Version-3 (Jan-Feb 2017)
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ABSTRACT: Pure and Ag doped CdO thin films were prepared by sol-gel technique with spin coating method on glass substrates, Ag-CdO doped with relatively high concentration Ag (2.5%, 5%, 10% and 15%) to obtain changes in structural, Optical And Morphological properties of Ag-CdO doped thin films at fixed annealing temperature (300◦ C), the results Shows changes in structural properties at (111) plane due to fixed annealing temperature, and decreasing in direct energy gap, and show changes in roughness average
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | To the Issue of Reconciling Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity |
Country | : | Russia |
Authors | : | Fisenko S. I |
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: | 10.9790/4861-0901030919 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: The notion of gravitational radiation as a radiation of the same level as the electromagnetic radiation is based on theoretically proved and experimentally confirmed fact of existence of stationary states of an electron in its gravitational field characterized by the gravitational constant K = 1042G (G is the Newtonian gravitational constant) and unrecoverable space-time curvature Λ. If the numerical values of K 5.11031 Nm2kg-2 and =4.41029 m-2 , there is a spectrum of stationary states of the electron in its own gravitational............
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ABSTRACT: The 1𝑠 energy level vacuum polarization correctionsof pionic hydrogen atom induced by a potential including form factor are compared with those obtained by using pion point potential. Without form factor of nucleus and pion the correction increases very slowly for low Z atoms and increases fastly for higher Z. The finite size of the nucleus increases the correction with Z in case of exponential distribution, while in case of Gaussian distribution the increase is lower. For Fermi distribution there is a fast increase at low values of Z and faslty decreases with higher values of Z. The effect of form factor of pion on the correction is very clear for low Z nuclei and then becomes nearly constant for higher values Z.
Keywords: Vacuum polarization correction, pion form factor, pionic-hydrogen atom.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Low Cost Synthesis of Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes from Coal Tar Using Arc Discharge Method |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mainak Saha |
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: | 10.9790/4861-0901032731 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: There are various methods such as arc discharge, laser ablation, chemical vapour deposition (CVD), template-directed synthesis for the growth of CNTs in the presence of catalyst particles. The production of carbon nanotubes in large quantities is possible with inexpensive coal as the starting carbon source by the arc discharge technique. It is found that a large amount of carbon nanotubes of good quality can be obtained in the cathode deposits in which carbon nanotubes are present in nest-like bundles. For more than two decades, now, there has been extensive research on the production of carbon nanotubes (CNT) and optimization of its manufacture for the industrial applications............
Keywords: Coal tar; Carbon Nanotubes; SWCNT; Simplex; Optimization
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ABSTRACT: A general scheme for controlled teleportation of an arbitrary single-qubit state with four-qubit asymmetric state is proposed. In this scheme, the sender performs Bell measurement on his particle, the two controllers and the receiver perform joint unitary operation on the rest particles. Finally, the receiver can reconstruct the single particle by introducing an auxiliary particle, he first does unitary transformation on his particle and the auxiliary particle, then performs a Von Neumann measurement on the auxiliary particle. Thus the scheme can be realized in certain probability.
Keywords: Controlled quantum teleportation; asymmetric entangled state; Bell measurement; Von Neumann measurement
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ABSTRACT: Single crystals of L-lysine added Potassium Bromide were grown by slow evaporation technique at room temperature. The crystalline nature of the grown crystal wasconfirmed using powder X-ray diffraction technique. Single crystal X-ray diffraction patterns were recorded for the structural conformation and it was found to be cubic. The UV –VIS- NIR Spectrum of the grown crystals shows less optical absorption and good transmittance in the entire visible region enabling its use in optical applications. Vickers micro hardness test was carried out to analyze the mechanical property of the grown
Keywords: Anti bacterial, Dielectric studies, Micro Hardness, Powder X-Ray Diffraction ,Slow Evaporation,
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ABSTRACT: Recently, Mathematical techniques such as Monte Carlo and ISOCSTM software are being increasingly employed in the absolute efficiency calibration of gamma ray detector. Monte Carlo simulations and Canberra ISOCSTM software bring the possibility to establish absolute efficiency curve for desired energy range based on numerical simulation, with use of known or guessed geometry and chemical composition, of measured item. Broad-energy germanium (BEGe) detector was employed to perform the NDA measurements to five standard reference nuclear material.............
Keywords: Absolute efficiency, efficiency calibration, Monte Carlo simulations, Broad-Energy Germanium Detector, gamma spectrometry, ISOCSTM software, uranium isotope mass
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ABSTRACT: The propagation of cylindrical and spherical ion acoustic solitary waves in a plasma system consisting of ions, electrons and positrons are investigated. The electrons and positrons are assumed to be following the nonextensive distribution popularly known as Tsallis distribution. The standard nonlinear equation i.e. Korteweg de-Vries (KdV) equation has been solved numerically using suitable mathematical transformations. The effect of nonextensivity (q) and nonplanar geometry on the amplitudes and width of ion acoustic potential structures have been studied numerically.............
Keywords: Cylindrical structures, Electron-positron-ion (e-p-i) plasmas, Reductive perturbation method, Spherical structures, Tsallis distribution.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Nonclassical Properties of Even and Odd Semi-Coherent States |
Country | : | Egypt |
Authors | : | H. H. Salah |
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: | 10.9790/4861-0901035967 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Even and odd semi-coherent states have been introduced. Some of the nonclasscial properties of the states are studied in terms of the quadrature squeezing as well as sub-Poissonian photon statistics. The Husimi– Kano Q-function and the phase distribution in the framework of Pegg and Barnett formalism, are also discussed.
Keywords:Semi-coherent states, quadrature squeezing, sub-Poissonian statistics, quasi-probability distribution function (Q function), Phase distribution.
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