Version-4 (March-April 2017)
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Abstract: In these days, we have seen a rapid expansionin the field of mobile computing due to widely available wireless devices.However, current devices, applications and protocolsare completely focused on cellular or wireless local areanetworks.A mobile ad hoc network is an autonomous collection of mobile devices (laptops, smart phones,sensors, etc.) that communicate with each other overwireless links and co-operate in a distributed mannerin order to provide the necessary network functionality in the absence of a fixed framework. Ad hoc structure does not require an access point, it is easy to setup, especially in a small or temporary...........
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Abstract: Wireless Ad Hoc networks generally operate with limited battery power. Thus, reducing the energy consumption becomes a crucial topic in the design of Ad Hoc routing protocols. In order to improve the quality of the real-time applications, it is essential to generate routing approach that support Quality of Service (QoS) parameters such as delay, energy spent packet delivery ratio and network throughput. This paper explores a novel Fibonacci sequence based power and delay-aware routing protocol to increase the throughput and packet delivery ratio..........
Keywords: AODV; AOMDV; FPDAP; QoS; NS2
[1]. S. Ali, A. Ali, Performance Analysis of AODV, DSR and OLSR in MANET[ dissertation], Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden, 2009.
[2]. IrshadUllah, S. Ur Rehman, Analysis of Black Hole Attack on MANETsUsing Different MANET Routing Protocols [dissertation], BlekingeInstitute of Technology, Sweden, 2010.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Cloud Computing Applications in Banking Sector: A literature Survey |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | P.Swathi || K. Gayathri || T.Sandhya |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1902041418 ![]() |
Abstract: This Cloud computing is internet-based computing, anywhere shared resources, software, and information are provided to computers and other devices on demand. Business services will be the largest market for cloud services spending with a gradual evolution from on-premise to cloud-based services especially for banking sector .Banks are expected to enter the cloud computing field cautiously, with no single cloud services delivery model being a silver bullet for best meeting their demanding business needs. But before stirring to the cloud, banks must consider issues around data confidentiality, security, regulatory compliance, interoperability of standards, and quality of services. The key to success lies in selecting the exact cloud services model to match business needs.
Keywords: Cloud, banking, applications
[1] Bogdan NEDELCU, Madalina-Elena STEFANET, Ioan-Florentin TAMASESCU,Smaranda-Elena TINTOIU, Alin VEZEANU, ― Cloud Computing and its Challenges and Benefits in the Bank System‖, Database Journal, Vol 6, January 2015.
[2] Sahil Patani, Sumesh Kadam, Prateek V. Jain, ―Cloud Computing in the Banking Sector: A Survey‖, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communicating Engineering, Vol.3 , Issue 2, February 2014.
[3] Sheel Ghule, Ms. Rupali Chikhale, Mr. Kalpesh Parmar, ―Cloud Computing in Banking Services‖, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 4, Issue 6, June 2014 1 ISSN 2250-3153.
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Abstract: This paper presents the study regarding the analysis of death prediction using data mining techniques. In this paper four different supervisor machine learning algorithms are considered for mortality rate prediction of death. Further score level fusion is employed for optimum decision by various combination of classifiers for the prediction of death. Score level fusion is robust enough to predict the death. The proposed model is evaluated by considering publically available Queensland government dataset. The results of the proposed model reveal interesting facts with prediction efficiency...........
Keywords: Web mining, mortality prediction, Machine Learning., fusion, score
[1]. Elia Georgiana Dragomir Air Quality Index Prediction using K-Nearest Neighbor Technique", buletinul universităţii petrol–gaze din Ploiesti, Vol. LXII No. 1/2010.
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[3]. Gerami Farzad, Bartashak Masoumeh, Kourosh Rocky, Razieh Honarmand" Prediction of Workplace Accidents with Knowledge Discovery Approach Using Wekasoftware", Nova Explore Publications, Nova Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences Vol 2(5), May 2014:1-8.
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[5]. H. A. Ahmed Aqlan, Shoiab Ahmed, Ajit Danti "Death Prediction and Analysis Using Web Mining Techniques". 2017 International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS -2015), Jan. 06 – 07, 2017, Coimbatore, INDIA.
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Abstract: Vehicular ad hoc network is an emerging field of research in advanced communication and network. It is a sub type of wireless ad hoc network in which there is no central authority to manage the nodes. It is wirelessly communicates which make them vulnerable to attacks like DoS. Denial of Service attack mainly block the services and users are not able to use the services. An existing paper they used Malicious and Irrelevant Packet Detection Algorithm for detecting malicious node on the basis of node velocity and the frequency of packet generated depend on node maximum velocity. Basically vehicles move with high speed which is not efficiently detect malicious nodes..............
