Version-4 (March-April 2018)
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Abstract: Aim: Herbal preparations are produced from separate plants, various plant combinations or combinations of different species of the same plant. Nauclea latifolia root, Acalypha torta leaves, Gongronema latifolium leaves, Cinchona calisaya bark and Moringa oleifera leaves are Nigerian medicinal plants with scientifically established antidiabetic properties. The antidiabetic activities of various combinations of these plant samples were then studied in alloxan-induced diabetic wistar albino rats to determine the most efficacious combination (ratio). Materials and Methods: Diabetes mellitus was induced with alloxan monohydrate, 150.0 mg/kg wt. (i.p). The various plant samples were collected, washed, dried and pulverized. Various combinations (A – H) of the above plants were prepared by mixing varying ratios of the samples. Different groups of diabetic rats were treated with 50.0.........
Keywords: Antidiabetic, Nauclea latifolia, Acalypha torta, Gongronema latifolium, Cinchona calisaya, Moringa oleifera
[1]. Aka, P.A., Uzodinma, S.U and Okolo, C.E. (2011). Antidiabetic activity of aqueous and methanol extract and fraction of Gongronema latifolium (Asclepidaceae) leaves in alloxan diabetic rats. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 01 (09): 99 – 102.
[2]. Aravind, K., Pradeepa, R and Deepa, R. (2002). Diabetes and coronary artery disease. Indian Journal of Medical Research, 116:163 – 176.
[3]. Association of Offical Analytical Chemists. Analytical Oficial Methods of analysis. 14.ed. Washington DC; 1984.
[4]. Bahar A., Tawfeq, A.A., Jaber, S.M and Kehel, T. (2005). Isolation, antihypertensive activity, structure-activity relationship of flavonoids from three medicinal plants. Indian Journal of Chemistry, 44B: 400 – 404.
[5]. Bohanaam, B.A and Kocepal, A.C. (1974). Flavonoid and condensed tannins from leaves of Hawaiian vaccinium and V. calycinum. Pacific Science, 48: 458 – 463.
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Abstract: Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) used to be the mainstay of topical therapy in the management of ocular inflammations. Aceclofenac (ACF) possesses better analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory efficacy than other NSAIDs. Aceclofenac eye drop is not available in the market so this study is considered as a novel approach to formulate ACF eye drops to reduce eye inflammation. The goal of the present study was to formulate ACF eye drop using different polymers such as hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC), capobol 934 (CP 934) and sodium alginate (S. Alg). These formulae were evaluted with respect to drug content, pH, viscosity, in-vitro release, and stability for 6 months. Kinetic analysis of the release data was done. The efficacy of the selected formulation (FI) against...........
Keywords: Aceclofenac, eye drops, stability study, anti-inflammatory efficacy.
[1]. M Ahuja, AS Dhake, SK Sharma and DK Majumdar, Topical ocular delivery of NSAIDs, The AAPS journal, 10(2), 2008, 229-241.
[2]. PT Peneva, Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for topical ophthalmic administration: contemporary trends, International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 7(9), 2015, 13-19.
[3]. IP Kaur, M Singh and M Kanwar, Formulation and evaluation of ophthalmic preparations of acetazolamide, International journal of pharmaceutics, 199(2), 2000, 119-127.
[4]. V Dave and S Paliwal, A novel approach to formulation factor of aceclofenac eye drops efficiency evaluation based on physicochemical characteristics of in vitro and in vivo permeation, Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal, 22(3), 2014, 240-245.
[5]. S Srinivas, YA Kumar, A Hemanth and M Anitha, Preparation and evaluation of niosomes containing aceclofenac, Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 5(1), 2010, 249-254.
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Abstract: Background: Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) Is A Chronic Inflammatory Disease Of The Axial Skeleton Manifested By Back Pain And Progressive Stiffness Of The Spine. It Characteristically Affects Young Adults With A Peak Age Of Onset Between 20 And 30 Years(1).There Is Evidence That Calprotectin Plays An Important Role In Regulating Inflammatory And Immune Processes Via Several Mechanisms. Calprotectin Promotes Migration Of Phagocytes To The Sites Of Inflammation And Is Recognized By Toll-Like Receptor-4 On Monocytes(2).In General, Calprotectin Has Been Considered To Be An Important Molecule Contributing To Inflammation (3). Objective: To Evaluate The Role Of Calprotectin (S-100 Protein) In Iraqi Patients With Ankylosing Spondylitis And Its Relation With Treatment And Disease Activity.Results: Ninety (90) Subjects Were Included In This Study, Sixty (60) Of Them...........
