Version-1 (July-2014)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | "Performance Evaluation of Haryana Financial Corporation" |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Hema, Bindu Roy |
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: | 10.9790/487X-16710104 ![]() |
Abstract: Haryana Financial Corporation has been set up under the State Financial Corporation Act 1951 to meet the credit needs of small and medium scale industrial units by advancing the loans. It has already engaged in this field for more than 47 years. So, it is high time that its performance should be judged. That is why, the investigators have decided to analyze and evaluate the operational and financial performance of HFC through this research paper. This research paper is based on the performance of the last 5 years made by HFC from 2008-2009 to 2012-2013. Information are collected through secondary data and they have been analyzed and judged by using financial ratios. The findings reveal that the financial and operational performance of HFC is declining from last 5 years due to heavy losses, poor solvency and liquidity status as well as downward recoveries of loans. So there is acute need to take some major and effective steps by HFC for improving its financial as well as operational status.
Keywords: HFC, Operational and financial performance, Financial ratios
[3]. Khan, M.Y., Industrial Finance, Tata Mc-Graw Hill, Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi, 1982.
[4]. The Chartered Accountants, New Delhi
[5]. The Chartered Secretary, The Institution of India, New Delhi.
[6]. The Indian Journal of Commerce, Indian Commerce Association, Aruna Printing Works, Berhampur, Orissa.
[7]. The Management Accountant, The Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India, Calcutta.
[8]. Annual Reports of Haryana Financial Corporation
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Abstract: Evidence from the literature showed that in a competitive environment a successful organization must establish a compensation philosophy that will motivate the organization employee. The extent to which employee have benefited from the compensation plan system in food industry has not received much attention in developing economy such as Nigeria. Testing the Vroom expectancy theory that emphasizes the needs for organizations to relate rewards directly to performance in Nigerian foods and beverages industry will provide empirical evidence in the Nigerian context. It was in line with this that the study aimed at examining the effect of compensation plan on workers performance in the Nigerian food and beverage manufacturing companies. The study was carried out with 125 out of the 150 questionnaires that were administered and distributed to the staff of the selected food and beverages companies in Lagos state. Data collected was analyzed using frequency table and percentage analysis while the non-parametric statistical test Chi- square was used to test the formulated hypothesis using STATA 10 data analysis package/software to examine how the selected workers perceived the influence of compensation plan on their Performance. The result of the analysis and hypothesis tested at 5 % level of significance (p < 0.000) showed that compensation plan has significant and positive effect on workers performance which will eventually increase the overall performance of the Nigerian foods and beverages industry. Compensation system was also found to be the backbone of all policies concerning the acquisition and utilization of human resources. To this end, it is recommended that food companies should come up with effective compensation plans especially in investing the various aspects of human capital so as to remain competitive and maintain long run survival.
Keywords: Compensation Plan, workers Performance, Human Capital, Firm Performance, Nigerian Food and Beverage Industry
[1]. Aberdeen (2008) Group.
[2]. Adeyemi, S, & Aremu, M . A (2008), "Impact Assessment of Business Process Reengineering on Organisational Performance", European Journal of Social Sciences – Volume 7, Number 1 (2008)
[3]. Agarwala, T. (2003). Innovative human resource practices and organizational commitment: An empirical investigation. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 14(2), 175–197.
[4]. Boselie, P., Dietz, G., and Boon, C. (2005), "Commonalities and Contradictions in HRM and Performance Research,‟ Human Resource Management Journal, 15, 3, 67–94.
[5]. Bontis, N. & Fitzenz, J. (2002). Intellectual capital ROI: A current map to human capital antecedents and consequences. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 3(3), 223-247.
[6]. Chadwick, C. (2007). Examining non-linear relationships between human resource practices and manufacturing performance. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 60(4), 499-521.
