Version-2 (June-2014)
Version 1 Version 2 Version 3 Version 4
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Abstract: Despite decades of extensive research by academicians and rigorous exercises of management practitioners, "Empowerment" construction is incomplete and still facing skepticism. Many leading service companies have dropped the thought of empowerment from their management practices list and some abandoned the idea completely, others still successfully working on this approach into a balanced way of people management strategies to make employee performance effective. Several researchers found positive relationship between empowerment cognition and effectiveness at the level of the individual employee. Given these observations this paper intends to review conceptual evidences on the empowerment effects. "To be empowered people must "feel" empowered. Believing in this idea this paper attempts on psychological perspective because it enables to systematically review both the theoretical and conceptual evidence on the effects of empowerment in the workplace.
Key words: Psychological empowerment, Employee performance, Job Satisfaction, Commitment
[1]. Chen, Gilad; Sharma, Payal Nangia; Edinger, Suzanne K.; Shapiro, Debra L.; Farh, Jiing-Lih Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol 96(3), May 2011, 541-557.
[2]. John Salazar-Journal of "Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism" Volume 5, Issue1, 2006 Accepted: 1 Mar 2005, Published online: 22 Sep 2008.
[3]. Deci, vallerand and Ryan -motivation and education, "Educational Psychologist", Volume 26, Issue 3-4, 1991.
[4]. Journal of Quality Management, Volume 5, Issue 2, 3rd quarter2000.
[5]. Spreitzer, G. M. (1995). Psychological empowerment in the workplace: Dimenstions, measurement, and validation. Academy of Management Journal, 38(5), 1442-1466
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Small and Medium Enterprises and Inclusive Growth in the Globalisation Era |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. S.Shahina Begum, M.Com., Ph.D, |
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: | 10.9790/487X-16620624 ![]() |
Abstract: Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) sector has been undergoing a metamorphosis in the era of globalisation for over a decade and a half. Many developments of relevance to SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) have taken place within the country and internationally. Globalisation resulting in fierce competition in various product lines has forced the SME sector to adopt strategies in tune with the global trends. A number of programmes of cluster–specific and firm-specific approaches are being pursued by all India organisations with a wide network of institutions associated with various functions supporting the SME sector at different levels. The paper reviews the progress of MSME sector from 2000-01 in particular, and discusses a few key approaches adopted in the sector. These include the following: Eleventh and Twelfth Plan approaches for inclusive growth, MSMED Act 2006, credit flow to MSMEs, policy of de-reservation, greater equity participation, cluster development approach (CDA), National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme (NMCP), Central Public Procurement Policy (CPPP) and Defence Production Policy, Development of employment-intensive enterprises, employment generation programmes for micro enterprises promotion, and training and entrepreneurship development. Conclusion and Suggestions are offered towards the end of the paper. The four appendices given include websites of MSME and related organisations, and particulars of web portals of National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC), and call centres set up by NSIC and Union Ministry of MSME.
Key Words: MSME, Gobalisation, Cluster, Growth performance, Exports etc
[1]. Export-Import Bank of India (2009), MSMEs and Globalisation: Analysis of Institutional Support Systems in India and in Select Countries, Occasional Paper No. 132 of the EXIM Bank, Mumbai. available at www.
[2]. ___________(2012),Strategic Development of MSMEs: Comparison of Policy Framework and Institutional Support Systems in India and in Select Countries, Occasional paper No. 153 of the EXIM Bank, Mumbai, available at
[3]. .Government of India (2010), Report of the Prime Minister‟s Task Force on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), Prime Minister‟s Office, New Delhi (Chairman of the Task Force: T.K.A. Nair).
