Version-2 (Jan-2019)January 2019 Issue Statistics
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ABSTRACT: Biodiversity study in cotton ecosystem is very important to understand species composition of agriculturally important arthropods which mediate or regulate a variety of functions essential for plant growth and productivity, soil resource structure and ecosystem health. In order to study biodiversity of soil surface arthropods in Bt and non-Bt cotton ecosystems an attempt was made from July 2016 to February 2017 in three seasons in farmers Bt and non-Bt cotton fields. The results indicated that arthropods were recorded from 8 insect orders besides spiders and millepods. A total of 138 individuals in Bt cotton, 309 individuals in non-Bt cotton field were recorded by using pitfall traps. Arthropods collected from twenty one species in Bt and twenty five species in non-Bt cotton fields were........
Key Words: Biodiversity, Bt Cotton, non-Bt cotton, abundance of soil arthropods, diversity indices
[1]. Conner, A.J., R. Glare, and J.P. Nap.2003. The release of genetically modified crops into the environment. Part-II overview of ecological risk assessment. Plant J. 33: 19 – 46
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[5]. Huang, F., Higgins R.A. and Buschman, L.L(1999) Transgenic Bt-plants: Successes, Challenges and strategies. ACPC conference. Pestology : Special Issue Feb. 1999: 2-29
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ABSTRACT: Nocardiaspecies have a complex cell wall structure similar to that of mycobacteria, and the extraction of DNA from this bacterium is extremely difficult. Currently, to identify Nocardiaspecies particularly, it is essential to utilize molecular techniques. Amis: In the present Study we investigated STETbuffer(SoduimCholride –TRIS-EDTA –Triton )for extraction of Genomic DNA from 20 soil samples and from 300 milk samples of drily animalsto detect the presence of Nocardiaand Nocardia- like species in these samples. Materials and Methods: The study subjects included 300milk samples and 20 soil samples from different farms in Khartoum State, which include HilatKoko, Ghandahar, Al SilateandAlmuaileh. Distribution of the enrolled milk samples was as follows; 100..........
Keywords: 16S rRNA, DNA extraction, Nocardia, PCR
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ABSTRACT: The study was carried out to assess colony absconds and how it affects production of honey in Ondo State, Nigeria.A multistage sampling technique was used to collect the data from 90 beekeepers in six Local Government Areas across the three ecological zones in the State. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics and correlation analysis. The results indicated that majority (90%) of the respondents owned less than 120 hives for honeybee rearing, while 93.43% produced below 300litres of honey per cropping season. The result further revealed that the main perceived causes of colony absconds were Pest/parasite invasion, Nutritional problem from non-availability of nectar, Fire/smoke disturbance, Incessant disturbance/ poor apiary maintenance, and Unfavorable..........
Keywords: Colony, Absconds, Production, Honey and Honeybee.
[1]. Fletcher, D. J. C., (1991). Interdependence of Genetics and Ecology in A Solution to the African Bee Problem. In:The "African" Honeybee (M. Spivak, D. J. C. Fletcher, And M. D. Breed, Eds.), Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado, Pp. 77–94.
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ABSTRACT: Egusi is one of the crops of regional importance in West Africa because it is an important export commodity.It is mostly infected with aflatoxigenic species of Aspergillus flavus whichproduces carcinogenic aflatoxins. There are many close relatives of egusi which are characterized based on the seed type and seed coat colour. No studies have been conducted to compare the production of aflatoxins in different types of melon which are consumed in Nigeria. This study was undertaken to determine the occurrence of A. flavus and aflatoxins in different types of egusi kernels. Six types of egusi present in each Southwestern Nigerian state were sampled. Approximately ½k g of162 samples of the different egusi typeswere purchased twice in 2012 and 2013 from selected traders and taken to the laboratory for aflatoxin analysis, Aspergillus isolationand identification.Aflatoxin concentration..........
