Version-3 (May-Jun-2018)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Hydrocarbon Potentiality of Northern Part of Jaintia Structure, Sylhet, Bangladesh. |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Rabeya Basri |
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: | 10.9790/0990-0603030108 ![]() |
Abstract: The northern part of Dupigaon prospect in Jaintia structure is one of the remaining undrilled potential structure and suitable for hydrocarbon entrapment in Surma Basin. The exposed rocks of Dupigaon prospect can be classified from older to younger as Barail sandstone, Bhuban, BokaBil, Tipam sandstone, Girujan clay, DupiTila and Dihing formations in southwards direction. Considering Tripura and Assam states of India, now the exploration targets would be along the nose and flanks of major plunging anticlines where prospect area is segmented by some transverse faults. Geology of Fenchuganj gas field is similar to that of other fields situated in Surma Basin and reservoirs...........
Keywords- Dupigaon prospect, Hydrocarbon entrapment, Jaintia structure, Surma Basin, ,Transverse fault.
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Abstract: As the global demand of natural gas increases, exploration for source of natural gas also increased in recent times, shale is being considered as gas storage facility. The aim of this research is to examine and characterise pores between organic and inorganic mineral grains from both Posidonia and Wealden shales of the lower Saxony Basin, Germany using the nanometer-scaled pore systems. This is to ascertain their gas storage capabilities as well as permeability pathways and to also compare mercury injection data with the measured porosity. Focused ion beam, broad ion beam, scanning electron microscope imaging and mercury intrusion porosimetry were used to study the porosity of these shale samples. Qualitative and quantitative description of microstructures and pores were..........
Keywords: Broad ion beam (BIB), Focused ion beam (FIB), nanometre-scale, Posidonia, Wealden.
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Abstract: Assessment of hydrogeochemical properties and quality of the groundwater in Al Khor and environs was done to evaluate the suitability of the groundwater for irrigation, and to characterize the hydrogeochemical facies within the area. 18 groundwater samples were collected from bore wells within the study area and were analysed for various physico-chemical properties. The more significant anions are chloride, sulphate, phosphate and nitrate, with concentrations ranging from 173.699-3004.54 mg/l, 424.4-3494.69 mg/l, 448.62-1364.728 mg/l and 4.8-40.14 mg/l respectively. The major cations were all present in the samples, with calcium and sodium contributing more to the TDS compared to the other cations. The presence of nitrates in most of the samples, and phosphates in a few other samples was attributed to the agricultural activities and fertilizer usage within the study area. Hydrogeochemical ratios were determined and explained. Piper trilinear plots show that the groundwater is dominated by strong acids, alkaline earths and Na + K, with Ca-Mg-SO4 and Na+K-Cl water types being dominant. Techniques..........
Keywords: Groundwater quality, hydrogeochemical facies, Al Khor, Piper diagram, water types.
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Abstract: Western Anatolia is a regionunderdivergenttectonics, with Horst-Graben structures. Amongthesestructures, the Gediz Graben is Turkey'smostgeothermallyactiveregion. Thegeologicaldetermination of thereservoirs has criticalimportanceforthegeophysicaldetermination of geothermalactivity. Afterthedetermination of thepossiblereservoir, thegeothermalactivity of theregion can be determinedthroughphysicalparametersusingseveralgeophysicalmethods (gravity-magneticmeasurements, verticalelectricsounding, naturalpotential, electrictomography, CSAMT, etc). Thisstudyconcerns a geothermalprospectionthatwasconducted in a 300-km2 area. Thedatawerecollectedfrom 100 pointsusingverticalelectricsounding (VES). Theevaluation of thedatasuggestedhighresistivity. Subsequently, thespecificresistance of theexposedsurfaceswasmeasured. Thisvaluewasusedto form a three-dimensional model of thestudyfield..
Keywords: Geothermal Activity, Exploration, VES.
