Version-3 (Jan-2019)January 2019 Issue Statistics
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Spraying Effect with "Tomatherm" on Irrigated Olive Trees Productivity |
Country | : | Jordan |
Authors | : | Saleh Mohammed Al-Shdeifat |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1201030103 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Tomatherm is a concentrated suspension liquid composed of polymers, complex water soluble structures that protect the plants mechanically in sensitive and critical growth stages during which the plant undergoes heat stress or drought. The study was conducted in the season year (2009/2010) and in two different sites on irrigated olive trees in Al-Mafraq governorate (Al-Zaatari and Al-Zubaidiah) in Jordan. The experiments in both sites was laded in a Completely Randomize Design (CRD) in 3 replicates and 2 treatments (sprayed + the control) in each replicate. Spraying was done at a rate of one liter (1) of Tomatherm/ 100 liters of water prior to the date of full blooming in late April. Measurements were taken in terms of production, percentage of increase in length of new shoots........
Key Words: Tomatherm , Olive Production , Shoot growth, Fruits, Stress conditions
[1]. Sofo, A. , S. Manfreda, M. Fiorentino, B. Dichio and C. Xiloyannis. The olive tree: a paradigm for drought tolerance in Mediterranean climates. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 12 (2008), 293–301
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ABSTRACT: Polar extract of gamal leaves (Gliricidia sepium) from various cultivars in Lampung, Indonesia, is revealed to show insecticidal effect on various types of mealy bugs, but its effect on papaya meally bugs (Planacoccus marginatus) is not yet known. This study aims to determine the insecticidal effects of water extract formulation of gamal leaf powder from four different cultivars, namely Bandar Lampung (BL) cultivars, Pringsewu (PR), North Lampung (LU) and West Lampung (LB) against papaya mealy bugs. There were five formulation preapared namely Formula 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Each formula is differentiated based on the LC50 ratio of each cultivar extract (BL:PR:LU:LB) consecutively are 1:1:1:1, 2:1:1:1, 1:2:1:1, 1:1:2:1 and 1:1:1:2. Mortality data were analyzed by probit analysis.........
Keywords: Mealybug, papaya mealybug, Paracoccus marginatus, gamal, Gliricidia sepium
[1]. Evans E.A. and Ballen F.H. An Overview of Global Papaya Production, Trade, and Consumption. FE913, Food and Resource Economics Department, UF/IFAS Extension. The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS), 2012;
[2]. Muniappan R, Shepard BM, Watson GW, Carner GR, Sartiami D, Rauf A, and Hammig M.D. First report of the papaya mealybug, Paracoccus marginatus (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), in Indonesia and India. Journal of Agricultural and Urban Entomology, 2008; 25(1):37-40
[3]. Ivakdalam, L. M. 2010. Dampak Ekonomi Serangan Hama Asing Invasif Paracoccus marginatus (Hemiptera:Pseudococcidae) pada Usahatani Pepaya di Kabupaten Bogor. Tesis. Sekolah Pascasarjanan Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor.
[4]. Pratami, G. D. 2011. Senyawa Flavonoid dari Ekstrak Air Serbuk Daun Gamal (Gliricidia maculata) dan Uji Toksisistasnya Terhadap Hama Kutu Putih Pepaya (Paracoccus marginatus). Skripsi. Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Lampung, Bandar Lampung.
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ABSTRACT: The study was carried out to assess the extent of bio-security awareness and implementation among pig farmers in Enugu North Local Government Area of Enugu State. The research focused on three bio-security goals. They include; Pathogen Isolation, pathogen Traffic Control and Sanitation/Disease control. The research adopted a survey design which sought information from 100 Small Scale and 100 Large Scale pig Farms in the area. Thirty questionnaire items were constructed after a review of the related literature. The data collected were analyzed with descriptive statistics involving the use of means and standard deviation. T-test was used to test the hypotheses formulated to guide the study. Results of analyses reveal no significant difference (p>0.05) in the mean scores of both Small Scale and Large Scale pig Farms on their extent of awareness and application/implementation of bio-security measures.........
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[5]. Anderson, E.C., Hutchings, G.H., Mukarati, N. and Wilkinson, P.J. (1998). African swine virus infection of the bush pig (Potamachoerusporcus) and its significance in the epidemiology of the disease. Veterinary microbiology, 62:1- 15.
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ABSTRACT: A health survey was carried out to investigate the prevalence of gill ectoparasites and infectious viral agents in consignments of ornamental fish imported into the Sultanate of Oman. A total of 81 imported goldfish, Carassius auratus, were sampled from three pet shops situated within the Muscat governorate and examined for parasite infection. In addition to these, a further 119 ornamental fish from consignments originating from Thailand, Singapore and Taiwan were subjected to virological examination. Ornamental fish species including Carassius auratus (n =83), Cyprinus carpio (n = 5), Siluriformes (n = 4), Piaractus brachypomus (n = 3), Puntigrus tetrazona (n = 4), Hypostomus plecostomus (n = 2), Astronotus ocellatus (n = 4), Trichopodus trichopterus (n = 12) and Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (n = 2) were selected. Pooled samples of spleen, kidney and liver were tested for the presence of Koi Herpesvirus (KHV) and Iridovirus (IV) following standard OIE PCR protocols...........
