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Abstract: Clustering of proteins is important in the field of bioinformatics. Clustering of proteins is used for analyzing the proteins to determine their functions and structure. The number of partitioning techniques, hierarchical methods and graph-based methods are available for clustering protein sequences. In this paper, we propose a hybrid fuzzy technique for clustering proteins based on its secondary structure elements. The algorithm works in two stages. In the first stage, initial number of clusters is determined using k-nearest neighbor distances. The second stage comprises membership calculation and cluster construction. The performance of the hybrid fuzzy clustering was evaluated by comparison with other existing methods on four data sets. Experimental results show that proposed approach performs better in terms of validity indices and execution time as well.
Keyword: Protein sequence, Secondary structure, Fuzzy clustering, K-nearest neighbor
[1] Yonghui Chen, Kevin D Reilly, Alan P Sprague, and Zhijie Guan, SEQOPTICS: a protein sequence clustering system, BMC Bioinformatics, 7(Suppl 4), S10, 2006.
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Abstract: Informal software engineering methods have been using combination of diagrams, text, tables and simple notation to create analysis and design models with application of little mathematical rigour. On the other hand, formal methods allow a software engineer to create a model that is more complete, consistent, and unambiguous than those produced using conventional methods (Roger, 2005). However, it had been observed that the fundamental step in the Markov analysis of a software specification is to define the underlying probability law for the usage of the software under consideration. From an analytical point of view, this is a traceable stochastic process and a good basis for statistical testing...........
Keywords: Markov Chain, Software Development, Software Engineering, Software Evolution, Software Quality, Software Specification, Software Validation
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Reciprocity Scheme Approach to Free-Riding Evasion in Grid System |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Ogundele, Lukman Adebayo |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1903031724 ![]() |
Abstract: The crucialrule of Grid systems is intentional resource sharing among individual Grid users.However; there is an intrinsicfriction between individual prudence and collective welfare that threatens the viability of these systems. Grid systems have emerged as a popular alternative to traditional client-server architectures for resourcesdistribution and sharing. Different academic studies have observed high levels of free-riding in various Grid systems, leading some to suggest the imminent collapse of these systems as viable resource sharing mechanism. This observable fact was due to hidden-action, hidden information as well as betrayer of co-operation and confidence among the selfish participating users with diverse malicious intentions. In Grid system, the supply and demand theory.............
Keywords: Co-operation, Free-Riding,Grid System,Hidden-action, Hidden information, Incentives, and Reciprocity
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Distributed Clustering for Big Data with MapReduce |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ch.Radhika || D.V.Lalita Parameswari |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1903032528 ![]() |
Abstract: Every day, a large volume of data is generated by multiple sources, social networks, mobile devices, etc. This variety of data sources produce a heterogeneous data, which are engendered in high frequency. One of the techniques allowing to a better use and exploit this kind of complex data is clustering. Finding a compromise between performance and speed response time present a major challenge to classify this data. This paper aims to propose efficient Distributed clustering algorithms to handle big data with MapReduce which is an improved version of single machine clustering.
Keywords: Big Data, Distributed, Clustering, MapReduce
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[3] Shim, K. 2012. MapReduce algorithms for big data analysis. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 5(12), 2016–2017.
[4] He, Y., Tan, H., Luo, W., Feng, S., & Fan, J. 2014. MR-DBSCAN: A scalable MapReduce-based DBSCAN algorithm for heavily skewed data. Frontiers of Computer Science, 8(1), 83–99.
[5] Lee K-H, Lee Y-J, Choi H, Chung YD, Moon B (2012) Parallel data processing with MapReduce: a survey. ACM SIGMOD Record 40(4):11–20.
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Abstract: The Backward Approach Development is the pre-planning requisite for the traveller's.So they are more exposed to our taxi service in and out. In addition, accurate query results with up-to-date travel times, price etc.we propose a novel dynamic programming based method to solve the mobile sequential recommendation problem with the new algorithm, named UniBic, outperformed all previous biclustering algorithms in terms of commonly used evaluation scenarios except for BicSPAM on narrow biclusters Simultaneously, the process of sequence generation to reduce the search space of the potential sequences effectively. Moreover, our method can handle.........
