Series-1 (Dec. 2014)
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Abstract: The purpose of paper to analyze workers waste time in private organizations around the world and especially for Saudi national staff in Western Province of Saudi Arabia. The study includes the perspective of authors in western countries and the theocratic view of Islam on time. The Quran, the teachings of Prophet Mohamed and Muslim scholars including the Hadiths will examine the role of Islam in time management in comparison to western ideals
Key Words:Time Management, waste time, Islam, Muslim, private organization, Saudi national staff.
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Abstract:This research paper explores the ways in which the gap between out of home advertising and the public private partnership can be bridged to overcome the difficulties to build the visual culture of modern emerging cities. Bengaluru the Capital of Karnataka is the most happening city of India. The city and its administrative skills been evolving, developing and catalyzing to facilitate and fulfill the needs and expectations of its inhabitants as well as of its increasing population since last two decades. Rapid increase in its population has resulted in extrapolation of many a tangible and intangible element of the city like civic amenities, transportation, tourism, public spaces, entertainment and Out Of Home advertising.
[1]. Anna Sparrman, Ph.D., Researcher, Department of Child Studies, Linköping University,
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[7]. Gudies, C. (2004) Buyways: Billboards, Automobiles and the American Landscapes.
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Abstract: Automakers in Vietnam are currently expanding production with the intent of becoming a global industry. At the same time, these manufacturers need a production strategy to beat out the global quality competition and overcome associated new challenges, including the management of quality, production, and personnel and strategic collaboration with overseas automakers. Thus, seeing the need to improve the quality of Vietnamese automobile manufacturing in the future, the authors have constructed the "New Vietnam Production Model, NVPM". This model integrates the Total Production System (TPS), the leading Japanese production system, and the current Vietnamese production system from a new perspective. Specifically, the authors' research examines (i) the successful "Advanced TPS," which is an advanced model of the TPS, and (ii) the Traditional Vietnamese Production System (VPS-T), which is currently established in Vietnam, as well as the localized Vietnamese Production System (VPS-L). Based on the findings, the authors constructed the NVPM, which intelligently integrates Advanced TPS and VPS-T&L.
Keywords: Globalization, TPS, Advanced TPS, New Vietnam Production Model (NVPM)
[1]. Amasaka,K, New JIT, A New Management Technology Principle at Toyota, International Journal of Production Economic, 80,2002,135-144.
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[4]. Amasaka,K, The Foundation for Advancing the Toyota Production System Utilizing NEW JIT, Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems, 8,2009,5-26.
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[6]. Amasaka,K.and Sakai,H.V-MICS, Advanced TPS for Strategic Production Administration: Innovative Maintenance Combining DB and CG, J. AdvancedManufacturing Systems,4, 2005, 5-20.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Role of Entrepreneurship in the Development of Economies |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Bhagavatula Mahesh || Prof. V. Krishna Mohan |
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: | 10.9790/487X-161212631 ![]() |
Abstract: One of the major factors determining economic development is Entrepreneurship. It has been found that the higher the Entrepreneurship in any economy, the greater is the economic development. GEDI is a good indicator of the level of entrepreneurship in any economy. Based on the GEDI it has been seen how developed countries are having a high Global entrepreneurship Development Index. Economies should therefore strive to put a strong emphasis on entrepreneurship as a key to development. In order to achieve this, developing countries should find ways to encourage entrepreneurship and this paper attempts to trace the stages of entrepreneurship development and also suggests measures that can lead an economy to success in this crucial area of development. Keywords: Entrepreneurship, GEDI, Economic growth, development, GEM
[1]. Acs, Z. J., and L. Szerb, ((2009 )"The Global Entrepreneurship Index (GEINDEX)." Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship 5, no. 5): 341-435.
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[3]. Joseph Schumpeter, (1934), "The Theory of Economic Development"
[4]. Anil K. Lal, and Ronald W. Clement (Dec 2005), "Economic Development in India: The Role of individual Enterprise (And Entrepreneurial spirit)", Vol. 12, No. 2 : (9-22)
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Abstract:Managers have come to terms with the pertinence and essentiality of the strategic andpregnable tool of CSR in the attainment of organisational goals. This study empirically investigates the role of CSR in the attainment of organisational goals in the oil and gas industry of Niger Delta of Nigeria.The result is intended to educate managers and players in the oil and gas industry of the enhanced form of carrying out CSR and its impact on the attainment of organisational effectiveness.
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[3]. Chandler, G. (2001). Defining corporate social responsibility, Ethical Performance Best Practice, fall, Fall.