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Abstract: There has been a long time controversy about which is the most appropriate research methodology in administrative sciences research. This has resulted into two polar research views: Quantitative and Qualitative methods. This study explores the philosophical underpinnings of research methodology using two research projects (one quantitative and another qualitative). It analysed the two research papers in the light of the chosen research design and methods. Pros and cons of the quantitative and qualitative research with respect to the chosen research topics were discussed. It defined the triangulation approach and explained conditions under which a triangulated research can be used. It also, based on the research papers analysed, drew out the pros and cons of the triangulation method. This paper therefore concludes that no one method is the best but the best method depends on the research topic and the circumstantial exigencies surrounding the study.
Keywords: Quantitative, Qualitative, Philosophical, Triangulation, Administrative Sciences
[1]. D.M. Baridam, Research Methods in Administrative Sciences (Port Harcourt: Sherbrooke Associates, 2008).
[2]. R.L. Harrison, Using Mixed Methods Design in the Journal of Business Research, 1990-2010, Journal of Business Research (2012). Available at: doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2012.01.006. (Access: February 11, 2014).
[3]. M. Saunders, P. Lewis and A. Thornhill, Research Methods for Business Students (3rd Ed.) (England: Pearson Education, 2003).
[4]. A. Bryman, Social Research Methods (4th Ed.)(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008).
[5]. M. Easterby-Smith, R. Thorpe and P.R. Jackson, Management Research (3rd Ed.) (London: Sage Publication, 2008)
[6]. J. Hussey and R. Hussey, Business Research: A Practical Guide for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students (Hampshire: Macmillan Press, 1997).
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Abstract: This study investigates the relationship between ownership structure, board independence and firm performance of eighty listed Pakistani firms for the period 2005-2009. Performance is appraise with the help of market based and accounting based performance measures. Market based measures of performance, namely, Marris ratio and Tobin‟s Q, as well as accounting based measures, namely, ROA and ROE are employed to measure firm performace. Our regression estimates reveal a significant positive effect of board size on both market based and accounting based performance measures and significant negative effect of insider ownership on ROA, meanwhile board independence has significant positive impact on market based performance measures.
Keywords: Firm Performance, Tobins' Q, ROA, ROE
[1]. Abdelsalam, O., Masrey,E.A., & Elsegini,S.(2008). Board composition, ownership structure and dividend policies in an emerging market further evidence from CASE 50.Managerial finance, 34(12).
[2]. Adams, R., & Mehran, H. (2003). Is corporate goverence difference for bank holding companies. Federal Reserve Bank of New York Economic Policy Review, Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
[3]. Bahaa El Din, Z., & Shawky,M (2005). Egypt Code of Corporate Goverence Guidelines and Standards United States Middle East Partnership Intiative. The Centre for International Private Enterprise (CIPE).
[4]. Bennedsen, M., Kongsted, H.C., & Nielsen,K. M. (2004). Board Size Effects in closely held Corporation, CAM Insititute of Economics, University of Copenhagen Working Paopers, 25.
[5]. Bhagat, S. & Black, B.(2002). The Non-correlation between Board Independence and Long-term Firm performance. Journal of Corporation Law, 27(2), 231-274.
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Abstract: Recognizing the potential that M-banking holds in strengthening the socioeconomic position of those currently lacking access to banking, especially the rural poor, Safaricom in Kenya and the two leading mobile operators in the Philippines (SMART2 and GLOBE) have both become facilitators of banking through the mobiles. Many studies carried out in the banking industry from the third world countries have found that M-banking is the best for an improved banking service in developing countries(Lyman et al, 2008; Guriting and Ndubisi 2006; Cheney 2008). However, little studies have been done on impact of integrating mobile technology banking on the performance of Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs) which therefore forms the basis of this study. The purpose of the study was to assess the impact of integrating mobile technology services on the performance of Micro Finance Institution, a case study of Small and Micro Enterprise Program (SMEP) in Kisumu County. This study was guided by the following study objectives; to find out the effect of information as a component of mobile banking service on the performance of Small and Micro Enterprise Program (SMEP), to investigate the effect of m- banking transaction as a component of mobile banking service on the performance of Small and Micro Enterprise Program (SMEP), and to explore the effect of orchestrated function of mobile banking service on the performance of Small and Micro Enterprise Program (SMEP).This study utilized descriptive survey design. A sample size of 66 respondents was used for the study. The data was obtained through the use of questionnaire which was administered through the help of the research assistants. Data analysis employed descriptive statistics, where Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software was used to generate measures of frequencies. This study will benefit to greater extent the banking industry, the government, other economic stakeholders and the general public.
