Version-1 (Aug-2014)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Mangu: An emerging commercial town.1 |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Danazumi Sharwa Bukar |
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: | 10.9790/487X-16810106 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper is the outcome of a local study of the two Mangus then a part of the old Pankshin division of Benue-Plateau State, Nigeria. The local study was a special school project embarked upon by final year students of the then Gindiri Teachers College2 of which the author was privileged to be a part of in 1973. The study was directed by our Geography teacher Mr.3 Jonah Madugu whose dedication and patience in directing the study is well appreciated. The school sponsored the trip to the study area from Gindiri under the leadership of Mr Madugu who took time to show us important things about the study such as the economic importance of the river valleys. The second acknowledgement will go to Mr. Bello4 who spared valuable time to direct us to the person who gave us the History of Mangu Asali. He also took us to some important land marks of the town. Machut5 Lere, a fellow student and resident of Mangu town, gave the writer very valuable insight into the nature of trading activities in the Mangu market. Mr. Elisha Mangwvat gave us very useful information on export trade in the Mangu market. Alhaji Muazu from Mangu cannot be forgotten for his talk on trade and the names of some people who practice it on a commercial scale e.g. M. Hirse. Sunday6, a school pupil, was instrumental in our study of Mangu Hausawa on the major divisions of the town and the names of some commercial farmers. The aim of the project was to study the emerging Mangu market, the basic outline of which this paper has retained. The presentation is narrative and descriptive being a study conducted by a final year secondary student. Thus while retaining the content and character of the study, the aim of this presentation is to capture the outlook of the market as it was emerging at that time. This will help benchmark some aspects of the earliest dynamics of the Mangu market to the year 1973. We have provided some annotations to reflect, among other things, major changes since the decade of the study
[1]. The study covered the two Mangus. At this time, Mangu as it is called today used to be Mangu Asali and the other one Mangu, Mangu Hausawa, now, Mangu Halle.
[2]. The Teachers College Gindiri was established in 1934. It is today called COCIN Comprehensive College.
[3]. He is now Dr Jonah Madugu
[4]. His second name was not captured in the study. He is Bello Hirse
[5]. He is now Prof Mark M Lere
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Abstract: Women over the years have been faced with the problem of marginalization in virtually all human endeavors This male chauvinism and gender inequality in our society in the name of culture have done more harm than good to the economy d socio-political development of the country as women entrepreneurshipis greatly ''hampered in this respect most especially in the formal sector This paper therefore examined the level of women participation entrepreneurship which include among others, finance, limited mobility, family ties, education and risk bearing abilities The paper is of the opinion that development cannot be fully realized Nigeria if women who constitute almost half of the population are not being carried along and suggested that women should be treated as specific target group in all development programs and that government should create enabling environment that will promote entrepreneurship development among women by discouraging all forms of discrimination against them fortheirpotentials tobefully harnessed for national development
[1]. Akanji, O.O. (1996). The role and level of women's participation in the informal sector: The need for data collection and monitoring, C.B.N Bullion:vol. 20(4) pp7-15.
[2]. Aliyu.A. (1998).Nigeriaeconomybreakthrough the Abacha strategies. Abuja: FEAP.
[3]. Khanka, S.S, (2000)Entrepreneurial development, New Delhi: Ravindra printers (pvt) Limited
[4]. Lambing, P &Kuehi, C. (1997).Entrepreneurship. New Jersy: Prentice-Hall. Inc
[5]. Lawal, K. O&Oguche A.A. (2004).Harnessing women potentials through womenentrepreneurship for National development. Being a Paper presented at the National Conference organized by the Association for the promotion of studies in Art and Social sciences (NAPA SASS ) atAdekunleAjasin University, AkungbaAkoko. Ondo State Nigeria, from 22- 26th November; 2004.
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Abstract: The study was aimed to describe the need for management information systems on strategic planning processes in organizational growth in the health service sector. Health service organizations operate in constantly changing environment. To survive, organizations must respond and adjust to the social, economic, and political environmental changes that occur. Unfortunately, in most organizations especially in the service sector, strategic plans are not carried out and implemented properly due to lack of appreciation and knowledge of the relevance of strategic planning on organizational growth. Management Information Systems (MIS) is the key factor to facilitate and attain efficient decision making in an organization. This study explores the extent to which management information systems implemented make successful strategic planning process. The study examined whether the Libyan service organizations use Management Information Systems strategic planning purposes. The research adapted the quantitative research design to examine two research questions. The data were obtained from policy documents and mission statements, annual reports, minutes or meetings, codes of conduct, and any published journals and books. The results show that MIS was used to enhance strategic planning process in Libyan service organizations. However, it did not have very significant effect on the strategic planning process due to the lack of human resources and competence in information system, inadequacies of the capital components, organizational constraints on labor availability, stakeholder involvement, and government policy.
