Version-3 (February-2017)
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Abstract: An increase the number of visits patients seeking a treatment are thing that need to be concerned to improve hospital revenue. The hospital should be able to create patient satisfaction by improving its service quality. One of the things that are part of service quality is doctors' communication skill on patients. A good communication skill of the doctors will create patient satisfaction. It has been proven in previous researches that said patients showed significantly increase satisfaction to individual consultations, with the greatest increase in satisfaction on doctor communication skills...........
Keywords: Communication skills, implicit self-theorist, patient satisfaction, general linear model
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Abstract: This study investigated the relationship between religious affiliations and organizational citizenship behaviour. The study utilizes the descriptive and inferential statistical methods in the assessment of data generated using structured questionnaire instruments from a total of 236 academic and non-academic staff of three Universities and a Polytechnic within the State. The study is designed as a cross-sectional survey and data is primarily quantitative. A total of two null hypotheses were tested using the Spearman's rank order correlation coefficient with results indicating that there is a significant association between...............
Keywords: Religious affiliations, altruism, sportsmanship, organizational citizenship behaviour
[1]. Ahiauzu, A. I. (1983) Cultural influences on managerial industrial relations policies: The case of Hausa and Ibo workplaces in Nigeria, Labour and Society 8(2): 30-40
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Abstract: Cash management is a key management tool seeks to establish the financial position of an organization. Cash management is keen on management of cash flow and this aims to achieve the control of cash balances by paying financial commitments ultimately resulting in meeting organizational needs. Value chain efficiency can be improved if organizations choose to control in a better way and change their financial procedures. This study will use Slovene's formula to establish the sample size of 46. Questionnaires will be used to collect data; document analysis and interviews................
Keywords: Cash Management, Budget, Cash Control, Profitability and Zaka
[1]. Abdifatah L. Munoz (2010) the Impact of Cash Management on Cash Holdings: AQuantitativeStudy of Swedish Manufacturing SMEs, Mid Sweden University,Faculty of HumanSciences, and Department of Social Sciences.
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[5]. GaithoNiazi (2010) A survey of cash management practices by SACCOs in Nairobi.UnpublishedMBAproject, University.
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Abstract: This study examines career development and employee commitment of selected higher institutions in Abia State. Convenience sampling was adopted. A total of 120 senior staffs were surveyed. Sample size was 92 using Taro Yamane formula. Ninety-two copies of the questionnaire were administered to the five higher institutions. Seventy-two copies of the questionnaires were found useful for data analysis. Instrument was measured with 5-items on 5-point Likert scale ranging 5=strongly agree, 4=agree, 3=disagree, 2=strongly disagree and 1=undecided. Validity of the instrument was ascertained using face and construct validity. Reliability of instrument was determined using Cronbach Alpha................
Keywords: Career development, mentoring, job enrichment, employee commitment
[1]. Agba, A.M.O., Festus, N., &Ushie, E.M. (2010).Career development and employee commitment in industrial organisations in Calabar, Nigeria.American Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research. 1(2): 105-114.
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Abstract: During the past few years China's economical growth was studied throughout as being one of the biggest manufacturing country in the world. Most of the products label containMade in China printed on it, thusmaking other markets wonder: what are the consumer perception about buying and using those products?This paper aims to take a closer look and analyse, if the Romanian buyers consider these products as a challenge for the goods from other countries. Another aspect, the paper intends to research is if China identifies with the products it manufactures.................
Keywords: Romania, made in, consumer perception, country image, Eastern Europe
[1]. Aaker, D. (1991). Managing brand equity. New York : Free Press.
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Abstract: Women and their association with shopping are inseparable. Due to changing lifestyle, market culture, shopping habits, market awareness, women empowerment and economic freedom – women are becoming a consistent customer but sometimes this overwhelming urge leads to shopping addiction. In India shopping addiction is still a new disorder which is still unexplored. This paper will explore more about shopping addiction and different aspects of it. This paper willfind out various reasons for addictive shopping and also discover the reasons for post regrets
Keywords: Addictive Shopping, Post Regrets, Reasons, Women
[1]. Alice Hanley and Mari S.Wilhelm (1992), "Compulsive Buying: An Exploration into Self-Esteem and Money Attitudes", Journal of Economic Psychology, pp 135-18
[2]. Aviv Shoham and Maja MakovecBrencic (2003), "Compulsive Buying Behaviour",Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol 20, No.2. pp 127-138
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Clearance Sale – A Spark Plug for Sales in Online Shopping: an Empirical Study in Bangalore City |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Murali.S |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1902033743 ![]() |
Abstract: Online shopping is the need of the hour. Customer shopping online has become common. The product from less expensive to highly expensive is shopped online. This study is undertaken to assess the implications of regular online shopping after experiencing clearance sale offered by online marketers. In order to arrive at the conclusion that clearance sale is a real catalyst to convert respondents into regular online shoppers; the survey is conducted by the researcher in Bangalore City with the total sample size of 134. The Questionnaire was tailor – made to meet the objectives of the study. The close-ended questionnaire helped to get a clear idea about the consumer's attitude.................
