Series-2 (Dec. 2014)
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Abstract: Management and performance in secondary schools is dismal as management and discipline are wanting. This study assessed the effect of change management strategies on performance in national examinations. The study objectives were: to assess the performance of secondary schools in KCSE examination in Kisii County, to identify the extent motivation, leadership and benchmarking strategies of change management are adopted in secondary schools and establish the relationship between change management strategies and performance in National Examinations by secondary schools in Kisii County. This study was based on Goal theory of motivation. This study adopted a survey design
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Abstract:Stress is non-specific response to demands from environment that results in physical, psychological and/or behavioral deviations for people. No one is immune to stress. Stress in work settings stems from different sources such as individuals, group, organizational and environmental. It is better to bend than to break. Hence the need for coping with Stress. This study was done on Job Stress On The Employees Performance In Crux Technologies Private Limited, Chennai. Company wants to know the organizational stress in the company. Stress may occur to employees due to several factors (i.e.) both Internal and External. Internal Factor that creates stress to workers should be avoided.
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Abstract: Indium increasing earnings of weak chartered investment counsel public passed enableness of woman indium district Tombulu sub Provinc Minahasa has got processing technology help of Virgin Coconut Oil because the area has coconut palm potency that is big enough ace a whole haves an indium with all public life aspects. Pass the technology help is principal activity from chartered investment counsel public weakened indium powered of women which only work area indium domestic to reach hopeful future. Purpose of research is to know is processing technology of virgin coconut oil (VCO) to is able to open employment to all woman indium district Tombulu sub province Minahasa and how powered of woman indium processing of VCO to can increase public earnings. Hereinafter Population amounts to 40 respondents and sample is 36 this respondents and usage research quantitative data by using correlation analysis poroduk moment.
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Abstract: In the age of globalization organizations have realized the importance of their human resources and become increasingly interested in managing employees in such a way that can enhance business performance. To ensure competitive advantage, people who are working for the organization should be motivated by providing a well-balanced reward and benefit system. The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between rewards (extrinsic and intrinsic) and their impact on employee performance and actions to motivate the employees of Telecommunication industry. The data was collected from 81 employees of different telecommunication companies and was analyzed using mean values and frequency percentage tables. The result concludes that, with the advancement in the career path, income level and age intrinsic rewards become the vital factor for the employee motivation. However, organizations should consider for a more structured reward system that considers both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards which in turn prospers high performance culture in the telecom industry.
Field of study: Human Resource Management.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Problems and Prospects of Plastic Money in Bangladesh |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Farhana Rahman Sumi || Ayesha Binte Safiullah |
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: | 10.9790/487X-161223138 ![]() |
Abstract: Due to the technological revolution in financial sector, the transactions in banking system have undergone a tremendous change. Customers have showed their preference over the usage of the plastic money generally over a period of time. Plastic money is an alternative to the cash or the standard 'money'. Plastic money refers to the credit cards or the debit cards that is used to make purchases .Various other types of plastic cards provided by banks in Bangladesh are ATM cards, Smart cards. The current study presents an overview of the development of banking in the plastic cards usage trends since these have been introduced in Bangladeshi banking sector. The study also highlights the problems faced by the users of these cards as electronic payment tool. The Study is been carried out by taking a survey of 68 respondents by non probabilistic convenience sampling method from the city of Dhaka by using structured questionnaire and interview technique. The factors for adoption of plastic money in replacement of cash and paper money have been identified which shows the preference of the customers for plastic cards over the cash and paper money. Some future plans made by various banks and institutions for avoiding the frauds arisen due to the credit and debit cards are also been discussed in a way that it depicts the picture of its future growth and prospects in Bangladesh.
Keywords: Plastic Money, Plastic cards, ATM (Automated Teller Machine), Debit card, Credit card, Electronic Banking, Information Technology.