Key words: Mobile technology, Banking, Small and Micro Enterprise Program
[1]. Babbie, E. (2007). The Practice of Social Research. Twelfth Edition.USA: Chapman University.
[2]. Balogun J. (2000). Impact of GSM on Economy and Development. Center for Culture andTechnical Interchange between East and West, Gwalada Abuja.
[3]. BIS (2000); Survey of electronic money developments, May 2000. Switzerland: Bank for Blake, M. (2004).Growing mobile market in Africa. The Electronic Library 22 (4), p.370.Communication in Nigeria: A Breakthrough in Interactional Enhancement or a Drawback? Nordic Journal of African Studies 14(2): 193 – 207 (2005) Thesis. University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
[4]. Bryman, A. (2008). Social Research Methods. Third Edition.New York: OxfordUniversity Press.
[5]. Brynjolfsson, E., & Hitt, L. (2003). Computing Productivity: Firm-Level Evidence. Review of Economics and Statistics, 85, 793-808.
[6]. Buhalis, D. (2003). eAirlines: strategic and tactical use of ICTs in the airline industry Information and Management, 41, 805–825.
[7]. Cavana, Y. R., Delahaye, L. B., & Sekaran, U. (2001). Applied business research: qualitative and quantitative methods. Milton, Qld: John Wiley & Sons
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Abstract: The study reveals the concept of gender discrimination at workplace and how it affects the performance of female employees and as a result its impact on organizational performance in banking sector of Pakistan. Data was collected from both males and females working in private banks through questionnaires. According to the results, we concluded that gender discrimination has not as such impact on employee performance and organization commitment and culture moderated the relationship between gender discrimination and organizational commitment.
Keywords: Gender Discrimination, Employee Performance, Banking Sector of Pakistan, Organizational Commitment, Culture.
[1]. Abbas, M.N. Athar, S.A. and Herani, G. (2010). Gender Based Wage Discrimination and Its Impact on Performance of Blue Collar Workers: Evidence from Pakistan. KASBIT Business Journal, 3(1), 45-63.
[2]. Abdullah et al. (2007). Employee Organisational Commitment InSmes: Evidence From The Manufacturing Sector In Malaysia. International Review of Business Research Papers, 3 (2), 12 – 26.
[3]. Acharya, M. and Ghimire, P. (2005). Gender Indicators of Equality, Inclusion and Poverty Reduction: Measuring Programme/Project Effectiveness. Economic and Political Weekly, 44/45(40), 4719-4728.
[4]. Acker, J. (2006). Inequality Regimes Gender, Class, and Race in Organizations. Gender and Society Sage Publications, Inc., 4(20), 441-464.
[5]. Alanzi, N.M. (2009). Work place environment and its impact on employee performance, a study submitted to project management department in Saudi Aramco.
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Abstract: The study focused on examining probity in procurement in the Private Sector, that is, it sought to establish whether processes followed in the Procurement departments were in line the laid down procedures, laws and regulations that governs procurement in the Private sector. The descriptive research design was adopted in the study because the researcher sought the opinions and views of the procurement personnel in the Private sector. Questionnaires were designed and administered to a sample of thirty companies in Harare which were randomly selected. Results of the research showed that probity principles were observed when conducting the procurement function to some extend but the procurement function was more prone to the risks of fraud, misconduct and corruption. The researcher recommended that procurement staff must be educated on the strategic significance of purchasing and supply management and the potential it holds for gaining a competitive advantage in an increasingly difficult and competitive business environment. This will assist the procurement staff to develop a broader perspective and understanding of the contributions of conducting procurement with probity in mind.
