Series-1 (Sep-Oct-2019)Sep-Oct-2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: The Edea and Eseka area belongs to the Nyong Series which is the north-western extension of the Congo Craton in Cameroon. Structural analyses were carried out in this region in order to delineate the tectonic evolution. The structures of this area are the result of a complex structural evolution and the area experienced a polyphase deformation resulting to a succession of several phases of deformation. Detailed information on the structures and the relative timing of deformation are as follows: (1) an early stage (pre- D1) phase corresponds to the relicts of an early schistosity preserved as inclusion trails in garnet and pyroxene crystals, immediately followed by (2) two main stages (D1 and D2). D1 evolved in tangential movements, it is typically ductile and characterized by a.......
Keywords : Edea and Eseka area; Nyong series; Congo craton; tangential movements; transcurrent tectonic regime; Ogooué metamorphic; Trans-Amazonian belt.
[1]. Ndema Mbongué JL. Evolution tectono-metamorphique de la serie du Nyong à Edea et à Eseka. Thèse de doctorat Ph.D, Université de Yaoundé I. 2016.
[2]. Toteu SF, Penaye J, Van Schmus WR and Michard A. Preliminary U/Pb and Sm/Nd geochronologic data on the North-Central Cameroon: contribution of an Archaean and Paleoproterozoic crust to the edification of an active domain of the Pan-African orogeny. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1994;319:1519-1524
[3]. Lerouge C, Cocherie A, Toteu SF, Penaye J, Milesi JP, Tchameni R, Nsifa NE, Fanning CM and Deloule E. SHRIMP U/Pb zircon age evidence for paleoproterozoic sedimentation and 2.05 Ga syntectonic plutonism in the Nyong Group, South-western Cameroon: consequences for the eburnean-transamazonian belt of NE Brasil and central Africa. J. Afric. Earth Sci. 2006;44:413-427
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Abstract: The research of massive rock extraction site (granite) to Gbamakro (Central Côte d'Ivoire) requires a good knowledge of the subsoil. This requires the implementation of geophysical methods of resistivity (profiling, sounding and electrical tomography). The aim is to determine the lithological and structural characteristics of the study area subsoil. The results show a resistant granite massif with fractures oriented N70 to N120. At north of the site, the fractures are associated with an altered massif. The roof of the massif is located under an altered horizon less than 5 m thick. Except north of the site, where it is at a greater depth (16 m).
Keywords : electrical profiling, electrical sounding, electrical tomography, geophysical.
[1]. D. Same, Hydrogéologie en zone de socle cristallin et cristallophyllien du Sénégal oriental. Application de la méthode électrique 1D et 2D à la localisation et à la caractérisation des aquifères de batholites de Saraya et ses environs, Thèse Doctorat 3éme cycle. Université Cheik Anta Diop, Dakar, 1999.
[2]. L. Marescot, Modélisation directe et inverse en prospection électrique sur des structures 3D complexes par la méthode des éléments finis, Thèse de doctorat ès Géosciences, Université de Nantes et de Lausanne , 2004.
[3]. M. Chouteau et B. Giroux (2006). Méthodes électriques II. Notes de cours. Géophysique appliquée, GLQ 3202. Ecole Polytechnique, France, 2006.
[4]. A. P. Sombo, Application des méthodes de résistivités électriques dans la détermination et la caractérisation des aquifères de socle en Côte d'Ivoire. Cas des départements de Sikensi et de Tiassale (Sud de la Côte d'Ivoire). Thèse de Doctorat. Université Félix Houphouët Boigny de Cocody (Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire), 2012.
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Abstract: Stable isotopes are very useful to trace groundwater from their recharge origin as precipitation. This is due to the conservation of the meteoric signal during its subsurface flow. Thus, is very important to have a local meteoric line (LML) in every world region to more accurately adjust the interpretations of hydrological relationships and processes like recharge areas, evaporation, water mixtures and probable isotopic exchanges with rocks and sediments. The objective of this work is to analyze the isotopic composition of precipitations in the dry sub-humid sector of the Pampa plain of Córdoba, its connection with the meteorological conditions and the temporal variations to improve..........
