Abstract: An electroencephalogram (EEG) is an experiment to determine the activity of electrical brain signals using small, metal electrodes which are affixed to the brain scalp. These EEG signals are one of most complex signals that represents the brain activity. Dataset is collected from the Physionetdata-base which comprises the motor Imagery functions of Left and right fist, both fists and both feet. These recordings might be distorted by the contamination of traces such as blinking of eyes or muscle movements etc. In this paper, the method called the common spatial patterns (CSP) has been implemented as feature extraction technique. This CSP technique includes one-hot encoding and z-score normalization. CSP is the characteristic eradication approach with the usage of spatial filtering......
Keywords: ClassificationEEG signals, Common spatial patterns (CSP), one-hot encoding, z-score normalization, convolutional neural network (CNN). Predictionsemotions.csv, deep learning, Recurrent neural network
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