Version-3 (March-April 2018)
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Abstract: Studies Found That Persons Who Are Administering Hazardous Drugs Are Highly Exposed To Hazard Through Contaminated Clothing, Work Surfaces, Medical Equipment And Patient Excreta. Nurses Can Be Affected By Risks Of Hds When Handling And Opening Drug Cases And Packages Prior To Preparation. The Highest Risk Of Exposure For Oncology Nurses Is Linked With Preparation And Administration, Mainly Through Inhalation Of Aerosolized Drug, Direct Contact (Through Eyes, Skin, Or Mucosa), And Ingestion Of An Improperly Handled Drugs. Aim Of The Study Isto Investigate Oncology Nurses' Knowledge About Handling And Administering Hazardous Drugss And The Development Of A Simple Procedure Book For Safe Chemotherapy Handling For Nurses To Refer To When Needed............
Keywords; Hazardous Drugs, Chemotherapy, Personal Protective Equipment, Anti-Neoplastic Drugs, Safe Handling Guidelines.
[1]. Lawson Cc, Rocheleau Cm, Whelan Ea, Hibert En, Grajewski B, Spiegelman D, Rich-Edwards Jw. Occupational Exposures Among Nurses And Risk Of Spontaneous Abortion. American Journal Of Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2012 Apr 1;206(4):327-E1.
[2]. Momeni M, Danaei M, Askarian M. How Do Nurses Manage Their Occupational Exposure To Cytotoxic Drugs? A Descriptive Survey In Chemotherapy Settings, Shiraz, Iran. Int J Occup Environ Med 2013; 4(2):102-6. Available At: Http://Www.Theijoem.Com/Ijoem/Index.Php/Ijoem/Article/View/198/363 Accessed On January 2018
[3]. Connor Th, Mackenzie Ba, Debord Dg, O'callaghan Jp, Trout Db. Niosh List Of Antineoplastic And Other Hazardous Drugs In Healthcare Settings 2016. Available At: Https://Www.Cdc.Gov/Niosh/Docs/2016-161/Pdfs/2016-161.Pdf Accessed On January 2018
[4]. Keat Ch, Sooaid Ns, Yun Cy, Sriraman M. Improving Safety-Related Knowledge, Attitude And Practices Of Nurses Handling Cytotoxic Anticancer Drug: Pharmacists' Experience In A General Hospital, Malaysia. Asian Pacific Journal Of Cancer Prevention. 2013;14(1):69-73. Http://Dx.Doi.Org/10.7314/Apjcp.2013.14.1.69
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Abstract: Diabetic patients are known to have a worse quality of life than individuals without diabetes. They are more risky for depressive symptoms, which may have an additional negative effect on their quality of life. Aim of the study: to assess the correlation between sociodemographic data, ruminative thoughts and quality of life among patients with type 2 diabetes.Research Design:Descriptive research design was used to assess relationship between sociodemographic data, rumination and quality of life among patients with type 2 diabetes. Setting: The study was carried out at Berkat El-Sabea central hospital, Menoufia governorate, Egypt. Sampling:A convenient sample consisted of two hundred patients........
Keywords: Quality of Life (Qol), Ruminative Thoughts, and Diabetes Mellitus(D M).
[1]. S Kalra, B Kalra, N Agrawal, R Sahay, A Unnikrishnan, R Chawla. Coping Strategies In Diabetes. The Internet Journal of Geriatrics and Gerontology; 2009, Volume 5 Number 2.
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[4]. Guzder RN, Gatling W, Mullee MA, and Byrne CD: Early mortality from the time of diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes: a 5-year prospective cohort study with a local age- and sex-matched comparison cohort. Diabet Med 2007, 24(10):1164–1167.
[5]. Oliva J, Fernández-Bolaños A, Hidalgo A: Health-related quality of life in diabetic people with different vascular risk. BMC Public Health 2012, 12:812. Doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-12-812.
