Abstract: Chronic exposure to Arsenic (As) can cause not only the cancerous and non-cancerous health scenario but affects the socio-economic structure of any society also. Arsenic in groundwater above the maximum permissible limit of 0.05 mg 1-1 by WHO has been found in six districts of West Bengal covering an area of 34000 km² with a population of 30 million. At present, 37 administrative blocks in West Bengal along the River Ganga and adjoining areas are seriously affected. During last two decades, As-contamination via groundwater harvesting has become a serious worldwide issue and is now a major concern in the Bengal delta. Arsenic enters human body through contaminated groundwater by directly consumption of groundwater. Recent reports reveal the fact that about 20 % of the total population in West Bengal is highly affected by arsenic which is an alarming one. Various techniques are being introduced to provide arsenic-free drinking water at an affordable cost by both the central....
Keywords: Arsenic, Gangetic delta, chronic exposure, malnutrition, arsenic toxicity
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