Keywords: VANET, DoS attack, malicious node, believe function
[1] Pooja. B, Manohara Pai M.M, Radhika M Pai, Nabil Ajam, Joseph Mouzna, ―Mitigation of insider and outsider DoS attacks against signature based authentication in VANETs‖, 978-1-4799-4568-9/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE.
[2] Abdul Quyoom, Raja Ali and Devki Nandan Gouttam, Harish Sharma, ― A novel mechanism of detection of denial of service attacks(DoS) in VANET using malicious and Irrelevant packet Detection algorithm (MIPDA)‖ ISBN:978-1-4799-8890-7/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE.
[3] Karan Verma, Halabi Hasbullah, Ashok Kumar, ― An efficient Defense method against udp spoofed flooding traffic of denial of service (DoS) attacks in VANET‖ 978-1-4673-4529-3/12/$31.00_c 2012 IEEE.
[4] Yeongkwun Kim, Injoo Kim, Charlie Y. Shim, ― A Taxonomy for DOS attacks in VANET‖, 2014 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT).
[5] Mohamed Nidha, Mejrit, Nadjib Achir and Mohamed Ham&i: ―A New Security Games Based Reaction Algorithm against DOS Attacks in VANETs‖ 2016 13th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC).
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Abstract: with the advanced technology of wireless network, the nodes interact with each other without any fixed infrastructure. This network is fully decentralized in nature and make it more efficient network to establish all over the field. There is no need to maintain wired infrastructure and easy to maintain. Nodes are free to communicate and can move at any direction without taking others opinion. In this paper, we introduced mobility models for the mobility pattern of the nodes and then the k-means cluster. Most important issue is node movement as it becomes easy to forward the data. In the proposed work, we apply cluster based random node mobility model in which nodes move freely anywhere and then create clusters to eliminate communication breaking. So in our results, we improve the network performance by increasing the throughput and packet delivery ratio.
Keywords: MANET, mobility models, K-means clustering, MATLAB tool
[1] Parul Gupta " A Literature Survey of MANET" International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056 Volume: 03 Issue: 02 | Feb-2016 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
[2] Bhavyesh Divecha, Ajith Abraham, Crina Grosan and Sugata Sanyal "Impact of Node Mobility on MANET Routing Protocols Models"2012
[3] Mohsin Ur Rahman_, Aftab Alamy, and Sohail Abbasx "Investigating the Impacts of Entity and Group Mobility Models in MANETs" 978-1-5090-1252-7/16/$31.00 c 2016 IEEE
[4] Chen Chen and Qingqi Pei, Xi'an, P.R.China "A Fuzzy Logic Controlled Mobility Model Based on Simulated Traffics' Characteristics in MANET" 978-1-4673-7813-0/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE.
[5] Ahmad Foroozani, Mohammed Gharib, Ali Mohammad Afshin Hemmatyar "A Novel Human Mobility Model for MANETs Based on Real Data" 978-1-4799-3572-7/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Discovery of Networking Devices in the Network |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dipika Roy || Prof. Pranay Saraf || Narendra Shewale |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1902043841 ![]() |
Abstract: It is very challenging to implement an efficient discovery module for the network. Each device in the network should be recorded by the company to trace the status of that device of presence or failure. The device discovery is done through three methods that are through IP range specification called Range Based Discovery, Device Based Discovery and Individual Discovery. In Range Based Discovery we use IP addresses of the devices which are manually recorded in our database.............
Keywords: Network Elements (NE), Master Database, Discovery, Discovered Database, Reconciliation.
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Abstract: Natural computing, also called Natural computation, is a terminology introduced to encompass three classes of methods: 1) Methods that are inspired from nature for the development of novel problem-solving techniques; 2) those that are based on the use of computers to synthesize natural=phenomenon ; and 3) those that employ natural materials such as molecules to compute. Computational paradigms studied by natural computing are abstracted from natural phenomena. The present paper presents an overview of Natural Computing Paradigms
Keywords: Artificial Neural Networks, Evolutionary Algorithms, Swarm Intelligence, Artificial Immune Systems, DNA Computing,
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Influnces of Telecommuting on Teleworkers Skills |
Country | : | Iraq |
Authors | : | Dr. Ahmed Yass Algrari |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1902044548 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper identifies the positive and negative influences of telecommuting on the teleworkers . Some recommendations concerning the atributes of telecommuting to make the teleworkers more independent . In addition, the paper reviews the existing literature to identify factors leading to successful telecommuting programs, especially with regards to choosing the appropriate jobs and the sutable technologies to make the telecommuting a success job. Furthermore, this paper lists several telecommuting rules and policy.
Keywords: Information technology ,telecommting,teleworking, telecommuter,teleworker.
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Abstract: As continuously new technologies are evolved new threats and risks are making way and making information security a tedious task, where organizations, institutions and individuals are spending on latest technologies the question that arise is are we secured enough ? Information security plays an important role in the ongoing development of information technology, as well as Internet services. Making the Internet safer (and protecting Internet users) has become integral to the development of new services and policies for any organization. In this paper we will highlight the latest threats evolved with emerging cyber technologies their impact and how it can be prevented.