Keywords: Online shopping, Customer Satisfaction, E-Payment, Delighted Customer
[1]. Haubl, G., and Trifts, V (2000). Consumer decision making in online shopping environments: the effects of interactive decision aids Marketing Science (19:1), 2000, pp. 4-21
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[3]. Mathwich, C (2002). Understanding the online consumer: A typology of online relational norms and behavior, Journal of Interactive Marketing (16:1), pp. 40-55
[4]. Yu, J., Ha, I., Choi, M. and Rho, J. (2005) "Extending the TAM for a t-commerce,‟ Information & Management, 42 (77), 965- 976.
[5]. Verhagen, T., Meents, S. and Tan, Y. (2006) "Perceived Risk and Trust Associated with Purchasing at Electronic Marketplaces,‟ in Serie Research Memoranda 0001, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Econometrics, Free University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Disaster Management and It's Planning |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Jai Prakash Tripathi || Mr. Anand D Bankar |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1902034452 ![]() |
Abstract: Late occasions, for example, tropical storms, tidal waves, quakes, control blackouts, and the danger of pandemics have highlighted our helplessness to cataclysmic events. This defenselessness is exacerbated by many associations' expanding reliance on PC, broadcast communications, and different advancements, and patterns toward incorporating providers and business accomplices into regular business operations. Accordingly numerous associations are executing debacle recuperation arranging forms. In this paper we talk about how to recognize dangers and situations...............
Keywords: Disaster Recovery Planning; Business Continuity Planning; Risk Assessment
[1]. Atkinson, W (2003), "Enterprise Risk Management at Wal-Mart," Risk Management, (December), 20(12), 36-39.
[2]. Baskerville, R, (1993), "Information Systems Security Design Methods: Implications For Information Systems Development," ACM Computing Surveys, 25(4), 375-414.
[3]. Beacham, AE and McManus, DJ., (2004), "Recovery of Financial Services Firms in the World Trade Center, Post 9/11/01," Information Systems Security, (May/June) 46-55.
[4]. Blake, P (1992), "Recovering from Andrew's Wrath .. The Cellular Industry Fights Back," Cellular Business, Vol. 9 (December), 16-24.
[5]. Curry, M; Phillips, D; and Regan, P, (2004); "Emergency Response Systems and the Creeping Legibility of People and Places," Information Society, (Nov/Dec), 20(5), 357-369
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | "Environmental Calamity - Managing the Risk" Disaster Management |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Jai Prakash Tripathi || Mr. Anand D Bankar |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1902035362 ![]() |
Abstract: The creator devotes this review to every single pure traveler and inhabitants who have ended up casualties of later past regular cataclysm which we have seen in Uttarakhand, India". All people group and nations are defenseless against calamities, both normal and man-made. India's geo-climatic conditions and additionally its high level of socio - financial openness, makes it a standout amongst the most debacle inclined nation on the planet to experience the ill effects of different cataclysmic events, to be specific dry season, surge, twister, earth tremor, avalanche, woodland fire, hail storm, insect, volcanic emission, and so on. Which strike creating an overwhelming effect on human................
Keywords: National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM), The International Association (IAEM), The International Recovery Platform (IRP), World Conference On Disaster Reduction (WCDR), International Strategy For Disaster Reduction (ISDR).
[1] Final report on study of Brahmaputra river erosion and its control study conducted by Department of Water Resources Development and Management Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee for National Disaster Management Authority of India May 2012.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Globalisation Impact on Indian Banking Services |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Jai Prakash Tripathi || Mr. Farid Reshtya |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1902036366 ![]() |
Abstract: In India the Banking situation has experienced enormous changes and they are confronting intense rivalry in the post progression condition. The Banking today is something creative which couldn't be envisioned before two decades. In the aggressive administration the Information Technology is the foundation of the saving money exercises. Data is at the heart of today's business, and the all-unavoidable effect of Information Technology in saddling, grouping and preparing enormous volumes of data is conclusive. It is imperative to note that by and by right around 98 for each penny of the branches of open segment...............