[4]. Government of India, Ministry of MSME (2013), Annual Report 2012-13, New Delhi, available at
[5]. Institute of Small Enterprises and Development (ISED) (2012), India Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Report 2012 (MSMER 2012), ISED, Kochi (Kerala), available at
[6]. Laghu Udyog Samachar (LUS) (Monthly Journal), published by Development Commissioner (MSME), New Delhi – Various Issues of 2009 - 2012, available at
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Abstract: The world has a big concern to entrepreneurship. The Indonesian government has been trying to increase the number of entrepreneurs by changing the way of thinking of college and university graduates from job seekers into job creators. One of the government's efforts to realize that programme is by launching Student Entrepreneur Program. The programme is aimed to facilitate students who have an interest in entrepreneurship and to start their businesses that are based on knowledge, science, and art.
This study aims to analyze the role of entrepreneurial attitude as a mediator of entrepreneurial characteristics influence on entrepreneurial intention. The population of this research are students of semester one to the last semester of State Polytechnic of Malang and Brawijaya University who have learned an entrepreneurial education. Judgment sampling is used to choose the sample. The data collection was done through questionnaires. The data were collected from 206 respondents. The collected data were analyzed by using descriptive statistical analysis and path analysis. The result shows that entrepreneurial attitude acts as a partial mediation of entrepreneurial characteristics influence on entrepreneurial intention.
Keywords: entrepreneurial characteristics, entrepreneurial attitude, entrepreneurial intention
[1]. Ajzen, I. 1991. The Theory of Planned Behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Process. Vol.50 p.179-211
[2]. Ajzen, I. 2005. Attitude, Personality and Behaviour. Second Edition. Open University Press.
[3]. Baron, R.M. and Kenny, D.A. (1986). The Moderator-Mediator Variable Distinction in Social Psychological Research: Conceptual, Strategic, and Statistical Considerations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Vol. 51 No. 6 p.1173-1182
[4]. Basu, A. and Altinay, E. 2002. The interaction between culture and entrepreneurship in London‟s immigrant Business. International Small Business Journal. Vol.20 No.4 p.371-393
[5]. Begley, T. M. (1995). Using founder status, age of firm, and company growth rate as the basis for distinguishing entrepreneurs form managers of smaller businesses. Journal of Business Venturing. Vol.10 No.3 p.249–263.
[6]. Bird, B. 1988. Implementing Entrepreneurial Ideas: The Case for Intention. Academy of Management Review. Vol.13 No.3 p.442-453.
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Abstract: Takaful is Islamic insurance which is the most appropriate substitute of conventional insurance for individuals and financial institutions. Takaful is being used by several banks in the world to assist their customers who are paying attention to have the Islamic features of insurance. There are several studies on the comparative performance of the Islamic and conventional insurance companies in Pakistan. Most of the conducted research focused on the demand determinants of the insurance sector. This study is an attempt to provide a fair picture of the Islamic and conventional insurance companies. The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors like profitability, liquidity, risk and solvency and capital adequacy. The data from 4 takaful and 15 conventional insurance companies have been taken from the year 2008 to 2011 as takaful insurance industry have been started in Pakistan in 2006. Descriptive statistics andAnova analysis are applied on the data to find out the performance of insurance companies. The overall result shows that Islamic insurance companies perform well.
Key words: Takaful insurance, conventional insurance, financial ratios, Anova, Pakistan
[1] Afza and Asghar (2012), financial reforms and efficiency in the insurance companies of Pakistan, African Journal of Business Management 6 (30), 8957-8963.
[2] Plantinga and Huijgen (1999), Performance measurement and insurance liabilities, University of Groningen.
[3] Hussain and Pasha (2011), CONCEPTUAL AND OPERATIONAL DIFFERENCES BETWEEN GENERAL TAKAFUL AND CONVENTIONAL INSURANCE, Australian Journal of Business and Management Research 1(8), 23-28.
[4] Khan et al (2011), Comparative Analysis of Islamic and Prevailing Insurance Practices, International Journal of Business and Social Science 2( 10).
[5] Muhammad Anwar (1994), comparative study of insurance and takaful (Islamic insurance), the Pakistan development review 33(4), 1315-1330.