Keywords: Egusi(melon), aflatoxin contamination, Egusi types, Aspergillus species, southwest Nigeria
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ABSTRACT: Paludikultur can ultilized of seasonal plants with the ability to grow well on peatlands. This reaearch aimed to implement Analysis of Profitability and Economy of Aplication Paludiculture Model of Meranti and Pineapple in different areas of peatland in the province of South Sumatra. Determine methods used in this research is purpose method (purposive sampling), with consideration to the location of two village namely Village Perigi and Village Sepucuk. Pilot Project Implementation of Paludiculture Model on peatlands in Perigi Village was able to develop a paludiculture model namely Meranti-Pineapple mixture with a scale of 1ha. The results of the financial analysis of Paludiculture model of Meranti-pineapple mixture with positive NPV, IRR 74.37% greater than the discount factor of 6% and the Net BC 6.25> 1.It can be said that is paludiculture model is economically feasible..
Keywords: Analysis, Profitability, Paludiculture, Peatland, Meranti, Pineapple
[1]. D.Rymbai, R.Singh, S.M.Feroze, R.Bardoloi. 2012. Benefit-Cost Ratio of Pineapple Orchard in Meghalaya. Indian Journal of Hill Farming. 25(1):9-12. Volume 25.
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[5]. R.Takawein, A. Syahza, U. Pato, Mubarak. Economic Analysis of Agroforestry of Meranti ( Shorea leprosula Miq ) Planted Among Oil Palm Trees as a Model for Development of Environmentally Friendly Oil Palm Plantation in The Riau Province, Indonesia. International Journal of Science and Reseacrh (IJSR). ISSN. 2319-7064.
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ABSTRACT: This study aims to determine the level of income of red chilli farmers who sell to the auction market and outside the auction market and the efficiency of marketing chili in Siborong-Borong Subdistrict through the auction market and non auction markets. The data used are primary data with 70 respondents. The technique of data collection is done by means of interviews, observations, and questionnaires using the purposive sampling method. The results of this study indicate the income of red chilli farmers in Siborong-Borong Subdistrict for farmers who sell to the auction market in the amount of Rp76,660,587 per planting season, far greater than the income of farmers selling outside the auction.........
Keywords: chili farmers, auction markets, income, market efficienc, farmer's share
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ABSTRACT: The objective of this research was to study the economic efficiency and the production function of alfalfa crop in Diyala Governorate to determine the factors which affect the production of alfalfa, as well as the identification of the optimal quantities that achieve economic efficiency. And assessment of economic efficiency and its components Technical efficiency, efficiency of the allocation and knowledge of capacity efficiency and yield size using a questionnaire distributed to 30 alfalfa farmers in different areas DiyalaGovernorate randomly. The quantitative method was used to estimate the factors affecting the production of the alfalfa crop using evewis.9. while the economic efficiency.........
Keywords: efficiency of the allocation, production mean, marginal rate of substitution
[1]. Al-Qaisi, E. H.2009. The Economic profit of Pistachio Farms in Diyala Governorate (StudyCase), Master Thesis, Department of Agricultural Economics, College of Agriculture, University of Baghdad. PP: 74 .
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ABSTRACT: Field experiment was carried out in Horticulture and Landscape Department, College of Agriculture, University of Baghdad, Al-Jadriah during fall 2017 to study effect of five water soluble extracts of different seeds (black cumin T1, fenugreek T2, cumin T3, anise T4 and coriander T5) as well as the control treatment T0 in the growth and yield of beet plant. The experiment implemented with RCBD in three replicates .The means compared under 5% probability. The results revealed the significant superiority of T2 treatment in number of leaves and leaves dry weight (15.50 leaf.p-1 , 15.13g). Moreover, T1 treatment gave the highest numbers in leaf area (39.48 dsm2), total........
[1]. Abdel-Hussein, M. T.M.2016. Effect of water extracts of medicinal plants germination percentage and development of plumule and radicle growth.Anethum graveolens L. plant. Ibn al - Haitham Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences. 28 (3): 295-303.