Keywords: Cloud Threat, Big data, Ransomware, Malware, Mirai botnet, Dark Web, IOT
[2]. Future Generation Computer Systems 25(2009)599–616 Cloud computing and emerging IT platforms: Vision, hype, and reality for delivering computing as the 5th utility Rajkumar Buyyaa, b, ∗,CheeShinYeoa, Srikumar Venugopala,James Broberga,Ivona Brandicc
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Abstract: e-Governance aims to provide good governance to the public by using the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for speedy, accurate, transparent and secured services. Information and Communication Technology is being increasingly used in daily life of a common man and it has become the nucleus part of providing the better governance services to the citizens of a country.Now a days, departments, business sectors and customers alike collect, store and transmit vast amount of information electronically and they want to believe that this information is secure. Hash functions are the most widespread among all cryptographic primitives and are currently used in multiple cryptographic schemes and security protocols. A Digital Signature Certificates (DSC) provides high level of security for online transactions..........
[1]. Shaikh Imtiyaj, Er. Govinda Chandra Mangual, Dr. A K Hota "Study of e-Governance initiatives: e-Procurement a Business Reform Process for Odisha's Development", IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering(IOSR-JCE) e-ISSN:2278-0661,p-ISSN:2278-8727,Volume 18,Issue 6,Ver. 1(Nov-Dec. 2016), PP 44-53
[2]. Shaikh Imtiyaj, Er Govinda Chandra Mangual, "An Indepth Understanding of e-Governance initiatives: e-Procurement –A Great Success in Odisha", IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering(IOSR-JCE) e-ISSN:2278-0661,p-ISSN:2278-8727,Volume 18,Issue 4,Ver. V(Jul-Aug. 2016), PP 144-147
[3]. Shaikh Imtiyaj, N.R Biswal, T.P Ray, Dr A.K Hota, "An Indepth Understanding of e-Procurement : A Case Study Approach", IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering(IOSR-JCE) e-ISSN:2278-0661,p-ISSN:2278-8727,Volume 17,Issue 6,Ver. V(Nov-Dec. 2015), PP 20-24
[4]. Shaikh Imtiyaj, N.R Biswal, T.P Ray, Dr A.K Hota , "Digital Signature Certificate: A blessing for e-Governance Application in Human Development", International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Engineering and Technology,Vol. 2, Issue 1 , pp 350-355,January 2015
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | AMO Based Load Balancing Approach in Cloud Computing |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sudhanshu Mittal || Prof. Madhukar Dubey |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1902046266 ![]() |
Abstract: Cloud Computing is an evolving paradigm with altering definitions, but for this research task, it's defined as a virtual infrastructure that presents shared data and communication era services. Load Balancing is any other essential issue of CC to balance the weight amongst numerous servers. It's a mechanism that distributes the additional workload dynamically and flippantly throughout all of the servers. Animal Migration Optimization (AMO) is an algorithm which is the motivation of the animal behavior. There are several animal's behavior have taken into consideration for the migration from one place to another. There are three rules which should be obeyed by all animals these are..........
Keywords: Load balancing; Cloud computing; Animal Migration Optimization
[1] Suriya Begum, Dr. Prashanth C.S.R "Review of Load Balancing in Cloud Computing" IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 10, Issue 1, No 2, January 2013 ISSN (Print): 1694-0784 | ISSN (Online): 1694-0814.
[2] Harmandeep Singh Brar1 , Vivek Thapar2 , Kunal Kishor3 "A Survey of Load Balancing Algorithms in Cloud Computing" International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) – Volume 2 Issue 3, May-June 2014.
[3] Niraj Patel, Sandip Chauhan "A Survey on Load Balancing and Scheduling in Cloud Computing" IJIRST –International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology| Volume 1 | Issue 7 | December 2014 ISSN (online): 2349-6010.
[4] Akansha Makhija1 & Usvir Kaur "A Survey of Load Balancing Algorithms in Cloud Computing" Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol-2, Issue-10, 2016.
[5] Xiangtao Li, Jie Zhang, Minghao Yin "Animal migration optimization: an optimization algorithm inspired by animal migration behavior" Neural Comput & Applic (2014) 24:1867–1877 DOI 10.1007/s00521-013-1433-8.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Security Issues and Solutions in Cloud Computing |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Arun Kumar Sen || Pradeep Kumar Tiwari |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1902046772 ![]() |
Abstract: Cloud Computing provide a solution of computing problems. Cloud users can fulfill his/her need for all hardware, operating system and software applications by using the Cloud services. These features of cloud attract to people to use them. Cloud users mainly don't know about the vulnerabilities and threats before adopting the cloud services. This paper represents the brief knowledge of cloud services and cloud deployment models. In this paper, We attempt to describe the Security challenges in the application and data security at SaaS. This paper purpose is to provide a security perspective of SaaS service and how to resolve that problem in an easy way.
