Series-3 (Oct. 2014)
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Abstract: Job satisfaction is an elusive and complex concept that has been a focus of intense research since the emergence of organizational studies. Little is known about faculty job satisfaction in higher education sector as well as in the developing countries like Bangladesh. The purpose of this study was to examine the gender differences different domain of job satisfaction and overall satisfaction of academic members in Bangladeshi Private Universities. The study was based on questionnaire method and a sample of 72 academic members from ten private universities of Bangladesh was selected. The data was analyzed using mean values and frequency percentage tables. The result concludes that most academic members were satisfied with their job. Female faculty members were more satisfied than their counterparts. The study also shows some other pivotal factors which have significant contribution in propelling academic members' satisfaction in the educational institutes Field of study: Human Resource Management.
Keywords: Job satisfaction, factors, Gender differences, Private universities.
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Abstract: Economic development generally refers to the quantitative and qualitative changes in the economy to promote the standard of living and economic health of a specific area. This article focuses on the role of cottage industry in economic development. We have identified various factors of economic development on which the cottage industry is contributing a lot. To explain it we have collected primary data through structured questionnaire. This paper also discusses the problems associated with cottage industry. Five sectors of cottage industry have been included into this study. This paper focuses on the contribution of each sector to the economic development of Bangladesh. Finally, some recommendations are put forth for the development of cottage industry so that this industry can thrive and contribute more to the economic development of Bangladesh
Key Words: Cottage Industry, Economic Development, Bangladesh
[1]. Asian Development Bank (ADB), Bangladesh 2002 Strategic Issues and Potential Response-Small and Medium Enterprise Development and Export Expansion, Dhaka, Bangladesh Economic Review 2012
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Abstract:This research aims to explore justice value in Islam to formulate production costing concept. Analyses have been done using bayani, burhani, and irfani method. This research conducted by exploring Al-Quran and As-Sunnah and also their application in several companies that is managed using Islamic value which spread across several regency in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. The research finds the meaning of justice value in Islam to formulate the concept of production costing. The concepts are justice for our self, justice for environment, and justice for society. The concept of production cost based on justice value using bayani method is cost absorption, whereas the concept of production cost based on justice value using burhani method is cost absorption plus environmental cost. While the concept of production cost based on justice value using irfani method is cost absorption add with environmental and social cost. In general, cost production based on justice value in Islam is sustainable cost of production
Keywords: Justice, bayani, burhani, irfani, Sustainable cost of production
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[4]. Sumarna, Cecep. 2005. Rekonstruksi Ilmu; dari Empirik-Rasional Ateistik ke Empirik- Rasional Teistik. Benang Merah Press. Bandung.
[5]. Qardhawi, Yusuf. 2000a. Norma dan Etika Ekonomi Islam. Gema Insani Press. Jakarta.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Justice Perception Has Effects On Organizational Outcomes: Do Managers Care About Fairness? |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Vandna Talwar |
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: | 10.9790/487X-161032934 ![]() |
Abstract: This research study examines the effects of justice perception within the organization from the perspective of managers. Managerial perception in terms of justice perception and organizational outcomes has been studied across managers of 10 organizations (N=100). Correlation and regression analysis reveals the high organizational commitment and decreased turnover rates due to managerial factors like; Communication, Trust, and Reliability.
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[3]. Erat, S., Erdil, O., & Kitapci, H. (2012). The Impact of Organizational Support and Justice Perceptio on Commitment and Intention to Quit: An Empirical Study of Turkish State universities. Journal of Global Strategic Management, 11, 132–142. Retrieved from
[4]. Fatt C. K., Khin S. E. V., & Heng N. T., (2010) The Impact of Organizational Justice on Employee's Job Satisfaction The Malaysian Companies Perspectives. American Journal of Economics and Business Administration, 2(1), 56-63.