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Abstract: With the advent of 21st century the call centers have become an important auxiliary service centers to many business organizations. High level of attrition rate hampers the growth of call center industry. This study attempts to understand the reasons behind the high attrition rate in Indian call center industry. Results of regression analysis reveal that among various hypothesized determinants of attrition, "job insecurity" and "Low Promotional Chances" significantly contribute to high attrition rate in call centers. On the basis of results of this study some suggestions have been put forth for the minimization of attrition levels in call centers.
[1] Ashford, S.J., Lee, C., &Bobko, P., (1989). Content, causes, and consequences of job insecurity: A theory-based measure and substantive test. Academy of Management Journal, 32, 803–829.
[2] Belt, V. (2001), "A Female Ghetto? Women‟s Careers in Call Centres‟, Conference Proceedings "Call Centres and Beyond: The HRM Implications‟ Kings College, University of London, November.
[3] Burke, R.J. (1998). Correlates of job insecurity among recent business school graduates. Employee Relations, 20(1), 92–99.
[4] Cammann, C., Fichman, M., Jenkins, D. and Klesh, J. 1979. The Michigan Organizational Assessment Questionnaire. Unpublished Maniscript, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
[5] Catriona Wallace and Geoff Eagleson (2004). Computer Technology, Leadership and Subordinate Intention to Turnover in Call Centres.International Employee Relations Review, November
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Study of Behavior of Equity Returns in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Pankunni V. |
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: | 10.9790/487X-16625299 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper examines the behavior of equity returns in India for the period from 1999-2009. The empirical tests on the data of twenty Indian stocks actively traded in the Bombay Stock Exchange leads to the findings that the stock returns were highly volatile. The presence of skewness and kurtosis of leptokurtic nature provides further evidences for the asymmetrical distribution of equity returns. Stocks bear less share of market risk and behave idiosyncratically.
Keywords: Asymmetrical distribution, Equity returns, Idiosyncratically, Leptokurtic, volatile
[1] Vanitha Tripathi, Company Fundamentals and Equity Returns in India, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, ISSN 1450-2887 Issue 29 (2009), © EuroJournals Publishing, Inc. 2009.
[2] Francis X. Diebold and Kamil Yilmaz, Macroeconomic volatility and stock market volatility, Worldwide, working paper 14269, National Bureau of Economic Research, 1050 Massachussetts Avenue, Cambridge, August 2008.
[3] G.William Schwert, Stock market volatility: Ten years after the crash, National Bureau of Economic Research, December 1997.
[4] John Y Campell and Ludger Hent Schel, No News is Goodnews,: An asymmetric model of changing volatility in stock returns, National Bureau of Economic Research, 1050 Massachussetts Avenue, Cambridge, June 1991.
[5] Jamees M. Poterba and Lawrence H. Summers, Mean Reversion in Stock Prices: Evidence and Implications, NBER Working Paper No. 2343, Issued in July 1989.
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Abstract: The purpose of present study has been conducted to investigate the role of advertisement on consumer. This paper aims to explore the role of advertisement expenses by the company which leads to increase the sale of the company and the profit of the company which in turn increases the overall growth of the company. This study is done to see the relevance of research and development expenses, advertisement and promotion expenses on the sales and growth of the Company. Annual reports of the Company have been analyzed to evaluate the impact of advertisement expenses. The results exposed that advertisement attracts towards the preference and choices to influence the consumer buying behavior and ultimately leads the sales of the company to grow. Advertisement expenses influences the consumers and increases the sales of the company.
Keywords: Advertisement Expenses, FMCG Company, Impact of advertisement on sales, Research and Development expenses.
[1] Boyd, Harper W. Junior, Westfall, Ralph and Stasch, Marketing Research Text and Cases, Richard D. Irwin Inc, Homewood, Illinois.
[2] Russell, J. T., & Lane, W. R. (1996).Advertising procedure USA: Prentice Hall Inc
[3] Kotler, Keller (2008), Framework for Marketing Management, Pearson Pub, New Delhi.
[4] Kotler Philip (2006), Framework for Marketing Management, Pearson Pub, New Delhi.
