Version-1 (Jan-Feb 2017)
Version 1 Version 2 Version 3 Version 4
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Abstract: Natural remedies from medicinal plants are considered to be effective and safe alternative treatment for liver injury. The present study was conducted to evaluate the hepatoprotective activity of methanolic extract of whole plant of Pulicaria wightiana in wistar rats. The studies were conducted using the two popular inducing agents Paracetamol (2 g/kg, p.o.) in 1% NaCMC and Carbon tetrachloride (1 ml/kg). Silymarin (100 mg/kg, p.o.) was used as reference drug in the respective models. The effect was estimated by measuring the enzymatic levels and histo- pathological studies..............
Keywords: Carbon tetrachloride, flavanoids, hepatoprotective, paracetamol, Pulicaria wightiana.
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Abstract: Background and objective: Recent research has elucidated a close association between intestinal microbiota, obesity, insulin resistance and nonalcoholic hepatic injury. Various studies have also indicated an increase in hepatic marker enzymes in obesity. Hence, this study aims to evaluate the association of gut microbiota with obesity, insulin resistance and hepatic marker enzymes. Material and Method: This case-control study was conducted during March 2015 to October 2016 At S.C.B Medical College, Cuttack, Odisha. The study included 186 subjects (86 irritable bowel syndrome patients as per the Rome III criteria and hundred matched controls). Plasma fasting glucose, serum lipid profile, hepatic marker enzymes were analysed by commercial kits adapted to automated clinical chemistry analyser and serum fasting insulin was estimated by kits adapted to Lisa Scan................
Keywords: Irritable bowel syndrome, liver enzymes, obesity, nonalcoholic liver disease
[1]. Caricilli AM, Saad MJ. The role of gut microbiota on insulin resistance. Nutrients 2013;5:829-51.
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Abstract: In Nigeria, malaria consistently ranks among the five most common cause of death in children. This study investigated the prevalence of malaria and socioeconomic status of someresidents of Emohua Community, Rivers State, Nigeria.Following ethical clearance which was obtained from the University of Port Harcourt and the parents of the subjects who gave their written consents, blood samples were collected through vein puncture from 200 subjects within the age 0-17years, from July 2014-February 2015. Structured questionnaire were administered to the subjects and parents provided answers for younger children.Thick and Thin films were examined microscopically using oil immersion objective following the standardparasitological method............
Keywords: Malaria parasitaemia, Socio-economic status, Emohua community, Rivers State, Nigeria.
[1]. Abah, A.E. and Joe-Cliff, O (2016), Current status of malaria parasite among blood donorsin Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria Journal of Applied Science and Environmental Management 20(1):187-191
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Abstract: The present study was conducted in Diyala province for the period from15/ 1 / 2016 to 15 / 12/ 2016, In the Central Blood Bank in the public Health Laboratory in Diyala. The aim of the study was to detection the rate of Occult Hepatitis B virus infection among blood donors using ELISA test to screening different serological markers (HBs Ag, anti- HBs and anti- HBc IgM). The study included; 200 apparently healthy blood donors were attended central blood bank in Diyala. 183of blood donors were males and 17 were females. The age range was 18 years to 58 years............
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Quantized Mitochondrial Metabolism |
Country | : | Greece |
Authors | : | Ioannis Rekkas || Panagiotis Kordatzis |
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: | 10.9790/3008-1201012230 ![]() |
Abstract: Mitochondrial biology is a rapidly growing sector, attracting the attention of many researchers. In particular, research on processes related to reactive oxygen species (ROS) and understanding of the risks associated with their production at mammalian mitochondria, has made significant progress in recent years. ROS production process has found to play a role in the development of diseases such as Alzheimer, Parkinson's, cancer, aging etc. Despite the fact that combating ROS has been the focus of many research groups...........
Keywords: Abrikosov's quantum flux, Alzheimer, cancer, Parkinson's, ROS.