Keywords: Ankylosing Spondylitis,Calprotectin.
[1]. Collantes E, Zarco P, Moňus E, Et Al. Disease Pattern Of Spondylarthropathies In Spain: Description Of The First National Registry (REGISPONSER) Extended Report. Rheumatology (Oxford) 2007; 46:1309.
[2]. Ehrchen JM, Sunderkötter C, Foell D, Vogl T, Roth J. The Endogenous Toll-Like Receptor 4 Agonist S100A8/S100A9 (Calprotectin) As Innate Amplifier Of Infection, Autoimmunity, And Cancer. J. Leukoc. Biol.86,557–566 (2009).
[3]. Foell D, Wittkowski H, Vogl T, Roth J. S100 Proteins Expressed In Phagocytes: A Novel Group Of Damage-Associated Molecular Pattern Molecules. J. Leukoc. Biol.81,28–37 (2007).
[4]. Rudwaleit M, Claudepierre P, Wordsworth P, Et Al. Effectiveness, Safety, And Predictors Of Good Clinical Response In 1250 Patients Treated With Adalimumab For Active Ankylosing Spondylitis. J Rheumatol 2009; 36:801..
[5]. Cawley MI, Chalmers TM, Kellgren JH, Ball J. Destructive Lesions Of Vertebral Bodies In Ankylosing Spondylitis. Ann Rheum Dis 1972; 31:345..
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Abstract: Nephrotic Syndrome (NS) is defined by the presence of nephrotic range proteinuria, edema hyperlipidemia and hypoalbuminemia. Nephrotic syndrome in children is the most common renal disease in Indonesia. Steroid in NS could lower mortality rate. Long term of steroid has gained notoriety due to its tendency to induce multiple side effects, including higher intraocular pressure (IOP). The aim of this current study to determine ocular abnormalities in children such as higher IOP with NS from prolonged corticosteroid therapy. A serial prospective analytic case study was conducted at the Adam Malik Hospital from march 2015 to august 2015 after approved by The.........
Keywords: nephrotic syndrome, steroid, intraocular pressure (IOP).
[1] Gordillo r, a spitzer. The nephrotic syndrome in pediatrics in review/american academy of pediatrics.2009;30(3):94-104
[2] Arneil gc. The nephrotic syndrome. Pediatrclin north am. 1971;18:547-59
[3] Srivasta t, simon sd, alon us. High incidence of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis in nephrotic syndrome of childhood. Pediatrnephrol 1999;13:13-18
[4] Lennon rl, watson, webb nja. Nephrotic syndrome in children. Paediatrics and child health. 2010;20 (1):36-42
[5] Gipson ds, powell l, massengil sf, yao l. Management of childhood onset nephrotic syndrome. Pediatrics. 2009; 124(2):747-757
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Abstract: The present study was performed for the first time in AL-Rusafa Institute of Management Baghdad province to estimate the prevalence of toxoplasmosis among males. Toxoplasma gondii is a unique intracellular parasite, which infects a large proportion of the world, population, but clinically uncommonly causes significant disease. From 200 healthy males blood samples were collected their ages between (19 – 58) years. The results indicated that 50 % of males were exposed to positive for anti-Toxoplasma antibodies, 7.5% of them had IgM, 42.5 % had IgG, and statistically they were significant differences between them. The current study also showed that the highest positive percentage with T. gondii at age (19 – 28) years 35.29 % while the lowest percentage at age (49-58) 12.94 %. Seropositive toxoplasmosis was higher in male's inhabited rural region 84%, than in male's inhabited urban region........
[1] Beaver. P.C. (1984) . Clinical parasitology. 9thed .and Febiger, Philadelphia .pp: 167 -72
[2] Kasper, H. and Wilson, J. (1998). Toxoplasma infection. McGraw-Hill, Health professions Division: 1197-202.
[3] Raisanen, S. A. (1978). The importance of trophozoites in transmission of toxoplasmosis: survival and pathogenity of Toxoplasma gondii trophozoites in liquid media. Med. Hypotheses 4: 367 - 375
[4] Dubey J.P.and Jones J.L. (2008). Toxoplasma gondii infection in humans and animals in the United States. Int J Parasitol, 38:1257-1278.