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Abstract: Physiochemical study of the groundwater in Egbetawas carried out to ascertain the quality of the potable water in this community. Water samples from the two functioning boreholes and one hand-dug well in the areawere collected. The water samples collected were analysed in a physiochemical manner to determine the level of purity and contamination from heavy metal, Anions, Cations and other materials. The result of the physiochemical analysis shows the presence of heavy metals like, Iron, Zinc, Chromium, and Lead, with Iron available at a range that exceeds WHO standard in the three samples collected. The highest concentration of Iron is found in the CSB with value of 8.0 mg/l, this accounts for the yellow to reddish brown coloration reveals by the water obtained from this borehole, while Zinc, Chromium........
Keywords: Groundwater, Physiochemical, Quality, Borehole, Hand-dug Well.
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Abstract: The West Komomboarea lies among Sahal El-Galaba which considers an important part of the Egyptian 1.5 million feddan national reclamation project. This area attracted the investors for reclamation and development of new settlements. The groundwater is the only water source for such integrated development. The main objectives of the present work are exploring and studying the groundwater aquifers in this area by some geophysical techniques.To achieve the aim of study, seven Vertical Electrical Sounding (VESes) carried out along one profile crossing the area and 18 electromagnetic stations (TEM) were done through a grid pattern across the study area.............
Keywords: West Komombo, Desert Fringes, Aswan Governorate Groundwater Exploration, Geophysical Technique's.
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Abstract: Apprendre une langue étrangère dans un 'anti-milieu' de la dite langue est souvent menacée par divers facteurs. Le défi devient harcelant dans la situation où l'apprenant n'a aucune expérience de base de cette langue. Il se confronte de tant des problèmes y compris la difficulté de la production orale en français. Cette étude a pour but d'énoncer les catégories de la difficulté au niveau de la production orale chez les étudiants de français de la deuxième année (2015/2016) de l'Université d'état d'ekiti, d'analyser ces difficultés et de proposer un bilan d'améliorer...........
Keywords: la langue française, la production orale, l'apprentissage, les étudiants de français, le professeur.
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Abstract: One of the governing factors on which safety of civil engineering structure depends is material used in construction. Materials used for the construction of walls are normally required to possess adequate strength and erosion resistance. The study investigates the suitability of stabilized laterite soils for the production of compressed earth blocks for low-cost housing construction. The materials which is used for this experiment is red soil and some chemicals. The results of the study revealed that the specific gravity, bulk density, moisture content and plasticity index of the sample showed satisfactory performance. This experimental mainly deals with the manufacture of compressed stabilized earth blocks by using chemicals. The blocks are tested under CTM for compressive strength. The cost comparison...........
Keywords: Soil stabilization, Algiplast 210N, Conplast SD110, Water absorption, Compressive Strength
[1]. Properties of Compressed Stabilized Earth Blocks (CSEB) For Low-Cost Housing Construction: A Preliminary Investigation by Baba Shehu Waziri, Zanna Alhaji Lawan, Mustapha, Maaji Mala , International Journal of Sustainable Construction Engineering & Technology (ISSN: 2180-3242) Vol 4, No 2, 2013, page no.39-44
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Abstract: Hydrocarbon pollutants were physically observed to have impacted the upper aquifer based on samples taken from eight monitoring boreholes within the facility. Initial samples were taken from the monitoring bore holes (wells) before compression and analyzed to authenticate the level and types of hydrocarbons present. The results showed that all but one of the samples exceeded the Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) intervention limit, with values ranging between 14.25 to 3,416.67 mg/l. Water samples collected one week after flushing and tested for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH), Poly Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH), Total Hydrocarbon Content (THC) and other physicochemical parameters relating to hydrocarbon presence were proved positive. The possible impacts of the identified hydrocarbon pollution migration in the ground water were highlighted and recommendations made in line with preventing and possibly eliminating further future occurrence..
Keywords: Ground water, Identification, Crude Oil Pollution Sources, Niger Delta, Nigeria.
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