[5] Ogilvy, David (1983) Ogilvy on Advertising. New York: Crown Publishers
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Patronage Factors In Islamic Banks In Pakistan |
Country | : | Pakistan |
Authors | : | Raja Muhammad Nauman Bisharat |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1662108114 ![]() |
Abstract: Islamic banking has been developing and expanding its network across Pakistan. The study aimed at evaluation of the selection criteria for Islamic banking in Pakistan. To get this aim, pragmatic research design was incorporated. More specifically, qualitative and quantitative study methods were used in the study to explore the selection criteria for Islamic banking in Pakistan. A close ended questionnaire was incorporated to collect data from a sample of 300 customers of Islamic banks in Pakistan. The sample generated 81% response rate. It was found that rate of return, Islamic teachings and bank's reputation influence behavior of customers towards Islamic banks. Specifically, it was found that bank's reputation, rate of return and Islamic teachings strongly influence the general behavior of customers towards Islamic banks. Finally, it has been recommended that marketers of Islamic banks need to promote their good reputation to attract new customers. They can also promote the religious traditions in their advertisements to attract customers who are motivated to avail interest free banking services.
[1]. Abdjalil, M., Yusoff, R. and Mahmud, R. (2010), Selection factors of customers towards Islamic dan conventional home financing products offered by Malayan banking Berhad: a case study in Johor, paper presented in the International Conference on Business and Economics, Andalas University, Padang, Indonesia.
[2]. Ahmad, A., Rehman, K., Saif, I. and Safwan, N. (2010), An empirical investigation of Islamic banking in Pakistan based on perception of service quality, African Journal of Business Management, Vol. 4 No. 6, pp. 1185-93.
[3]. Almossawi, M. (2001). Bank selection criteria employed by college students in Bahrain: An empirical analysis. International Journal of Bank Marketing. Vol. 19 (3): pp. 115-125.
[4]. Ahmad, M. (2007). Attitude of customers and bankers towards Islamic banking in Bangladesh. In Ali, S. S., and A. Ahmad (eds.), Islamic Banking and Finance: Fundamentals and Contemporary Issue: 169-195.
[5]. Ahmad, N. and Haron, S. (2002), Perceptions of Malaysian corporate customers towards Islamic banking products and services, International Journal of Islamic Financial Services, Vol. 3 No. 4, pp. 13-29.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Analysis if the factors affecting exchange rate variability in Pakistan. |
Country | : | Pakistan |
Authors | : | Raja Sher Ali Khan |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1662115121 ![]() |
Abstract: Most of the analyst, economist and policymakers have favoredfloating exchange rate system over fixed exchange rates because floating exchange rate absorbs the variations in foreign markets in a better way in the existence of an efficient market of foreign exchange.There are certain variables that have an effect on the exchange rate such factors are inflation, interest rate, growth, imports, exports and oil prices.Central Bank needs to assure that such factors are controlled and it has a strict control over the foreign exchange market and Banks.Pakistan is a small economy involved in foreign trade. The currency of Pakistan is Rupee, which has depreciated a great deal since the independence of Pakistan in August 1947, as a result of which Pakistani exports become expensive in the international market and lost the competitiveness and imports became inexpensive due to which the balance of trade got affected. As a result State Bank of Pakistan delinked the rupee from dollar and adopted a manage float system in 1982.From 2000 onwards SBP has used different mechanisms and tried to stabilize the exchange rate. These efforts have helped in stabilizing the exchange rate in from 2000 to 2008 but still fluctuations were also there and in the recent years the exchange rate has become volatile(Mahmood et al, 2011). The volatility of the exchange rates can have an adverse effect on the economy.To understand the exchange rate behavior the variable affecting the exchange rate needs to be studied.
[1]. Abbas,M. (2013). Effect of trade deficit on economy of Pakistan, Interdisciplinaryjournal of contemporary research in business, Vol 4, No. 11, 2013, pp. 176-215.
[2]. Alam, S. & Ahmed, Q. (2011). Exchange rate volatility and Pakistan`s bilateral imports from major sources: An application of ADRL approach, international journal of economic and finance, Vol 3, No.2, May 2011, pp.246-254.
