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Abstract: This study describes the perception of private college lecturers in Banjarmasin, Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to test the lecturer job satisfaction on their performance achievement by considering aspects of motivation, lecturer emotional intelligence, organization culture and implementation of transformational leadership. Lecturers are respondents of this study. There are 187 samples from 352 study population. It is a quantitative research design with survey method. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling. This study found that there is an effect of lecturer motivation, lecturer emotional intelligence, organizational culture and transformational..............
Keywords: motivation, emotional intelligence, organizational culture, transformational leadership, job satisfaction, lecturer job performance
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Human Resource Development Practices: A Study of Public and Private Life Insurance Companies |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Chandan |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1906021021 ![]() |
Abstract: The human resource development comprises of three areas namely individual development, occupational development and organizational development. The ultimate objective of HRD is to contribute to the professional well-being, motivation and pride of the employees. The Indian insurance sector is the most dynamic sector of the Indian economy both in terms of employment potential and contribution to national income. The present paper which studies the prevailing human resource development practices of life insurers in India is two dimensional. Firstly, it portrays prevailing human resource development practices of public and private life insurers in India. Secondly, it examines the job satisfaction level of marketing functionaries working in both public and private life insurance companies........
Keywords: Human resource development, Job satisfaction, life insurers, marketing functionaries, training
[1] Agadi, Ramesh, Bais, Singh, Santosh, "Problems of HRD in Insurance Sector", Journal of Contemporary Research in Management, 2008, pp.33-48.
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[3] Patre, Smruti, Rahul, Gawande, Vinod, "An Exploratory Study on level of Job Satisfaction and Intent to Leave Among Sales Workforce of Private Sector Insurance Companies with Reference to Nagpur City" Journal of Strategic Human Resource Management, Volume 1 Issue 3 October 2012,pp.39-50.
[4] Kaur, Hardeep, "Job Satisfaction during Recession Period: A Study on Public & Private Insurance in Punjab", International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2012, pp.24-42.
[5] Singh, Anita, "Job Satisfaction In Insurance Sector: An Empirical Investigation", International Journal of Engineering and Management Science, VOL.3 (4), 2012, pp.425-432.
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Abstract: Today's business environment is very dynamic. Competition is hitting up everywhere and to remain relevant in this scenario an organization must have compatible and motivated workforce who can give their best to the organization even in difficult situations .Reward system is an important tool for organization to motivate its employees. This study aims to see the impact of rewards on employee performance of Indian Oil Corporation, Patna region. The study measure the impact of rewards (Intrinsic and Extrinsic) on performance of employee. The respondents were the employees at managerial level and total numbers were 102. Descriptive statistics based frequency tables and graphs were used in the study to provide information on demographic variables. The results are investigated in terms of descriptive statistics...........
Keywords: Rewards, Intrinsic rewards, extrinsic rewards, Employees' performance.
[1] Colin pits, Motivating your organization, Ist edition, McGraw Hill International, 1995, P. 187
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Customer Relationship Management in Insurance Sector |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. A. Shanmugasundaram || Mrs. K.S. Srilekha |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1906023135 ![]() |
Abstract: Customer Relationship Management (CRM) now playing an inevitable role in the business world. Every institution wants to attract more and more customers and always struggling to retain their existing customers. CRM leads to modern trend in the field of business. Nowadays CRM is attracting the expanded attention of scholars and practitioners. In order to maintain customer relationship, life insurance companies should provide proper service whenever and wherever it is required
Keywords: Customer Relationship Management, Need for CRM, Introduction of CRM in a company CRM cycle Advantages and Factors responsible for failure of CRM.
