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Abstract: Background Detection mutations of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) in plasma is essential for guiding clinical decision regarding prediction of patient's treatment. The appropriate use of EGFR mutation testing in plasma has been shown to deliver both clinical and economic benefits, especially in clinical situations where biopsy material is inadequate or unavailable. The study aims to highlight the importance of using plasma samples in identifying EGFR mutations compared to Formalin fixed paraffin imbedded tissue samples (FFPET), specially that the detection of EGFR in plasma have not been previously evaluated among Iraqi lung cancer patients.....
[1]. Al Dayel F (2012). EGFR Mutation Testing In Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC). J Infect Public Health; 5 Suppl 1: S31-34.
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Abstract: Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia (PCP) is a well-known opportunistic infection in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) - infected patients, and its management has been established. In patients without HIV infection, PCP rapidly progresses, is difficult to diagnose correctly, and causes severe respiratory failure leading to a poor prognosis. It is an opportunistic yeast-like fungus that is found in the pulmonary alveoli of humans[1]. A patient suffering from PCP generally presents in three different ways: those without HIV have an acute presentation; those.....
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Abstract: Background: The aim of this review paper is to determine the mechanism, methodology, clinical application and capabilities of the T-Scan III Evolution system, as well as its role as a diagnostic tool for digital occlusal analysis in various fields of dentistry, especially in removable dental prosthetics. Materials and Methods: ResearchGate and PubMed databases were searched in order to achieve the aim. Scientific papers and publications were selected that addressed the issues of interest for this research. Several reference lists of authors who have used digital occlusal analysis in their research have been identified. Results: According.....
Key words: prosthоdontic therapy, removable dentures, T-Scan III Evolution system, occlusal analysis
[1]. Bozhkova TP. The T-SCAN System In Evaluating Occlusal Contacts. Folia Medica 2016;58(2);122-130, Doi: 10.1515/Folmed-2016-0015
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Abstract: Background: The aim of this paper is to determine the value of occlusal forces and their distribution in subjects with partial edentulism - Kennedy class I, before and after prosthetic rehabilitation with a partial acrylic prosthesis, using occlusal analysis. Also, to determine the differences in the values of the occlusal forces and their distribution between the control group and the examined group and to determine if there is a difference in the values of the occlusal forces and their distribution among the subjects wearing a partial acrylic prosthesis depending on the length of the prosthetic saddles.....
Key words: prosthodontic therapy, mobile dentures, T-Scan III Evolution system, occlusal analysis
[1]. Bostancıoğlu SE, Toğay A, Tamam E. Comparison Of Two Different Digital Occlusal Analysis Methods. Clin Oral Investig. 2022 Feb;26(2):2095-2109. Doi: 10.1007/S00784-021-04191-1. Epub 2021 Oct 1. PMID: 34596770.
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[4]. Chaturvedi S, Addas MK, Alqahtani NM, Al Ahmari NM, Alfarsi MA. Computerized Occlusal Forces Analysis In Complete Dentures Fabricated By Additive And Subtractive Techniques. Technol Health Care. 2021;29(4):781-795. Doi: 10.3233/THC-202736. PMID: 33720863.
[5]. Dias RAB, Rodrigues MJP, Messias AL, Guerra FADA, Manfredini D. Comparison Between Conventional And Computerised Methods In The Assessment Of An Occlusal Scheme. J Oral Rehabil. 2020 Feb;47(2):221-228. Doi: 10.1111/Joor.12905. Epub 2019 Nov 21. PMID: 31705804.
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Abstract: This case report describes the management of a case of a 19-year-old male patient with extremely severe skeletal Class III malocclusion due to a marked mandibular protrusion accompanied with a small and retruded upper jaw in order to improve the concave profile. The patient had an extreme Skeletal Class III malocclusion beyond the envelope of orthodontic correction, with reverse overjet of 9 mm, ANB of -12 and Wits of 15 mm, hence orthognathic surgery along with pre and post-surgical orthodontics was performed in order to correct the occlusion as well. One year post......
Key-words: mandible prognathism, orthognathic surgery, malocclusion skeletal class III
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Abstract: Background: Stature is a complex trait influenced by a variety of genetic and environmental factors. Hand length and finger length have been shown to be correlated with stature in several populations. This study aimed to investigate the correlation between stature and hand length, index finger length, and ring finger length in males of two endogamous groups in Haryana and Bihar, India. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 200 male subjects from the Banyia and Chamar endogamous groups.....
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Abstract: Background It is widely known patients with type 2 diabetes frequently exhibit symptoms of NAFLD which is a multisystem illness that affects several organs, including the cardiovascular, hepatic, and cerebrovascular systems. Numerous risk factors have been linked to the advancement of NASH but not many have studied to determine the risk factors for the severity of steatosis and liver fibrosis. So, the purpose of this study was to assess the effects of dyslipidemia and insulin resistance in individuals who had severe liver fibrosis and steatosis.......