[5] Kravetz, J. D. and Federman, D. G. (2002). Cat-associated zoonoses. Archives of Int. Med.; 162: 1945-1952
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Abstract: The association between tuberculosis (TB) and Diabetes Mellitus (DM) has been established by multiple epidemiological studies worldwide. This study aims to find the prevalence of DM in TB patients in Bangladesh and attempts to investigate other factors associated to DM after a comparative analysis between TB and TB-DM groups. A descriptive cross sectional survey was done among 100 TB patients admitted in NIDCH, Dhaka using a structured questionnaire and interview, and data collected from their clinical records. Statistical analysis was carried out to find the association between TB and DM and other socio-demographic variables. Out of 100 patients admitted to NIDCH, 37% of the patients were diabetics. Majority of both groups had pulmonary TB and exhibited multi drug resistance. Amongst the TB-DM group, majority had Type 2 diabetes, poor glycemic control and reported having major complications of their co-morbidity. Males and middle aged (31-50) were more in TB-DM group while females.........
Keywords: Association, co-morbidity, diabetes, tuberculosis, prevalence.
[1] K.P.Vasudevan, S.Govindarajan,P. Chinnakali ,K.C. Panigrahi and S. Raghuraman,Prevalenceof diabetes mellitus among Tuberculosis patients in urban Puducherry,North Am J Med Sci,6(1),2014, 30-34.
[2] B.I. Restrepo,A.J. Camerlin,M.H. Rahbar,W. Wang,M.A. Restrepo, I. Zarate et al.,Cross-sectional assessment reveals high diabetes prevalence among newly-diagnosed tuberculosis cases. Bull World Health Organ,89(5),2011,317-392.
[3] C.Y.Jeon, M.B. Murray, Diabetes Mellitus increases the risk of active Tuberculosis: A Systematic Review of 13 observational studies.PLOS MED,5(7),2008,e152.
[4] M.J. Magee,R.R. Kempker,M. Kipiani,N.R. Gandhi,L. Darchia,N. Tukvadze et al.,Diabetes mellitus is associated with cavities, smear grade, and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Georgia,Int J Tuberc Lung Dis,19(6),2015,685-692.
[5] Q. Wang,A. Ma, X. Han, S. Zhao, J. Cai,Y. Ma et al.,Prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes among newly detected Pulmonary Tuberculosis patients in China: A community based cohort study.PLOS ONE,8(12),2013, e82660.
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Abstract: Autism Affects Normal Development Of The Brain In Areas Of Social Communication And Interaction. Pharmaceutical Treatments As, Risperidone Can Help Alleviate Some Behavioral Symptoms Of Autism, Such As Irritability And Aggression. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Is A New Effective Approach To Treating Autism. Purpose: To Compare Between The Effects Of Using Hyperbaric Oxygen Versus Risperidoneon These Children With Autistic Features. Patient And Method: Prospective, Controlled And Comparative Randomized Clinical Trial Conducted On Eighty Children (5-7 Years Old) Diagnosed As Autism Based On The Second Edition Of Childhood Rating Scale Standard Version (Cars 2) And Follow Up For 2 Years........
Keywords: Behavior; Development; Communication; Irritability; Aggression; Childhood Rating Scale Score.
[1] Association, D.-A.P., Diagnostic And Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders. Arlington: American Psychiatric Publishing, 2013.
[2] Chaste, P. And M. Leboyer, Autism Risk Factors: Genes, Environment, And Gene-Environment Interactions. Dialogues In Clinical Neuroscience, 2012. 14(3): P. 281.
[3] Rossignol, D.A. And R.E. Frye, A Review Of Research Trends In Physiological Abnormalities In Autism Spectrum Disorders: Immune Dysregulation, Inflammation, Oxidative Stress, Mitochondrial Dysfunction And Environmental Toxicant Exposures. Molecular Psychiatry, 2012. 17(4): P. 389-401.
[4] Volkmar, F., Et Al., Practice Parameter For The Assessment And Treatment Of Children And Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal Of The American Academy Of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 2014. 53(2): P. 237-257.
[5] Leclerc, S. And D. Easley, Pharmacological Therapies For Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Review. Pharmacy And Therapeutics, 2015. 40(6): P. 389.
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Abstract: Background: In the world there are plenty of parasites such as intestinal parasites and freshwater parasites. Protozoa is one of the most well-known intestinal parasites; which also lives in humans' intestine. Those which survive in the guts of humans can cause severe and serious disease. These protozoa are like amoeba, flagellates, ciliates and coccidians. Objective: This article was aimed to evaluate the diseases caused by the common intestinal protozoa of humans and their symptoms, prevention & treatment. Methods:Survey of different literatures on the topic. Results: Toxoplasmosis, leishmaniasis and dysentery were the most common diseases caused by intestinal parasites. Conclusion: Concerned organizations like WHO and UNFDP have to emphasize in preventive and curative aspects of the intestinal parasites..
