Abstract: Smoked fish in South Benin deteriorate very quickly because of their nutritional richness and the climatic conditions that do not favour their conservation for a long time. The aim of this work is therefore to evaluate the effectiveness of essential oils in preserving the quality of smoked fish in South Benin. It was carried out on two species of fish with the use of two essential oils through two different application methods. The results obtained showed that the two oils used exerted an antibacterial activity on Total Mesophilic Aerobic Flora, Coliforms and Staphylococcus spp in the fish. They also have an antifungal effect on strains of yeast and mould. The two oils tested had similar activity on fish and fish kept in bags degraded much faster. The essential oils preserved the quality of the smoked fish for 5 days
Keywords: Smoked fish, preservation, essential oil
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