Abstract: Background:
Water river evaluation to describe the level of pollution is important. The Asam-Asam River is one of the important ecosystem to support human living in South Kalimantan. The objectives of the research is to identify the macrozoobenthos of Asam-Asam river and describes the human activity along Asam-Asam River as an important aspect in determining the macrozoobenthos diversity as water bioindicator
Materials and Methods:
Field survey was done at Asam-Asam River ecosystem in South Kalimantan. Specimen of macrozoobenthos were taken from five sampling sites along Asam-Asam River. In each sampling sites, macrozoobenthos were sampled using Surber net having a mesh size of 250 μm.....
Keywords: water pollution, river disturbance, river bioindicator.
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