Series-2 (Sep-Oct 2019)Sep-Oct 2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Human skin being the largest and visible organ reflects distinctly what goes on both in our mind and body.The relationship between the skin and the brain exists as the center of the psychological functions and the skin has the same ectodermal origin. Developing a skin problem affects not only the general wellbeingbut also the psychology of the individual.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The tendency to react |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Rumani Dey |
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: | 10.9790/1959-0805020911 ![]() |
Abstract: This piece attempts to research on the reaction living things seem to give based on inputs. It's more of a philosophical piece.Life or living is defined by the ability of the living to react. It's natural in us and effortless. Reactions may be expressed through speech or through actions. There is something called smell which stones do not exhibit but the dead bodies of living do exhibit. So we dispose off the dead and not the stones. Let's take the example of an ant. We don't know much about it except that it flees away when we try to intervene in when we see it move. This is a reaction which we do not know is due to anger or fear in the ant. We can't comment on whether ants get scared as humans without proof.
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Abstract: Fluid and Electrolytes administration is one of the most common procedures performed most frequently done in critical care units and in inpatient wards. The objective was to find out knowledge and practice regarding fluid and electrolytes administration among nurses. Descriptive, cross sectional research design was adopted and a total 110 nurses were selected by simple random sampling (lottery method) technique in critical and general ward of the Chitwan Medical College Teaching Hospital from 14 November to 11 December, 2016. Self-administered structured questionnaire & observational checklist was used to collect data. Descriptive (mean, standard deviation & range), inferential statistics (Chi-square) and Spearman correlation were used to analyze data..........
Key words: Fluid and electrolyte administration, Knowledge, Practice
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Abstract: Rubrics are rating scales that are applied with concertrating. They are countingmonitors, involving of precise pre-established performance standards, utilized in appraising students. Creating convenient, rubrics can assist educators develop high quality assessments. Aim explore medical surgical nursing students & educators' perceptions toward the effectiveness of implementation of analytic rubrics as an evaluation tool. The study passed througha quasi-experimental research design in the medical surgical nursing skills lab at the Faculty of Nursing, Damanhour University. Subjects: second semester of the first year in academic year 2018-2019 (n=158). They were equally randomly assigned to either one for two groups............
Key words: Nursing students, Educators, Rubric, analytic rubric, tool, and evaluation.
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Abstract: Nurse job satisfaction in the scope of the hospital is very important in the quality of service quality. Job satisfaction is a person's attitude toward work with a pleasant or unpleasant experience. The formation of job satisfaction among nurses is the relationship between nurses' interactions with the head of the room and the positive behavior given by nurses to fellow nurses outside of work demands without seeing any appreciation given by the hospital management. This research uses causality design. The sample size was 123 nurses. The sampling technique uses proportional random sampling. Simultaneous test results indicate that there is a positive and significant effect between leader member exchange and organizational citizenship behavior on nurse job satisfaction with a p value of 0.00.................
Keywords: Leader Member Exchange, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Nurse Job Satisfaction
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Abstract: Recent evidence proved declined episiotomy rate worldwide while it remains high in many countries such as Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The role of episiotomy in the emergent of pelvic floor dysfunction remains relatively vague. Postpartum urinary incontinence is one of the common women health concerns issue. Approximately one in three women report postpartum urinary incontinence. It affects women's quality of life and their self-esteem. Research Question: is there any association between episiotomy and urinary incontinence? Study Aim: To identify the association between episiotomy and urinary incontinence among postpartum women. Study Design: Quantitative correlational design. Setting: Medina Maternity and Children's Hospital...........
Keywords: Episiotomy, urinary incontinence, postpartum, vaginal delivery
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Abstract: Background: About15% to 33% of severe TBI patients develop sympathetic storming. Under treated sympathetic storming in severe TBI patients who admitted to ICUs has been linked to a number of adverse outcomes such as, increase duration of mechanical ventilation, increase risk of self-harm, increases the length of ICU stay, increase risk of delirium, and compromised immunity. Using music therapy and aromatherapy massage can counteract the activity of sympathetic storming and improve severe TBI patients' autonomic responses after TBI. Aim: To evaluate the effect of music therapy and aromatherapy massage on autonomic responses among severe traumatic brain injury patients. Setting: The study was conducted in four at Alexandria Main University Hospital (AMUH)-Egypt; unit I, unit II, unit III, and triage ICU. The total bed capacity of these intensive care units are 40 beds............
Keywords: Traumatic Brain Injury, Music Therapy, Aromatherapy massage, Lavender oil, Autonomic responses.
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Abstract: Introduction: Emotional intelligence can be defined as the ability to correctly understand, evaluate and communicate emotions. Individuals who can comprehend and direct their emotions as able to generally maintained better view of life and go through better psychological well being as compared to those who can't.1Self-esteem is considering as an emotional response a general feeling about the self that may be more or less positive. Biabangard defined self –esteem as a general personality trait, and a personal judgment of worthiness.1 Method: Quantitative approach was adopted to achieve the objectives of the study eighty-eight students were selected by convenient sampling technique............
Keywords: emotional intelligence, self-esteem.
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