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Abstract: Peanut is commonly consumed in many forms. The ubiquitous presence of peanut in processed food is responsible for an increasing number of allergic reactions due to accidental ingestion. The prevalence of peanut allergy seems to be underestimated in the African population possibly because of the lack of testing and clinical documentation. In this study, a comparison was made between raw and roasted peanut seeds from cultivars of Côte d'Ivoire (ARA-CI) and raw peanut seeds from the cultivar Georgia Green, grown commercially in the USA. The main objective of this study was to identify the protein profile of peanut seeds from Côte d'Ivoire and compare it with the molecular specificities of major allergens of Georgia green seeds from the USA using a combination of two methods..........
Keywords: Peanuts, allergy, Ara h1, Ara h2 and Ara h3, SDS-PAGE, Western blot, Côte d'Ivoire
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Abstract: The present study was carried out to explore the production of antibiotics from soil microbes of medicinal Plant Curcuma longa (Turmeric). Soil samples of the Curcuma longa rhizosphere regions were collected from the different region in Akola City, Western Vidharbh region of Maharashtra. The bacterial culture from the soil samples were collected by the serial dilution and spread plate technique. The total 16 culture have been isolated from the soil samples and out of total 16 only 3 have been characterized which are potent isolates. These 3 isolates are active against the selected pathogens, E. coli, P. aeruginosa and S.aureus. These samples were labelled as S1,S2 and S3..........
Keywords: Antimicrobial, rhizospheric and curcuma longa
[1]. Harikrishna Yadav Nanganuru (2013) : Effect Of Concentration Of Ocimumsactum Linn (Tulsi) Leaves Extract On The Α- Amylase, Α- Glocusidase Activity And Microorganism Growth. International Journal Of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology,2(2) : 2277-9655.
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[3]. Amit pande and Tanya Malviya (2014): Production of Antibiotics Isolated from Soil Bacteria from Rhizospheric and Non-Rhizospheric Region of Medicinal Plants. Indian journal of applied research, 4(8) :25-32 [4]. M. Wink, A.W. Alfermann, R. Franke et al(2005):Sustainable bioproduction of phytochemicals by plant in vitro cultures: anticancer agents.Plant Genet. Res., 3 (2005), pp. 90–100 [5]. Sahdeo Prasad and Bharat B. Aggarwal Turmeric, the Golden Spice From Traditional Medicine to Modern Medicine, Herbal Medicine: Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects. 2nd edition.2011
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Abstract: The rhizomes of Ginger (Zingiberofficinale), Turmeric (Curcuma longa), Licorice (Glycyrrhizaglabra), the bark of Cinnamon tree,(Cinnamomumzeylanicum) and the calyces of red Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.)are herbs used in thishepatoprotective studies. This study evaluates the hepatoprotective activity of water extract mixtures using carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced liver injury in rats.In vitroantioxidant activity of plant water extracts was determined using DPPH. The water extractmixtures wereadministered for 10 days; on the 10thday all rats were challenged with CCl4 except control group animals. Aspartate aminotransferase (AST),..........
Keywords: Liver and kidney disorders, hepatoprotective activity, serum markers,CCl4 , histopathology.
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Abstract: Poly-β-hydroxybutyrate acid (PHB) is thermoplastic biopolymers, synthesized by some bacterial genera under stress conditions. The degradation of PHB was detected in Petri dish by formation of a clear zone around the fungal colonies due to production of depolymerase enzyme which has interesting role in PHB degradation process. The most active PHB degrader fungi was selected and identified as Aspergillus fumigates using morphological characters..........
Keywords: Depolymerase, Aspergillus fumigates, PHB, degradation, bioplastics
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Abstract: Esophageal cancer ranks sixth among all cancers in mortality. Advances in medical research have led to improved prognosis and quality of life (QOL) and increased survival rates. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the ethnicity-wise risk factors and quality of life in esophageal cancer patients from Jammu region. Materials and Methods: A retrospective case control study was conducted from Oct' 2007- July' 2013. Study population was divided into three ethnicity groups- Kashmiri, Pahadi and Dogri. Information on sociodemographic profile, medical and family history was collected using standard questionnaires. The details of the patients required by European Organization for Research and Training in Cancer, the OESophageal module..........