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Abstract: Background:Fatigue Is A Common Side Effect Of Antiviral Therapy That Affects Patients' Overall Wellbeing. The Aim Of This Study Was To Assess The Effectiveness Of A Nursing Intervention For Reducing Fatigue Levels Among Egyptian Patients Infected With Hepatitis C Virus And Enrolled In An Antiviral Therapy Program With Dailysofosbuvir (SOF) 400mg And Ribavirin (RBV)1000-1200mg.Design:Aquasi-Experimental Research Design Was Conducted On A Convenience Sample Of 100 Patients Complaining Of Fatigue.Measurements: Afatigue Severity Scale (FSS) Measurement Was Used To Assess Fatigue Levels In Pre And Post Program Implementation..........
[1]. World Health Organization. (2014). Global Distribution And Prevalence Of Hepatitis C Virus Retrieved December 2015 From: Onlinelibrary.Wiley.Com/Doi/10.1002/Hep.27259/Abstract
[2]. Lynch,S.M. & Wu,G.Y.(2016). Hepatitis C Virus: A Review Of Treatment Guidelines, Cost-Effectiveness, And Access To Therapy. Journal Of Clinical And Translational Hepatololgy , 4(4),310–319, Retrieved December 2015,From: Https://Www.Ncbi.Nlm.Nih.Gov/Pmc/Articles/PMC5225151/
[3]. Averhoff,M. , Glass,N., & Holtzman,D.(2012). Global Burden Of Hepatitis C: Considerations For Healthcare Providers In The United States Francisco. Clinical Infectious Diseases55(1); 10-15.Retrieved May13, 2016 From: Http://Cid.Oxfordjournals.Org/Content/55/Suppl_1/S10
[4]. Centers For Disease Control And Prevention. (2016). Hepatitis C FAQS For The Public. Retrieved November 1,2016 From: Https://Www.Cdc.Gov/Hepatitis/Hcv/Cfaq.Htm
[5]. Liu, G.G., Yuan, Y., Wagner, J.S., L'Italien, G.J., Langley, P., &Kamae, I. (2012). The Burden Of Illness For Patients With Viral Hepatitis C: Evidence From A National Survey In Japan. Value Health;15(1): S65–71 Retrieved August 10, 2016 From: Https://Www.Ncbi.Nlm.Nih.Gov/Pubmed/22265070
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Abstract: Introduction: Menopause is a milestone in a woman's life. It is an event- marks the transition from the fertile years to a life phase characterized by a relative hormonal rest and stability. Aim of the study was to identify factors associated with the severity of menopausal symptoms among menopausal women. Materials and Method: Research design an exploratory descriptive research design was used to carry out this study. Setting The study was conducted in the gynecologic outpatient clinics at El Shatby Maternity Hospital. Subjects a convenience sample of 240 menopausal women were recruited in the study. Tools: Tool I: Menopausal Women Basic Data Structured Interview Schedule.......
Keywords; Menopause, Menopausal Symptoms, Severity, Risk factor
[1]. Ebri N. Attitudes towards menopause and depression, body image of women during menopause. Alexandria Journal of Medicine (2017) available @
[2]. Vanlalnunkimi I. Assessing the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme on Remedial Measures of Bio-psychosocial Problems of Postmenopausal Women. International Journal of Nursing Education, 2017; 9(1):85-90.
[3]. Moilanen J, Aalto AM, Hemminki E, et al. Prevalence of menopause symptoms and their association with lifestyle among Finnish middle-aged women. Maturitas 2010; 67:368–74.
[4]. Lee MS, Kim JH, ParkMS, Yang J,KoYH Ko SK, Joe SK. Factors Influencing the Severity of Menopause Symptoms in Korean Post-menopausal Women. J Korean Med Sci 2010; 25: 758-65
[5]. Elsabagh E.E, Abd Allah ES. Menopausal symptoms and the quality of life among pre/post- menopausal women from rural area in Zagazig city. Life Science J., 2012, 9, 283
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Abstract: Background: Related Learning Experience or RLE and Intensive Nursing Practicum are courses offered in Tobruk University, College of Nursing, the former offered for 1st year and 2nd year students to prepare them for actual scenario in the hospital by practicing skills related to Nursing and Health care, the latter is exposure in hospital or clinical duty then taking a final return demonstration in the College. Aim: In this study the researchers aimed to present and analyze the efficacy of students in performing vital signs and parenteral drug administration and how much they've improved after hospital duty. The hypothesis is that there will be significant improvement from RLE to INP 1...........