Keywords: Protozoa, literature survey, Treatment, Intestines
[1] Absar alum, Joseph Rubino, & M.khaled Ijaz, 2010, the global war against intestinal parasite, International journal of infectious Diseases, USA.
[2] Ali ik, Clark CG & Petrri W, 2008, Molecular Epidemiology of Amoebiasis, Infect genet evo 18(5).
[3] Brooke, M.M, Dorothy Melvin, M., and Healy, G.R., 1983, Common Intestinal Protozoa of Humans, Atlanta, Georgia.
[4] Cabada M.D, 2007, Intestinal Protozoa of Revalence, Lima, Peru.
[5] Hickman p., Roberts, Larson and I "Anson, 2004, Integrated principles of zoology, McGraw-Hill, New York.
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Abstract: Melatonin is an important hormone that mediates circadian rhythm which is the day – dark cycle of the body based on 24-hr period. Patients who are subjected to light at night, night shift work or bad sleep habits may suppress this normal nocturnal production of melatonin and increase the release of estrogen by the ovaries which may finally lead to breast cancer. 95 patients were interviewed and asked to fulfill a questionnaire from King Abdullah University Hospital. The socio-demographic data was clearly associated in a positive way with breast cancer. The bedroom environment negatively influenced the probability of breast cancer occurrence. In conclusion further studies of sleep habits and electrical light intensity at night should be done to clarify their effect on breast cancer occurrence in Jordanian females.
Keywords: Breast cancer, Melatonin, Night-shift, Smoking.
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[3] Coon, S. L.; Roseboom, P. H.; Baler, R.; Weller, J. L.; Namboodiri, M.; Koonin, E. V.; Klein, D. C., Pineal serotonin N-acetyltransferase: expression cloning and molecular analysis. Science 1995, 270 (5242), 1681-1683.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Isolation and Identification of the Candida Yeast by Using Different Techniques |
Country | : | Iraq |
Authors | : | Marwakadhimkhudhair |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/3008-130205258 ![]() |
Abstract: A sample of (402) of diabetic patients, pregnant women, TB patients and children patients. The Candida albicans has formulated isolation averages of (54.40%) from 142 isolates, the fallowing Candida dubliniensis has formulated isolation averages of (12.69%) of 33 isolates These sample has been collected from the beginning of October 2011 to the end of May2012This study at usingdifferent isolation media to identify the Candida albicans yeast and the Candida dubliniensis yeast because the latter kind of yeast share a lot of features with the former one .CHROM agar Candida which is one of pigmented medium, has been utilized to differentiatedifferent Candida species depending on color and appearance of the colony, Candida albicans appear light green while Candida dubliniensis appear dark green. Tobacco agar has also been utilized to identify the two yeast by the.......
[1] Yas, N. S. (1989). Prevalence of Candida albicansin the oral cavity of new born infants. MSc. Thesis,College of dent. Baghdad.
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[3] Sarhan, Abdul –RidhaTaha.(2012) Practical Mycology .Madinat AL-Elim College .Baghdad university .1st version 359-360.
[4] Mirhendi, S.H.; Makimura, K.; Khoramizadeh, M., and Yamaguchi, H.,(2006). A one- enzyme PCR- RFLP assay for identification of six medically importantCandida species Jap. J. Med. Mycol. 47: 225-229.
[5] Walsh, T. J.; Francesconi, A.; Kasai, Miki; Chanock, S. J. (1995).PCR and Single-Strand Conformational Polymorphism for Recognition of Medically Important Opportunistic Fungi.Journal of clinicmicrobiology, Vol. 33 No. 12, 3216–3220.
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Abstract: Mud pack and bath have been used to treat musculoskeletal disorders since ancient times. However, the actual mechanisms of action of mud therapy on the inflammatory processes are complex and still not clarified. Therefore, the clinical effects of serial mud baths on the inflammatory processes in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and ankylosing spondylitis (AS) were investigated on the molecular level. A total of forty-one patients were recruited from an in-patient rheumatology clinic. The participants were randomized in 2 groups: the intervention group (IG: n = 21: 17 RA, 4 AS patients) underwent 9 mud bath applications in 21 days and a standardized multimodal physical therapy in an inpatient setting, whereas the control group (CG: n = 20: 16 RA, 4 AS patients) only received the multimodal physical therapy (MPT). The main outcome measures were the serum levels of interleukin.......
[1] Braun J, van den Berg R, Baraliakos X, et al. 2010 update of the ASAS/EULAR recommendations for the management of ankylosing spondylitis. Ann Rheum Dis 2011; 70:896-904.
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