Version-1 (May-Jun-2018)
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Abstract: Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) field experiment was carried out at the Teaching and Research farm of Federal University of Technology, Akure, Southwestern Nigeria. The Research is aimed at monitoring soil water dynamics and evaluating the impact of soil properties such as soil pH, soil electrical conductivity and soil salinity on the growth and yield of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) using 2D-Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) method. Results from various surveys conducted were subjected to statistical correlation in order to determine existing statistical relationships between measured soil properties as they influence the growth and yield of the crop, as well as analyzing electrical resistivity responses...........
Keywords: Electrical resistivity, Cucumis Sativus, Soil Salinity, Tomography, Poultry manure, Crop Yield
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Abstract: The geochemistry and mineralogy of the Sakpe Ironstone were studied around Jima, Northern Bida Basin, Nigeria. Ten representative samples of the ironstone submitted for geochemical and mineralogical studies using X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, transmitted light microscopy and X-ray diffraction techniques. The result of the chemical analysis revealed that the ironstone contain an average of 58.9wt% Fe, 28.94wt% Si and 12.91 % Al. The average concentrations of P, K, Ca, Ti, Mn, Mg, and Na are 0.03wt%, 0.002wt%, 0.071wt%, 0.177wt%, 0.184wt%, 0.027wt% and 0.008wt%respectively. The results show that the ironstones are of high grade, having iron content > 54 % set by the Natural Resources Canada. Similarly, the low Mg (MgO wt %) content of between 0.01 and 0.051and absence of sulphur in the ironstonesshows that the sediments............
Keywords: Sakpe Ironstone, Bida Basin, Oolitic ironstone, Pisolitic ironstone, Geochemistry, Mineralogy
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Problems and Prospects of Dams in Manipur |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | L Sherjit Singh || Kh Mohon Singh || Ibameaihun Dhar |
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: | 10.9790/0990-0603013035 ![]() |
Abstract: The main purposes for constructing dams are to supply water (for drinking and irrigation) and to generate hydroelectricity. But severe environmental and socio-economic effects have been realized during and after construction of dams and reservoirs. The water from the reservoirs submerges many agricultural land and habitats that dramatically change in land use pattern of the surrounding areas besides ecodegradation. Some major projects such as the Loktak hydroelectric project have impacted badly the wetland ecosystem of the Loktak Lake and surrounding areas. It threatens the habitats of many flora and fauna including endangered Sangai (Cervus eldi eldi) and the livelihood of surrounding people. Hence, in this paper, we attempt to find out the positive and negative effects induced by the dams constructed at different parts of Manipur to the environment and socio-economic life of the people.
Keywords: Tipaimukh Dam, Khuga Dam, Ithai Barrage, Khoupum Dam, Maphou Dam, Singda Dam, Dolaithabi Barrage
[1]. Bhattacharjee, Jhimli (2013) Dams and Environmental movements: The cases from the India's Northeast. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, v. 3(11):1-11.
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[3]. Rongmei, Lunghim and Pradipkumar Singh, Kh (2013). Environmental and Socio-Economic Impacts of the Khoupum Dam Project, Manipur. Transactions. v. 35(2):249-257.
[4]. Singh, Jugindro (2017) The Loktak Hydro Electricity Power Project in Manipur and its Impact on the Socio-Economic Conditions to the Catchment Areas. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS). v.22 (11), 11-17.
[5]. Singh, L Sherjit and Dhar, Ibameaihum (2017). Floods in Imphal Valley – Causes, Effects and Preventive mesures, International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences. v. 5(9): 7-11.
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Abstract: Until now, one admits stratigraphically that, the rocks of Kasenga are post-Kundelungu. Whereas the cartography of our sector of studyrecent detailed mapping, localizedcarried outin the South-eastern part of the territory of Kasenga in the current province of Haut-Katanga, made it evidentpossible to highlight, the occurrence ofa magmatic unit and a sedimentary unitin Kasenga Sector. The magmatic unit is consists of the granitoids ones whereas the sedimentary unit tabularin nature, is composed of a polygenic conglomerate at the base of the formationand a gray siltstone in a fresh state, and reddish in its faded parts at the top. This indicatesthat thesedimentary formations belong to the KatanganSuper Group, in its part of basic complex, and rests on the granitoids ones............