Keywords: Esophageal cancer, Quality of Life, Survival, Jammu, India
[1]. Sehgal S, Kaul S, Gupta BB, Dhar MK. Risk factors and survival analysis of the esophageal cancer in the population of Jammu,
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Abstract: Consumption of takeaway and fast food by young adolescents is no longer confined to the developed countries; it has spread to the developing countries as well. The culture of fast food consumption has replaced the traditional meal among university students and is a great public health concern. Excessive consumption of fast food is responsible for obesity epidemics and the cause of a dramatic increase of obesity-related diseases. A cross-sectional study was carried out from March to December, 2015 among students attending in five established Universities of Bangladesh, Dhaka University, Jahangirnagar University, American International University of Bangladesh, Gono University and Sher-e-Bangla Agriculture University...........
Keywords: Diseases, Health, Fast food/Junk food, Lifestyle
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Abstract: This work provides a detailed systematic morphology by optic and Scanning electron microscopy of two parasites Raillietina echinobothriida Megnin, 1880 and Spirora meleagaris n. sp. infecting domesticated turkey. The present study includes some important characters that not recorded in previous description. SEM revealed that the tegument of the first cestode exhibits, filamentous, microtriches and sensory papillae densely covered the tegument of entire body, rostellum armed with two rows of hummer-shaped hooks and provide by 16 – 20 rows of small, rose thorn-shaped accessory spines. In addition, the present studies have observed a number of taxonomic features..........
Keywords: Raillietina echinobothriida, spirorid parasites, Meleagris gallopavo, aves, spirura, Egypt.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Antibiotic Use and Misuse Among Adults in Magwagwa Ward, Nyamira County in Kenya |
Country | : | Kenya |
Authors | : | John Ombusuro Nyambega |
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: | 10.9790/3008-1201018792 ![]() |
Abstract: Self-medication is a public health concern in many countries, especially developing countries. Self-medication is the intake of drugs without medical supervision. This has resulted in serious health implications. This study investigated the level of knowledge, attitude and practices of adults toward self-medication. The study was conducted in Magwagwa ward, the population involved adults aged 18-75 years old both male and female. 385 participants were randomly selected. The study was conducted in the months of October and November 2016. A structured questionnaire was administered to the respondents and data was collected, analyzed in SPSS vs 20. 198 (66%) were females and 102 (34%) were males..........
Keywords: Antibiotics, antimalarial drugs, antimicrobial resistance, non-prescription, over-the-counter drugs, and Self-medication
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Abstract: The determination of phytochemical constituents, total phenol, flavonoid contents and antioxidant assays of methanol extract of Ulothrix flacca and its main constituent dimethyl sulfone was studied. The mass spectra of the compounds were matched with the NIST library. The GC-MS analysis of methanol extracts of Ulothrix flacca showed sixteen peaks. Of all the sixteen chemical compounds revealed from the GC-MS analysis of Ulothrix flacca, Dimethyl Sulfone (C2H6O2S) (RT-8.9), 4-Bromobenzoic Acid, 2-Chlorophenyl Ester (C13H8BrClO2) (RT-12.642), Tetradecanoic Acid, 10,13-Dimethyl-, Methyl Ester (C17H34O2) (RT-18.669) are the three major components...........
Keywords: GC-MS analysis, Antioxidant assays, Ulothrix flacca, Dimethyl Sulfone.
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Abstract: Twenty two bacterial isolates were obtained from oil contaminated soil, collected from some oil stations in Jeddah. All the obtained bacterial isolates were screened on Tween-Yeast extract medium for lipase production. Three bacterial isolates HM10, HM15 and HM20 showed the highest growth and lipase production agar medium, thus they were grown in liquid olive oil medium at 120 rpm. Maximum lipase production was obtained by the isolate HM10. The isolate HM10 was characterized and identified through physiological, biochemical tests and culture characteristics in addition to 16S rDNA as Bacillus coagulans. The effects of different factors on the enzyme production were studied...........
Keywords: Lipase, Bacillus, Tween, olive oil, Enzyme, production
[1]. Abdul Hamid NS, Zen HB, Tein OB, Halifah YM, Saari N (2003). Screening and identification of extracellular lipase-producing thermophilic bacteria from a Malaysian hot spring. World J. Microbiol. Biotech., 19(9): 961-968.