[1]. FAO. 2006. National Aquaculture Sector Overview. Oman. National Aquaculture Sector Overview Fact Sheets. Text by Al Rashdi, K.M. In: FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department. Rome. Updated 8 October 2012. [Cited 12 October 2014].
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[5]. Gunn GC, Heffernan M. Hall A, McLeod M, Hovi. 2008. Measuring and comparing constraints to improved biosecurity amongst GB farmers, veterinarians and the auxiliary industries. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 84(3), 310-323.
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ABSTRACT: The study was conducted in Gwer-West Local Government Area of Benue State to investigate the causes of farmers- herdsmen and use conflict that is common in many parts of Nigeria. Such conflict has caused a lot of losses to Nigeria, the state, and local communities. Using simple random and purposive sampling techniques, 80 farmers and 20 herdsmen were selected from communities. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire and were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The result revealed that the major causes of farmers-herders conflict in the study area include destruction of crops by cattle, contamination of streams by cattledungs, female sexual harassment by herdsmen, harassment of herdsmen by youths of host communities, cattle rustling by host communities, and indiscriminate bush burning by herdsmen Most respondents suffered various effects as a result of their mutual conflict.............
Keywords: Conflict, Herdsmen, Farmers, Coping strategies, Probit model, Nigeria
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[5]. Ugbechie Ken (2016) Republic of Fulani Herdsmen, National Accord
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ABSTRACT: Success and sustenance of hybrid rice technology exclusively depends on the exploitation of heterosis in F1 generation. An experiment was carried out to evaluate the performance of newly developed twenty five (25) F1 hybrids based on IR 58025A by comparing with hybrid and Inbred checks with special emphasis on yield attributing traits. Highest yield (Square meter) was observed by Arize 6444 Gold (0.987 Kg), followed by INDAM 200-017 (0.945 Kg), PRH 8005 (0.938 Kg), JKRH 3333 (0.928 Kg) and PRH 8007 (0.927 Kg) respectively. Among the tested F1 Hybrids PRH 8005 and PRH 8007 were identified as promising by emphasis on yield. PRH 8007 was identified as early maturing Hybrid among the tested materials. Analysis of variance reveals that varietal differences are signified and wide variability present among the genotypes with respect to all the characters. The results clearly indicate that the hybrid rice technology can take part a pivotal role to augment the rice productivity.
[1]. David J Spielman, Deepthi E Kolady, Patrick S Ward. The prospects for hybrid rice in India, Food Security. 2013; Volume 5, Issue 5 (October 2013): 651–665.
[2]. Gopikannan M and Ganesh S K. Inter-Relationship and Path Analysis in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) under Sodicity. Indian Journal of Science and Technology. 2013; Vol 6 (9): 5223-5227.
[3]. Huang M, Zouying-bin, Jiang P, Xiabing, Ibrahim Md and Aohe-jun. Relationship between Grain Yield and Yield Components in Super Hybrid Rice, Agricultural Sciences in China. 2011; Volume 10, Issue 10: 1537-1544.
[4]. Khatun T, Hanif M M, Yusop M R, Wong M Y, Salleh F M and Ferdous J. Genetic Variation, Heritability, and Diversity Analysis of Upland Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Genotypes Based on Quantitative Traits. BioMed Research International; 2015; Online Ver: Article ID 290861,
[5]. Li J, Xin Y, and Yuan L. Hybrid rice technology development: Ensuring China‟s food security. In D. J. Spielman & R. PandyaLorch (Eds.),Proven successes in agricultural development: A technical compendium to millions fed. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute. 2010
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Analysis of Millers in Kenya's Rice Value Chain |
Country | : | Kenya |
Authors | : | Samuel Njuguna Ndirangu || Wilson A. Oyange |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1201033847 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Rice is the third most important cereal crop in Kenya after Maize and wheat. The annual consumption of rice is increasing at a rate of 12% making the production to continually reduce below 30% of demand. A holistic approach to rice production needs to be employed to bridge this gap. One key area along the rice value chain is the post-harvest management sub-chain that includes milling and related activities. In Kenya, most of the paddy rice is processed within the regions where it is produced. Efficiency of the milling industry is important in realisation of improved rice supply; this efficiency may be gauged in terms of three factors; degree of competition, technology, and capacity utilization. This paper analyses Kenya's rice value chain from these perspectives, and particularly capacity.........
Keywords: Rice, milling, capacity utilization, technology, opportunities
[1]. ACDI/VOCA (2018). Easy dry M500 Maize Dryer.
