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Abstract: The objective of this research were to find out and analyzed the effect of perceived image and customer experience to the customer value, trust, and behavior intention at star hotel in Makassar. The approach of this research was quantitative approach. This type of research was survey. The population was all customers at star hotel in Makassar that have operated at least the last 3 years (2013 up to 2015). Sampling technique used this research was purposive sampling by using cross section technique and estimation of Maximum Likehood (ML) with 170 respondents. The data analysis is done with using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The result analysis shows that perceived image and customer experience gives positive effect and significance to the customer value, trust and behavior intention at star hotel in Makassar
Keywords: Perceived Image, Customer Experience, Customer Value, Trust and Behavior Intention
[1]. Albrecht, K. 1994. The Northbound Train. New York: Amacom
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on the Customer Satisfaction towards Online Shopping In Tirupati Town |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. A B Santhi |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1906011216 ![]() |
Abstract: This study titled "A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards Online Shopping in Tirupati Town" has been undertaken to understand the factors influencing customers' online shopping decisions and how these factors affect customer satisfaction. Descriptive Research Design has been used for this study. A well-structured questionnaire was designed and administered to collect samples across TirupatiTown. Due to the need for a variety of respondents who have had previous experience with online shopping, convinced sampling technique was chosen. The study has been undertaken with reference to a sample size of 120 respondents.........
Keywords: Online Shopping, E-retailers,
[1] Ms.VidushiHanda, Mr.Navneet Grover, Retail Sector in India: Issues and Challenges, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 2 Issue 5, May 2012.
[2] Hoffman, D.L. and Novak, T.P. (1996), "Marketing in hypermedia computer-mediatedenvironments: conceptual foundations",Journal of MarketingVol. 60 No. 3,pp. 50-68.
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Abstract: Previous research into sustainable fashion design has explored the way of reducing the impact of materials and manufacturing mostly, whilst the consumer understanding about sustainable fashion has been ignored. Public understanding is important to show the direction for successful fashion business. Analyzing consumer experience provides an opportunity to make the decision of design which has a direct impact on consumer and garments life-cycle. Documentation and research on consumer wardrobes and history help to address consumer behavior, habits, and perceptions towards sustainability. This paper includes consumer questionnaire, wardrobe inquiry and interviews with consumer aimed to explore public understanding and create awareness of sustainable clothing. At the same time this study provides information to the designer to make fashion more sustainable by taking right design decision............
Keywords: Sustainable fashion, Consumer understanding, Sustainability, Fashion business
[1]. Black, S., Eckert, C. & Eskandarypur, F. (2009). The development and positioning of the considerate design tool in the fashion and textiles sector in the centre for sustainable design (ed.). Sustainable Innovation 09: Towards a Low Carbon Innovation Revolution, Famham, University of the Creative Arts. 68-75.
[2]. Cluver, B.G. (2008). Consumer Clothing Inventory Management." Design and Human Environment. Corvallis Oregon State University.
[3]. Fletcher, K. and P.A. Goggin (2001). The Dominant Stances on Ecodesign: A Critique. Design Issues, 17(3), 15-25.
[4]. Fletcher, K. (2008). Sustainable fashion & textiles Design Journeys. London: Earthscan.
[5]. Hethorn, J. and C. Ulasewicz (2008). Sustainable Fashion: Why Now? : A Conversation Exploring Issues, Practices, and Possibilities. New York: Fairchild Pubns.
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Abstract: This paper is focused on managing small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) in a competitive economy. The objective of the paper is to critically and contextually examine some current business ideas and strategies which will not only help Nigerian small and medium scale business enterprises to survive the hard times but rather grow steadily and so become strong enough to contribute their quota to sustainable development in Nigeria. It identifies and exploits investment opportunities in small and medium scale enterprises; highlights preliminary considerations before venturing into SME, and essential tips in planning a small medium scale business and makes vital recommendations by drawing attention to some crucial areas of modern management which Nigerian small............
