Version-1 (Sep-2017)
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ABSTRACT: An experiment which lasted for two months was conducted to evaluate the haematological indices and body weight changes of rabbits fed with Chromolaena odorata leaf meal (COLM), 48 rabbits consisting of 27 males and 21 females and of mixed breeds, aged 6-8 weeks and weighing 400 - 800 g were randomized into four experimental diets groups of 0, 10, 20, and 30% in a completely randomized design. Each treatment was replicated 4 times with three rabbits per replicate. Samples of blood were collected monthly from the ear vein of the rabbits for haematological studies and the growth study was determined using a weighing scale. Among all the haematological parameters evaluated in this...........
Keywords: Rabbits, Chromolaena odorata , heamatology and body weight changes
[1] Aderemi, FA (2004). Effects of replacement of wheat bran with cassava root sieviate supplemented or unsupplemented with enzyme on haematology and serum biochemistry of puilet chicks. Tropical journal of Animal Science.7:147-153.
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ABSTRACT: Hematological parameters, serum biochemistry and antioxidant capacity of 125 broilers (4 weeks of age) were assessed in other to study the effect of Zingiberofficinale (Ginger), Piper nigrum (Black Pepper) and Vitamin C as feed additives in their diet. Ginger, Black pepper and Vitamin C powder were administered at the level of 50g/10kg of feed. The broilers were randomly allotted to five treatments:T1 (no antioxidant), T2 (0.5% ginger powder), T3 (0.5% black pepper powder), T4 (0.25% ginger+ 0.25% black pepper), T5 (0.5% Vitamin C) in a completely randomized design. The results obtained showed that PCV (%), Hb(g/dl), MCV(fl), MCH (pg), MCHC (%), RBC(x106/mm3)and platelets (x103/μl) were not.............
Keywords: Physiology Broiler, Ginger, Black pepper, Vitamin C, Feed
[1] Ademola S.G., Farinu G.O. and BabatundeG.M.(2009). Serum lipid, growth and haematological parameters of broilers fed garlic, ginger and their mixtures. World Journal of Agricultural Science 5(1);99-104
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ABSTRACT: A study was conducted on Elongated green stripe and Large white varieties of garden egg (Solanum melongena L.) during the 2015 cropping season at the Teaching and Research Farm of the University of Agriculture Makurdi. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of stage of fruit harvesting and after-ripening on the seed quality of garden egg. The design used for the experiment was Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. Flowers of both varieties were tagged at anthesis to determine the age of the fruits at each harvest stage. Fruits of the two varieties were harvested at three harvest stages named: about to ripen (AR), fully ripened (FR) and over-ripened (OR) stages. Seed extraction.............
Keywords: harvest, after-ripen, assimilates, seed quality.
[1] Bentsink, L. and Koornneef, M. (2008). Seed Dormancy and Germination. The Arabidopsis Book. American Society of Plant Biologists. DOL:10.1199/tab.0119 pp 1of 18-18
[2] Carrera, E., Holman, T., Medhurst, A., Dietrich, D., Footitt, S., Theodoulou, F. L. and Holdsworth, M. J. (2008). Seed after-ripening is a discrete developmental pathway associated with specific gene networks in Arbidopsis. The Plant Journal 53(2): 214-224 Jan. 2008
[3] Dias, D. C. F. S., Ribeiro, F. P., Dias, L. and Vidigal, D. (2006). Tomato seed quality in relation to fruit maturation and post-harvest storage. Seed Science and Technology 34(3):691-699 Sept. 2006.
[4] Khatun, A., Kabir, G. and Bhuiya, M. A. H. (2009). Effects of harvesting stages on the seed quality of lentil (Lens culinaris L.) during storage. Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Research 34(4):565-576
[5] Kortse, P. A. and Oladiran, A. J. (2013). Effects of season, time of fruit harvesting and after-ripening durations on the quality of 'egusi' melon [Citrullus lanatus (Thumb.) Matsum and Nakai] seed. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, vol.3(2).
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ABSTRACT: The aim of research is to identify the reality of Project grafting water melon on squash that implemented it by the directorate of extension and training Agricultural cooperation in Some Provinces of the middle of Iraq , Organization, Planning, Implementing, Flow- up and Evaluation . and identify the extent of benefit water melon farmers from Project. To achieve research objective an evaluation map that included 42articlesd distributed on5 axes organization, planning, implementing, flow- up and evaluation. Data were collected from 80 farmer during 30- 3 unite 25- 4-2017 through questionnaire and interview. A scale has prepared of benefit water melon farmers from Project that............