[1] Akhtar DH, Iqbal U, Vazquez Montesino LM, Dennis BB, Ahmed A. Pathogenesis Of Insulin Resistance And Atherogenic Dyslipidemia In Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Journal Of Clinical And Translational Hepatology. 2019 Dec 12;7(4):362.
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Méndez Sánchez N, Chavez Tapia NC, Almeda Valdes P, Et Al.: The Management Of Incidental Fatty Liver Found On Imaging. What Do We Need To Do? Am J Gastroenterol. 2018; 113(9): 1274 6
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Abstract: Limbic encephalitis (LE) is an inflammatory disease involving the medial temporal lobes; it classically presents with rapid neuropsychiatric decline. Patients with LE have, and may present with, a diverse array of neuropsychiatric symptoms. The condition was first described as a paraneoplastic phenomenon, but subsequently, with the discovery of disease-causing antibodies, was shown to be non-paraneoplastic in many cases [1][2] Motor neuron disorders (MND) are characterized by progressive impairment of lower (LMN) and/or upper (UMN) motor neurons. Paraneoplastic neurological disorders are rare immunemediated complications of cancer [3]. Although MND are not.......
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Abstract: Pseudomelanoma may refer to lesions that clinically simulate choroidal or ciliary body melanoma. These include certain benign and malignant conditions of retinal and choroidal origin like hamartomas of the sensory retina, hyperplasia of the retinal pigmentary epithelium (RPE), melanocytomas, hemorrhagic retinal detachment and melanocytic nevi, making the diagnosis of a choroidal melanoma a formidable task. If not taken care of, this diagnostic conundrum may lead to radical procedures such as enucleation. We report a case of a 70-year-old male who was clinically diagnosed with choroidal melanoma based on characteristic appearance with radiological evaluation and underwent an enucleation procedure. However, the subsequent histopathological examination of the enucleated eye revealed a hemorrhagic choroidal and retinal detachment with vitreous haemorrhage........
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Abstract: Nonunion of patella fractures is a rare conditions that are fraught with challenges. There isn't much information in the literature to help clinicians manage this complication. Consequently, the goal of this study was to study the functional outcomes of various modalities of the treatment of nonunion patella fractures. The patient's functional needs, the causes of the nonunion, the possible biomechanical consequences of a total patellectomy, and the existence of an intact knee extensor mechanism for a future reconstructive operation all play a role in the decision-making process regarding the treatment of this condition. Patients with low functional demands......
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Abstract: Background: Needle stick injury (NSI) is a type of preventable occupational hazard. Accidental NSI among Health Care Workers (HCW) can result in transmission of serious life threatening infections caused by blood borne viruses (BBV) such as Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) & Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and other infections. Objective: To estimate the prevalence of NSI and to study the various factors associated with NSI, among different categories of Health......
Key words: Needle Stick Injury (NSI), Prevalence, Health Care Worker.
[1]. Sastry AS, Rajshekhar D, Bhat P. Needlestick, Sharp, And Splash Injuries In A Tertiary Care Government Hospital Of South India. J Curr Res Sci Med 2017; 3:94-101.
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Abstract: The management of mandibular fractures has seen advancements over time, ranging from different techniques such as wiring, splinting, intermaxillary fixation, rigid fixation, compression plates, and mini plates. However, in all these approaches, there remains a risk of potential infection, need of intermaxillary fixation and improper healing at the site of mandibular fractures. Therefore, in our study, we employed three-dimensional titanium miniplates to secure and stabilize the mandibular fracture site. The use of 3D stainless steel miniplates demonstrated superior stability, fixation, and adaptability, resulting in more favorable outcomes compared to traditional miniplates
Key words: Trauma, 3D miniplates, Mandible fracture, Rigid Fixation.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Healthy Mind Healthy Periodontium |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dr Monica Lamba |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-2211025557 ![]() |
Abstract: Mental health is basic human right and is crucial to personal, community and socio-economic development. Stress is considered as an important risk factor for periodontal diseases. Routine salivary assessment is an useful diagnostic marker to rule out stress in periodontitis patients.
KEYWORDS: stress, periodontium, mental health, mental wellness
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Abstract: In different national demographics, maxillofacial injuries are associated with other body injuries that aren't consistent with one another. These discrepant numbers are a result of several factors, including topography, traffic control laws, social attitudes, and environmental conditions. India's growing population is leading to a rise in the incidence of trauma, with traffic accidents being the most common cause. Compared to wealthy countries, India has a 20-fold higher population death rate, with around eight deaths for every 100 automobiles. Emergency personnel and experts need to know the standard results and protocols for treating maxillofacial trauma in their respective areas.....
Key Word: Maxillofacial trauma, Clinical Signs, Radiographic Guides, Triage , Diagnostic Signs
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