Keywords; Related Learning Experience, Vital Signs, Parenteral Drug Administration, Intensive Nursing Practicum
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[4] G. Altman, P. Buchsel, V. Coxon, Delmar's Fundamental and Advance Nursing Skills Book (2000). Thomson Learning, ISBN 0–7668–0715–0.
[5] P. Keill, T. Johnson. Shifting gears: Improving delivery of medications. Journal of Nursing Quality Care, 7 (2), 1993, 24–33.
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Abstract: transition of care is defined as the set of instructions designed to ensure co-ordination and continuity of the health care to the patient. It should be based on the comprehensive care plan and availability of well-trained practitioners who have a complete knowledge of patients' preferences and treatment goals, care plan and clinical status. It was initiated with an aim to justify the medical investments of the patients and also make the health care affordable by all sectors of the public. Though the practice of transition of care is carried out in various countries and the results are vividly better in certain diseases like diabetes and nephrology, still in india, we do not come across any hospital or community settings that apply transition of care concept. It is mainly due to the lack of awareness and certain..........
[1]. Coleman, e.a. 2003. Falling through the cracks: challenges and opportunities for improving transitional care for persons with continuous complex care needs. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2003; 51(4): 549-555.
[2]. Hot topics in health care – transitions of care : theneed for more effective approach to continuing patient care, issued by the Joint Commission. June-2012.
[3]. Transition care guidelines – Department of Health, Government of Australia, 2015.
[4]. Transitions of care: policy, regulation, opportunities, &challenges for pharmacy, Aimon c. Miranda, pharm d, BCPS; Radha V. Patel, pharm. D, Mph, Bcacp, Cph ; Griniserag-bolos, pharm. D
[5]. Transition of care, atrial fibrillation (powerpoint) American college of cardiology, heart rhythm society.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Older Adults and Flow through Music and Movement |
Country | : | México |
Authors | : | Elda Nelly Treviño || Javier Álvarez-Bermúdez |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/1959-0702035460 ![]() |
Abstract: The increment of the worldwide population of older adults encourages governments and private institutions to find non-pharmacological and ecological interventions with positive effects for this population. Research studies suggest positive effects of artistic activities. Considering music-making from the perspective of positive psychology, Dalcroze Eurhythmics (DE) focuses on the cognitive, affective, social, and physical domains. During sessions, the participants listen, feel, and express music through body movements. Activities are based on improvisation, coordination, auditory discrimination, and musical expression. The objective was to evaluate the efficacy of an eight-week DE-based intervention on the state of flow.........
Keywords; Older adults, flow, music, eurhythmics
[1] Adrián, J., Páez, D., & Álvarez, J. (1996). Art, Emotion, and Cognition: Vygotskian an Current Approaches to Musical Inductions and Changes in Mood, and Cognitive Complexization. Psicothema, 8 (1), 107-118.
[2] Anderson, W. (2012). The Dalcroze Approach to Music Eduction: Theory and Applications. General Music Today, 26 (1), 27-33.
[3] Bachmann, M. (1991). Dalcroze Today. An Education through and into Music. (D. Parlett, Trans.) New York, United States: Oxford University Press.
[4] Census Bureau (U.S.). (2004). Census Bureau. Census Bureau Guideline: Language translation of data collection instruments and supporting materials.
[5] Clift, S., & Grenville, H. (2010). The significance of choral singing for sustaining psychological wellbeing: findings from a survey of choristers in England, Australia, and Germany. Music Performance Research, 3 (1), 79-96.
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Abstract: Background: Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells. The percent of older people in Egypt was 6.9% in 2015 and projected to be 9.2% in 2020. Aim: the aim of the current study was to assess the quality of life and coping behavior among elderly suffering from cancer. Design A descriptive correlation research design. Sample: A purposive sampling. Setting: This study was conducted at oncology clinic at the University Hospital and oncology clinics at the heart and chest Hospital at sednawy in Zagazig City................
