, kinesthetic, tactile and individual. However, there was a significant difference in the learning style preference of the students when it comes to group learning.
Keywords; Learning Style, Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, Tactile, Individual, Group.
[1]. Obralic, N., & Akbarov, A. (2012). Students Preference on Perceptual Learning Style. Acta Didactica Napocensia. Vol. 5. No. 3. Pp. 31 – 42.
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Abstract: Catheter-associated urinary tract infections(CAUTIs)are the most common health-care associated infections(HAIs) in the world.Preventing (CAUTI) is a major quality measures and patient safety.The aim of the study:to evaluate the effect of implementing urinary catheter care bundle (UCCB) on the prevention of CAUTIs.Methods: A quasi-experimental research design was utilized in the current study. The study was conducted at different in-patientunits, affiliated to Cairo University Hospital. Subjects:A convenience sample of one group of 30 nurses in both genders and,apurposefulsample of 150 patients. They divided into (75 patients in the baseline group) and (75 patients in the intervention group)including all adult patients in both genders connected with a urinary catheter over a period ofeight months. Tools of the study: Four tools were used for data collection: 1) demographic characteristics (patient& nurse), 2) Self-administered questionnaire sheet:......
Keywords; Catheter-associated urinary tract infections, healthcare-associated infection,urinary catheter care bundle..
[1]. Galicccczewski, J., and Shurpin,K.,(2017): An intervention to improve the catheter associated urinary tract infection rate in a medical intensive care: Direct observation of catheter insertion procedure, Intensive and critical care nursing, in press
[2]. Al Nasser, W., El-Saed,A., Al-Jardani,A., Althaqafi, A., (2016) Rates of catheter-associated urinary tract infection in tertiary care hospitals in 3 Arabian Gulf countries: A 6-year surveillance study, American Journal of Infection Control, 44 , 1589-94
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[4]. Gray, G., Nussle, R., Cruz, A., Kane, and Toomey, A., (2016)Effects of a catheter-associated urinary tract infection prevention campaign on infection rate, catheter utilization, and health care workers' perspective at a community safety net hospital, American Journal of Infection Control 44 ,115-6 available at:
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Abstract: Medication errors are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in medical profession and critical care. Literature review cited that about 80% of all deaths from medication errors are caused by high alert medications errors. Nurses' knowledge and practice could contribute either positive or negative about this issue. Therefore, the Aim of the current study: was to evaluate the effect of nursing education guidelines, regarding high alert medications on critical care nurses' knowledge and practices. . Design: One group Quazi - Experimental interrupted time series research design. Research hypotheses: H1: Nurses who will receive the nursing education guidelines about safe handling of high alert medications will have higher post total mean knowledge score than their pre mean total knowledge score. H2: Nurses who will receive the nursing education guidelines about safe handling of high alert medications......
Keywords; High alert medications, Medication errors, Nursing education guidelines, Nurses' knowledge, Nurses' practice.
[1]. Wang, H. F., Jin, J. F., Feng, X. Q., Huang, X., Zhu, L. L., Zhao, X. Y., & Zhou, Q. (2015). Quality improvements in decreasing medication administration errors made by nursing staff in an academic medical center hospital: a trend analysis during the journey to Joint Commission International accreditation and in the post-accreditation era. Therapeutics and clinical risk management, 11, 393.
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Abstract: A study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of structure teaching programme for diabetic client on diabetes mellitus at the diabetic clinics of SCB Medical College &Hospital, Cuttack, Odisha. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on diabetes mellitus among diabetic clients. Methodology:One group pre-test post-test design was used and 60 diabetic client who attend the diabetic outpatient department was selected as a sample by using the Simple random sampling method (lottery method). The study setting was diabetic clinics of SCB Medical College & Hospital, Cuttack. Results: Majority 24(40%) samples belong to the age group of year 36-40, maximum 35(58.33%) were male gender, Highest number of 60(100%) samples were Hindus, 54 (90%) were marrie................
Keywords; Structure Teaching Programme, Diabetic client, Diabetes Mellitus
[1]. American Diabetes Association. (2001). Standards of medical care for patients with diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Care 2001. 24 (1S), S33–S55.
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Abstract: Background: Suicide is the act of intentionally causing one's own death. It is a psychiatric
emergency. Depressive disorder continues to be associated with an under-recognized risk for suicidal attempt
as well as completion of suicide. People who die due to suicide are frequently undiagnosed and untreated
peoples with depressive disorder. Objective: The aim of this study is to assess prevalence of suicidal attempt
and associated factors among patients with depressive disorder visiting psychiatric unit of Dessie Referral
Hospital South Wollo, Ethiopia 2015......
Keywords; Suicidal Attempt, Associated factors, Patients, Depressive disorder, Psychiatry unit
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Abstract: Background and aim:Professional accountability and work engagement are important factors to consider when managing changes in workplace and enhancing both individual and overall organizational performance and increasing nurses' commitment to their health care organization. This study aimed to examine the relationship between health care organizational strategic intelligence and nurses' professional accountability and their work engagement at Damanhour National Medical Institute. Methods: A descriptive correlational research design was conducted by all nurses (N = 326) working in DamanhourNational Medical Institute, Egypt. Organizational Strategic Intelligence Questionnaire, Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, and Burns Professional Accountability Instrument proved valid and reliable to measure study variables. Results: The present study revealed that nurses experienced high organizational strategic intelligence, professional accountability and work.....
Keywords; Organizational strategic intelligence, Professional accountability, Work engagement
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