Keywords: Micro, Small and Medium scale industries, Strategic Business Planning, Environmental Planning, Total Quality Management, Motivation and Team Management.
[1] Abolo, M.E. (1998). Team Building and Re-engineering. Owerri: Ugoma Printing Press & Co.
[2] Arora, E.N. (1998): The Meaning of Total Quality Management". TQM Manual for the Implementation of TQM in NNPC. Lagos: Stan series Ltd.
[3] Ayodele, C., Nwankwo, S. And Madichie, N. (2008). "An Assessment of Market Orientation Practice among Small and Medium Scale (SMEs) Firms: A comparison of Selected SMEs Firms in Nigeria and U.K" International Academy of African Business and Development, 9.
[4] Bhide, A. (1996). "The Question Every Entrepreneur must Answer", Harvard Business Review.
[5] Chidozie, N.E. (2006). "The Importance of product Innovation for the Survival of Small and Medium Scale (SMEs) Industries in Nigeria". Journal of Marketing 4(1).
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Abstract: Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) is an employee behavior in which the purpose is to increase the efficiency of company performances. The dimension of OCB based on Organ et al (2006) include altruism, conscientiousness, sportsmanship, courtesy and civic virtue. The purpose of this study was to find out the role of working conditions on organization citizenship behaviour in the banking industry. The study targeted a total population of 220 employees in Barclays Bank North Rift region. To determine the sample size, a formula by Kathuri and Pals (1993) was used to get a sample size of 120 respondents. Data was collected using questionnaires and analyzed using descriptive statistics............
Keywords: Working Conditions and Organization Citizenship Behaviour
[1] Andrew, S (2004). "Job security and crossover of burnout in married couples". Journal of Organizational Behavior, 22, 467-481.
[2] Arul P, (2009). "Organizational citizenship behavior: Construct redefinition, measurement, and validation". Academy of Management Journal, 37, 765-802.
[3] Bagraim et al. (2007). Resistance to Organizational Change: The Role of Cognitive and Affective Processes. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, Vol. 22, No. 8, 2001, pp. 372-382.
[4] Barclays bank of Kenya, (2015). "Issues that matter to international businesses". A quarterly newsletter ,Barclays Financial Institutions Group –Banks team newsletter
[5] Beach, T (2007) "Job security: A literature review". SALTSA—Joint Programme for working life research in Europe, Report No 1, 1-30.
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Abstract: The aim of this study was to analyze the impacts of service quality toward customer trust as well as to prove whether corporate image, customer satisfaction and customer value mediate the relationship between service quality and customer trust. Several findings of this study were: the improvement of services quality did not directly affect customer trust; improvement of service should be able to satisfy customers or improve customer value; furthermore, customer satisfaction would improve customer trust as well as customer value. It was also proven that customer satisfaction mediated the relationship between corporate image and customer trust and mediated customer value and customer trust.
Keywords: Service quality, customer value, customer satisfaction, corporate image and customer trust
[1] Abadi Yusuf Hidayat, (2007), Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan, Citra Perusahaan Dan Loyalitas Pelanggan Pada Perusahaan Jasa, Fakultas Ekonomi, Ilmu Manajemen, Pasca Sarjana, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang
[2] Achim Walter, (2002), The Impact of Satisfaction, Trust, and Relationship Value on Commitment:Theoretical Considerations and Empirical Results, University of Karlsruhe, GERMANY
[3] Anderson and Srinivasan (2003), E- Satisfaction and E-Loyalty: A Contingency Framework, Psychology & Marketing, Vol. 20(2): 123–138
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[5] Andreassen. TW and Lindestad. B (1997), Customer Loyalty and Complex Services: The Impact of Corporate Image on Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty for Customers with Varying Degrees of Service Expertise, The International Journal of Service Industry and Management, Vol. 8, No 4
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Abstract: One of the major problems facing Nigeria today is unemployment. Establishment of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) is largely seen as a possible panacea to ameliorating the impact of unemployment in the society. This study examined the impact of SMEs on employment generation in Plateau State, Nigeria. Survey research method was adopted. A sample of one hundred and thirty three (133) small business owners was drawn from the population. The chi-square technique was employed for the analysis of the data collected. The findings show that SMEs have significant impact on employment generation in Plateau State through increased expansion of markets for local goods and services...............
