Version-2 (Sep-2017)
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ABSTRACT: Four, one-stage leach bed reactors (LBRs) were studied for application of rumen cultures as an inoculum source for enhancing hydrolysis during dry anaerobic mono-digestion (AD) of grass silage at 35oC.Two LBRs were employed to test the effect of rumen culturewith (25% rumen culture + 75% digested cow manure) and without combining the digested cow manure (i.e., 100% rumen culture). Another Two LBRs were employed to compare the hydrolytic degradation efficiencies of NaOH pre-treated and untreated grass silage using digested cow manure (100%) as inoculum. Results showed that, application of a combination of rumen inoculum @ 25 % of rumen culture + 75 % digested cow manure or 100 % rumen culture as an inoculum source, enhanced hydrolysis of grass silage by 10 % than in...........
Keywords: Leach bed reactor, hydrolysis, grass silage, rumen fluid, methane, inoculum.
[1] Strang, O., Norbert, Acs., Wirth, R., MarÓti, G., Zoltán, B., Rákhely Gábor, Kornél L. Kovács.Bioaugmentation of the thermophilic anaerobic biodegradation ofcellulose and corn stover,Anaerobe,2017, (In press). 1-10.
[2] Andrade, W.R., Xavier, C.A.N., Coca, F.O.C.G., Arruda, L.D.O., Santos, T.M.B., Biogas production from ruminant and monogastric animal manure co-digested with manipueira, Archiva Zootechnica, 2017, 65 (251), 375-380.
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[5] Haibo Zhang, Panyue Zhang, Jie Ye, Yan Wu, Wei Fang, Xiying Gou, Guangming Zeng, Improvement of methane production from rice straw with rumen fluid pretreatment: A feasibility study, 2016, International biodeterioration and biodegradation, Vol- 113, 9-16...
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ABSTRACT: The functional response of common green lacewing Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens) on black bean aphid (Aphis fabae Scopoli) was studied in the biology unit at 25 C⁰. Functional response curves showed that common green lacewing larvae followed the second type (cyclic) of functional response patterns. The functional response of the predator common green lacewing increased with the increase in population density, i. e. the opportunities of the common green lacewing for facing the prey increased at high density and then increased in the number of consumed prey in comparison with low density. When calculating the attack coefficient (a) and handling time (Th), increase in (a) and decrease in (Th) were found during the development of the predator common green lacewing C. carnea. The...........
[2]. ALHAMAWANDY ,SHAYMAA ADULKHALIQ.(2011). Ecological and Biological STUDIES ON THE Chrysoperla carnea(Stephens) (Neuroptera:Chrysopidae) Of Black bean Aphis fabae Scop (Homoptera:Aphididae). THESIS COLLEGEOFAGRICLTURE. BAGHDAD UNIVERSITY
[4]. ALJASSANI, R. F, (1980). LIFE STUDIES. Aphis fabae(scolopi) (Aphedidae :Homoptera) in Iraq. MSC.THESIS COLLEGEOFAGRICLTURE. BAGHDAD UNIVERSITY..
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ABSTRACT: Acacia senegal (L.) Willdenow or Acacia seyal (Fam. Leguminosae) is native to arid and semi-arid region of sub-Saharan Africa. In Indian sub-continent, species is exotic but has been well naturalized. Acacia senegal is an important tree species, the source of gum Arabic is found in the desert state of Rajasthan, especially in arid western Rajasthan. It's habitats in arid western Rajasthan included rocky hills, sandy plains, sandy hummock and sand dunes. It is commonly an under canopy tree which generally attains a height of 4.5 to 8.0 m. After repeated trials and error, ICAR-CAZRI, Jodhpur standardized the dose of Ethephon treatment of A. senegal trees for enhanced recovery of gum Arabic. The present study deals with CAZRI developed gum Arabic production technology coupled with gum Arabic production..........
Keywords: Acacia senegal, arid western Rajasthan, gum Arabic, Land forms.
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ABSTRACT: This study aimed to examine whether inoculation with Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) and planting together with several peanut varieties affect growth and yield of red rice grown in an aerobic system. The pot culture experiment was carried out in a plastic house, from June to September 2017, designed according to Completely Randomized Design with factorial arrangement of the two treatment factors tested, i.e.: AMF inoculation (M0 = without or M1 = with AMF inoculation) and peanut varieties (V1= Biawak, V2= Hypoma-1, V3= G300-II promising line, V4= Wajik, and V5= local Bima). Each treatment combination was made in three replications. The results indicated that AMF inoculation had significant effect in increasing rice growth, panicle number, number and weight of filled grains per pot as well as decreasing the percentage of unfilled grains, while peanut varieties.........
Keywords: Red rice, intercropping, peanut, arbuscular mycorrhiza.
[1]. Anggraini, T., Novelina, U. Limber and R. Amelia. 2015. Antioxidant Activities of Some Red, Black and White Rice Cultivar from
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ABSTRACT: In order to find out the pollution of the Rutai River, in this paper, the community structure of zooplankton including species composition, density, and total biomass were studied in Rutai river from October 2013to September 2014.The main results show as follows: A total of 56 species were identified, including 31 Rotifera (55.4%) , 9 Cladocera (16.1%),8 Copepoda (14.3%) and 9 Protozoan(16.1%).The dominant species of the zooplankton were Brachionus calyciflorus, Anuraeopsis fissa, Asplanchna priodonala, Polyarthra trigla, Diaphanosoma brachyurum, Mesocyclops leuckarti, Bosmina longirostris, Sinocalanus dorrii and Cyclops vicinus. From the rotifer and crustacean zooplankton diversity index (H), richness (M) and evenness (J) of the conclusion of view, the water quality of the river has been in moderately polluted state
Keywords: Rutai River; Zooplankton; community structure; diversity.
