Series-1 (Jul. – Aug. 2022)Jul. – Aug. 2022 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: With the change of educational paradigm in the present era of Information Technology, scholars are increasingly emphasizing the need for integrating ICT in education. Aligned with the present national educational policy of Bangladesh, a good number of projectsare being run at college level to equip the teachers with the skills and knowledge to use ICT in their pedagogy. However, in many cases teachers are still found to be underperforming. This qualitative study is an attempt to study the influencing factors for teachers' motivation to use ICT in their classes at one government college in Bangladesh. After a relevant literature review, three Individual interviews and one Group Interview were used for collecting qualitative dataThe study has found that lack of ICT supporting resources in the institution, inadequate training facilities for the teachers as well as some other related intrinsic factors like teachers' satisfaction in working with ICT are the demotivating factors in the study area. Based on the findings, the study also suggests some ways to address the issue of teachers' motivation for using ICT in theirclasses.
Key words: ICT, Motivation, Instruction
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Development of Critical Thinking as the Primarygoal of Educational Process |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dr. Manorath Dahal |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1204010911 ![]() |
Abstract: The primary objective of the educational process is the development of critical thinking. Today, educational institutions around the globe are realizing how crucial it is for students to improve their critical thinking abilities. Every person has access to a wealth of knowledge at his fingertips thanks to the internet and mobile computing devices in this era of information. Many people struggle to locate "write my essays" services. The ability to distinguish between true and untrue, pertinent and unimportant, and bias and impartial information is known as critical thinking. Success in this fiercely competitive world requires the ability to think creatively. All businesses are seeking someone with this competence since they are able to make wise decisions in pressure-filled scenarios.
Key words: Education, Critical, Primary
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Abstract: The quality of teaching for physics pedagogical students does not depend on the knowledge that students acquire, but on the competence to apply that knowledge in real life and career. The article presents the content of the course-oriented questionnaire "Optics". This is also one of the teaching methods to develop learners' competence, thereby improving competence professionaland applying knowledge to the life of physics pedagogical students..
Key words: Competence, questions, physics pedagogical students, optics
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Abstract: The paper examined the implication of covid-19 pandemic and how it led to social vices in the society. The first identified amid an outbreak of respiratory illness cases in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China. It was initially reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) on December 31, 2019. On January 30, 2020, the WHO declared the COVID-19 outbreak a global health emergency. On March 11, 2020, the WHO declared COVID-19 a global pandemic, its first such designation since declaring H1N1 influenza a pandemic in 2009. The coronavirus entered Nigeria through an infected Italian citizen who came in contact with a Nigerian citizen who was subsequently infected with the coronavirus. The social vices include drugs abuse, examination malpractice, domestic violence, child abuse.......
Key words: Covid-19, Pandemic, social vices, lockdown, counselling remedies
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Abstract: Background: Thischemistrycardmediaprovidesopportunitiesforstudentstolearnactivelyanddevelopcreativeabilitiesinunderstandingchemistryusinggames. The form of playing card games in chemistry learning is not muchdifferent from playing card games encountered in everyday life. The maindifference lies in the cards and the rules of the game as well as in the writingandpicturesintheformofquestions.Itspurposeistotrainstudents'skillsandmemoryandincreasestudents'interestinlearning.Thecolloidsysteminthe delivery of teacher material tends to use the lecture method. In this learningmethod, the position and role of the teacher tend to be more dominant, whiletheactivenessofstudentsistoolow.......