Keywords; Elderly patient, Cancer, Quality of life, and Coping behavior.
[1] Flatt T. (2012). A New Definition of Aging. journalfrontiersin; (148):P.P: doi: 10.3389/fgene.2012.00148.
[2] Scott, A. M.; Wolchok, J. D.; Old, L. J.(2012).Nature Rev. Cancer 2012, 12(3), 278-287.
[3] Osann K, Hsieh S, Nelson EL, Monk BJ, Chase D, Cella D et al (2014). Factors associated with poor quality of life among cervical cancer survivors: implications for clinical care and clinical trials. GynecolOncol 135(2):266–272.
[4] Pirri C, Bayliss E, Trotter J, Olver IN, Katris P, Drummond P et al (2013). Nausea still the poor relation in antiemetic therapy? The impact on cancer patients' quality of life and psychological adjustment of nausea, vomiting and appetite loss, individually and concurrently as part of a symptom cluster. Support Care Cancer 21(3):735–748.
[5] Barcaccia, B., Esposito, G. Matarese, M., Bertolaso, M., Elvira, M.,and De Marinis ,M. G. (2013). Defining Quality of Life: AwildGooseChase?. Europe s Journal of Psychology,9(1):185-203.
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Abstract: Background; More than half of respondents understudy aged between18-49 years are at risk of contracting malaria infection due improper use of ITNs at various levels in South Mugirango Sub County, Kisii , Kenya. This is due to the house structures in which the Jaggery and tea workers were living in. Published data on ITNs use among the Jaggery and tea workers at various levels in South Mugirango Sub County Kisii Kenya are limited. The purpose of this study is to establish the levels of ITNs use among the Jaggery and tea workers. Methods; A descriptive cross sectional study was used, where South Mugirango was purposively selected. The study systematically and randomly selected and interviewed 209 Jaggery and tea workers on ITNs use. Qualitative methods were used to investigate........
Keywords; Insecticide Treated Nets, Infection, Malaria, Risk, House Structure, Cost
[1] Alaii J, Hawley W, Kolczak M, ter Kuile F, Gimnig J, Vulule J, Odhacha A, Oloo A, Nahlen B, Phillips-Howard P: Factors affecting use of permethrin-treated bed nets during a randomized controlled trial in western Kenya. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2003, 68: 137-141.PubMedGoogle Sc
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[3] Andersen R. A. (1968). Behavioral Model of Families' Use of Health Services. Chicago, IL: Center for Health Administration Studies, University of Chicago.
[4] Baume C, Marin M: Intra-household mosquito net use in Ethiopia, Ghana, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal and Zambia: Are nets being used? Who in the household uses them? Am JTrop Med Hyg (2007), 77:963-971.
[5] Bull World Health Organ (2002), 80.892-899.WHO, (2003); Scaling up Insecticide treated netting programmes in Africa. WHO/CDC/RBM/2002.43
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Abstract: Background: Cardiac disease is the indirect and the third most common cause of maternal mortality. It may be congenital or acquired. Aim of the study: The current study aimed to determine the profile of patients with heart diseases, find out the maternal and neonatal outcome and design a nursing guideline for the management of cardiac diseases during pregnancy. Design: A descriptive design was used to conduct this study. Setting: The present study was conducted at obstetric department, labor ward at Maternity and Childhood hospital in Zagazig University Hospitals. Sample: A purposive sample of all parturient women attending the study setting; 70 women were recruited during 10 months........
Keywords; Cardiac diseases, Rheumatic heart disease, Arrhythmias, Heart failure, Outcome, Multidisciplinary planning, Nursing guidelines.
[1]. Hilfiker-Kleiner, D., and Arany, Z. (2014): Focus on pregnancy-mediated heart and vascular disease.European Society of Cardiology; 101(4):543–544. Doi:10.1093/cvr/cvu032.
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