[5]. Hopkins, S. M., & Weathington, B. L. (2006). The relationships between justice perceptions, trust, and employee attitudes in a downsized organization. The Journal of Psychology, 140, 477–498. doi:10.3200/JRLP.140.5.477-498
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Influence of Kudumbasree on Women Empowerment – a Study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.K.Venugopalan |
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: | 10.9790/487X-161033544 ![]() |
Abstract: Empowerment of women and their participation in the development process has been considered an essential feature of development. It is presumed that real development is possible only if the women and men work in equal terms. Gender equality and empowerment of women is recognized globally as a key element to achieve progress in all areas. Rural women are regarded as voiceless and defenseless. Raping cases are appearing in the newspapers every day. Even politicians are not supporting them. So they are to be empowered to fight against the evils faced by them. Kudumbasree project was started in Kerala in 1998. Women empowerment is one of the important objectives of Kudumbasree along with poverty eradication. The aim of the Kudumbashree scheme is to improve the standard of living of poor women in rural areas by setting up micro-credit and productive enterprises.
[1] Kochurani, Joseph, Women Empowerment a Conceptual Analysis (Vimala Books and Publications, Kanjirappally, 2005). [2] Government of Kerala, (1999-2000), Kudumbashree Project: State Poverty Eradication Mission, Annual Report 1999-2000, (Local Self Government Department, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India). [3] Suneetha Kadiyala, Scaling up Kudumbashree Collective Action for Poverty Alleviation and women's Empowerment, International Food Policy Research Institute, U.S.A. May 2004 [4] Nidheesh K B, Rural Women's Empowerment Is the Best Strategy for Poverty Eradication in Rural Areas, International Journal of Rural studies, Vol 15 No 2 Oct 2008.
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Abstract: Despite all our gains in technology, product innovation and world markets, most people are not thriving in the organizations they work for. They are neither fulfilled nor excited .If we walk into any Organization these days we will find it full of fear, anger, resistance to change, and employees who are there just for the paycheck. The best employees are usually looking to go elsewhere, and the employees who are not so marketable are trying to stay under the radar and just hang on for dear life. They are not clear about where the organization is headed or what its highest priorities are. They are bogged down and distracted. Most of them don't feel they can change much.
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[4]. Thinking With Your Soul : Spiritual Intelligence and Why It Matters - Richard Wolman .
[5]. Ashmos, D.P. and Duchon, D. (2000). Spirituality at Work: A Conceptualization and Measure. Journal of Management Inquiry, 9(2): 134-145.
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Abstract: It is not unusual for entity to derive its ownership and control structure from the culture and traditions of country of origin. It has become cliché that Indian companies are dominated by family ownership in the form of promoters due to the strong family cultural system of the country. Focusing on the Automobile and the IT industry, this paper takes particular look at the shareholding distribution over the last decade ending 2013. Sampling top 10 companies from the industries, a comparative trend, median and mean analysis was conducted within and between the industries.
[1]. Balasubramanian and Ramasway (2014). Ownership Trends in Corporate India (2001–2011): Evidence and implications, National Stock Exchange (NSE) Working Paper. NSE, New Delhi, India
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[3]. Balasubramanian, N. (2013). Strengthening Corporate Governance in India: A review of legislative and regulatory initiatives in 2013. Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad Working Paper. Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, Centre for Corporate Governance and Stewardship (Forthcoming).
[4]. Vincent K. T and Cho Kien B.(2014) Dividend Pattern of Automobile and IT Industry of India; Pre And Post Global Crisis Analysis. Compendium of Papers (E-book) (forthcoming)
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Abstract: The recent reform in the Nigerian Banking system especially the consolidation exercise brought lots of changes into the financial system of Nigeria and had influence on bank interest rates, competition and transmission mechanism of monetary policy in so far as the increase in size and the opportunity for reorganization involved may either provide gains in efficiency that bear on marginal costs or give rise to increase in market power, or both together. The reform was introduced because of low capitalization, liquidation of banks, poor public perception, bank frauds, inability to attract or retain skilled manpower, poor remuneration and low investment in information technology and other major obstacles in the development and growth of banks in Nigeria. In spite of the steady growth of the local market, the Nigerian banking industry was underperforming when compared to Banking industries of other countries.