[1]. Eyaas and Oluka PN (2011), Explaining non compliance in public compliance in Uganda.
[2]. Gilbert Muponda (2009), Privatisation can aid Zimbabwes economic recovery.
[3]. Gray and Jenkins (1985) Administrative politics in British government
[4]. Guthrie J(2012) Application of Accrual Accounting in the Australian public sector.
[5]. McMillan and Schumacher (1997) Introdution to designing qualitative research.
[6]. Ng C and Ryan C (2001) The practice of probity Audits in one Australian jurisdiction
[7]. Nyasha Chizu, ( Newsday 16.12.2013) Value for money procurement
[8]. Palmier L (2000) Corruption and Probity. Asian journals of political sciences
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Challenges and Issues of Generation Z |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Anjali Singh |
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: | 10.9790/487X-16715963 ![]() |
Abstract: The main purpose of my research on Gen Z is to look after the changing behavior of children, students and scholars are of globalscenerio. I accept the fact that Gen Z is very active, motivated, goal oriented, extraordinary, competent, researcher, observer etc. They are fully awakened by the social responsibilities towards society, knowledge of laws, rules and regulation, they are extremely technology savvy, smart minded, challenging, adventurous, active decision maker, leadership skill and talented. They are smart in tricks and more enthusiasm to carry out the relative and difficult tasks. Still the area of wariness in front of each and every parents, teacher, mentors, counselor that what should be the atmosphere one should give generation Z, so that they can grap the values, ethics, listeners, proactive, customs, observers and derivative principles. So, my study is all about that what will be the attitude, behavior of upcoming CEO's , managers and entrepreneurs and citizens of our country , are we generating the principles and environment so that they can get the good surrounding , an healthy and safe scenario.
[1]. Charmaz K (2006) Constructing Grounded Theory: A Practical Guide through Qualitative Analysis,London Sage Publications
[2]. Dey I (1999) Grounding Grounded Theory Guidelines for Qualitative Inquiry, San Diego: Academic Press.
[3]. Glaser, BG and Strauss AL (1967) The discovery of grounded theory: Strategies for qualitative research New York: Aldine de Gruyter
[4]. Krishnan, S.K., Bopaiah, S., Bajaj, D., and Prasad, R. (2012).Organization, Generation, and Communication – Infosys Experience, NHRD Journal, Oct, 85-93.
[5]. Elmore,T 2010,Generation iY,PoetGardener,Atlanta, p. 95.
[6]. Grose, M 2005,XYZ: The New Rules of Generational Warfare, Random House, Australia,p.38.
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Abstract: Generally, the organizations establishing primary approach was aimed to earn profit for their shareholders. This approach gradually is faced with many challenges with the passage of time and the occurrence of environmental changes. Moreover, the needs and desires of humans today has changed because of the changes which has occurred in the environment around the organizations, and gradually, considering the different concepts such as environment and conserving natural resources for future generations, the development of social welfare, attention to social responsibility and such issues has become a concern to community and organizations. Today, organizations cannot no longer be indifferent towards social responsibilities alike the past, and perhaps dare to say that in the not too distant future, the basis for selecting an organization to receive goods or services from a customer perspective, will be the level of respect to organizational commitment to observe social responsibilities. Also this issue is one of the important issues in recent years that has been investigated by the researchers. In this context, the main aim of this study is to investigate the role of managers' education in promoting social responsibility level in Saipa Diesel Company, which is done in descriptive-survey method. Statistical population of Saipa Diesel includes managers and employees numbering 998 people, of whom 280 people were selected as sample according to the Kokaran formula. Sampling method of the study is the simple random one. The scholar's questionnaire was used to collect the data containing 27 questions. Its validity has been confirmed by several experts and its reliability has been confirmed using Cronbach's alpha for the 25 persons pretested 0.91. The collected data of the statistical tests (t-dependent) were analyzed. The results showed that managers' education is effective on promoting the level of social responsibility in Saipa Diesel Company. Also the other assumptions showed that managers' education has been influential to formulate the system of social responsibility, awareness of managers about promoting social responsibility and growing social responsibility in organization level, and only the effect of education for justifying the managers towards improving the social responsibility was not confirmed.