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[3]. Dalberg (2014). BoP Technology Study and Product Incubation: Agriculture Sector Phase 1: BoP Technology Selection.
[4]. Emongor A. R, Walela M.B, Ndirangu. S.N, Kitaka D. M, Atula D., Njoroge J.N (2010). (MOA). Rice Value Chain Study Report for Kenya. Ministry of Agriculture
[5]. Gitau R. Mburu S, Mathenge M.K and Smale M (2010). Trade and Agricultural Competitiveness for Growth, Food Security and Poverty Reduction: A Case of Wheat and Rice Production in Kenya. Tegemeo Institute of Agricultural Policy and Development. WPS 45/2011
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ABSTRACT: Haemoprotozoan diseases affect both the production and reproduction of animals, they are big risks for the health of ruminants especially for cattle and buffalos. Hameoprotozoal disease in cross bread cattle and buffalo were studied on seasonal base by examining 192 samples of each species were collected from jagular veins of animals of various villages located in Bihsood district of Nangarhar province, from March 2017 to February 2018 to determine the most favorable season of their incidence.........
Key words: Incidence, Haemoprotozoan, babasiosis, theileriosis, Anaplasmosis and Mix infection.
[1]. Ananda, K., D'souza, P.E., Puttalakshmamma, G., 2009. Prevalence of haemoprotozoan diseases in crossbred cattle in Bangalore North. Vet World 2, 15-16.
[2]. Benjamin, M.M., 1978. Outline of veterinary clinical pathology. Iowa State University Press.
[3]. Bhatnagar, C., Bhardawaj, B., Sharma, D.K., Meena, S.K., 2015. Incidence of Haemoprotozoan diseases in cattle in Southern Rajasthan, India. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci 4, 509-514.
[4]. Blood, D., Radostits, O., Henderson, J. 1994. Veterinary Medicine, a textbook of disease of cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and horses (The English Language Book Society and Bailliere Tindall).
[5]. Devendra, C., Gardiner, P., 1995. Global Agenda for Livestock Research: Proceedings of the Consultation for the South Asia Region, 6-8 June 1995, ICRISAT Asia Center, Patancheru, India. ILRI (aka ILCA and ILRAD).
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ABSTRACT: Farmer-managed natural regeneration (FMNR) plays an important role in improving soil fertility and agricultural production. The present study is part of this logic which main objective is to analyze the influence of the agro-ecological gradient on the characteristics of woody stands in the center of southern Niger. This study was conducted in fifteen (15) FMNR villages spread over three (3) zones, in this case the strict Sahelian, Sahelo-Sudanian and North-Sudanian zone, ie five villages per zone. An inventory was made following radial transects in the four cardinal points. A total of 254 plots have been completed. Measurements were made for height, diameter at 1.30 m (DBH) and both perpendicular diameters of the crown. Natural regenerations of woody species have been systematically counted. In the Sahelo-Sudanian zone, 35 species belongedin 32 genera and 17 families have been identified.........
Keywords: Diversity, structure, Farmer-managed natural regeneration, agroecology gradient, Niger
[1]. Abdourhamane H., Morou B., Rabiou H. et Mahamane A.. Caractéristiques floristiques, diversité etstructure de la végétation ligneuse dans le Centre-Sud du Niger : cas du complexe des forêtsclassées de Dan kada Dodo-Dan Gado (région de Maradi, Niger) Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 2013 ; 7(3):1048-1068.
[2]. Akpo LE. etGrouzis M. Influence du couvert sur la régénération de quelques espèces ligneusessahéliennes (Nord-Sénégal, Afrique Occidentale). Webbia.1996 ; 50 (2) : 247-263.
[3]. Ambouta K J M., Amadou A. et Souley I. Gestion de la fertilité et évolution des sols de Gakudi (Maradi,Niger): Note de recherche; Cahiers agricultures 1998; 7:395-400.Anonyme., 2014.
[4]. Plan dedéveloppement Communal (PDC) de la commune Urbaine d'Aguié (2014-2018), Région deMaradi, Niger 58p.
[5]. Baggnian I.Résilience des agroécosystèmes au Sahel : analyse du reverdissement dans le Centre Sud duNiger; Thèse de l'Université Abdou Moumouni de Niamey, Faculté d'Agronomie, Laboratoiredes Productions Végétales.2014 ; 152p.
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ABSTRACT: This study aims to analyze the factors that influence farmers' decisions to produce seeds in Deli Serdang Regency. The data used is primary data with 60 respondents. The technique of data collection is done by interview, observation and questionnaire. The results showed that the education and income variables had a positive and significant effect on farmers' decisions to produce rice seeds in Deli Serdang Regency. Membership variables in farmer groups and farming experience have no significant effect on farmers' decisions to produce rice seeds in Deli Serdang Regency.
Key words: Education, income, membership, experience, farmers' decisions
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