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ABSTRACT: The result of this research shows the time allocated by woman household divided into domestic activities, productive activities, and social activities. For workerswoman, the time allocated for domestic activities and social activities is lower than unworkers woman because workerswoman will allocate her time for productive activities.The differences time between workers women and unworkers women in each activity occurs because workers woman tend to use their time to the fullest.This is because workers woman must allocate their time in one day for all activities, while......
Keywords: workers woman, time allocation, free time
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ABSTRACT: Rabies is a viral disease with a high mortality rate caused by a neurotropic virus that is capable of infecting all mammals. In many developed countries, the primary vectors for the rabies virus are the wild animals. In Turkey, on the other hand, the disease is mostly dog-mediated, and it has been reported that more than 70% of the rabies cases in Turkey were caused by dogs. In this study, the aim was to retrospectively evaluate the epidemiology of the rabies cases encountered in the Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia regions between 2010 and 2015 based on the virus isolations and laboratory diagnoses. The animal material of the study consists of 37 wildlife animals (wolves, foxes, weasels, badgers) diagnosed with rabies brought to Elazığ Veterinary Control Institute from the Eastern.........
Keywords: Wild rabies, East Anatolia, Southeast Anatolia, Turkey
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Linking Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development |
Country | : | Turkey |
Authors | : | Agugo, U.A |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/2380-1201025763 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: There is a strong link between food, agriculture, nutrition and development. Food is a product of agriculture while the knowledge, proper utilization of food nutrients and the processes nutrients undergo in sustaining life of an individual is based on nutrition. Apart from social and economic factors, food nutrients can also be influenced by agricultural practices, posing the agronomist with additional challenge of managing environmental impacts on the quantity and quality of food nutrients during cultivation in other to achieve healthy foods. Good nutrition is capable of improving people's physical and mental development, even their capacity to learn, work and exhibit their full potentials as human beings. On the other hand, development is seen as a process that builds on itself and involves all round changes especially from individuals, social and economic aspects. Food system, social.........
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ABSTRACT: The study was conducted in Muda-Lawal Market Bauchi, Bauchi state from June to August, 2016. A total of 400 matured cocks (357 normal feathered, 23 naked neck and 20 frizzled) were used to obtained the following measurements: comb height, comb length, wattle length, neck length, wingspan, trunk length, body length, girth circumference, drumstick length, shank length and testicular weight. Data generated were subjected to analysis of variance, Pearson correlation analysis and prediction models using simple and multiple linear regression. The mean comb height, comb length, wattle length, neck length, wingspan, trunk length, body length, girth circumference, drum stick length, shank length andtesticular weight were 4.93 cm, 7.53 cm, 3.98 cm, 13.61 cm, 47.50 cm, 21.80 cm, 45.24 cm, 32.70 cm, 14.38, 11.05 cm and 14.41g, respectively. Strain had significant effect on comb height (P<0.01........
Keywords: Correlation, Prediction, Testicular weight, Local chicken
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ABSTRACT: There is a strong role of natural resources in driving the economy of South Kalimantan Province, namely mining-quarrying and agriculture. But in 2016-2021 South Kalimantan Province's Regional Medium-Term Development Plan (Rencana Pembangunan JangkaMenengah Daerah-RPJMD) shows that the government prioritizes the development of agriculture and agro-industry rather than mining. More specifically the agricultural sub-sector is the plantation, which has direct linkage with agro-industry. This study aims to identify the potential of the South Kalimantan region according to the regency/ municipality, so there will be identified as superior and unseeded.......
Keywords: Clustering Analysis, Plantation subsector, potential plantation area, superior plantation area
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ABSTRACT: In the milk activity, the problems that affect the reproductive tract of postpartum females such as retention of placenta, metritis and endometrites, cause great losses, such as decrease on milk production, drug expenses, milk discharge and low reproductive performance, are generally related to the animal's systemic immune status. For this reason, several products are indicated as immunostimulators or immunopotentiators in pre-calving cows. In this work, two groups of bovine, Jersey andHolstein females were tested for the immunostimulatory activity of Levamisole, a parasite control drug that has on its properties an increase in the immune response in animals. The........
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