[1]. Adam, J. A. (2005) "Banking Sector Reforms: The Policy Challenges of Bank Consolidation in Nigeria." A Paper Presented at the 46th Nigerian Economic Society (NES) Annual Conference, Lagos. 23rd - 25th August
[2]. Afolabi J.A. (2004), "Implications of the Consolidation of banks for the Nigerian banking System" Paper presented at the NDIC organized Workshop for FICAN Enugu [3]. Akhavein, J.D., A.N. Berger and D.B. Humphrey (1997), "The Effects of Megamergers on Efficiency and Prices: Evidence from a Bank Profit Function" Review of Industrial Organization, 12, 95-139
[4]. Akingbola E. (2006), "Change Management and Capacity Building Leadership Conference on Nigerian Banking Reform" A paper delivered at the 20th Banker meeting in London [5]. Berger, A.N., and G.F. Udell (1998), "The economics of small business finance: The roles of private equity and debt markets in the financial growth cycle" Journal of Banking & Finance, 22, 613-673
[6]. Chamberlain, D. (1992) The Effects of Bank Ownership changes on subsidiary level earnings. Unpublished; The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Business Environment and Survival of the Tourism Inductry |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Ndife, Chinelo Franca |
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: | 10.9790/487X-161037883 ![]() |
Abstract: This study is to determine the impact of environment on business performance with the specific objectives of determining the effects of socio-cultural, political and economic environment on business performance. A sample of 57 respondents was selected from some small tourism businesses in Awka. The Chi-Square test of independence and descriptive statistics were use to analyze the responses. It was observed that political and economic environment have significant impact on business performance while the socio-cultural environment does not have a significant relationship. it is therefore recommended that the government should help entrepreneurs to start new tourism business and protect them to continue the business, the government can stimulate private business development and employment growth by fostering an "enabling economic environment
Keyword: business environment, tourism, small business, political environment, socio-economic environment
[1]. Zahra, S. (1999). The changing rules of global competitiveness in the 21st century. Academy of Management Executive, 13(4), 36-42
[2]. Yadollah, M. & Sajady, H (unpublished) A study of factors related to successful and failure of entrepreneurs of small industrial business with emphasis on their level of education and training. available at:
[3]. Obiwuru, T.C, Oluwalaye, B.O and Okwu, A.T (2011) External and Internal environments of Business in Nigeria: International Bulletin of Business Administration, Issue 12 (2011)
[4]. Pulendran, S., Speed, R. & Widing II, R.E. (2000). The antecedents and consequences of market orientation in Australia. Australian Journal of Management, 25(2), 119-140
[5]. Schumpeter, J.A., [1912] 1934. Theorie der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung, Leipzig, Verlag von Duncker & Humblot. Third edition translated by R. Opie as The Theory of Economic Development, Cambridge: Harvard University Press
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Abstract: The purpose of the current study was to establish the effect of risk assessment on financial performance in insurance firms in Nakuru town. Descriptive survey was employed. The target population comprised of 52 management employees in 27 insurance firms in Nakuru town. Census was employed to elect the sample size in the study. Data was collected using a structured questionnaire with questions on a 5-point Likert scale. Data was analyzed using mean, standard deviation, percentage and Pearson correlation analysis and the results presented in tables. The Statistical Package of Social Sciences software was used to assist in data analysis. The study concludes that risk based auditing through risk assessment positively affected the financial performance of insurance companies in Nakuru Town.
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[4]. Chekwunedu, B. & Okoye, O. (2011). Internal Audit Problems and possible Solutions CMD Workshop on Auditing in Private and Public Sector Organizations. Nigerian Management Review 7 (I) 6-11.
[5]. Cohen, A., & Sayag, G. (2010). The effectiveness of internal auditing: an empirical examination of its determinants in Israeli organizations. Australian Accounting Review, 54(20), 296-307.
[6]. Coram, P. & Woodliff, D. (2004). The effect of risk of misstatement on the propensity to commit reduced quality acts under time budget pressure. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, 23 (2): 159–167.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Impact of Capitalization on the Banking Industry and the Nigeria Economy (An Evaluation) |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Echekoba, F.N. |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1610392104 ![]() |
Abstract: The CBN in its search for a more robust, stronger and stable banking system, reeled out a 13 point reform agenda in July 6, 2004 direct among other things, that operators in the banking sub-sector should raise their capital base to N25 billion with full compliance by December 31, 2005. Although the minimum capitalization segment of the bank consolidation exercise has since been achieved, in the light of the above, the study aimed at evaluating the impact of recapitalization on the banking industry and the Nigeria economy. However, the objective of the study includes: Examining the extent to which Banking industry capitalization has boosted the Nigerian economy, whether the capitalization of banking industrial sector enhanced the banks lending ability. How the capitalization had contributed towards the growth and development of the Nigerian economy and to proffer recommendations, to ascertain this, banking industry capitalization was used to correlate with industrial sector Gross domestic product (GDP).