[4]. Orlitzky, M., Schmidt, F.L., Rynes, S. L. Corporate Social and Financial Performance: A Meta-analysis, Organisation Studies, 24(3), 2003, 403-441.
[5]. Asemah, E.S., Okpanachi, R.A. and Edegoh, L.O.N. Business Advantages of Corporate Social Responsibility Practice: A Critical Review, New Media and Mass Communication, 18, 2013, 45-54.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Mediating role of Job Involvement between Training and Turnover Intentions |
Country | : | Pakistan |
Authors | : | Sundus Tariq || Dr Qazi Ahmed |
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: | 10.9790/487X-161213744 ![]() |
Abstract: Training is defined as an organized activity intended at imparting information or directions to improve beneficiary performance or to help him or her to acquire required knowledge of skills they are fundamentally required to perform at job (snape et al, 1995). Training employees is an essential function for all organizations. Training provides employees with the essential key knowledge and skills that they require to execute their jobs in an effective manner (Guest and Conway, 2006: Ulrich, 2002)
[1]. Walter.A 2009. Manufacturing competitive advantage: The effects of high performance work systems on plant performance and company outcomes. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
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[3]. Price, B.G. 1999. Evolution of personnel function in India: A re-examination. Part Management and Labor Studies 19(4): 196–210.
[4]. Watrous, et al 2006. Teamwork in modern organizations: Implications for technological education. International Journal of Technology and Design Education 9: 85–101.
[5]. Elbadri, A.M. 2007. Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage. Journal of Management 17: 99–120. Mobley, A. 1992. Productivity gains from the implementation of employee training programs. Industrial Relations 33: 411–25.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study about Foreign Direct Investment in Indonesia |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | R.DhanyaDr. S. Ramachandran |
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: | 10.9790/487X-161214547 ![]() |
Abstract: Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is "the word" gaining popularity more in recent times in India. There are various speculations which is surrounding it in India. FDI has played a vital role in the growth and development of some of Asian countries like China, Indonesia, and Philippines. This paper is basically to study about the influence of Foreign Direct Investment in Indonesia. Keywords: FDI,Indonesia
[4]. Indonesia Investment Coordinating board
[5]. "Improving Indonesia's Investment Climate" byMisuzuOtsuka, Stephen ThomsenandAndrea Goldstein, in Investment Insights, Feb 2011, Issue 1
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study of Repayment of Education Loan in Tamil Nadu |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | R.Lavanya || Dr.S.Ramachandran |
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: | 10.9790/487X-161214850 ![]() |
Abstract:Educational loan is now a days is gaining more popularity among the students those who want to pursue for higher education. In which Tamil Nadu is playing major role by proving the Education loan through various banks and helping the deserving students. This paper is basically to known about how the repayment is done and procedures for availing it.
Keywords: Education loan, Tamil Nadu, India
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[2]. Goyal. K.A and Joshi, V. "A Study of Social and Ethical Issues in banking industry"
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Abstract: Quality of Work Life (QWL) is recognized as the ultimate key to development among all the work systems. The QWL is concerned with improving the employee satisfaction, strengthening the infrastructure at the work place, learning and managing the emerging trends and transitions effectively and efficiently. The exploratory factor analysis shows that healthy and safe working conditions, adequate and fair compensation, growth and development, self improvement and job security and social integration are the factors contributing to the employees' quality of work life in small scale industries.
[1] Chan, Ka Wai and A. Wyatt, Thomas, Quality of work life: a study of employees in Shanghai, China, Asia Pacific Business Review, 13 (4), 2007, 501-517.
[2] D. Elizur and S. Shye, Quality of work life and its relation to quality of life, Applied Psychology, 39 (3), 1990, 275-291.
[3] M.E. Hoque and A. Rahman, Quality of working life & job behaviour of workers in Bangladesh: a comparative study of private and public sectors, Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 35 (2), 1999, 175-184.
[4] A. Evans and K. Vernon, Work-life balance in Hong Kong: case studies, Community Business, June 2007, 12-14.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Recruitment Model Rediscovered in Thirukkural: Its Relevance in Modern HRM |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Alka Jain |
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: | 10.9790/487X-161215661 ![]() |
Abstract: The study attempts to describe the historical background of recruitment and selection process in ancient Tamilian India. It discusses essential skills managers need in their emergent role as a recruiter.The study starts with understanding recruitment and selection as HR role of a manager.It analyses Thirukkural's theory of recruitment with the help of translation of the verses of chater 51 and 52in Thirukkural. Modern management theories by Gary Dessler, Gareth Roberts are also discussed . Big Five theory is also looked at from Thirukkural point of view. Relevance of verses of Thirukkural is established by seeing their reflection in modern HRM literature.This may prove useful in
[1]. Abhishek Roy Caudhary, "Why Employees Get Demotivated?" HRM Review,Oct- Dec 2011, The Icfai University Press, Hyderabad.pp46-49.