Key Word: Digital; Kami Kita; Colloid
[1]. Idris, Z. Pengembangan Media PembelajaranKartuRemiKoloidMelalui Model Pembelajaran Discovery Learning PadaMateriSistemKoloid. Indonesia: Universitas Mulawarman.2018
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Abstract: The contemporary methods used in education impose the need to implement frequent changes in the methods and the ways used to realize the teaching content, as well as the other types of activities in and out of school that present a tool for betterment of the quality of the whole educational process which effects reflect on the development of the character of every student. These kinds of methods require, before all else, a big engagement from the teachers and their full preparation to accept these changes as a challenge, which on the other hand it creates a necessity of their lifelong learning and continuous professional development. The changes that come out of the contemporary methods during a teaching process more frequently imposes the need to develop the medial-didactic competencies of the teachers. With one goal, which the teachers develop to the required level, a teacher needs to have a "strong" mental model which will go in favor of accepting and implementing the changes as an opportunity, not only that but also as a mission that comes out of the responsibility of the profession that they have chosen to do.
Key words: organizational learning, mental models, changes, medial-didactic competencies, inclusive climate and culture
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Abstract: Background:In teaching a foreign language, lecturers are required not only to become proficient in the foreign language they teach, but also to be able to explain linguistic phenomena of the foreign language during the learning process. Linguistic competence possessed by learners can aid them learn a language. This study aims to investigate the English lecturers' levels of understanding of linguistics. The understanding of linguistics encompasses the knowledge of phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics. Materials and Methods: The research participants were 50 English lecturers from various universities. A survey was conducted to collect the data, assisted.......
Key Word:Linguistics; Foreign Language; Levels of Understanding
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Abstract: Background: Materials and Methods: This phenomenological qualitative study was done in four different public and private medical universities of Karachi from 15 October to 30th November, 2021 after getting approval from the IRB of Jinnah Sindh Medical University, Karachi. Two focus group discussions and seven in-depth interviews were conducted with heads and faculty members of medical universities. Participants were recruited purposively based on the experience of working from home during a pandemic. Thematic analysis was done by both deductive and inductive approaches. Results: The five themes that emerged included effect on work focus and output, effect on teaching and learning, effect on personal and family life, effect on environment and economy and Suitability of WFH. The participants liked the flexibility of WFH in terms of.......
Key Word: COVID-19 strategies, Work from home, medical universities
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Abstract: Information communication and technology (ICT) is a core aspect of Kenyan society in terms of development, hence it's full utilization will in effects lead to proper achievement of vision 2030 and make Kenya one of the worlds' ICT hub. Kenya is in the process of fully integrating ICT in the new education system or Competence based curriculum (CBC). The author's interaction with pupils, pre-school and primary schools teacher and parent and with the influence of being a teacher trainer prompted the insightful interest in investigating the variables of this study. The purpose of this study was to analysethe integration of ICT in the education system so as to improve the quality of teaching......
Key Word: Information Communication Technology, learner, Integrating ICT, Early Grade
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Abstract: The article is on poetry teaching and the use of audio-visual materials in classroom interactions.The use of audio-visual materials improves learners understanding of concepts in a better way. The paper highlights on the following; meaning of poetry, types of poetry, audio-visual, types of audio-visual, materials, how to teach poetry with audio-visual, importance of audio-visual in teaching and learning poetry and problems associated with the use of audio-visual materials in classroom interactions. It is imperative that the use of audio-visual materials improve teaching and learning of poetry in secondary schools,teachers' use of audio-visual materials to enhance learners understanding of poetry. Recommendations were made on the ideas highlighted on the paper. Conclusion was drawn in line with the contents of the article..
Key Word: Poetry, teaching, audio-visual, materials and interactions
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Abstract: The role of language education policies in shaping students' career choices, particularly in STEM fields, has gained increasing attention in recent years. In the United States, these policies are crucial in determining how students, especially those from multilingual backgrounds, navigate their educational pathways and pursue careers in engineering and other STEM-related fields. This article explores the impact of language education policies on STEM career choices, focusing on how recent policy changes are inspiring the next generation of engineers in the USA. Through a comprehensive analysis of educational policies, literacy instruction, and culturally responsive....
Keywords STEM Education, Language Policy, Multilingualism, Engineering Careers, Culturally Responsive Teaching, USA Educational Policies, Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)