[1]. Asika N. (2009) Research Methodology in the Behavioural Sciences, Lagos: Longman Nigeria Plc.
[2]. Adedipe Biodun (2005), "Post consolidation challenges" The CBN Bulletin Vol. 29, No 2, April/June 2055 pp. 37 - 45.
[3]. Aderibigbe J. O. (2004) "An overview of the Nigeria Financial System" the CBN Bullion vol. 28 No 1.
[4]. Adewunmi, W. (1985) "25 years of merchant banking in Nigeria" Lagos University Press Akoka Yaba, Lagos
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[7]. Capio Jr. G and Klingehiel, D. (1989), Bank insolvency Bad Luck, Bad Policy or bad banking? "Annual world Bank conference on Development Economics 1999, pp. 79-104.
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Abstract: This study sought to establish the effect of control activity on financial management in Mirangine Sub County of Nyandarua County. The study adopted a descriptive design and targeted 30 accounting, finance and administrative staff in the government departments in Mirangine Sub County. The study employed a census survey where all members of the target population constituted the study sample. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used in data analysis. The study findings were presented in the form of tables and figures that captured both descriptive and inferential results. The study concludes that the public sector in Mirangine Sub County has an effective internal control system characterized by clear separation of roles, supervision and commitment of management.
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[3]. Allis, R. P. M. (2004). Financial Management: Ratio Analysis Zero to one Million. New York: McGraw-Hill.
[4]. Chemengich, M. K. (2013). Managing strategic change in the public sector. Standard Research Journal of Business Management, 1(1), 1-40.
[5]. Chioccola, F. & Muhlstein, C. (2005). Internal Controls and the ISA Program. New York: McGraw-Hill.
[6]. Crawford, D. B. (2000). Levels of Control, the Internal Auditor, 60(2), 59-63.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Investment Strategies in NBFCs |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | V. Uma Devi |
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: | 10.9790/487X-16103116121 ![]() |
Abstract: NBFC's have played a key role in financing the needs of the Indian industry especially the small and medium enterprises and the small entrepreneurs, both in the urban and the rural areas. While the under-penetration of banking network, rising affluence, large working age population and rising need for financial services point to the tremendous potential for the growth of NBFC's. A vigorous banking and financial sector is critical for facilitating higher economic growth. Financial intermediaries like Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) constitute a significant element of the financial system and have penetrated into those areas where banks did not dare by taking both the operational and regulatory risks. NBFCs form an integral part of the Indian financial system. They have been very instrumental in contribution to the Government's agenda of financial inclusion by filling the important gap of supplying credit to retail customers in the relatively under-served and un-banked areas. They play an active complementary role to the banking system by broadening access to financial services, enhancing competition and diversification of financial sector. NBFCs are known for their higher risk taking capacity than the banks. The intention of this study is to analyze the investment strategies of non-bank finance companies (NBFCs) which are providing the financial services.
Key words: NBFCs, Financial System, Investment strategies, Financial Services etc.
[1]. Financial Institutions and markets., L.M.Bhole., Tata McGraw Hill Publishers
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Social Media, Brand Community, User generated comments and Brand Loyalty: Study of Indian Youth |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Bidyanand Jha |
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: | 10.9790/487X-16103122131 ![]() |
Abstract: The emergence of online social networks influences people in various ways and moreover, the effect is predicted to be high on the young adolescents wherein we find that target group who is more exposed themselves to the online social media. It is believed that the social networks such as online brand communities influence the purchase intentions and in turn enhances brand trust and loyalty. Taking the perspective of the brand community building plus the brand trust and loyalty literatures, our goal is to show how brand communities based on social media influence elements of the customer centric model (i.e., the relationships among focal customer and brand, product, company, and other customers) and brand loyalty. A survey-based empirical study with 441 respondents was conducted. The results of structural equation modeling show that brand communities on social media have positive effects on customer/product, customer/brand, customer/company and customer/other customer relationships, which in turn have positive impact on brand trust and trust has positive impact on brand loyalty. The finding also demonstrates the fully mediating role of brand trust in converting the enhanced relationships in brand community and loyalty.
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