[1]. Peterson, M.A. & Rajan, R.G. (1994). The Benefit of Firm Creditors Relationship: Evidence From Small Business Data. Journal of Finance Vol. 49, pp 337.
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[5]. Safiriyu, A. M. & Njogo, B. O. (2012). Impact of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in the Generation of Employment in Lagos State.I Kuwait Chapter of Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review. Vol.1, No 11; July 2012.
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Abstract: Tourism is a social phenomenon that attracts the attention of economists, politics, culture, geography, and technology. They offer new concepts by emphasizing specific perspectives, for example tourism is often equated as an industry because this phenomenon is related to the process of developing products and services using a particular technology. Cilegon Tourism Office does not have a clear blueprint for tourism development in Cilegon City. This is evident from the management of places where the attractions are less professional. Attractions in Cilegon is not known of its existence and the utilization of both foreign and local tourists including the opportunities that exist in the attraction.This study consists of five varables covering tourism products, service quality, image to the satisfaction of tourists................
Keywords:tourism products, service quality, tourism image and tourist satisfaction
[1] Adona, Fitri. 2006. Citra danKekerasandalamIklan Perusahaan di Televisi. Padang: Andalas University Press.
[2] Baloglu, Seyhmus (2002).‖ Dimensions of Customer Loyalty-Separating Friends from Well Wishers ׀ Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, Cornell University.
[3] Hair, Joseph F, Jr., Bush, Robert, P., and Ortinau, David, J. 2008, Marketing Research Within a Changing Information Environment, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York.
[4] Hosany, S., Y. Ekinci., and M. Uysal. 2007. Destination Image and Destination Personality. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 1 (1). pp 62-81
[5] Hsu. Chaty H.C. and Powers, Tom. 2002. Marketing Hospitality,. New York, USA: John Wileys& Sons, Inc.
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Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to select Green Supplier using Integrated Fuzzy Multi Criteria Decision Making (FMCDM) and allocates order through Multi Objective Linear Programming (MOLP) approach along with and Supplier Selection Software development. To select supplier this paper investigates various qualitative and quantitative criteria. For that, this paper integrates Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP), Fuzzy Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (FTOPSIS), and Fuzzy MOLP to solve the problem of supplier selection and order allocation.............
Keywords: Fuzzy AHP, Fuzzy TOPSIS, Order Allocation, Software, Green Supplier
[1] Amin, S.H., Zhang, G., 2012. An integrated model for closed-loop supply chain configuration and supplier selection: multi-objective approach. Expert Systems with Applications 39 (8), 6782e6791.
[2] Choy, K.L., Fan, K.K.H., Lo, V., 2003a. Development of an intelligent customer supplier relationship management system: the application of case based reasoning. Industrial Management and Data Systems 103 (4), 263e274. 57
[3] De Boer, L., Labro, E., Morlacchi, P., 2001. A review of methods supporting supplierselection. European Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management 7, 75e89
[4] Ding, H., Benyoucef, L., Xie, X., 2005. A simulation optimization methodology for supplier selection problem. International Journal Computer Integrated Manufacturing 18 (2e3), 210e224..
[5] Ghodsypour, S.H., O‟Brien, C., 2001. The total cost of logistic in supplier selection under conditions of multiple sourcing, multiple criteria and capacity constraint. International Journal of Production Economics 73, 15e27..