Keywords : chemistry, isotopes, precipitation, Pampean plain
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Abstract: The study investigated the level of heavy metals in surface waters and sediments in the Lagos Lagoon, Lagos State. Water and sediment samples were collected in sterile plastic containers respectively from 8 sampling locations inclusive of a control. The samples were treated and digested and analyzed using the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS).The t-test, single factor ANOVA, post-hoc means plot and Principal Components Analysis (PCA) were used to analyze data. Cu, Zn, Cd, Mn, Ni,Cr and Fe varied as follows: 1.97-5.60(3.07) mg/L in water columns and 9.9-527.35 ppm in sediments,1.58 – 6.99(3.03 )mg/L in water columns and 37.69 – 875.64 ppm, 0.18–0.93 (0.62)mg/L and 0.37–11.46 ppm, 4.48–11.28 (8.51) mg/L and 184.95–547.45ppm, 9.83-20.50 (14.54.........
Keywords : Surface water, Sediment, Physiochemical, Lagoon, Heavy metals, Industries, Wastes, Pollution
[1]. Olatunji, A.S and Abimbola, A.F, 2010. Geochemical Evaluation of the LagosLagoon Sediments and Water, World Applied Sciences Journal 9 (2): 178-193.
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Abstract: Recently, the deterioration of water quality in the coastal areas of Akwa Ibom State, Southeastern, Nigeria due to saltwater infiltration into the freshwater aquifer has become a major concern. In this study, the geophysical method we adopted was the 2-D Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) using resistivity meter and other accessories to obtain the field data. Wenner electrode configuration with electrode spacing ranging from 5 to 200m was used for field measurement and a total of twenty (20) randomly distributed ERT profiles were covered. The modeled field data revealed the resistivities and depth to bottom layer distribution across the study area with predominant lithologies being coastal plain sands.........
Keywords: Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT); Coastal Aquifer, Saltwater Intrusion; Wenner Array; Nigeria
[1]. K. D. Oyeyemi, A. P. Aizebeokhai and M. A. Oladunjoye, "Integrated Geophysical and Geochemical Investigation of Saline Water Intrusion in a Coastal Alluvial Terrian, Southwestern Nigeria," International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences, Vol.10, No.4, 2015, pp.1275-1288.
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[3]. C. Kalpan, D. K. Saha and P. Chakraborty, "Geophysical Study for Saline Water Intrusion in a Coastal Alluvial Terrian," Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol.48, No.3, 2001, pp.189-200.
[4]. J. Bear, A. H. D. Cheng, S. Sorek, D. Ouazar, I., Herrera (eds), "Seawater Intrusion in Coastal Aquifer-Concepts, Methods, and Practices. (Theory and Application of Transport in Porous Media," Vol.14, 1999, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London.
[5]. G. M. Mailet, E. Rizzo, A. Revil and C. Vella, "High Resolution Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) in a Transition Zone Environment: Application for Detailed Internal Architecture and Infilling Processes Study of a Rhone River Paleo-Channel," Mar Geophys Res, Vol.26, 2005, pp.317-328.
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Abstract: The geology of Liji area is composed of members of the Pan-African granitoids (granite and pegmatite) and the Cretaceous sedimentary rocks of Bima, Yolde, Pindiga and Gombe sandstone Formations. Epigenetic fracture and porespace filling baryte mineralization of short dimension (7-45m long and 1-3.5m wide) occur within granite, pegmatite and sandstone of the Bima Formation. Binary plots of the major oxides of silica, alumina, total iron, potash and soda indicated that, the rocks are discriminated into distal, proximal and baryte separates. The distal samples show linear trend which is considered as the main trend and exhibited normal mixed pattern of the samples before the advent of hydrothermal fluid with no discrimination of lithologies. The baryte separates occupy the same region in all the plots reflecting that the two barytes are of the same origin..
Keywords: Baryte, Mineralization, Hydrothermal, Epigenetic, Liji, Nigeria
[1]. Daspan, R. I. and Imagbe, L. O. (2010). Preliminary investigation of the origin and quality of barytes in the Tsareta-Tungan Kudaku area, North-Western Nigerian Basement Complex. Continental Journal of Earth Sciences 5 (1): 8-13.