[2]. Gareth Roberts, "Recruitment and Selection‟ Jaico Publishing House, Mumbai,2008.
[3]. Elizabeth M Christopher, Larry E Smith, "Managing Recruitment Training and Development‟ Viva Books Pvt. Ltd, 2009
[4]. Gary Dessler, "Human Resource Management‟, Pearson Education Inc., New Delhi, 2006
[5]. Ka Naa Subramanyam, " Thiruvalluvar and His Thirukkural‟ Bhartiya Jnanpeeth, New Delhi, 1987.
[6]. Dr. Inderraj Baid, "Jain Tamil Sahitya aur Thirukkural‟ Samyaggyan Pracharak Mandal, Jaipur,1987.
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Abstract: This study was designed to investigate the effect of internal control systems on the financial performance of sugarcane outgrower companies in Kenya.The study adopted a descriptive correlational survey design. All the sugarcane outgrower companies were studied. Both the primary and secondary data was collected. Primary data was collected from the key informants from all the nine outgrower companies in Kenya using questionnaires. Secondary data was extracted from annual reports, publications and document analysis. The key informant's method was used, hence, all the Finance Managers and heads of internal audit for every outgrower company were selected to take part in the study.
[1]. Ajowi E. (2005) Text Book for Auditing.Law Africa Publishing Company, Nairobi.
[2]. Asoke K. (2005) Financial Management, a Management Perspective. Prentice Hall, New Delhi.
[3]. Chandra P. (2002) Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management,Tata McGraw Company,
[4]. Chukwu P. (2012)The impact of internal control system on the financial Management of an organization (a case study of the nigeria bottling company plc, enugu)faculty of management and social sciences caritas university amorji-nike, Enugu.
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Abstract: Effective performance management has been acknowledged by management scientists as sine qua non for optimal growth and development of organizations, for profit or not for profit making entities alike. Selected literatures reveal that hitherto, financial performance has been the primary focus of performance management in both private businesses and governmental ministries and agencies. However, recent arguments have revealed the flaws of the traditional performance management instruments and advocated contemporarily and more plausible instruments that could engender optimal growth and development of organizations. The primary objective of this paper is to review the performance management practices in Nigeria with a view to exploring contemporary and more pragmatic practices that would enhance service delivery by the government. The paper reveals, from existing literature, that public service in Nigeria is characterized by attendant weaknesses that engender poor performance in service delivery.
[1]. Abdullahi A Malgwi, Angus O. Unegbu, Budget in Nigerian Public Sector: Need for Balanced Scorecard Perspective, International Journal of Finance and Accounting , Vol. 1 No. 2, 2012, pp. 1-6. doi: 10.5923/j.ijfa.20120102.01.
[2]. Adeyemo, D.O. and Salami A. (2008), "A review of privatization and public enterprises reform in Nigeria‟, Contemporary Management Research, 4(4), 401-418, December 2008.
[3]. AnyimF.C.,Ufodiama N.M. and OlusanyaO.A. (2013), Ethics in Nigeria Public Sector: The HRPractioners Perspective, European Journal of Business and Social Sciences, Vol. 2, No.8, pp 132-143, November 2013. P.P. 132 - 143 URL:
[4]. Bititci, U.S. Mendibil, K. Martinez V. and Albores P.(1997), "Measuring and Managing Performance in Extended Enterprises" International Journal of Operations and Production Management.Vol. 25, (4) ,pp 333-353.
[5]. Bryson J.M. (2004), Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations: A Guide to Strengthening and Sustaining Organizational Achievement. Wiley
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Abstract:This paper studied the impact of cashless policy in Nigeria Economy. The policy was introduced by Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) in December 2011 and was kick-started in Lagos in January 2012. Survey research was adopted with questionnaire as data collection instrument. Responses from the respondents show that cashless policy will increase employment; reduce cash related robbery thereby reducing risk of carrying cash; cashless policy will also reduce cash related corruption and attract more foreign investors to the country. The study, therefore, shows that the introduction of cashless economy in Nigeria can be seen as a step in the right direction. It is expected that its impact will be felt in modernization of Nigeria payment system, reduction in the cost of banking services, reduction in high security and safety risks and also curb banking related corruptions.
Keywords: Cashless economy, Cashless policy, Lagos State, Nigeria.