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Abstract: Ensuring local economic growth through new firm creation and innovation is the widely accepted trend that countries at different stages of development has adopted for creating jobs, increasing personal income and expansion of retail sale business firms. Here it is to mean that this study design has tried to explore the role of context specific general entrepreneurial framework conditions for new firm creation, innovation and local economic growth. To make it more apprehensible; this study has investigated the role of entrepreneurial expectation on new firm creation and its impact on early stage growth of new firms at the study area. Besides; it has also tried to explore the role of entrepreneurial motive for innovation and its impact on early stage growth of new firms at the study area...............
[1]. Acs, Z.J., Arenius, P., Hay, M and Minniti, Babson Park, MA and London, UK: Babson College and London Business School. (2004) Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2004 Executive Report, Entrepreneurship,
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Growth of E-commerce in India: An Analytical Review of Literature |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Madhurima Khosla || Harish Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1906019195 ![]() |
Abstract: E-commerce is one of the fastest growing segments in the Indian Economy. Though marked by high growth rate, the Indian e-commerce industry has been behind its counterparts in many developed and emerging economies, primarily due to a relatively low internet user base. In a study conducted by global management consultancy firm AT Kearney in 2015, there were only 39 million online buyers in India; a tiny fraction of the 1.2 billion who live in the country. However, increased technological proliferation combined with internet and mobile penetration, presents a favorable eco-system for the development of e-commerce in India. The country is currently at the cusp of a digital revolution...............
Keywords: B2B, E-Commerce, Indian Context, Literature Review
[1] Aggarwal, M. (2014, November). Escalating Development of E-Commerce in India. International Journal Of Scientific Research, 3(11), 78-79.
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[3] Awais, M., & Samin, T. (2012, March). Advanced SWOT Analysis of E-Commerce. International Journal of Computer Science Issues, 9(2), 569-574.
[4] Chanana, N., & Goele, S. (2012). Future of E-Commerce In India. International Journal of Computing & Nusiness Research.
[5] Das, D. K., & Ara, A. (2015, July). Growth of E-Commerce in India. International Journal Of Core Engineering & Management, 2(4), 25-33..
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Abstract: In the organizational life job security is one of the issues that engaged employees in organizations and consumed a part of mental and psychological energy of organization. Whenever workers reach a satisfactory level of relinquish, they should use the mental and physical energy for organization and decrease the human tension in the organization. as well, developing e-banking as one of the applications of information technology and communication effected monetary and banking markets in developed countries, and forced banking industry to apply such innovations. Accordingly, in this article which is applied one based on its purpose and is descriptive- correlative based on data, tried to analyze the effect of applying developed banking technology on job security of banks. To..............
Key terms: Job Security, electronic banking, telephone bank, electronic transferring of money, e-banking services.
[1] Adewoye, J. O. (2013). Impact of Mobile Banking on Service Delivery in the Nigerian Commercial Banks. International Review of Management and Business Research , 2 (2) 333-343 (16-5-2014).
[2] Alabar, T. T. (2012). Electronic banking service and customer satisfaction in the Nigerian banking industry. International Journal of business and management tomorrow, 2(3), 1-8. available at (30-6-2014).
[3] Alsajjan, B., and C. Dennis. (2010). Internet banking acceptance model: Cross-market examination. Journal of Business Research 63 (9-10): 957-963.
[4] Atiku, S. O., Genty, K. I., &Akinlabi, B. H. (2011).Effect of Electronic Banking on Employees‟ Job Security in Nigeria. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 4(2) 68-84. (Special Issue), 2011. (5-7-2014).
[5] Chi Shing.Y., B. K. Grantc, and D. Edgarc.(2007). Factors affecting the adoption of Internet banking in Hong Kong – implications for the banking sector. International Journal of Information Management 27 (5): 336-351.
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Abstract: This paper is about Internal Audit Independence. The objective of the study is to critically examine the independence of the Internal Auditors in the Indian Market. This study is concerned about the perception of the internal auditor's independence because it is the perceptions, rather than reality, which determine the credibility of the internal audit reports. Hence, it is important to establish what factors are perceived to impair the internal auditor independence. If the internal auditors are perceived to lack independence, does this have any impact on users' assessment of the reliability of the internal audit reports................