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[4]. El-Nafaty, J. M. (2015). Rare earth element and suphur isotope study of baryte-copper mineralization in Gulani Area, Upper Benue Trough NE Nigeria. Journal of African Earth Science, 106: 147-157.
[5]. El-Nafaty, J. M. (2017). Geology and trace element geochemistry of the barite-copper mineralization in Gulani area, NE Nigeria. Journal of applied geology and geophysics, 5(2): 1-16.
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Abstract: The (Very low Frequency EM) VLF-EMmeasurements data were acquired along twelve (12) traverses on an trial basis for qualitative assessments of water bearing fractures, with the aim of locating the best point to drill for groundwater exploration, in this present research, geophysical investigation was performed to delineatesfracture zones in the some selected location of kebbi state university of science and technology Aliero sedimentary complex of Sokoto basin, interpretation of VLF-EM data is carried out qualitatively using Fraser and Karous-Hjelt filters .Anomalies associated with conductive zones such as water-bearing weathered layers and geological features such as fractured and sheared zones were delineated. The results of the study showed the presence of fracture zones which are prominently in most of investigated areas. The results also showed that most..........
Keywords: Fractures, Sedimentary, Anomalies, Conductivity, Exploration.
[1]. Ariyo S.O (2007). Hydro-geophysicalinvestigations for groundwater at Atan/OdosenboraArea, Southwestern Nigeria. Ife Journal of science,l.9(1): 87-92.
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[5]. Benard, J. and P. Villa, (1991). Groundwaterexploration in fissured media with electrical and VLF Methods. Geoexploration, 27: 81-91.
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Abstract: Integrated shallow-surface litho-structuralgeophysical survey has been carried out at the vicinities of two gully erosion sites in Anambra basin, south-easternNigeria. The study was aimed at delineating shallow surface lithologyand structuressuspected to be causatives to rampantmassive structural failures at the basin.2D seismic refraction tomography (SRT) and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) data were collected along survey lines oriented parallel and perpendicular to the strikes of gully sites. Modelled SRTdata showed p-wave velocity in therange of about300−2000 𝑚𝑠−1while ERT data showed apparent resistivity datain the range of about 1−25,500 Ω𝑚. Integralal.........
Keywords: gully,landslide, seismic, resistivity, tomography
[1]. Abdulfatai, I. A., Okunlola, I. A., Akande, W. G., Momoh, L. O., & Ibrahim, K. O. (2014). Review of Gully Erosion in Nigeria: Causes, Impacts and Possible Solutions. Journal of Geosciences and Geomatics, Science and Education Publishi,, 2(3), 125-129. doi:10.1 2691/jgg-2-3-8
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[4]. Beijing, T. (2002). Soil Erosion, Biggest Global Environment Problem:. Paper presented at the 12th International Soil Organization (ISCO) Conference,, Beijing.
[5]. Bery, A. A., & Saad, R. (2012). Correction of Seismic P –Wave Velocities with engineering parameters (N Value and Rock Quality) for Tropical Environmental study,. International Journal of Geosciences, 3. 4., 749 – 757.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Nature of Water Pollution and Its Environmental Impact in Present Day Scenario |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mitali Hansda |
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: | 10.9790/0990-0705017679 ![]() |
Abstract: Water pollution now a days has become a serious concern for environment, mostly due to the presence of unprocessed effluents, chemicals and pesticides in it. Water is a natural resource, which is essential for living beings. Water is used in many purposes from drinking to industrial and agricultural areas. Due to water pollution, water quality is deteriorating day by day. Therefore, polluted water is a threat to human life as well as animals and plants. Water pollution affects not only the aquatic life but also is a threat to all-biological communities. Toxic level in polluted water provokes a number of diseases. Pollution free water is the only hope for the healthy life. The present article approaches a comprehensive study on different ways of water pollution and its impact on environment and human health..
KEYWORDS- Water pollution, Agriculture, Pesticide, Coal mine, Textile Industry, Environment
[1]. Halder J. N. and Islam M. N., "Water Pollution and its Impact on the Human Health", Journal of Environment and Human, 2015, Vol. 2.
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