Keywords: Education, social responsibility, social responsibility system and the promotion of social responsibility
[1]. Greening, D. W. and D. B. Turban (2000): Corporate Social Performance as a Competitive Advantage in Attracting a Quality Work Force, Business & Society, Vol. 39, No. 3, pp: 254–280.
[2]. koontz (1998) Management and Society: Social Responsibility and Ethics. New York: Mcgraw, chap.2.pp: 29 – 39.
[3]. Owen, Daniel P.(2007). Beyond Corporate Social Responsibility: The Scope for Corporate Investment in Community Driven Development. World Bank Report No. 37379-GLB.
[4]. Salehi, M. and Azary, Z. (2009): Stakeholders' Perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility: Empirical Evidences from Iran, International Business Research, Vol. 2, No. 1.
[5]. Sims, R. R. (2003): Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility: Why Giants Fall, Praeger Publishers, USA
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Comparative Study of Consumer Protection in India as Per UN Guidelines |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Lalita Dhingra |
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: | 10.9790/487X-16716872 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper attempts to present the state of affairs of consumer protection in India by inspecting the current status with respect to UN guidelines for consumer protection. The paper throws light on the present scenario by conferring some data and headlining the problems. It inspects that the legal and policy framework in India is adequately good as per the measures stated by UN guidelines (Consumers International), but when it comes to implementation, the scenario is not up to the mark. It concludes with some recommendations that might further improve the consumer protection in India.
Keywords: consumer protection, consumer education, consumer protection act, consumer rights, implementation.
[1]. Planning Commission, Government of India, National Human Development Report, 2001.
[2]. Consumer Unity Trust Society, 2001- State of the Indian Consumer
[3]. United Nations, (1985/1999), Guidelines for Consumer Protection, April 9, 1985
[4]. (General Assembly Resolution No.: 39/248), revised in 1999.
[5]. Business Studies, M.C. Sharma.
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Abstract: In today's era, the business success is based on the employee abilities and capabilities. Work- family conflicts is becoming more common now a day due to work pressure and family responsibilities. This research focuses on the relationship between work-family conflict and its impact on job satisfaction leading to turnover. The Sample size selected for this research is about 200 participants that are employees working in the Pakistani Telecommunication industry as employees of ( Zong, Telenor, Ufone, and Mobilink,). After the study, it is identified that there are several factors that are resulting in work-family conflict which result in lower job satisfaction. This research is limited towards the sample size and in the future, the researcher can expand the sample size in order to explore new factors or dimension related to work-family conflicts and employee job satisfaction. This research plays a significant role for managers because it can help in identifying strategies through which managers can increase employee job satisfaction.
[1] Aminah Ahmad, (1996), "Association Of Work Family Conflict, Job Satisfaction And Work Life Satisfaction: A Study Of Married Female Secretaries" Journal Of Pertanikal Social Science & Human, 4(2):101-108
[2] Antonia Calvo-Salguero, Ana Ma Carrasco-Gonzalez & Jose Maria Salinas-Martinez De Lecea. (4 July, 2010), "Relationship between Work family Conflict and Job Satisfaction: The Moderating Effect of Gender and the Salience of Family and Work Roles." African Journal Of Business Management Vol.4(7), Pp.1247-1259).
[3] Clutterbuck, D. (2003) Managing Work-life Balance: A Guide for HR in Achieving Organisational and Individual Change, CIPD Publishing.
[4] Crane, D.R. and Hill, J.E. (2009), Handbook of Families and Work: Interdisciplinary Perspective, University Press of America.
[5] Dasgupta, M. and Mukherjee, I. (2011), Emotional Intelligence as a Mediator of Work-Family Conflict, Quality of Work Life and Happiness among IT Professionals, GRIN Verlag.