Keywords: Tabular Katangan, granitoids, complexes basic.
[1]. Batumike, J. M; Kampunzu, A. B and Cailteux, J. L. H, (2006) - Petrology and geochemistry of the NeoprpterozoicNguba and Kundelungu Groups, Katanga Supergroup, southeast Congo: amplications for provenance, paleoweathering and geotectonic setungs. Journal of African Earth Sciences .115p.
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Abstract: This research work presents an airborne magnetic based structural interpretation of Afikpo area. The objectives of this study are to produce a digitized airborne magnetic map of the study area, determine magnetic basement depth, delineate basement topography and to determine trends of deformation and this was done using several software which includes Oasis Montaj version 6.4HJ, sulfer10, and Mat lab 7.2 version. Thickness of the sediment present was determined, which can be used to access whether the sediment is enough to warrant accumulation of hydrocarbon. Providedgeological features of the Afikpo Area and inferred their relation with basin architecture, morphology and dynamics, thereby presenting a better understanding of the geology.The results of the spectral analysis of airborne magnetic data over the study area suggest the existence of two main source depths. The depth to basement or deeper source D2 varies between 2.863km and 4.672km. The interpretation of mineralization potential of the study area was also gotten.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Forex Market – Trade or not? |
Country | : | Georgia |
Authors | : | Ilia Botsvadze, MA |
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: | 10.9790/0990-0603016168 ![]() |
Abstract: The paper provides evidence about Foreign Exchange Market, its meaning, functional specifications, pros and cons; tryes to brake myths about Forex superiority or spuriousness.Forex has become last years buzzword. Especially in Georgia, already several firms offer their service for connecting and trading on world market.The currency market is the most massively traded financial market in the world, with a daily average turnover in excess of 5 trillion USD, where abounding market participants are trading over 24 hours.The foreign exchange market is generally compounded of governments, corporations, various types of financial and institutional investors, banks, as well as currency speculators. Roughly 90% of this volume is generated by currency speculators capitalizing on intraday price movements.In spite of there are many forex traders, only a few are really successful ones..........
Keywords: Foreign Exchange Market, Investor Psycology, Market Analysis.
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Abstract: Facies analysis of the Dumbulwa Member of the Pindiga Formation indicated the occurrence of seven lithofacies that includes; trough crossbedded sandstone, hummocky cross-stratified sandstones, massive bedded sandstones, ripple laminated sandstones, parallel laminated sandstones, planar crossbedded sandstones and mudstones. These lithofacies forms three facies association that consists of delta front sands facies association (FadI), pro-delta facies associations (FadII) and estuarine channel facies association (FadIII).Stratigraphic disposition of these facies association indicated that the evolution of the lithostratigraphic architecture of the Dumbulwa Member commenced with the development of progradational deltaic packages (FadI) these were superposed by transgressive deposits of the fluvio-tidal channel sequences (FadIII).These sequencesgrade into transgressive deltaic succession (FadI)reflecting arelative progradational phase accompanying the net transgressive regime characterizing the mid-Cretaceous global sea level rise. India.
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Abstract: In this study, some mine sites in the region were investigated and literature studies were carried out to determine and evaluate the origin and formation pattern of the massive sulphide mineralizations in the Central Pontides. This study is the first attempt to characterize the geological and structural environments suitable for the mineralization in the region and to compare the region with the geological and tectonic structure of the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IBP) and to identify the Central Pontide Pyrite Belt (CPPB).
Keywords: Iberian Pyrite Belt, Central Pontides,Central Pontide Pyrite Belt (CPPB),massive sulphide,mineralization
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