Version-1 (Jan-Feb 2017)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Systematic Study Multiplicity Production Nucleus – Nucleus Collisions at 4.5 a GeV/c |
Country | : | Egypt |
Authors | : | AAbd El-Daiem |
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: | 10.9790/4861-0901010107 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: The correlations between the multiplicity distributions and the projectile fragments, as well as the correlation between the black and grey fragments were given. We observed that the mean number of interacting projectile nucleons increases quickly as the value of heavily ionizing charged particles increase as expected but attains a more or less constant value for extreme central collisions. Finally, there is no distinct correlation between the shower particle production and the target excitation, but the average value of grey particles decreases with the increase of the number of black particles and vice versa. This correlation can also be explained by the fireball model.
Keywords: Correlations between the multiplicity distributions, Total disintegrations.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effect of Barrier Height on Nuclear Fusion |
Country | : | Egypt |
Authors | : | G. S. Hassan || A. Abd-EL-Daiem || A. M. Mahmoud |
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: | 10.9790/4861-0901010816 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: The enhancement of sub-barrier fusion has been interpreted due to coupling between the relative motion and other degrees of freedom. The coupling gives rise to the distribution of fusion barriers and passage over the lowest barrier which is responsible for fusion enhancement at energies below the barrier. There are several orders of magnitude could be considered due to the tunneling through the barrier. The barrier height could be deduced from the measured cross section data for different energies, as well as using many empirical forms for incomplete and complete fusion of two massive nuclei.............
Keywords: fusion barrier, ODEFF function , excitation, nuclear potential, WKB approximation
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ABSTRACT: The presence of Ra in drinking water may sometimes make important contribution to natural background radiation exposures. The paper describes the study of 226Ra and 228Ra content in drinking water of Luxor, a famous tourist city in Egypt. A total of thirty-five water samples were analyzed for 226Ra and 228Ra by gamma ray spectrometry with HPGe detector setup, coaxial type and 8192 channels MCA. The concentration of 226Ra was found in the range from 16 to 181 with arithmetic mean 85.6 mBq·L-1and the concentration of 228Ra ranged from 8 to 98.4 mBq·L-1 with arithmetic mean 48.6 mBq·L-1.The.............
Keywords: Ra, 228Ra, drinking water, radioactivity, effective doses.
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ABSTRACT: A new ultra-low-background spectrometer based on a HPGe detector with a sensitive volume of 600 cm3 was developed to investigate rare nuclear processes, such as resonant neutrino-less double electron capture (0νEC/EC) and double beta decay processes (2ν2β–, 2νβ+EC, 2νEC/EC) to the excited states of daughter nuclei. The spectrometer was installed at the Modane underground laboratory (LSM, France, 4800 m w.e.). Sensitivity of the spectrometer and its background were tested. A new method for the efficiency calibration in measurements of low-active samples was developed...........
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ABSTRACT: In the reported article, we have simulated the pulsed high voltage direct current (DC) source and Blumlein transmission line by Multisimulation13 (National Instruments, Inc). In the generation of high voltage pulses at the optimum repetition rate, we have observed and investigated the waveform behavior of voltage in the Blumlein transmission line.We present the simulation results of pulsed high voltage DC source with theoutput of 55.4 kV, operating at 131 Hz.Further, voltage waveform across the Blumlein transmission line and its various parameters such as peak to peak voltage, root mean square voltage...........
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ABSTRACT: In the present study, we have investigated inflationary cosmological model with flat potential and bulk viscosity taking Bianchi Type VI0 space-time as a source. To get the deterministic model of universe, we have also assumed that shear () is proportional to expansion ()(Thorne [31]) and = constant as considered by Zimdahal [29] where is the coefficient of bulk viscosity. We find that the observations of inflationary cosmology i.e. slow role parameters (,), third slow parameter (S) and anisotropic parameter (Ãm) are in excellent agreement with the Planck (2013) results [39]............
Keywords: Inflationary; Bianchi VI0; Flat potential, Bulk viscosity
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Nonclassical Properties of a Class of Nonlinear Pair Coherent State |
Country | : | Egypt |
Authors | : | H. H. Salah |
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: | 10.9790/4861-0901014150 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: In the present work a class of nonlinear pair coherent state introduced depending on the form of the nonlinearity function with examining some of its nonclassical properties. In particular, it is shown that such state exhibits nonclassical properties such as squeezing and sub-Poissonian behaviour. Also, the quasiprobability distribution functions (Wigner-function, Q-function) are discussed. Finally, the phase properties in Pegg-Barnett formalism is considered.
Keywords:Nonclassical state, Squeezing phenomenon, Quasi-distribution functions phase distribution
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ABSTRACT: New results of research of spectral and electrical characteristics of the plasma high-frequency atmospheric - pressure dielectricbarrier discharge (DBD) at mixtures of mercury diiodide vapor with xenon and neon are presented. Gas-discharge plasma creation and excitation of the working mixture components was carried out by sinusoidal form voltage at a repetition rate 125 kHz. Simultaneous emission of mercury monoiodide exciplex molecules...........
Keywords: Dielectricbarrier discharge, high-frequency, radiation, atmospheric– pressure plasma, mercury diiodidevapor,xenon, neon
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ABSTRACT: The alloying behaviour of Zn-In liquid alloys at 700K has been studied by using Flory's model which is a statistical mechanical model. In this model we assume the role of interchange energy (ω) and size factor ф, 𝛷=𝜗𝐵/𝜗𝐴, where 𝜗𝐵>𝜗𝐴, 𝜗𝑖 (i=A,B) represent the atomic volume of the constituent species of the atomic volume of the alloys. The thermodynamic properties and microscopic properties have been computed. Surface property is studied with the help of Butler's model while viscosity is computed from Kaptay equation, and the Moelwyn-Hughes equation. Both the viscosity and surface tension of the alloy increase with increase in concentration of Zn, and computed viscosity show small negative deviation.............