Keywords: ATMs, Banking, Computerization, Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Technology, Trend.
[1]. Egware, L. E. (2009). "Institutional Agents of Globalization". CBN Economic and Financial Review, 36(4), 352.
[2]. Elyasiani, E. and Mehdian, S. (1995). "The Comparative Efficiency Performance of Small and Large U.S. Commercial Banks in the Pre and Post Deregulation Eras". Applied Economics, 27, 1069-79.
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[4]. Ferrier, G.D. and Lovell, C.A.K. (1990). "Measuring Cost Efficiency in Banking: Econometric and Linear Programming Evidence". Journal of Econometrics, 46, 229-245.
[5]. Somoye, R.O.C. (2008). "The Performances of Commercial Banks in Post- Consolidation Period in Nigeria: An Empirical Review." European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences, ISSN 1450-2275, Issue 14
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Abstract: Social media has become an important new cultural and social phenomenon, changing the way millions of people and businesses connect and communicate. Today, social media has become omnipresent and most essential for social networking, content sharing and online accessing. Due to its wide spread and instantaneous features, social media opens a wide place for businesses such as online marketing. Marketing which occurs via social media is known as social media marketing.................
Keywords: Social media marketing, phenomenon, WOM, social media platforms, Facebook, social interaction, user-generated content
[1]. Advertising Age ―Crisis RX for Double Click.‖ (2000). Advertising Age, 71 (9): 58
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[4]. Barefoot, D., and J. Szabo. (2010). ―Friends with benefits: A social media-marketing handbook‖. San Francisco: No Starch Press.
[5]. Borges, B. (2009). ―Marketing 2.0 Bridging the Gape between Seller and Buyer through Social Media Marketing‖ (First Edition ed.). Tucson, Arizona: Wheatmark.
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Abstract: There is still a confusing comprehension of what social responsibility and corporate responsibility incorporate. ISO 26000, an international guidelines social responsibility, was launched on 1st of November in the year 2010. This initiative was focused on contributing to global sustainable development that was targeted at encouraging any kind of organizations to exercise responsibilities in a holistic approach. Through improving the governance of the organization that ensures the welfare of employees, respect human rights, natural environment as well as fair operating practices................
Keywords: ISO 26000, corporate social responsibility, sustainable development.
[1]. Ammar, W., Wakim, R. and Hajj, I. (2007), ""Accreditation of hospitals in Lebanon: a challenging experience‟‟Vol. 13 No. 1, pp. 138-49.
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[3]. Belal, A. R. 2001. "A study of corporate social disclosures in Bangladesh." Managerial Auditing Journal 16(5): 274–289
[4]. Blowfield, M. and Frynas, J. (2005), ""Setting new agendas: critical perspectives on corporate social responsibility in the developing world‟‟, International Affairs, Vol. 81 No. 3, p. 501.
[5]. Fulop, G., Hisrich, R., and Szegedi, K. 2000. "Business ethics and social responsibility in transition economies." Journal of Management Development 19(1): 5–31
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Abstract: When some people join hands to solve some common difficulty, they are said to be working in cooperation. It may be defined as that form of organization in which some people combine for some common economic purpose. Cooperative associations are formed voluntarily. A cooperative society works on some fundamental principles. First, members join it of their own sweet will. Second, all the members are treated as equals. Third, cooperative societies work according to a democratic constitution. Fourth, they are meant to bring members closer to each other. For these reasons, such societies are started in small localities so that all the members of a particular locality may know each other well. Fifth, cooperation broaden economy literacy among common people.
[1]. Sameer. 2016. What are The Main Advantages of Cooperative Form Business. http://www .publishyourarticles .net/eng/articles2/ what-are-the-main-advantages-of-cooperative-form-of-business/2765/
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[4]. Kwai, Melania D. and Justin K. Urassa. 2015. The Contribution of Saving and Credit Cooperative Societies to Income Poverty Reduction: A Case Study of Mbozi District, Tanzania. Jurnal of African Studies Development. Vol 7(4), pp. 99-111, April 2015.