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[5] Al-Taiy, H.K , 2004 . Improving Agricultural Technologies Diffusion System in Iraq ,Hiwar AL-Faker magazine , NO.7 ,P201-207.
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ABSTRACT: The aortic arch persistence is one of the most commons vascular malformation in dogs, in particular on the lagers breeds. This problem avoids the solid food to go normally through the esophagus manifesting, clinically, through regurgitations and delay in the growing observed after the weaning. The objective of this report was to highlight the importance of the premature radiographic diagnostic in the aortic arch persistence for the patience survival.
Keywords: dog, malformation, thoracic radiography
[1] J.W. Buchanan, Patent ductus arteriousus morphology, pathogenesis, types and treatment. Journal of Veterinary Cardiology, 3(1), 2001, p. 7-16.
[2] T. Fossum, Cirurgia de Pequenos Animais, 4 (Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier Brasil, 2015).
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[4] A.R.P. França, Análise comparativa da ligadura cirúrgica e da oclusão transarterial do ducto arterioso persistente em cães - estudo retrospectivo em 21 animais masters diss., Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro Vila Real, PT, 2016.
[5] R. Moraillon, Y. Legeay, D. Boussarie, O. Sénécat, Manual Elsevier de Medicina Veterinária, 7 (Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier Brasil, 2013).
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ABSTRACT: India is the world leader in milk production, producing around 156 million MT of milk and growing at a CAGR of 4 per cent. Dairy Cooperatives are playing an important role for rapid development of economic standards of rural people of India. The societies of dairy cooperatives have been built with a great intention to support the members in different areas of economic, management and technology. The study reflected that Milk business was found popular in Maharashtra among all the states. In Maharashtra highest numbers of cooperatives were found contributing to the dairy processing units among all the states of India. Kolhapur Zilla Sahakari Dudh Utpadak Sangh Ltd is a dairy cooperative.........
Keyword: Growth, Milk Production, Procurement of milk, Different Products, Marketing of milk & milk products
[1] Annual Reports of Gokul Dairy 2013, 2014
[2] NDDB annual report 2015-16.
[3] Rajeev Kumar1 Dr. Raj Kiran Prabhakar2(2013), Opportunities and Challenges in Indian dairy industry supply chain: a literature review. International Journal of Logistics & Supply Chain Management Volume 2, Number 4, October – December' 2013
[4] Pandhi, P.K (2014) "Growth and Development of Indian Dairy Sector: A Pragmatic Analysis". Pacific Business Review International, Vol7, Issue 4
[5] Kunte B.S and et al (2015). "A Literature Review Of Indian Dairy Industry". International Journal of Management Research & Review, 5(6), 341-350..
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ABSTRACT: Efficient utilization of rainfall water may increase the agricultural production many folds. Though the nature of rainfall is erratic and varies with time and space, yet it is possible to predict design rainfall fairly accurately for certain return periods using various probability distribution functions. The annual maximum rainfall at Bijnor District was 1746.472 mm, 1768.998mm, 1383.958mm, 1741mm for predicted annual maximum rainfall and observed annual maximum rainfall respectively. It is clearly indicates the Gumbel distribution was very near to the observed annual maximum rainfall and predicted annual maximum rainfall (mm). Log Normal and Log Pearson type-III distribution........
Keyword: Rainfall, Gumbel distribution, Log Normal, Log Pearson type-III distribution, Coefficient value
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ABSTRACT: This study aims to determine the increase of local variety red union harvesting which is treated with dosage of indigenous mycorrhizal and bioactivator Trichoderma spp in dry land. This research was designed by using Randomized Block Design experiment with Split Plot treatment. The main factor is dose of indigenous michoriza consisting of 4 treatment levels, the dose are: 0 g / plant, 10 g / plant, 20 g / plant and 30 g / plant, while sub plot consists of 5 treatment levels, the dose are: 0 g / plant , 5 g / plant, 10 g / plant, 15 g / plant and 20 g / plant. The treatment was a combination of two repeated factors 3 times to obtain 60 experimental units. The results showed that the application of indigenous.........
Keyword: Local Variety of Red Onion, indigenous mycorrhizal, Bioactivator Trichoderma spp.