[1]. ABA. 2012. Libyan Bar Association Engages in Strategic Planning. (Online), ya_bar_association_strategicplanning_0712.html, retrieved on June 18 2014)
[2]. Ajzen, I. & Fishbein, M. (1980). Understanding Attitudes and Predicting Social Behavior. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
[3]. Ajzen, I. (1991). The Theory of Planned Behaviour. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, .50(2), 179-211.
[4]. Andersen, T. J. (2000). Strategic planning, autonomous actions and corporate performance. Long Range Plan, 33,184-200.
[5]. Armstrong, J. S. (1982). The value of formal planning for strategic decisions: review of empirical research. Strategic Management Journal, 3,197-211.
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to find which motivation factors are seen as the most important to motivate Libyan employees in future business. The aim is to analyze findings in the light of existing motivation theories. The knowledge from the theoretical part of this study combined with the results of the research can be useful for managers who deal with freshly graduated employees and for HR professionals who prepare recruitment campaigns focused on attracting future business employees. The research was based on the online questionnaire survey among various Libyans organization involved in Human resource, 400 samples were distributed online 333 respondents reply back. Respondents were asked to rank motivation factors in the order of their importance and choose three most significant factors motivate them and others as well. The findings of the study revealed that good wages, promotion and growth and interest of work are three most significant factors motivate Libyans employees. Moreover the results of the study suggest that future business professionals are motivated by factors from many different categories. Therefore, the most efficient approach to their motivation should be based solely on intrinsic motivators neither on extrinsic motivators. By being aware of the factors that are the most important for future business professionals companies can meet the challenge of attracting, motivating and retaining them
Keywords: Motivation, Human Resources Management, Business Professionals
[1]. D., Murphy. (1981). Incresing Employee Motivation. Cambridge : UK, Cambridge University Press.
[2]. Dockel. (2003). the effect of retention facotrs an organzation commitments: an investigation of high technology investment . Pretoria : University of Pretoria
[3]. Kirstein, M. (2010). The role of motivation in human resources: importance of motivation factors among future business persons . Aarhus : Denmark Aarhus School of Business.
[4]. Kovach. (1987). what motivate employees? workers and supervisor perception and difference . Business Horizons .
[5]. Nobre, F. W. (2011). Technological Managerial and Organizational Core Competences,. Business Scince Reference Publishing, IGI Global, USA, 34-136 .
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on Students Perception towards Quality of Banking Services |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. E. Lokanadha Reddy, Mr. Shaik Karim |
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: | 10.9790/487X-16813741 ![]() |
Abstract: Service quality is defined as the degree of alignment between customers' expectations, perceptions on the service received and customer satisfaction. Two approaches were used in the present study namely SERVQUAL and customer satisfaction level to measure the service quality of banks. This paper is focused to study and analyze the quality expected and perceived by the students towards banking services and the impact of quality dimension on satisfaction level of students towards the banking services with an aim to explore management students' perception on quality dimensions of banking services. The samples were selected through mixed random sampling method from students studying in management Educational Institutions in Chittoor District of Andhra Pradesh. The Primary Data was collected through the research instrument used in the present research poses a set of structured, paired questions designed to assess the dimensions for both students' expectations and students' perceptions. The collected data was analyzed through Statistical techniques like Mean,Correlation and Step-wise Regression analysis.The results indicate that there are service quality gaps between the students' expectations and their perceptions in six dimensions and further shows satisfaction level is average.
Key Words: Management Students, Banking Services, Customer Expectations, Students Perception, Service Quality, Students Satisfaction.
[1]. Anantha Raj, A., and Arokiasamy. (2012). Literature Review: Service Quality in Higher Education Institutions in Malaysia. International Journal of Contemporary Business Studies, Vol.3, No.4, May.
[2]. Adeleke, M. S. (2012). Evaluating Service Quality of Higher Institutions in Oyo State. Journal of Business and Management (IOSRJBM), Vol.1, No.3, May-June, pp. 01-07.
[3]. Fatima, S., Holy Ghost, and Edwin Gnanadhas, M. (2011). Impact of Service Quality in Commercial Banks on the Customers Satisfaction: An Empirical Study. ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol.1, No.6, October.
[4]. Ismail, A., Bootwala, and Anjali Gokhru. (2012). A Study on Customers' Perception on Services Provided by Banks in the City of Ahmedabad. Pacific Business Review International, Vol.5, No.5, November.
[5]. Jannadi, O.A., and Al-Saqqaf, H. (2000). Measurement of Quality in Saudi Arabian Service Industry. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, Vol.17, No.9.