Keywords:Cloud Security, Plate form as a Service, Infrastructure as a Service
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Auditing Cloud Consistency |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Prajakta Suryawanshi || Prof.Pranay Saraf || Harender Singh |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1902047377 ![]() |
Abstract: Given model consist of large data cloud and small audit clouds.The data cloud is maintained by a CSP, and an audit cloud consists of a group of users that cooperate on a job, e.g., a document or a project. A service level agreement (SLA) will be engaged between the data cloud and the audit cloud, which will stipulate what level of consistency the data cloud should provide, and how much (monetary or otherwise) will be charged if the data cloud violates the SLA. The implementation of the data cloud is opaque to all users due to the virtualization technique. Thus, it is hard for the users to verify whether each replica in the data cloud is the latest one or not...............
Keywords: Consistency as service, two level auditing, Cloud Storage, Heuristic Auditing strategy.
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Abstract: In today's world, most of the developing countries are rising to become a developed country. There have been analysis of countries that experienced banking crisis in the past. However, the analysis included only data preparation process and the data mining server application for subgroup discovery induction. This paper proposes a data analytical system to perform the analysis on World Bank Indicators for Asian Countries from 1960 to 2015. The past dataset from the World Bank and other sources can be a source to predict the duration required for a country to be called a developed country. The purpose of the paper is to help the government of a nation to collect information and work on the path for the development more accurately. The analysis can be done using various methodology such as MapReduce, Canopy.............
Keywords: Asian Development, World Bank Indicators, Kmeans, clustering, canopy, big data.
[1]. Mariam Kalakech, Ali Kalakech and Denis Hamad, "Selection of World Development Indicators for Countries Classification", International Conference on Digital Economy, 2016.
[2]. Dragan Gamberger, Drazen Lucanin and Tomislav Smuc, "Analysis of World Bank Indicators for Countries with Banking Crisis by Subgroup Discovery", MIPRO, 2013.
[3]. Zhang Jianguang and Zhu Jianming, "A comparative Study of China and the World's Information Development", International Conference on Information Society, 2015.
[4]. Norazam Arbin, Nur Suhailayani Suhaimi, Nurul Zafirah Mokhtar, Zalinda Othman, "Comparative Analysis Between K-means and K-Medoids for Statistical Clustering", Third International Conference onArtifical Intelligence, Modelling and Simulation, 2015.
[5]. Amresh Kumar, Yashwant S. Ingle, Abhijit Pande, Piyush Dhule, "Canopy Clustering: A Review on Pre-Clustering Approach to K-means Clustering", International Journal of Innovation & Advancement inComputer Science, 2014.
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Abstract: In today's competitive economic environment, track and trace (the capability to determine present and past locations of products through the whole supply chain) is becoming an increasingly urgent necessity and a key differentiator in many industries, enhancing pilferage reduction, counterfeit prevention and targeted recalls, and improving supply chain efficiency, synchronization, visibility, and security. The proposed solution helps all major drug manufacture companies to prevent counterfeit drugs, effective supply chain management and to find better marketing strategies to project the products and also to help the end consumers to get the right drugs for right diseases. The solution not only feasible in economically.............
Keywords: Track and Trace, Serialization, Anti counterfeiting, Pharmaceutical Industry
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Abstract: The issue of taking attendance each and every period by the teacher is very time consuming and tiring as well Attendance management of student in any institution is a very lengthy process and even time consuming. Furthermore, biometrics attendance system is also available. These methods too are time consuming, since each time student has to form a queue for scanning their thumb using real time camera. The Attendance will be recorded by using camera, which will capture images of students and staff. It will then compare the faces with the Student's and Staff database and marks the attendance. Such automated systems will help largely reduce the manual labor and discrepancies otherwise involved in attendance maintenance.
Keywords: Face Detection, Face Recognition, Attendance System
[1]. Vidhate, Deepak A and Kulkarni, Parag "Performance enhancement of cooperative learning algorithms by improved decision making for context based application", International Conference on Automatic Control and Dynamic Optimization Techniques (ICACDOT)IEEE Xplorer, pp 246-252, 2016
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[3]. Vidhate, Deepak A and Kulkarni, Parag "Innovative Approach Towards Cooperation Models for Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning (CMMARL)", Springer Nature series of Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 628,pp. 468-478,2016
[4]. Ali Javed "Face Recognition Based on Principal Component Analysis" International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing, Vol. 2, pp.38-44, 2013
[5]. Roshan Tharanga, S. Samarakoon, "Smart attendance using real time face recognition," IEEE, 2013..