[1]. Shaw, Robert, Computer Aided Marketing & Selling (1991) Butterworth Heinemann ISBN 978-0-7506-1707-9
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[3]. Barbara Jackson. B (1985) Winning and Keeping Industrial Customers: The Dynamics of Customer Relationships, D.C. Health and Company, Lexington, MA
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Nature of Leadership Styles of Leaders in Selected Polytechnics in Ghana |
Country | : | Ghana |
Authors | : | Abdul-Razak Abubakari |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1906023646 ![]() |
Abstract: This research was conducted on the nature of leadership styles of leaders in selected polytechnics in Ghana. The type of leadership styles and most dominant leadership style among the leaders was to be determined. The Goleman's typology of leadership was adopted. A descriptive survey was conducted on five selected polytechnics sampled from the ten polytechnics. A sample of 214 leaders was drawn from a target population of 461 teaching and non-teaching staff placed on leadership positions in the polytechnics. Means, standard deviations and the Hotelling's t-test was used to analyse the level of significance of the mean averages of the type of leadership styles used by the leaders. The most dominant leadership styles used by the leaders are the; coaching, pacesetting, democratic, and affiliative..........
Keywords: Leadership, leadership styles, Goleman's Leadership typology
[1]. Achua, C.F., & Lussier, R.N. (2013). Effective Leadership. South-Western Cengage Learning, Canada.
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[5]. Boateng. C. (2012). Leadership Styles and Effectiveness of Principals of Vocational Technical Institutions in Ghana. American International Journal of Contemporary Research. 2 (3).
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Abstract: This study attempts to determine the effect of service quality, price and location on visitor satisfaction at Pantai Cermin Medan, Indonesia. Population was 893 visitor. Accindental sampling were used as a technique sampling with sample were 90 visitors. Questionnaire was employed in this study. The multiple linear regressions operated through SPSS version 19.0 for windows was used as data analysis technique. Data were tested using the normality, multicollinearity, and heteroscedasticity test. To investigate the contributing of Service Quality, Price and Location on Visitor Satisfaction were used the coefficients determinant (R2). The results showed that the variable service quality has a positive effect on visitor satisfaction at 2.026 with a significant level of 0.046, price variables has a positive.........
Keywords: Service Quality, Price, Location, Visitor Satisfaction, Pantai Cermin, Indonesia
[1]. Tjiptono, Fandy and Gregory Candra. Service Quality and Satisfaction. Yogyakarta: Andi. 2001.
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Abstract: The research aimed at analyzing and explaining the productivity change that are influenced by work culture and work motivation toward work ability and the impact to agricultural business productivity at South Konawe of Southeast Sulawesi. The analysis unit in the research was pepper farmer at South Konawe of Southeast Sulawesi. The data type was primary data. The population of pepper family of 345 unites, taken 30 percent purposively, with homogenous characteristic. The returned questionnaire were 115 units, spread at four neighborhood associations at Mowita village and Mataiwoi village of Landono Sub district, South Konawe Regency of Southeast Sulawesi. The statistical...........
Keywords: work culture, motivation, ability and productivity
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Abstract: This study aimed to: 1) investigate and analyze the implementation of performance-based budgeting system in the Regional Secretariat of Wakatobi District: 2) analyze the organizational effectiveness in the Regional Secretariat of Wakatobi District. Object of the study was the Regional Secretariat of Wakatobi District. Population of the study was all staff at the Regional Secretariat of Wakatobi regency. Informants are determined through purposive sampling method using the following criteria: 1) knowing about the policy of involvement in performance of performance-based budgeting; 2) knowing about the policy of performance-based budgeting; 3) directly involved in the implementation of performance-based budgeting. Data were collected using interview and documentation methods. Data from the research were analyzed descriptively and qualitatively.Results infected that: 1) the application...........