[3]. Baljinnyam, B. & Lu, d. (2013). Analysis on influencing factors of the exchange rate between Chinese Yuan (CNY) and Mongolian Tögrög (MNT), International Journal of Development and Sustainability, Volume 2 Number 3 (2013).
[4]. Bhatti, R. (2001). Determining Pak rupee exchange rate vis-à-vis six currencies of the industrial world: some evidence based on traditional flow model, the Pakistan development review, 40 : 4 Part II (Winter 2001) pp. 885–897.
[5]. Cavallo, M. (2006). Interest rate, carry trades and exchange rate movements, FRBSF economic letter, number 2006-31, November 2006.
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Abstract: The study has helped me to measure the consumer awareness and impact of Advertisement on consumer buying decision. Study has made me to identify and understand the role of different media channels in advertising strategy. The coke advertisements are understandable and genuine. The large participants in the study said that they read coke ad in Eenadu. Star Gold occupied the first place in Hindi TV Channels and Teja TV stood first in Telugu T V channels. Though the Company performance is good it should pay more attention on designing innovative and unique advertisements.
[1]. Marketing Management by Philip Kotlar
[2]. Marketing Research by Aekar, Kumar & Day
[3]. Marketing Research by Hair, Bush & Ortinau
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Abstract: The quest by successive governments in Nigeria and international organizations for accelerated economic growth and the need to enhance sustainable development in the country brought about the introduction of various programs and measures that served as veritable weapon for economic growth. This paper investigate ways cooperative societies act as an instrument for poverty reduction and sustainable national development anchored on income redistribution model. Relevant data and literatures were reviewed to elucidate the roles cooperative societies play in poverty reduction and sustainable national development. The paper argued that cooperative societies offer social protection, enhanced capital formation and employment generation among other benefits and recommends that, for proper effectiveness, cooperative societies should be adequately promoted, nurtured and practiced so as to deliver its potential of being a viable tool for sustainable economic growth.
Keywords:- Cooperative societies, poverty reduction, economic growth, sustainable national development, successive governments.
[1]. Adebayo, S.T., Chinedum, O.H., Dabo, C.S.P., & Pascal, H. (2010). Cooperative Association as a Tool For Rural Development and Poverty Reduction in Rwanda: A study of Abahuzamugambi ba Kawa in Maraba Sector Educational Research, 1(11), 600-608.
[2]. Adedayo, A., & Yusuf, O.R. (2004). Cooperatives and Poverty Alleviation in Alleviation and food Production in Sub-Saharan Africa: Seminar paper on Risk Assessment of Global Agrifood Production Chains. Department of Economics and Management, University of Helsinki, Finland.
[3]. Adedayo, A., & Yusuf, O.R. (2004). Cooperatives and Poverty Alleviation in Rural settlement of Kwara State Nigeria. vol. 19. No. 2.
[4]. Adekunle, B., & Henson, S.J. (2007). The effect of cooperative thrift and credit societies on personal agency belief, A study of entrepreneurs in Osun State Nigeria: African Journal of Agricultural research, 2(12), pp. 678-686.
[5]. Allahdadi, F. (2011). The Contribution of Agricultural Cooperatives on Poverty Reduction: A Case Study of Marvdasht, Iran: Journal of American Science. 7(4), 22-25.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Internal Marketing As A Strategic Tool For Survival In Nigerian Banking Industry |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Pearse Olugbenga Ezekiel |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1662141149 ![]() |
Abstract: Today banking industry is facing dramatic and aggressive competition in a new deregulated environment which was as a result of various banking reforms or policies that have been introduced by the successive Nigeria governments at one time or the other in the drives for economic sustainability and survival of the sector. The purpose of this study is to discuss how internal marketing could act as a strategic tool for survival in Nigeria banking industry. Relevant literatures were reviewed to ascertain the potential internal marketing has and as the paper also argues logically the relationship between internal marketing, quality service delivery, customer satisfaction and loyalty with the goal on organizational survival and profitability. The study recommended that necessary laws and regulations bothered on the banking employees performance and operations should be formulated and ensuring compliance, while concerted effort should be made in discouraging banking institutions from deploying anti-welfare policies and strategies that are imminical to their workforce. Banking reform should be carefully implemented to ensure that banks are better positioned to perform their strategic roles and duties to customers, employees, investors and the society at large.