Keywords: Internal Audit, Internal Auditors, Independence, Perception of Internal Auditors
[1] The Definition of Internal Audit as per the mandatory guidelines issued by the Institute of Internal Auditors (the IIA)
[2] The Definition of Internal Audit as per Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
[3] The Essential Handbook of Internal Auditing, 2005 Edition
[4] Standards on Internal Audit, published by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI)
[5] Guidance on Risk based Internal Audit, by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI)
[6] Role of Internal Auditors as defined in the Indian Companies Act 2013,
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Abstract: The Make in India Scheme is a remarkable initiative Campaign run by the Government of India to encourage the multinational and domestic companies at both national and international levels in order to facilitate and speed up the process of manufacturing products in India. The main agenda of this scheme is to raise the Gross Domestic Product of India. The emphasis is given on convincing the foreign companies to manufacture the products in India and thereby attracting the foreign investors to invest their capital in Indian Economy. The other important concern is that, this scheme can create enormous employment opportunities to the Youth of India and thus it would eventually creates a demand for skilled and trained people. Thus, the Indian Economy can be boosted to a maximum extent by this great initiative by the Government of India.
Keywords : Campaign, Gross Domestic Product, Foreign Investors, Indian Economy, Youth empowerment
[1] T.V. Ramana, Make in India: Illusion or Possible reality Project? International Journal of Academic research, Vol-2, Issue 2(5), April –June 2015.
[2] Puneeth Aneja, Make in India: A New Paradigm for Socio-Economic Growth in India, International Journal of Research, Vol-5, Issue 4, April 2016.
[3] Anshu. Mathur and Ankita Vaishnav, Make in India-Scheme for Makeover India, International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, Vol-1, Issue-4, February 2016.
[4] Shalini. Sood and Mohasin Kasim Chougle, Make in India response and vision, International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, Vol-4, Issue 4, April 2016.
[5] Pratiksha Mishra and Taruna, Role of Make in India as driver of Growth in Manufacturing Sector, International Journal of Applied Research, Vol-2,Issue -1, December 2016
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Accounting and Finance Education in Nigeria: Challenges and Changes for Efficiency |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Mansur Muhammad Bashar |
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: | 10.9790/487X-190601107109 ![]() |
Abstract: In this study, an attempt was made to reflect into the historical development of Accounting and Finance education in Nigeria. It examined the various challenges bedeviling the system and the need to refocus because it provides an opportunity to appraise existing conditions with a view to correcting the ills and improving the current situation. The study revealed that development of accounting education in Nigeria has been affected by lack of teachers and research facilities and funding among others. The study recommended among others that government should stop paying lip service to education and the system should be redesigned to make it more responsive to the needs of the Nigerian society.
Keywords : Accounting and Finance Education, Challenges, Curriculum, Teaching and Research facilities
[1] American Accounting Association (AAA). (1986). Committee on the Future Structure, Content, and Scope of Accounting Education, (the Bedford Report), "Future Accounting Education: Preparing for the Expanding Profession", Issues in Accounting Education, spring, pp. 168-195.
[2] Armstrong, M. B. (2010). "Ethics and Professionalism in Accounting Education: a Sample Course‟, Journal of Accounting Education, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 77-92. (93)90019-F
[3] Kimmel, P. (1995). A Framework for Incorporating Critical Thinking into Accounting Education. Journal of Accounting Education 12(3), pp. 299-318. (95)00012-B
[4] Maher, M.W. (2000). Management Accounting Education at the Millennium. Issues in Accounting Education, 15, (20), 335-346.
[5] Ravenscroft, S. & P.F. Williams. (2003). Considering Accounting Education Post Enron. Working paper, Iowa State University