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ABSTRACT: This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of addition probiotic and citric acid separately and in a combination on performance parameters, intestinal microflora and morphology and immune system of Ross 308 broiler chicks. The treatment were as the following :T1 (control diet) without supplement ,T2 supplementing with probiotic (0.05%), T3 and T4 supplementing with citric acid (0.15 and 0.3 %respectively), T5 supplementing with probiotic and citric acid (0.05 and 0.15 % respectively ) and T6 supplementing with probiotic and citric acid (0.05and 0.3% respectively) performance parameters was massured weekly. At 21 and 42 d of age four chicks from each treatment were........
Keyword: Broiler; probiotic; citric acid; performance parameters; intestinal microflora; morphology; Immune system.
[1]. Jorgensen, F., Bailey, R. and Williams, S. 2002. Prevalence and Numbers of Salmonella and Campylobacter spp. On Raw, Whole Chickens in Relation to Sampling Methods. Int. J. Food Microbiol., 76: 151–164.
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ABSTRACT: In Lombok, eastern Indonesia, vertisols is one of the potential soil types for production of food crops, especially rice, and off season cash crops on raised beds. However, it has some physical limitations, such as unstable soil structure which results in slumping beds. Previous research has proven that if vertisols could perform a permanent Raised Bed (PRB), then this PRB system was a favorable media for crop production, as well as the best technique in alleviating impact of water scarcity in the areas. This research aimed to examine potential use of soil amendments i.e. application.........
Keyword: Soil amendment, permanent raised bed, rice, rainfed vertisol, bed stability
[1]. Borrell, A.K., R.M. Kelly, and D.E. VanCooten, 1998. Improving Management of Rice in Semi-arid Eastern Indonesia: Response to Irrigation, Plant Type and Nitrogen. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 38, 261-271.
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ABSTRACT: A field experiment was conducted at research station of College of Agriculture University of Baghdad in Abu-Griab. The aim was to study early generation of cowpea under water stress regime. The purpose was to identify which genotypes have high yield under water deficit. The experiment consisted of two levels of water deficit (50 and 75%) and three progenies selected and original cultivars. Randomized complete block design (RCBD) within split plots arrangement with three replicates in two seasons of 2013 were used. The results revealed that progeny3 gave highest mean in chlorophyll index and78.8 SPAD in spring and autumn season respectively. In addition to, theprogeny3 had.........
Keyword: PCR-SSR , Cowpea progenies , Drought
[1]. Abed, Z. A. 2014.Breeding for drought tolerance in progress of cowpea (Vignaunguiculata (L.) Walp). Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences. 2(5): 489 – 494.
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[5]. El-Shaieny, A.A.H., Y.Y. Abdel-Ati, A.M. El-Damarany, and A.M. Rashwan. 2015. Stability analysis of components characters in cowpea ( Vignaunguiculata (L.) Walp) Journal of Horticulture and Forestry. 7(2):24-35..
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ABSTRACT: This experiment was carried out using water culture technic to investigate the influence of form and concentration of nitrogen fertilizers in growth and activity of three antioxidants enzyme such as super oxidase dismutase (SOD) and peroxidase (POD) and catalase (CAT) and non enzymatic antioxidant the chlorophyll.The experimental showed that the response of pepper plants depend highly significantly upon the concentration and the form of nitrogen fertilizer. The highest root dry weight was found when 25 mm.L-1ammonium phosphate plus 75 mm.L-1 ammonium nitrate. The experimental unit included eight plants and the number of treatment was seven and replicated three times. The experimental........
[1]. Abedi , T and E, Pakniyat. 2010. Antioxidant enzyme changes in response to drought stress in ten cultivar of oil seed rape (Brassica napus L.). Journal of Genetic and Plant Breeding. 46(1):27-34.
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[3]. Ahmadizadeh, M; M, Valizadeh; M, Zeafizadeh and H, Shahbazi. 2011. Antioxidative protection and electrolyte leakage in durum wheat under drought stress condition. Journal of Applied Science Research. 7(3):236-246.
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ABSTRACT: This experiment was carried out during two winter successive season (2012-2013) , (2013-2014) at the Experimental Fields of the Field Crops Department , College of Agriculture , University of Baghdad , to study the mechanism of the Biological reaction of the spraying effects of three levels of ABA at (0 , 2.5 , 5) mg . L-1 with three levels of Marine Algae extract (0 , 2.5 , 5) ml .L-1 and its effects on the apparent changes and chemical changes of Anise Plant (PimpinellaanisumL.) , in a randomized complete block design with three replicatiopnsas a factorial experiment, Results indicated that treatment with GA3 and Marine Algae extract was significantly increased values of all parameters measure........