Keywords:- Internal marketing, banking industry, economic sustainability, quality service delivery, customer satisfaction and loyalty, banking reforms, aggressive competition
[1]. Aghazadeh, H., M. Estiri & B. Osanlou (2007) Competitiveness of Iranian enterprise.
[2]. Barnes, J.G. & Rowe, G. (1998) Relationship marketing and sustained competitive advantage. Journal of Market focused Management 2, 281-297.
[3]. Berry L.L., Zeithaml V.A & Parasuraman A. (1990) Five imperatives for improving service quality, Sloan Management Review.
[4]. Berry, L. L. (1981), "‟The Employee as Customer‟‟, Journal of Retail Banking, Vol.3, March, pp.25-80.
[5]. Berry, L.L. & Parasuraman, A. (1991) "‟ Marketing Service‟‟. New York: The Free Press.
[6]. Che Ha, Abu Bakar & Jaafar (2007) "‟Internal Marketing Issues in Service Organization in Malaysia‟‟, International Review of Business Research Paper, Vol 3 No. 5Pp 134-145.
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Abstract: The study examines the effect of corporate governance practices and regulatory agencies on the performance of government establishments in Anambra State of Nigeria. Twenty five government establishments in Anambra State were studied using their general managers and Accountants as participants. Spearman's rank correlation coefficient and student t-transformation were used to test for relationship and significant respectively. The results of this study reveal that corporate governance has positive and significant relationship on the performance of corporate governance regulatory agencies. Further results reveal that agreement on corporate governance has positive and significant relationship with lay down standard. The study calls for corporate governance regulatory agencies to discharge their duties without fear of favour and should shun all forms of gratification and render objective report on government organizations. This will redirect government establishment on improving their corporate governance practices, which will enhance their firm value and meet the need of the future generation.
Keywords:- Corporate Governance, Corporate Practices, Corporate Mechanism, Regulatory Agencies, Standard
[1]. B.Y. Abiodun, The impact of corporate social responsibility on firms' profitability in Nigeria; European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science, (45), 2012, 39-50.
[2]. W.M. Al-Haddad, S.T. Alzuraquan, and F.J. Al-Sufy, The effect of Corporate governance on the performance of Jordanian Industrial Companies: An Empirical study on Amman Stock Exchange, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, (1), 2011, 43-56.
[3]. E. Chukwuemeka, N. Nzewi, and E.U. Ezenyilimba, The effect of corporate governance practices on the performance of government organizations: A study of Enugu State of Nigeria, Journal of Basic, Applied, Sci. res., 1 (7), 2011, 649-656.
[4]. E.I. Idemobi, The problem of sustaining the growth of small and medium enterprises in Sub-Saharan African context, African Journal of Social Sciences, 2(1), 2012, 15-24.
[5]. P.N.O. Ejiofor, Management style in a result oriented services: managing people and for desired results, Imo State of Nigeria Public Service Lecture, series (1), 1985, 1-45.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Review of behavioral finance as an emerging field of investment decision making |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Anjum Raza |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1662156172 ![]() |
Abstract: Financial decision making is a process involving multiple variables. Some of these include economic activities taking place in the country as well as the world, the political, information and institutional constraints and the accessibility of the investors to financial instruments. Contemporary research in the field of financial investments however for example the one conducted by Hoseini (2003) shows that important factors influencing financial investments include the process of decision making of the investors and the perceptions of the investors in regards to the economic, company specific and instrument specific variables. Given the pace of communication and information, financial markets have been opened up to not only institutional but also individual investors.Thismeans that the number of players and the impact of investor perceptions have increased significantly thus increasing the importance of research that looks at the cognitions, perceptions, attitudes and then finally the resulting investment behaviors of individuals. This premise has led to the creation of the field of behavioral finance which currently is largely in its phase of development. A number of institutional and individual researchers are working on this field to avail the potential that this understanding has to offer. What is important however is for some research to simultaneously sum up the important developments in this field so that corporate investors, financial managers as well as the future researchers can have an overview of what has been going on in this field up till now.