Keywords: Thermodynamic properties, Structural properties, Surface properties, Transport properties
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ABSTRACT: Anisotropic AVO analysis for reservoir characterization in Derby field southeastern Niger delta has been investigated. The objective of this study was to investigate the AVO response of shale over gas sandsonisotropic and anisotropic synthetic models and the real CDP gathers. This was done by plotting amplitude of reflections versus offsets and carrying out AVO intercept-gradient analysison HD1horizon. The results of the models were compared with the real CDP gather to deduce the robust synthetic model for efficient AVO analysis in the field. Well, CDP processed gathers and Hampson-Russell GEOVIEW and AVO module were used for the analysis............
Keywords: AVO, Isotropic synthetics, Anisotropic synthetics, seismic anisotropy
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ABSTRACT: The INO experiment is a mega-science project and will have RPC detectors as an active element. It will be instrumented with about 28,800 RPC detectors. These active detectors use a gas mixture of R134a (95.2%), Isobutane (4.5%) and SF6 (0.3%). Due to large number of RPC detectors, the total gas required is of the order of 200 M3; therefore a Closed Loop gas recirculation System (CLS) is mandatory. The prototype CLS system for 12 such RPCs has been developed using PLC (Programmable Logical Controllers) and associated peripheral input and output devices............
Keywords: INO, PLC, Gas systems, Particle tracking detectors, Resistive-plate chambers, SCCM
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Dielectric, Electric and Thermal Behavior of La3+ doped Co-Zn Nanoferrite |
Country | : | INDIA |
Authors | : | V. D. Kulkarni || S. M. Rathod |
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: | 10.9790/4861-0901017881 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Dielectric, Electric and Thermal properties of rare earth La3+ material doped in Co0.5Zn0.5 Lax Fe(2-x)O4 (where x=0.025, 0.050, 0.075, 0.100, 0.125) reaction nanocrystalline ferrites were synthesized by sol-gel auto combustion method. The electric, dielectric constant and Thermal properties were investigated. The dielectric constants and dielectric loss of the samples was observed between the 100Hz and 5 MHz. The resistivities of the prepared samples were measured from 0 Volt to 550 Volts at the constant temperature 2000C using the Two Probe method. The Thermal properties were characterized by Thermo Gravimetric and Differential Thermal Analysis (TGDTA).
Keywords: Sol-gel method, Co-Zn ferrite, TGDTA, Dielectric constant.
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ABSTRACT: The present study has been conducted in order to determine the influence of negative bias voltage applied to substrate on adhesion of copper films deposited on carbon steel substrates. The adhesion strength has been evaluated by the scratch test. Coatings were deposited by a DC magnetron sputtering system. The substrates were firstly mechanically polished and then ion-etched by argon ions prior to deposition. Adhesion was found to increase with the bias voltage. The critical load had a value of 9.5 g for an unbiased substrate and reached 18.5 g for a bias voltage of 600 V................
Keywords: DC sputtering, Ar ion bombardment, Bias voltage, Adhesion, Auger electron spectroscopy.
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ABSTRACT: Using short-time dynamics and analytical solution of Heisenberg equation of motion for the Hamiltonian of quadratically-coupled optomechanical system for different field modes, we have investigated the existence of higher-order single mode squeezing, sum squeezing and difference squeezing in absence of driving and dissipation. Depth of squeezing increases with order number for higher-order single mode squeezing. Squeezing factor exhibits a series of revival-collapse phenomena for single mode, which becomes more pronounced as order number increases. In case of sum squeezing amounts of squeezing is greater than single mode higher-order squeezing (n = 2). It is also greater than from difference squeezing for same set of interaction parameters. Sum squeezing is prominently better for extracting information regarding squeezing.
Keywords: Nonclassical, higher-order squeezing, optomechanical.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Structural Stability of Nano-Crystalline Aluminum-Glass Composites |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | O.W. Abodunrin || S.S. Oluyamo |
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: | 10.9790/4861-0901019699 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Effects of particle size of the material in nanometer on solid state, structural properties Aluminum- Glass based samples are reported in this study. The particle size of 25μm was used for both Aluminum and Glass powders respectively. The samples were prepared in powdered form of various Al-Glass proportions. The weight of Aluminum ranges between 20 – 60 percent in the composites. Results showed from X-ray diffraction analyses that Aluminum addition and the determined particle size greatly influence the structural stability............
Keywords: Particle size, composition, structural stability, solid state properties, structural parameters, toughness, ductility and strength.
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ABSTRACT: The potential of the Eremurus spp. root as a binder in Rhizophora-Eremurus spp. particleboard mammography phantom had been approved. In this study, the potential of Eremurus spp. as a phantom material has been investigated. The effective atomic number of the Eremurus spp. was calculated as an important parameter in the low energy range. Also, the mass attenuation coefficient of the Eremurus spp. root was measured in the 16.63 keV – 25.30 keV photon energy as a mammography range. Although, the effective atomic number of the Eremurus spp. was near to that of tissue, the mass attenuation of the Eremurus spp. root was not found close to those of breast tissue and water phantom. The results show that the Eremurus spp. root can be used just as a binder in phantom and it cannot be as a main phantom material.
Keywords: Effective Atomic Number, Eremurus spp., Mammography, Mass Attenuation Coefficient, XRF
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