Keyword: Anise, ABA, Marine Algae Extract, Apparent Changes, Chemical Changes.
[1]. Abdul Raaheem I. A .2015. The effect of Auxin IAA and sea algae extraction on oil characteristics and active compounds of (Ocimiumbasilicum L.) . Biology Department , College of Education , Tikrit University , Tikrit , Iraq .20(3):1662-1813.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effect of Biofertilizers on Leaf Hormonal Content in Peach Trees |
Country | : | Iraq |
Authors | : | AbidAlridha Al-Qassam |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/2380-1009018789 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: This study was conducted in the Department of Biology, Al-Rasheed University College- Baghdad during 2017 growing season to investigate the influence of some microbial inoculants on 1 year's old trees of "Peento" peach cultivar.The biofertilizers treatments was control treatment (B1), Azotobacter chroococcum (B2), Azospirillum brasilense (B3), Bacillusmegatherium (B4), Azotobacter chroococcum+ Azospirillum brasilense (B5), Azotobacter chroococcum+ Bacillusmegatherium (B6), Azospirillum brasilense + Bacillusmegatherium (B7),Azotobacter chroococcum+ Azospirillum brasilense + Bacillusmegatheriumto the soil (B8).The experimental design adapted in this experiment was RCBD....... .
[1]. Al-Hadethi, Mustafa. E.A. 2015.Effect of Different Fertilization sources and the growth regulator (Brassinosteroids) on growth and yield of Apricot trees. Ph.D. Dissertation, Coll. of Agric., Univ. of Baghdad. pp. 153.
[2]. Ali B, Sabri AN, Ljung K, Hasnain S .2009. Auxin production byplant associated bacteria: impact on endogenous IAA contentand growth ofTriticumaestivum L. Lett. ApplMicrobiol 48: 542-547.
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[4]. Belimov AA, Dodd IC, Hontzeas N et al .2009. Rhizospherebacteria containing 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate de-aminase increase yield of plants grown in drying soil via bothlocal and systemic hormone signaling. New Phytol. 18:413-423.
[5]. Bhattacharyya P.N and D.K,Jha.2012. Plant growth-promotionrhizobacteria (PGPR): emergence in agriculture. World JMicrobiolBiotechnol. 28:1327–1350.
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ABSTRACT: This study was conducted in the Department of Biology, Al-Rasheed University College- Baghdad during 2017 growing season to investigate the influence of some microbial inoculants on 1 year's old trees of "Peento" peach cultivar. The biofertilizers treatments was control treatment (B1), Azotobacter chroococcum (B2), Azospirillum brasilense (B3), Bacillusmegatherium (B4), Azotobacter chroococcum + Azospirillum brasilense (B5), Azotobacter chroococcum + Bacillusmegatherium (B6), Azospirillum brasilense + Bacillusmegatherium (B7), Azotobacter chroococcum + Azospirillum brasilense + Bacillusmegatherium to the soil (B8).The experimental design adapted in this experiment was RCBD. The number of transplant used was 24 transplants.The results indicate that the Azotobacter chroococcum............
[1]. Al-Hadethi, Mustafa. E.A. 2015. Effect of Different Fertilization sources and the growth regulator (Brassinosteroids) on growth and yield of Apricot trees. Ph.D. Dissertation, Coll. of Agric., Univ. of Baghdad. pp. 153 .
[2]. Al-Hadethi, Mustafa .E.A. , B.M.K. Almashhadani and Y.F.S. Al-Qatan. 2014. Effect of foliar application of potassium and soil biofertilizer application on the growth and yield of (Lozi) apricot cultivar (Prunus armeniaca L.). Zagazig J. Agric. Res., 41(5): 969-975.
[3]. Barker, A.V and D.J, Pilbeam. 2007. Plant Nutrition. CRC Press is an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group, an Informal business.
[4]. Bashan,Y and G, Holguin.1998. Proposal for divisionof plant growthpromoting rhizobacteria into two classifications: biocontrolPGPB (Plant growth-promoting bacteria) and PGPB. SoilBiolBiochem. 30:1225–1228.
[5]. Canbolat, M, Bilen S, ÇakmakçıR,Şahin F, Aydın,A.2006. Effectof plant growth-promoting bacteria and soil compaction onbarley seedling growth, nutrient uptake, soil properties andrhizosphere microflora. BiolFertil Soils. 42:350–357...