[1] F. Giannotti, M. Nanni, F. Pinelli, and D. Pedreschi, "Trajectory Pattern Mining," Proc. 13th ACM SIGKDD Int'l Conf. Knowledge Discovery and Data (KDD '07), pp. 330-339, 2007.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Anatomy of Hadoop Mapreduce Execution |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Parvathy Gopakumar || Neethu Maria John |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1903033337 ![]() |
Abstract: Storing and monitoring Big data in widely distributed environments for 24/7 is a huge task for global service organizations. These datasets require high processing power which can't be offered by traditional databases as they are stored in an unstructured format. Apache Hadoop is open source software for reliable, scalable and distributed computing. This framework is inspired by Google's MapReduce structure in which application is broken down into numerous small parts and each part can be run in any node in the cluster. This paper contains detailed study of the execution of MapReduce programs over Hadoop cluster .It also discusses how the Hadoop platform offers an easy way of distributed Bigdata computing.
Keywords: Hadoop, Map Reduce, HDFS
[1] Apache Hadoop. [Online]. Available:
[2] Apache Hadoop-Streaming. [Online]. :
[3] Cassandra wiki, operations. [Online]. Available:
[4] NOSQL data storage [online]:
[5] National energy research scientific computing center. [Online]. Available:
[6] Apache Hadoop [Online]:
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Abstract: Query given by the user may be keyword based or query based data. That under goes semantic search by indexing latent semantic indexing method. correct match of the data found and from Dining ontology query concept, document concept based on the search Query determine. then the adarank is used in dining ontology to get the weightage. similarity with respect to semantic obtain and evaluated. These is implemented in the cloud platform. Dining Ontology as is the expression of meaning of the content. Semantic web based the domain (Service of the restaurant is called dining). Semantic web gives instant access. Reusability is enhanced. . It focuses on the RDF, Ontology model and Web ontology language. dining ontology is developed
Keywords: Ontology, RDF, Semantic web , keyword based, query based ,LSI
[1]. Ontology-based Information Retrieval Jan Paralic `Department of Cybernetics and AI, Technical University of Kosice,Letna 9, 040 11 Kosice, Slovakia, Ivan Kostial
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[4]. Volume 3, Issue 10, October 2013 ISSN: 2277 128X International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering
[5]. Ontology Based Information Retrieval - An Analysis Sakthi Murugan R, P. Shanthi Bala Dr. G. Aghila
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Abstract: Data at segmentation has been helpful tremendously and decidedly to overcome the heterogeneity of the data which is relating to an accident. K-modes clustering modus operandi is considered with respect to entire set of data. Comparison basically between the two of the sets of data fundamentally for the analomalies of the content and the context is herein recognized. Contextual kind anamoly in detection can be worked for the schema. The respective schema is herein evaluated against those of dodgers, dataset which are available in learning kind repository and those of R statistical kind toolbox.
Keywords: Big Data, Wireless Sensor Network, Big data, Hadoop, Anamalies
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Abstract: Big data is key force of modernization diagonally in both educational as well as business. In the Cloud computing, big data security is a current and critical research topic. Cloud computing plus data storage offers clients among different facilities to accumulate as well as run their big data in third party data handling hubs. When a corporation selects to accumulate data or applications on the open cloud, it drops its capacity to have substantial access to the servers crowding its data. As a consequence, probably hypersensitive data is at risk from aids offensives. This difficulty turns into a concern to firm when considering uploading data on to the cloud. In this paper, we have proposed a new method that facilitates capable access control through dynamic policy that updating for big data in the cloud system...............
Keywords: Cloud, access control, Secure, Attribute based encryption, big Data.
[1] zhiguo wan, jun'e liu, and robert h. deng," HASBE: A hierarchical attribute-based solution for flexible and scalable access control in cloud computing", ieee transactions on information forensics and security, vol. 7, no. 2, april 2012.