[1]. Akhalumeh, P.B., and Ohiokha, F. (2011): Nigeria's Cashless Economy; The Imperatives. International Journal of Management & Business Studies. vol.2 pp. 12 – 17.
[2]. Akintaro, S. (2012): Going Cashless. IT & Telecom digest, online magazine, august,2012
[3]. CENTRAL BANK OF NIGERIA (2011): Towards a Cashless Nigeria: Tools & Strategies. Nigerian Journal of Economy. 3(2), 344 – 350.
[4]. Echekoba, F.N., and Ezu, G.K. (2012): Electronic Retail Payment Systems: User Acceptability & Payment Problems in Nigeria. Arabian Journal of Business & Management Review. vol.5, pp. 60 – 63.
[5]. Ejiro, O. (2012): What Nigerians Think of the Cashless Economy Policy. Nigerian Journal of Economy. 4(6), 97 – 102.
[6]. Humphrey, D. B. (2004): ―Replacement of cash by cards in U.S. Consumer Payments, Journal of Economics and Business, 56, 211–225.
[7]. Marco, A. and L. Bandiera (2004): -Monetary Policy, Monetary Areas and Financial Development with Electronic Money, IMF Working Study, IMF.
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Abstract: This research work was undertaken to examine the problems of quality control in manufacturing firms, the various techniques of quality control used and to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of their applications. This study also set to find out what manufacturing firms seek to achieve through quality control practice. To achieve these objectives, a study of Nigeria Breweries Plc, Enugu, south east Nigeria was carried out. A review of related literature was also undertaken. Data were collected through distribution of questionnaires and the use of textbooks, newspapers, magazines, and journals. The method of statistical analysis used includes table and percentage while chi-square was used to test hypotheses formulated. From the study, it was discovered that quality control practice in manufacturing firms encountered problems as a result of the following; non-awareness of quality control techniques, inability to understand the need of customers, cost of application and management attitude.
[1]. Anyanwu, C.I (2013) "Quality Control Concepts in the Manufacture of Masonry Block for Building Project Delivery" Vol. 14(1) Pg 35-40.
[2]. Deming,W.E. (2000) "Out of Crisis" Revised Edition, Cambridge , Managing Institute of Technology.
[3]. Gbadeyan, R.A. and Adeoti, J.O(2005) "Total Quality Management". An MBA Seminar presentation to the Department of Business Administrtation, University of Illorin
[4]. George, J.M and Jones, G.R (2006) "Understanding and Managing Organizational Behaviour", USA, Addison Wesley Publishing Company Inc.
[5]. Orga, C. C. (2011) "Production Management", Revised Edition, Veamaks Publisher, Enugu
[6]. Ile, N.M (2011) "Small Scale Business Management; An Integrated Approach" 2nd, Edition, Enugu, Bencelia Venture.
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Abstract: Entrepreneurship combines the passion of a social mission with an image of business commonly associated with the high-tech or low-tech business ventures. Entrepreneurship has long been perceived as one of the significant factors leading to development. This research examined the barriers that pose as obstacles to the pursuit of entrepreneurial endeavours in Nigeria. The objective of the research is to have an insight into common daily activities that relate to all aspects of our lives. The research is based on quantitative research, using a questionnaire of 27 items for data collection. Descriptive data and statistical analyses were presented to identify and assess barriers to entrepreneurship in Nigeria. The research provided valuable insight into the factors affecting entrepreneurial inclination in developing countries like Ngeria. The findings of this research suggested that there are important barriers to entrepreneurship in developing countries. In Nigeria, the most significant of those barriers are: lack of social network, lack of external stability, lack of risk aversion technique, and lack of good business environment that is conducive to entrepreneurship. The significance of this research lies in the fact that it fills an important gap in the literature of entrepreneurial development, offering deeper understanding of the barriers to entrepreneurship in a developing nation, like Nigeria.
Keywords: endeavour, entrepreneurship, barriers, developing, business development, nigeria
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Abstract: Christian Gospel Church Minahasa (GMIM) is a church organization that is quite concerned with community development carried out by its sub-organization namely BLPT. By using sustainable development framework and applying the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), this study aims at finding important factors (critera) contributing to sustainable development components in BLPT, this study shows that "Utilization of waste for handicraft (ENV22)" has the first rank, "Planting coconut trees on vacant land (ENV12)" locates in the second rank, and "The relationship between land owners with coconut tree growers (SOC22)" in the third rank. It could be said that BLPT has more environmetal and social characters than economic one.
Key words: Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), community development, sustainable development, BLPT
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