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Abstract: One of the most surprising outcomes of the 2007-2009 recessions is that talent acquisition —particularly top talent — is actually harder, not easier, than before the downturn. Despite the fact many well-respected, out-of-work executives are clamoring to get back in the game, surveys show companies are failing to find the right talent to fill reinstated positions. In a recent study by the Corporate Leadership Council, 72 percent of companies predict they will have a large number of leadership vacancies over the next three to five years. Even more surprising, 76 percent said they are "less than confident" in their abilities to adequately staff these positions. This phenomenon is worldwide. The chief executive of global recruitment agency Manpower recently told the World Economic Forum that 30 percent of companies across the globe continue to struggle to fill available positions. Global searches confirm the increased difficulty getting candidate‟s attention. The situation is pervasive and clearly a result of a miserable economy, high unemployment and a rampant sense of anxiety and insecurity among the well-employed executives. The "Dot Com" era was tough but this is an even tougher time! There are several reasons why companies are struggling to fill their empty positions. In addition to the impact of retiring Baby-Boomer executives and the lack of qualified replacements ready to assume strategic positions and the role of HR department also more important to overcome this talent gap in the organization
Key words: Downturn, Reinstated positions, "Dot Com" era, Baby-Boomer executives, Talent gap
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Abstract: This study analyses the comparative advantage and the pattern of trade flows of Bangladeshi leather industry with comparison to other selected Asian countries- Pakistan, China and India.This research adopted well recognized measure of Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) –Balassa's Index. Bangladesh categorizes its overall leather export into two categories, i.e., I. Raw hides & skins, and II. Leather & leather products. An in-depth RCA has been conducted for these two categories followed by an analysis of overall industry. The analysis shows that Bangladesh has a comparatively high RCA in overall leather exportswith other selected countries from 2004 to 2013 which is driven by a very high RCA in raw hides & skins exports. This indicates that Bangladesh has significant potentiality for specialization in leather export especially raw hides & skins. Therefore, entrepreneurs and policy makers should specialize in raw hides and skins productions and exports to generate more export revenues for the country.
Keywords: Balassa's Index, Bangladesh, Leather Industry, Leather& leather products, Raw hides & skins, Revealed Comparative Advantage
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on Consumer Buying Behaviour towards Nokia Mobile in Erode District |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. M. Velumani |
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: | 10.9790/487X-161225254 ![]() |
Abstract: In Present Marketing Scenario, the Study of Consumer Behavior has become essential. Consumers are the kings of markets. Without consumers no business organization can run. All the activities of the business concerns end with consumers and consumer satisfaction. Customer behavior study is based on consumer buying behavior, with the customer playing the three distinct roles of user, payer and buyer. Consumer buying behavior has become an integral part of strategic market planning. In order to develop a framework for the study consumer behavior it is helpful to begin by considering the evolution of the field of consumer research and the different paradigms of thought that have influenced the discipline
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Perspective Study on Coastal Disaster Management at Andhra Pradesh |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Smt. M.Suma || Mr. P.S. Balaram |
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: | 10.9790/487X-161225560 ![]() |
Abstract: A large and growing part of the population now lives close to coasts. The threats posed to coastal populations and infrastructure by rising sea levels and extreme events such as storm surges. There is an urgent need for action now in order to limit the adverse effects of climate change upon ecosystems and human society. Andhra Pradesh has a coastline of 974 km. Among which the Bay of Bengal Sea. Coast has frequently been affected by cyclones and inundated by storm surges. Erosion is noticed at Uppada, Visakhapatnam and Andhra Pradesh coastal areas. Coastal zones are facing a lot of problems. They are landfill, dredging, and pollution caused by urban, industrial and agricultural development, coastal erosion, loss of coastal habitat, storm surge, tsunami and the global warming induced sea level rise etc. Coastal erosion is caused due to both natural processes and anthropogenic interventions. The unceasing act of winds, waves, tides and currents leads to shore movement or littoral drift along certain coastal stretches it increasingly clear that climate change will change and damage the coastal environment. in this paper my study analyze the coastal disaster management issues like effects and remedial techniques, it is useful to the disaster and risk management studies.
Key Words: Cyclone, Erosion, Tsunami, Risk management
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