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ABSTRACT: Ecotourism policy of a conservation area aims at managing tourism resource to be utilized for socioeconomic, culture and environmental purposes. Fact shows that the policy has been supported by laws and regulations but the implementation hasn't reached its optimum condition. This condition is due to the policy's goal hasn't been achieved yet. The other factor is incapacity of implementer in transforming the policy content into operational action based on the concept and criteria of ecotourism (rechtsidee). The objective of this research was to identify and analyze the ecotourism policy in Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park (Taman Nasional Bogani Nani Wartabone, TNBNW), Province of Gorontalo. Laws and regulations were collected and analyzed using content analysis method based on 5 criterion of ecotourism. The research showed that 6 laws, 12 government regulations, 15 regulation/decree of minister, and 13 informal policies of TNBNW had been collected. The total policies concerning ecotourism were.........
Keywords: Ecotourism, Conservation Areas, Policy
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ABSTRACT: Field experiments were conducted at the Teaching and Research Farm of University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, during the wet seasons of 2013 and 2016 to evaluate the effect of intercropping on weed suppression and maize yield. The experiment consists of seven treatments namely: sole maize, sole egusi-melon, sole watermelon, sole pumpkin, maize + egusi-melon, maize + watermelon, and maize + pumpkin. The treatments were laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD), and replicated three times. Results showed that at 12 weeks after planting (WAP), intercrops reduced weed density by 43.22% and 59.66% in 2013 and 2016 cropping seasons. Average over the years at 12WAP showed that the highest weed smothering efficiency was in maize intercropped with egusi-melon (84.15%) while the lowest was in maize intercropped with pumpkin (60.37 %). In addition,.........
Keywords: Intercropping, land equivalent ratio, maize yield, weeds smothering efficiency
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ABSTRACT: Five different saw dust vzi. Mango tree (MangiferaindicaT2),Mahogany tree swieteniamahagoni T3), Rain tree (AlbiiasamanT4),Teak tree (TectonagrandisT5),Jack fruit tree (ArtocarpusheterophyllaT6) and all mixture of all five sawdust tree( T1)supplemented with 30% wheat bran and 1 % lime as basal substrate were investigated in cultivation pleurotusflorida. The highest time from stimulation to primordial initiation (8.00 days),Time from primordial initiation to harvest (4.29day) and highest cost benefit ratio (5.30) were obtain inT1. The highest average no. of primordial/packet (216.3), highest average no. of fruiting body/packet (116.7), the highest average no. of effective fruiting........
Keywords: Growth, Sawdust, Spawn, Substrate, Oyster Mushroom, Pleurotusflorida, Wheat bran
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ABSTRACT: This study aimed to determine the factors influencing adoption index of double row system in planting hybrid corn on dry land in Pringgabaya district, East Lombok regency, west Nusa Tenggara. This study was done in survey method; interviewing some respondents. Number of respondents was determined by using Slovin Formula, and it was generated 73 respondents. The respondents were randomly selected from the population of corn farmers in the study sites. The data were analyzed using multiple linear regressions. The analysis result shows that duration of formal education (X1), cultivated land area (X2), seed price (X3), fertilizer price (X4) and attendance intensity.........
Keywords: corn, double row system, index, adoption, innovation
[1]. Musyafak, et al. 2005. Acceleration Strategy of Adoption and Diffusion of Agricultural Innovation Supports Prima Tani. Journal of Agricultural Policy Analysis Vol. 3 No. 1 Maret 2005.
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ABSTRACT: This study was conducted to determine the effect of natural seasonal changes ( temperature, rain fall and relative humidity) on some hematological and biochemical parameters of 19 exotic German shepherd dogs of both sexes aged between 2-4 years reared at Khartoum state during the year 2014-2015 .Blood samples was collected during winter(November,December,January and February) ,Summer (March,April,May and June) ,Autumn, the rainy season (July,August ,September,October) for complete blood count and serum metabolites analysis using an automated hematology analyzer.The data was analyzed by ANOVA test. The results revealed that ,the red blood cells count, RDW increased significantly p≤0.00 during summer, meanwhile, MCV ,MCH,PCT and neutrphil increased.........
Keywords: Canine, Hematological and Biochemical Parameters, Seasons
[1]. Abdalla, M.Abdelatif; M,Ibrahim; Y,Yahia Y(2009).Seasonal variation in Erythrocytic and Leukocytic Indices and Serum Proteins of Female Nubian Goats. Middle –East Journal of Scientific Research,ISSN 1990-9233,DOSI public.4(3):168-174.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Evaluation of thePerformance of Centrifugal PumpType (98-00-000) |
Country | : | Iraq |
Authors | : | Khalid Saad Ahmed Al – Obaidy |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/2380-1009026973 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Experimental study was carried out at the laboratories of the General Company for Automotive and Mechanical Equipment - Alexandria 50 km south of Baghdad in 2016 to evaluate the effect of changing the pumping height ( sump ) and thehead ( delivery head ) from the water level and increasing the pressure of the pump type (98-00-000) (4"× 4") Pump. Three levels of delivery head were used( 5, 10 and 15 meters) and three section depths included ( 0.6 , 1.1 and 1.6 m ) were used in this study. The speed is 1450 rpm. A laboratory experiment was done using (CRD) Complete Randomize Design in three replicates. The results of the study were as follow:pumping discharge( Q ) is reduced by..........
Keywords: centrifugal pump, water horsepower, brake horsepower, efficiency
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