Version-2 (March-April 2017)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Load Balancing in Oracle Database Real Application Cluster |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ms. Manju Sharma |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1902020106 ![]() |
Abstract: Clustering is architecture of joining set independent, interconnected computers to act as a single unit or on a single server. Presently the high availability, scalability, flexibility and ability combine the easy management of the successful infrastructure and cloud deployments. From more than a decade the Oracle Database with Real Application Clusters (RAC) has been the solution of choice for thousands of Oracle customers. Oracle Real Application Cluster 12c is a foundation of data centers, provides the significant enhancements in all of the areas of the business success. In this paper we will take an overview of load balancing, automatic failover and load balancing for Oracle real Application Clusters, Network Configuration , performance monitoring.
Keyword: Real Application Clusters, Advantages of RAC , Network Configuration, Oracle Cluster Registry File, Oracle Local Registry, Load Balancing , Voting Disk file.
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Abstract: This study compared two groups of four technical college classes studying automobile engine. One group learned using interactive computer simulation; the other group learned using computer simulation video. The study adopted a posttest, retention test, control group, quasi-experimental research design. There were three weeks (of 45 minutes each) of treatment for the study. Cognitive achievement and psychomotor performance tests were used to obtain data. The area of the study is Enugu State of Nigeria.........
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Abstract: The study aimed at determining the use of on-board diagnostic (OBD) actuators for effective teaching of Petrol Engine Maintenance (PEM) in technical colleges in Nigeria. Two research questions and a hypothesis guided the study. 5 OBD technicians and 58 teachers of Motor Vehicle Mechanics' Work (MVMW) responded to 14 item questionnaire to answer the research questions. The study was carried out in South Eastern States of Nigeria. The design for the study was the descriptive survey, using Borich's needs assessment model. Three experts face validated the contents of the instrument. Cronbach Alpha method was used to determine the reliability of the instrument which yielded a reliability of 0.93...........
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Localization of Facial Features Using Viola- Jones and Canny Method |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ranjana Sikarwar || Priyanka Nema |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1902021621 ![]() |
Abstract: Face detection plays a vital role in the field of image processing. The primary aim of the proposed face detection system is to find out if there is any face in an image and then localize the facial features in a human face. A hybrid approach is used for face detection in this paper which is a combination of neural networks used to detect faces using Multilayer feed forward networks and other using viola-Jones face detection method followed by canny edge detection method. Simulation results are taken in parameters of Hit Rate, Miss Rate, Accuracy, Run time..
Keyword: Canny, FAR, Hit Rate
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Abstract: Background and Objective: An open-source software called VisualGDML which is dedicated for geometrical and material specifications using the GDML markup language has been developed for Monte Carlo Geant4 code. Methods: The software has been written using QT4 API and uses Qscintilla library. Results: The Visual GDML open-source software offers the following features: a) a syntax highlighting for the GDML code, that makes the code more flexible and readable. b) a periodic table for facilitating the specification of the relevant materials, this by auto-generating of the adequate GDML.............
Keyword: GDML; Geant4; Qscintilla; Xerces-C++; QT programming; VisualGDML.
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Abstract: In today's innovative technology, area, power and delay are the major parameters to design any kind of the algorithm on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). In communication and Biomedical fields, Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) has the major role in obtaining the signal characteristics with minimum use of resources. Some of the algorithms have been proposed on FFT, such kind of algorithms were less effective in the performance parameters. To enhance this algorithm, in this paper, we have proposed a new algorithm with the area as well power efficient Low Area Carry Select Adder (CSLA). With this total area and power required for the algorithm has been minimized.
Keyword: FFT algorithm, FPGA, CSLA adder
[1]. Wyche, M. K., "An efficient, microprocessor-based FFT implementation for FDM demultiplexing", Military Communications Conference, MILCOM'91, Conference Record, Military Communications in a Changing World, pp. 995-1000, IEEE, 1991.
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[3]. Haofan Yang, Kedong Chen, Shengqiong Xie, Ming-e Jing, Zhiyi Yu, Xiaoyang Zeng., "Efficient implementation of 3780-point FFT on a 16-core processor", ASIC (ASICON), 10th International Conference on, pp. 1-4, IEEE, 2013.
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Abstract: Cloud computing is a classification of web computing and with respect to request computing where shared assets and data are given to the client's on-request. Profit is the most critical variable from the cloud service provider and it is essentially dictated by the setup of a cloud profit stage under given market request. A solitary long haul leasing plan is generally used to design a cloud stage, which can't ensure the quality of administration however prompts to genuine asset squander. To beat the disadvantages of single leasing plan, Double asset RR Renting plan is composed which is the blend of both here and now and long haul leasing. Twofold asset leasing plan ensures the quality of administration as well as lessen the asset squander. In which queuing model is utilized for occupation booking...........