[1]. Edmans, A. (2011). Does the stock market fully value intangibles? Employee satisfaction and equity prices, Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 101 (3) pp. 621 – 640.
[2]. Hosseini, H. (2003). The arrival of behavioral economics: from Michigan, or the Carnegie School in the 1950s and the early 1960s?,The Journal of Socio Economics, Vol. 32, pp. 391 – 409.
[3]. Jegadeesh, N. (1995). Advances in Behavioral Finance by Richard H. Thaler, American Finance Association, Vol. 50 (1), pp. 396 – 400
[4]. 2. Olivier et al. (2000). Principles of Finance Management, 1st Ed. SA: Juta and Co.
[5]. 4. Rappaport, A. (2006). Ten Ways to Create Shareholder Value, HBR
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effectiveness of performance appraisal on performance of employees |
Country | : | Pakistan |
Authors | : | Muhammad Zohaib Abbas |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1662173178 ![]() |
Abstract: Performance appraisal is often regarded as the most critical function of human resource management (Selvarajan and Cloninger, 2008; Smither and London, 2009). Several prior studies have revealed that suggested that effective performance appraisal system is the sign of integral component of effectiveness of human resource management of an organization (Zapata-Phelan et al., 2009). Performance appraisal has been studied widely in several organizations in the western context. However, this particular topic has not been researched appropriately in the Asian context specifically in perspective of Pakistan. Selvarajan and Cloninger (2009) have also noted that performance appraisal is not effectively developed process within Pakistani organizations, but the evidence and prior literature on this topic is rare. Moreover, the prior literature on this subject aims at observational aspects and little emphasis is made on the empirical findings of the effectiveness of performance appraisal and its influence on employee performance (Selvarajan and Cloninger¸ 2008). Clearly, there is need to derive empirical findings on evaluation on effectiveness of performance appraisal system and its influence on employee performance in the context of Pakistan.
[1]. Colquitt J.A., Conlon D.E., Wesson M.J., Porter H., and Ng, K.Y. (2001), "Justice at the Millennium: A Meta-Analytic Review of 25 Years of Organizational Justice Research,‟ Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 3, pp. 425–445.
[2]. DeNisi A., and Pritchard R. (2006), "Performance Appraisal, Performance Management and Improving Individual Performance: A Motivational Framework,‟ Management and Organization Review, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 253–277.
[3]. Kinicki A.J., Prussia G.E., Bin W., and McKee-Ryan F.M. (2004), "A Covariance Structure Analysis of Employees‟ Response to Performance Feedback,‟ Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 89, No. 6, Pp. 1057–1069.
[4]. Keeping L.M., and Levy P.E. (2000), Performance Appraisal Reactions: Measurement, Modeling, and Method Bias,‟ Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 85, No. 5, pp. 708–723.
[5]. Lawler E.E., and McDermott M. (2003), "Current Performance Management Practices: Examining the Varying Impacts,‟ Wold at Work Journal, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 49–60
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Mandatory CSR in India: Proponents For and Against |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Geetika Jaggi |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1662179181 ![]() |
Abstract: The concept of CSR is underpinned by the idea that corporations can no longer act as isolated economic entities operating in detachment from broader society. CSR is understood to be the way firms integrate social, environmental and economic concerns into their values, culture, decision making, strategy and operations in a transparent and accountable manner, and thereby establish better practices within the firm, create wealth and improve society. India is the only country in the world with legislated corporate social responsibility, the amendment has come in forth the Companies Act, 2013 wherein it mandatory for every registered company to spend on CSR activities, The paper intends to study the concept of mandatory CSR and the proponents for and against the legislation and recommendation for effective implementation.