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Abstract: The bacterial family Enterobacteriaceae and fungal genus Candida have continued to be a great challenge worldwide including resistance to antibiotics and relapse of infections mediated by them. Among these organisms, Salmonella typhi, Shigella species, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli strains have emerged as the most frequent cause of diarrheal illnesses which account for an annual mortality rate of 4.6 million people worldwide and many other infections. Candida albicans has been reported as a causative agent of all types of candidiasis. In the present study, the efficacy of plants commonly used plants in Transmara west, Kenya against these microbes was investigated.........
Keywords: Efficacy, Enterobacteria, Medicinal, Phytochemicals, Transmara west
[1]. Paterson, D. L. (2006). Resistance in gram-negative bacteria: Enterobacteriaceae. American Journal of Infectious Diseases Control, 34: 21-28.
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Abstract: There is an increase in overall health awareness in Saudi Arabia due to a rising rate of diseases such as diabetes and heart diseases in addition to obesity. Thus, Saudi Ministry of Health initiates many programs to improve their eating and drinking habitats. Black and green tea were used as healthy drinks to alternative high-calorie, sugary drinks. The effect of black and green tea consumption on serum lipid and glucose levels in untreated and galactosamine treated male Wistar rats was detected. In this study, male Wistar rats (90) were divided to 3 groups, the first one, 30 rats that drank water, the second group, 30 rats drank 2% green tea and the third group is 30 rats that drank 2% black tea for 4 weeks...........
Keywords: Male rats, lipids, D-Galactosamine, blood, back tea, green tea, liver, cholesterol cholesterol
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Abstract: Background: Bacteriuria is associated with significant maternal and foetal risks. However, its prevalence is not well known in our community. Objectives: Determine the prevalence and predictors of bacteriuria in women of the Benghazi, Libya as well as the antibiotic sensitivity patterns of bacterial isolates. Methods: Across-sectional study was carried out amongst pregnant and non pregnant women attending many poly clinics in Benghazi. We recruited 120 consenting women (60 pregnant and 60 non pregnant) for the study. Demographic and clinical data were collected using structured questionnaire. Clean catch midstream urine was collected from each participant. Samples were examined biochemically, microscopically and by culture..........
Keywords: Antibiotics, Bacteriuria, Libya, Pregnant , Urinary tract infections, Women.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Biodiversity Studies of Insect Fauna of Ajmer order Diptera |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Rashmi Sharma || D. D. Sharma |
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: | 10.9790/3008-120101138139 ![]() |
Abstract: Ajmer is located in the center of Rajasthan (INDIA) between 25 0 38 " and 26 0 58 " north 75 0 22" east longitude covering a geographical area of about 8481sq km hemmed in all sides by Aravalli hills . About 7 miles from the city is Pushkar lake created by the touch of lord Brahma. The Dargah of khawaja Moinuddin chisti is holiest shrine next to Mecca in the world. Ajmer is abode of certain flora and fauna that are particularly endemic to semi-arid and are specially adapted to survive in the dry waterless region of the state. Order Diptera comprise of flies two winged true flies hind wings reduced to balancing organ halters..........
Keywords: Ajmer , Faunal diversity, Diptera , Aravalis.
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Abstract: Background: CK and phosphorus are helpful biomarker for detection of early renal abnormality particularly CK which has been shown to be abetter predicator of acute renal failure. Objectives: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study. Conducted in Khartoum and White Nile state from March to June 2016.The aim of this study to assess serum creatine kinase (CK) activity and inorganic phosphate concentrations in Sudanese patients with sickle cell anemia. 80 subjects were enrolled in this study they were classified into 40 with sickle cell disease (SCD) as casegroup and 40 healthy apparently as control group. CK activity and phosphorus level was measured by using Spectrophotometry method..........
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Abstract: The molecular properties of compounds expressing growth inhibition of Mycobacterium tuberculosis are determined and examined for underlying relationships by pattern recognition methods. Pattern recognition methods such as hierarchical cluster analysis will show relationships between compounds. Descriptive statistical analysis of molecular properties reveal commonality among bacteriostatic compounds. Outliers within any category of descriptor is identified by Grubb's test. Potency of growth inhibition measured as MIC (minimum inhibitory concentration) after in vitro evaluation will be compared and analyzed. Structure moieties and their effect on activity is identified...........
Keywords: Mycobacterium tuberculosis, tuberculostats, hydrazide, antimicrobial
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