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Abstract: Online shopping is a growing phenomenon worldwide and with increase in internet penetration India too is witnessing a surge in online shopping. Consumer buying behaviour is a widely researched area but online buying behaviour is a relatively new field of study. Marketers are trying to understand the online buying behaviour of Indian consumers so that they can look out for new ways of identifying distinct profitable customer segments and targeting them better. Marketers need to know who are the online customers , what are they buying online and why, what prevents them from buying online , what other factors affect their online buying behaviour, does social media has any influence on their buying behaviour. Although very few studies have currently been done on Indian consumer-buying behaviour, and especially on the role of gender, there are indicators that different findings from those from the West may evolve. This paper aims to identify the factors that affect the online buying behaviour of women particularly homemakers in Western suburbs of Mumbai .Educated , urban homemakers form a significant prospect for traditional retailers. The question that arises is whether this segment is also buying online or has remained untapped by the e-retailers? Research has examined the role of different factors on individuals ecommerce adoption, such as geography and store accessibility, perceived risk and online shopping benefits, typology of online stores, enjoyment and trust in Web sites , gender differences in attitudes toward online shopping ,and impact of consumers socio-economic conditions (Sorce, Perotti, and Widrick 2005; Farag et) .Dennis, Morgan, Wright and Jayawardhena in the article,
Key words: Consumer behaviour , Social Media , Online buying, E-commerce , Internet shopping
[1]. Kotler Philip, "Marketing Management‟, Prentice-Hall,12th Edition
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[3]. Diffley,S, Kearns, J,Bennet,W & Kawalek,P 2011,‟Consumer Behaviour in Social Networking Sites: Implications for
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[4]. Brown ,J,G,Durrett,R,J& WetherbeJ,C, 2004, "Consumer Reactions Towards Clicks and Bricks : Investigating Buying Behaviour
On-line and at Stores, Behaviour & Information Technology,‟ July-August 2004, Vol.23,No.4, 237-245.
[5]. KuruvillaS.J,Joshi,N& Shah,N, 2009,‟ Do Men and Women Shop Differently? An Exploration Of Gender Differences In Mall
Shopping In India‟ ,International Journal of Consumer Studies ISSN 1470-6423, 33 (2009) 715–723 © The Authors Journal
compilation © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to assess the trade practices used by firms in developing countries using Eritrea as a case. The study specifically focuses on the effects of cooperation between suppliers and their customers on the sellers' trade approaches. It examines what types of trade approaches firms use (cash, credit, and/or both), how they apply their approaches and why they choose those approaches. Then it studies if these approaches are influenced by the existence of inter firm cooperation or networking (as measured by association, information, trust, supplier concentration and transaction cost) between supplier firms and their customers. This study indicates that the firms use more personal visits to communicate among themselves and the overwhelming majority of them do not belong to any business association. Firms which have network or association with established relationship and trust sell more on both credit compared to those which do not have. The firms, who believe that the transaction cost is expensive, relatively sell less on both credit and cash compared to those which said "it is not". Implications of these findings and future research directions are discussed.
Keywords: Trade, cash, credit, buyer-supplier relationship, developing countries, Eritrea
[1]. Boissay, F. & Gropp R. (2013). Payment Defaults and Inter- firm Liquidity Provision. Review of Finance, 17(6): 1853-1894.
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[4]. Coleman, S. (2003). Free and Costly Trade Credit: A Comparison of Small Firms. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Academy of Entrepreneurial Finance, Chicago, Illinois, May 2, 2003.
[5]. Danielson, M.G. (2004). Bank Loan Availability and Trade Credit Demand. The Financial Review, 39: 579-600.
[6]. Deloof, M. & Jegers, M. (1996). Trade Credit, Product Quality, and Intragroup Sales: Some European Evidence. Financial Management, 25(3): 33-43
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Abstract: This study Aimed to explain and help how to improve the employees' performance, and effective human resources management take high priority in health institutions and hospitals in developing and generally developed countries particular in Libya. And eliminating the main obstacles and hinders on the development of human resources in public hospitals. there for we selected there factors which has effect on medical service and inefficient human resources management and the factors which are job satisfaction , organization behavior and training. we found there is negative effect on improvement and facing many problems associated with limited incentives, low salaries, poor following-up by managers to the performance of employees, neglecting customer satisfaction, and many other negative signs of improper human resources management
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[3]. Mathabula, Mnakgomo (2004). Modeling the Relationship Between Organizational Commitment, leadership Style, Human Resources Management practices and Organiztiona Trust
[4]. Joint Commission Resources (2004), Issues in Human Resources for Hospitals
[5]. Gunnar Robert Almgren - 2007,Health care politics, policy, and services: a social justice analysis
[6]. Susan E. Jackson, Randall S. Schuler, Steve Werner - 2011, Managing Human Resources