Keywords: performance-based budgeting system, organizational effectiveness
[1]. Anderson, James E, 1994. Public Policy Making – An Introduction (second edition), Texas A & M University.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Personal Working Attitude at Private Universities in Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Safrida |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1906027176 ![]() |
Abstract: It is good to work very hard...but it is not good enough! If that sweat and toil is not giving you the results you need then it has very little value. Try this definition of good performance…Doing (A) - the right activities. Getting (R) - the right results. Using (i) the right intentions, purpose, motivation etc.This is helpful because it is all about doing the right things and having the right approach. Lucky people can get good results...but not perform well. People can be unlucky (a product they are selling gets recalled) but demonstrate outstanding performance. You cannot simply judge people's performance on sales results, production targets, click rates or staff turnover - judge performance on what they do and why they do addition to the results they get. A personal working attitude does not affect the performance of the employees. This is because the educational staffs in most of universities in Medan City show that there are still many educational staff who refuse to change the culture within the organization.
Keywords: person; working attitude; private university; Medan.
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Abstract: This paper is one of the several extensions of the research works done by [5]. Green Supply Chain Practices have been known to have an impact on Green Supply Chain Performance [5].This paper tests empirically through a pilot study of the Indian Automobile Manufacturing Sector, the contribution of the five variables constituting the construct Green Supply Chain Migration strategies in Green Supply Chain Performance measurement. Also the paper establishes the reliability of the questionnaire instrument developed previously for measuring the construct Green Supply Chain Migration strategies and also for measuring the five variables that constitute the construct Green Supply Chain Migration strategies. Further the paper establishes the correlation among these five variables............
Keywords: Automobile, CFA, Green Supply Chain Performance, Green Supply Chain Practices, Green Supply Chain Migration strategies, Indian, Manufacturing Sector, Pilot Study..
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Abstract: Corporate Social Responsibility receives much attention of researchers and managers. This paper analyzes the effect of Corporate Social Responsibility's (CSR) on employee's commitment in Banking Industry in Thai Nguyen province. This study explains how employee's perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility affect their commitment. The findings show that Corporate Social Responsibility has a positive effect on employee's commitment. From these findings, service firms can improve service quality through employees' attitude to work during the service process.
Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, Commitment, Perception, Mediation, Banking Industry
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Abstract: The main objective of this study is to analyze the profile of the non - automatic financing operations contracted by the sugar - energy sector with the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) in the period 2000 - 2015. The exploratory study analyzes 1,254 non - automatic BNDES operations, obtained through the Law of Access to Information (LAI), directly from the financial institution 's database, in a cross - sectional type with a longitudinal perspective in the period from 2000 to 2015. The set of operations was systematized into 20 predominant categories with the respective amounts allocated to each of them. The total amount recorded for all operations............
Keywords: BNDES, Investments, Law of Access to Information (LAI), Mills, Sugar-Energy Sector.
[1]. Oliveira Filho, A. A., and Consoni, F. L. Reestruturação do setor sucroalcooleiro brasileiro na transação para o etanol de segunda geração. Anais...XVI Congresso Latino-Iberoamericano de Gestão da Tecnologia, ALTEC. Porto Alegre/RS, 2015.
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[3]. Milanez, A. Y., and Nyko, D. Panorama setorial 2015-2018 Sucroenergético. In: Banco Nacional do Desenvolvimento [BNDES]. Perspectivas do investimento 2015-2018 e panoramas setoriais. APE/DEPEQ/Comitê de Análise Setorial. Brasília: BNDES. 2014. Disponível em <>. Acesso em 19 jul 2016.
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Abstract: In today's economy, agriculture plays a very crucial role as it has subsidiary effects on the life of people. Breeding and developing the optimal animal race is a challenge which is being faced by many practitioners, as they have to cope with the rising costs and rivalry. In terms of production planning, choosing the right breed to be fed is a highly important factor in gathering the desired results. The present study aims to define the optimal cattle breed by using multi-criteria decision making. In order to do so, the characteristics of domestic Turkish breeds are obtained and analyzed via TOPSIS method. The findings imply that Zavot Breed is the best option to be developed. Moreover, the present study includes some research implications for future research.
Keywords: TOPSIS, Domestic Cattle Breeds, Turkey
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