Series-1 (Oct. 2014)
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Abstract: The study examined the effect of Mentoring on Organizational Resilience in the Nigerian manufacturing industry. A total of 140 employees were randomly drawn from employees of the 31 manufacturing companies in Port Harcourt. The instruments used for data collection were questionnaire and oral interview. A total of 93 copies of the questionnaire were retrieved and analyzed. Spearman's Rank Correlation Statistical tool was used to test the hypotheses. The findings revealed that Mentoring is significantly related to Organizational Resilience. Based on these findings we concluded that Mentoring has significant influence on Organizational Resilience. The study therefore recommends that organizations should use its mentoring programmes as a knowledge retention measure that will strategically channel efforts towards organizational success. In other words mentoring should be used as a tool to enhance organizational resilience.
Key words: Mentoring, Organizational resilience, Organizational learning, Adaptive capacity, Dynamic capabilities.
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Abstract: This study empirically examines the relationship between sustained knowledge acquisition and organizational effectiveness, with respondent managers drawn from 32 manufacturing firms in Rivers State. The study analyses the role of sustained knowledge acquisition in achieving optimal productivity, profitability and market share within the Nigerian socio-economic context. A triangulation of methodologies was adopted in the study, entailing a dominant nomothetic and a supportive ideographic approach. The aim was to adequately capture, not only the objective but the subjective stance of the respondents in the evaluation of the study variables. Our findings reveal a significant relationship between sustained knowledge acquisition and organizational effectiveness and in view of our results, the recommendations are made.
Keywords: Knowledge acquisition, effectiveness, change, market, survival
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Abstract: This study aims to identify and assess the relevance of the Role of Government and Social Capital in the process of empowerment of Small Industries. To achieve the goal by taking a sample of 155 business units / entrepreneurs of small industries as the primary data in this study were purposively selected competent officials at the Office of the 12 heads of 12 districts / cities corresponding field of each task to examine the pattern of relationships among variables used research tool inferential analysis of the SEM with PLS approach. The results of this study indicate that the role of good government would increase Social Capital and Empowerment of Small Industries. the Small Industries in Southeast Sulawesi Province. This study also produced findings that to increase the presence of small industries for the better when a variable is the role of government and social capital managed optimally. Keywords: the role of government, social capital and empowerment of small industries
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Abstract: This review summarizes recent advances in the design and synthesis of novel monomer 3, 6-diamino
N-substituted carbazole and the polymerization techniques of monomer i.e. 3, 6-diamino N-substituted
carbazole with the chloroformic esters of ethylene glycol, propene glycol and 1, 4-butane di-ol. The polymers
have been characterized by IR, UV-visible and NMR spectroscopy.
Key words: Monomer synthesis, urethane polymer synthesis, solution poly-condensation
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Abstract: Ship-breaking industry has been playing a great role in the economy via providing raw materials to steel industry, shipbuilding industry and some other industries in Bangladesh. Ship-breaking industries also generate a number of employment opportunities for Bangladesh. Some existing problem like safety of worker, health and working environment issues drawing negative picture for the country. This paper covers the details of how ship-breaking becoming the successful industry in Bangladesh, existing law for this industry, life of workers involved, and the impact on environment. We have observed issues such as the existing government laws and enforcement, safety of worker, health and working environment situation, remunerations for worker. Aim of this paper is to make out the problematic issues of this industry and then analyze the problems to help to overcome the challenges involved in ship-breaking industry. A brief overview on the socio-economic profiles and prospect of this industry in global perspective has also been discussed.
Keyword: Ship Breaking, Existing laws, safety of workers, Environmental hazards, Child labor.
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Abstract: School is a strategic place to instill a new culture for the younger generation. Clean culture, culture of environmental care and caring culture of the nation can be implanted through school learning. Waste management is an activity that will make the students (young people) have such a culture of learning and mutual assistance in improving the social economy. Therefore, this research aims to create a model of waste management for the first Secondary School. This model is taken from the school who have successfully performed management activities (based on reports from Bank Trash). In Malang, there is only one high school is doing, while others schools have many difficulties in the field. The resulting model will be implemented and tested at the troubled school. And the results will be measured qualitatively and quantitatively. Qualitative analysis of physical changes visible in the school, school and community behavior change and increase economic growth to the relevant parties. While the quantitative analysis performed by Wilcoxon statistical tests with SPSS.
Keywords: Management waste, Junior high school, Economic empowerment
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Abstract: The study presents a report onSarir Gas turbine industrial management especially for economical sustainable operation and proper element of plant management dueto particularly design of an oil transportation system. It is found that the company is doing relative with some operational challenges and many people in Libya is rely on it and the influence of Government policies and programs on plant locations is quite helpful, particularly in planned economies area.
Keyword: Libya, Sarir Gas Turbine, Plant Location Effectiveness
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Abstract:The relationship between business strategies and IT/IS strategies is one of the most important aspects of the management in the telecommunication organisations. The dramatic increase in the role of IS/IT in business and industry lately recognized as IS/IT became an inseparable part of business and industrial organizations in all sectors including government. IT delivers a value to the business and it is an important aspect to the top management and IT managers in many business firms and industrial organisations today.The purpose of this research explored the current relationship between business strategy and Information Systems strategy in the telecommunications sector in Zimbabwe, identified strategic alignment assessment methods that can be drawn from other countries for possible adoption by the industry in Zimbabwe, challenges posed by IS strategies and the solutions that management can implement and balancing the business strategy and IS strategy that gave competitive advantage insupporting their business objectives the telecommunications industry.The research was undertaken by examining the four telecommunications companies in Zimbabwe, Telecel, NetOne, Econet and TelOne. A survey, via a pretested questionnaire based on a Likert scale and in-depth interviews was used to gather data. The results indicated that the companies have business strategies and IS/IT strategies and IT strategies showedless positive relationshipin supporting the business strategies. The research proposed that the telecommunications companies must employ strategies that support their business objectives. This enables them to assess and improve their current level of strategic relationship and maintain an optimised level.
Keywords: Business strategy, IT Strategy, Relationship, IS strategy, IT management, Business management, Telecommunication.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Competitive priorities of manufacturing firms in the Caribbean |
Country | : | Canada |
Authors | : | Suzana N. Russell , Harvey H. Millar |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/487X-161017282 ![]() |
Abstract:This paper seeks to examine the competitive priorities emphasized by manufacturing firms in the Caribbean. We study five manufacturing competitive priorities - quality, flexibility, cost, delivery and innovation. Survey data from 60 manufacturing firms in 4 Caribbean countries show that cost and quality are most strongly emphasized while innovation is the least emphasized. The findings from our study also provide support for the cumulative capabilities theory and show that Caribbean manufacturers are simultaneously emphasizing all five priorities and do not appear to be trading off one priority for another. In light of these findings, the implications for manufacturing managers and policymakers in the Caribbean and other developing economies are discussed.
Keywords: Caribbean; Competitive priority; Developing countries; Manufacturing strategy; Operations management
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