Keyword: Cloud Service Providers, Cloud computing, multi-server system, service-level agreement, waiting time, Double Renting Scheme, Profit Maximization.
[1]. Jing Mei, Kenli Li, Member, Aijia Ouyang and Keqin Li, Fellow, 2015 , A Profit Maximization Scheme with Guaranteed Quality of Service in Cloud Computing
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Impact of Cloud Based Information Systems on Organization's Performance |
Country | : | Iraq |
Authors | : | Dr. Ahmed Yass Algrari |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1902024246 ![]() |
Abstract: Cloud computing and mobile applications today are still buzzwords, and important resources in the business strategies of companies. More and more organizations have adopted and currently are using cloud computing and mobile technologies. Big companies developed their own big data centers, private cloud or hybrid cloud as a support for their processes within the shared services architecture. Since Information Systems (IS) process and store a series of sensitive and confidential data. Technological evolution becomes more and more a daily reality for organizations and individuals who use information systems, for supporting their operational activities...........
Keyword: Cloud computing, information systems, Information systems value, organization performance
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Abstract: An improvement to the processing efficiency of Intrusion data sequence for automated detection and diagnosis is presented in this paper. For the automation of Intrusion processing, the problem of representation, extraction and retrieval is proposed. In the current form of automated Intrusion processing system, the retrieval of the intrusion information depends on the representation of the intrusion sequence. The retrieval accuracy also depends on the training data sets used..........
Keyword: Data mining, processing, spectral sequencing, region prediction, grid computing
[1]. Gir Won Lee, Sangsoo Kim, "Genome data mining for everyone", BMB Reports, Minireview, 2008.
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Abstract: The key objective of Disturbed Denial of Service (DdoS) attack is to compile multiple systems across the internet with the infected zombies/agents and form the botnets of network. The infected systems are remotely controlled by an attacker that is programmed to launch packet flood. Within this context the purpose of this paper is to detect known and unknown DdoS attack. It can also detect DdoS attack from genuine traffic and also the encrypted packets are detected..
Keyword: AES-256 bit algorithm, IP traceback algorithm and Local Flow Monitoring algorithm
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Abstract: Cloud applications are often subject to unexpected events like flash crowds and hardware failures. Scholars addressed this matter on two various fronts: first, they presented replicas – application copies with same functionality – for redundancy and scalability. The presence of multiple replicas requires a dedicated component to direct incoming traffic: a load-balancer Load balancing is one of the most interesting areas of research in cloud computing where lots of work done regarding in this field by using several techniques like optimization and evolutionary algorithms but all have same remedies to overcome this problem we propose a differential evolution based technique to enhance the performance of cloud, simulation result shows that execution time and response time of process will be reduce by using DE technique this work implemented on cloudsim tool and comparative results shows effectiveness of our work.
Keyword: clous computing; cloudsim;DE technique and load balancing, etc.
[1] Nikita Haryani and DhanammaJagli "Dynamic Method for Load Balancing in Cloud Computing" IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE) e-ISSN: 2278-0661,p-ISSN: 2278-8727, Volume 16, Issue 4, Ver. IV (Jul – Aug. 2014), PP
[2] GunpriyaMakkar, Pankaj Deep Kaur "A Review of Load Balancing in Cloud Computing" International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering
[3] Foram F Kherani, 2Prof.Jignesh Vania " Load Balancing in cloud computing" International Journal of Engineering Development and Research (
[4] PavelKr¨omer, Jan Platoˇs, V´aclavSn´aˇsel, Ajith Abraham "A Comparison of Many-threaded Differential Evolution and Genetic Algorithms on CUDA" Third World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing
[5] Nikita Haryani and DhanammaJagli "Dynamic Method for Load Balancing in Cloud Computing" IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE) e-ISSN: 2278-0661,p-ISSN: 2278-8727, Volume 16, Issue 4, Ver. IV (Jul – Aug. 2014), PP.
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Abstract: Student campus placement attitudes have largely been assessed using college students are relatively small samples. In addition, no systematic framework has been used to investigate the origins or influencing social factors of such attitudes and how these interact with demographic characteristics. Using Google forms an online survey was conducted, to examine placement-related attitudes and behaviors among 3,340 adults. We examined the students' behavior in Technical and nontechnical interviews.......
Keyword: Analytics, Decision Tree, Data Mining, data Analysis, Placement Analytics, R Tool, R Data Miner.
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Abstract: In order to achieve their business goals, educational organizations and institutions all over the World have become more dependent on information and communication technology (ICT). Internet services contributed to the improvement of the teaching-learning process, researches and other related activities. The cloud computing technology has effective applications, which offers students, staff, and administrative personnel access to educational resources at any time and from anywhere. Students have the opportunity to quickly and economically access various application platforms by sharing the resource based on cloud computing technology. In this paper,...........
Keyword: Cloud Computing; Higher Education; Sudanese Universities; Private Cloud
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