[5]. Llanto, Gilberto M. 1994. The Financial Structure and Performance of Philippine Credit Cooperatives. Philippine Institute for Development Studies. DISCUSSION PAPER SERIES NO. 94-04.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study of Organizational Culture: Octapace-Profile |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ms. Sadaf Fatima |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1902038792 ![]() |
Abstract: This research aims to understand what organizational culture is, and to measure the OCTAPACE value of the employees working in Heinz India Pvt. Ltd. (Aligarh). A healthy organizational culture rests on eight strong pillars of the ―OCTAPACE profile (developed by U. Park) refers to Openness, Confrontation, Trust, Authenticity, Proactive, Autonomy, Collaboration and Experimentation. The study the OCTAPACE culture of any organization helps us in giving proper training to the employees for maintaining a healthy environment and it also helps in dealing with various problems that exist in the organization. The 4-point scale developed by Pareek has been used for the present study.............
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[5]. Liam Gorman(1989):Corporate culture. The management decision, vol. 27
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Case Study for Shuruchi Restaurant Queuing Model |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Md. Al-Amin Molla |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1902039398 ![]() |
Abstract: Waiting lines and service systems are indispensable parts of our daily life. Every restaurant would like to avoid losing their desired customers due to a long wait in the queue. Providing more waiting chairs only, would not solve a problem when the customer withdraw this restaurant and go to another. We think service time need to be improved, which shows to manage the system and improve the queuing situation, we can apply queuing model. This paper aims to show the single channel queuing model M/M/1. We have obtained the one month daily customers data from a restaurant, named Shuruchi at Savar in Dhaka city. Using Little's theorem and the single channel waiting line model M/M/1.............
Keywords: Queue, Little's theorem, restaurant, M/M/1 queuing model, waiting times.
[1] Mathias Dharmawirya, Erwin Adi, "Case Study for Restaurant Queuing Model", 2011 International Conference on Management
and Aritificial Intelligence, IPEDR vol.6, Indonesia.
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2002 Winter Simulation Conference, IEEE Press, Dec. 2002, pp. 1448-1453.
[3] S. A. Curin, J. S. Vosko, E. W. Chan and O. Tsimhoni," Reducing Service Time at a Busy Fast Food Restaurant on Campus,"
Proceedings of the 2005 Winter Simulation Conference, IEEE Press, Dec. 2005.
[4] A. K. Kharwat," Computer Simulation: an Important Tool in the Fast Food Industry," Proceedings of the 1996 Winter Simulation
Confernce, IEEE Press, Dec. 1996, pp.1264-1271.
[5] J. D.C. Little, "A Proof for the Queuing Formula: L=λW," Operations Research, vol. 9(3), 1961, pp. 383-387.
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Abstract: This study used both the qualitative and the quantitative research approaches in which the standardised Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) questionnaire was used to collect data from respondents to measure the dimensions and prevalence of burnout. A sample of eighty-eight secondary school teachers in MaronderaDistrict was used. This was followed by face-to-face interviews which targeted five secondary school heads. The findings of the study indicated that a significant number of teachers experienced different levels of burnout ranging from moderate to high burnout............
Keywords: Burnout, MBI, emotional exhaustion, depersonalisation, personal accomplishment
[1]. Adekola, B. (2010). Gender Difference and the Experience of Work Burnout among University Staff. African Journal of Business Management, Vol.4 (6), p. 886-889
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[3]. Beehr, T. A. (2014) Psychological Stress in Workplaces. Psychological Reviews.Routledge.
[4]. Bakker, A. B., Demerouti, E. , and Euwema, M. C. (2005). Job Resources Buffer the Impact of Job Demands on Burnout. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, Vol. 10(2).p. 170-180.
[5]. Bell, E. and Brymann, A. (2003) Business Research Methods, Oxford University Press, USA
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Traditional Marketing Advertising Impact Global Warming |
Country | : | USA |
Authors | : | Tawfik Saeed Zeki |
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: | 10.9790/487X-190203115119 ![]() |
Abstract: There were many features of the use of paper advertisements in all areas of newspapers, magazines and books even in retail stores even Internet ads were more appealing to advertisers. You can simply reach your goal local audience. We see a lot of advertisers who distribute brochures to people some interest and keep the brochures they think might need it and others not interested they try to throwing it anywhere some goes in dash bins and the rest goes in the main road. Eventually thus presents the environment pollution. In this paper we will be exposed to the importance of information technology and style of reducing the vulnerability of the environment and the impact global warming thus the human risks.
Keywords: Traditional marketing, advertising global warming