Keywords:- CSR, Companies Act 2013, Mandatory CSR, Section 135, Schedule VII
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Abstract: Through this research the case of Pakistan economy has been selected. The focus is on seeing the impact that government intervention in dollar stabilization leads to as far as the perceptions of investors are concerned. The perceptions of investors for this case are studied through two proxies. First being the returns on Karachi Stock Index and second being the changes in the foreign direct investment in Pakistan. The results show that dollar intervention does have a fruitful impact on the foreign investments in the country as a decline in the value of dollars sees a growth in the foreign direct investment. Overall the results show that the economy of Pakistan needs and supports the intervention by the government to take corrective actions as it is not observed to be able to correct itself through macroeconomic fundamentals.
[1]. Alesina, A. and Wagner, A. (2006). Choosing (and reneging on) exchange rate regimes, Journal of the European Economic Association, Working paper 9809.
[2]. Cheng et al. (2000). Pricing dynamics of index options and index futures in Hong Kong before and during the Asian financial crisis, Journal of Futures Markets, Vol. 20 (2), pp. 145 – 166.
[3]. Eichengreen et al. (2002). Original Sin, the pain, the mystery and the road to redemption", prepared for the conference "Currency and Maturity Matchmaking, USA: Inter American Development Bank.
[4]. Fama, E. (1970). Efficient capital markets: a review of theory and empirical work, Journal of Finance, Vol. 25, pp. 383 - 417
[5]. Fatum, R. and Yamamoto, Y. (2014). Large versus small foreign exchange interventions, Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 43, pp. 114 – 123
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Abstract: The general objective of this study was to identify factors that influence effective strategic planning process in organizations. It looks closely at the key factors that influence strategic planning and why organizations have to plan for the future for them to remain relevant in the market. This will be achieved by aligning strategic plan with the vision and mission of the organization. The study explores the connection between strategic plans with organization structure, organizational culture, leadership and human resources. This paper specifically analyses the factors that influence strategic planning and recommendations that can be employed in order to have a successful implementations of strategic planning in the organizations. The recommendations will also address the gaps that have been identified in this paper.
Keywords:- Strategic planning, organization structure, organizational culture, human resource
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Abstract: Open and Distance Learning (ODL) is increasingly being incorporated into many Zimbabwean college and university programmes. The Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU) is the only fully fledged open and distance learning University in Zimbabwe. This study assesses the core competencies of the ZOU with a view to establishing whether these match critical success factors in ODL. The study employs a case study approach where documentary evidence and the author's experiences are the main sources of information. The critical success factors in ODL identified in this study include technology related factors, learning approach, course related factors and learner support services. The study revealed that the main competencies of the ZOU are its capacity to deploy in different geographical areas for the convenience of learners, the ability to produce learning materials and a comprehensive learner support system. The University also has competent and experienced staff, a strong brand which has continued to attract students and staff even when some programmes had been suspended, resource mobilization, vibrant alumni, sound industrial relations, advisory boards, an established research department and research culture, good marketing and public relations function, an established quality assurance department and other human resources related competencies. With the above mentioned competencies, the ZOU has made significant progress in matching its competencies with the critical success factors in ODL. It is recommended that the University introduces ethics workshops for employees so as to reduce negative publicity about ZOU employees. It is also recommended that the University increases consultation and cooperation with regulatory authorities. To increase enrolment of foreign students, the University should leverage on its resourceful ICT department to provide online courses and tutorials.
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Abstract: The research scouts out on the influence of recession on the purchasing deportment of consumers. The study was conducted in the West Delhi region. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of recession on buying attitude of consumers, taking into consideration differences in spending in their goods consumption on different food, convenience and luxury items. With further expounding into the enquiry of change in shopping patterns of customers due to increase in prices or decrease in income and to analyze whether decrease in purchasing capacity of the customers have adulterated their preference for branded products. The results were checked in accordance with whether recession affects the buying behavior or not. Therefore, an attempt was put to find out the outcomes of the research that, which factors get affected in recession by a consumer.
Keywords: Consumer Behavior , Recession, Purchasing Power, Buying Behavior
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