[2] Taeho Jung, Xiang-Yang Li, Zhiguo Wan and Meng Wan, "Privacy Preserving Cloud Data Access with Multi-Authorities", 2013 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM.
[3] kan yang, student member, ieee, and xiaohua jia, fellow," expressive, efficient, and revocable data access control for multi-authority cloud storage ", ieee transactions on parallel and distributed systems, vol. 25, no. 7, july 2014.
[4] Ximeng Liu, Jianfeng Ma, Jinbo Xiong, and Guangjun Liu," Ciphertext-Policy Hierarchical Attribute-based Encryption for Fine-Grained Access Control of Encryption Data ", International Journal of Network Security, Vol.16, No.6, PP.437-443, Nov. 2014.
[5] Qingji Zheng, Shouhuai Xu, Giuseppe Ateniese, "VABKS: Verifiable Attribute-based Keyword Search over Outsourced Encrypted Data", IEEE INFOCOM 2014 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Entropy Driven Bit Coding For Image Compression In Medical Application |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | S. Jagadeesh || E. Nagabhooshanam |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1903035360 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper present a new bit redundancy coding for image compression in binary bit planar coding. In the compression model, images are coded into binary level to stream over a communication medium or to store the processed data in a remote location. In this processing, the representative coefficients are coded in binary level and to minimize the resource overhead these bits are compressed using binary compression logic. Among different coding logic, Huffman coding is the standard coding approach, standardized by JPEG and JPEG-2K image compression committee. The coding schemes computes a bit pattern occurrence probability and derive a allocating code word for a pattern...............
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[5] Ms. P.Srikala, Mr .Shaik Umar, ―Neural Network Based Image Compression with Lifting Scheme and RLC‖ IJRET, SEP 2012.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | OSPP Face Recognition Using Meta-Heuristic Algorithm |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Syed ArshiRahaman |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1903036165 ![]() |
Abstract: Face recognition has drawn dramatic attention due to the advancement of pattern recognition technologies. Face recognition systems have reached a level of maturity under certain conditions but still the performance of face recognition algorithms are easily affected by external and internal variations. Thus many well-known algorithms have been proposed to overcome these challenging problems. Here we are trying to use one sample face image of individual for training the whole system which will not only reduce labouring effort for the collection and also reduce cost for storing and processing them. One sample per person face recognition (OSPP) is considered as a challenging problem in face recognition community and lack of samples leads to performance deterioration. Here face recognition is performed by application of the swarm optimization algorithms[12]............
Keywords: One sample per person, particle swarm optimization, meta-heuristic algorithm, face recognition, intra-class variety model
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Review of Beacon Collision Avoidance Methods in IEEE 802.15.4 Standard |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ankita Hatmode || Prof. P. H. Ghare |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1903036674 ![]() |
Abstract: The IEEE 802.15.4 standard along with ZIGBEE specifications is used as communication standard for minimum power consumption, inexpensive networks such as LR-WPAN. The networks have different topologies depending on its applications such as Peer-to-Peer, Cluster tree, Mesh and STAR topology. In IEEE 802.15.4 standard for MAC layer , there are two modes of operations which are non-beacon mode and beacon mode. In beacon mode, PAN coordinators will send beacon signals to synchronize with their respective nodes, manage the network and the power of the transmitting systems and also perform the time synchronization of the data. Thus, if there are more than one PAN coordinators
Keywords: cluster tree network; beacon collision; scheduling; MAC Layer; LR-WPAN; IEEE 802.15.4.
[1] IEEE Std 802.15.4™-2003, IEEE Standard for Information technology,Telecommunications and information exchange between systems,Local and metropolitan area networks Specific requirements
[2] Anis Koubâa, Mario Alves, Melek Attia, Anneleen Van Nieuwenhuyse, Collision-Free Beacon Scheduling Mechanisms for IEEE 802.15.4/Zigbee Cluster-Tree Wireless Sensor Networks
[3] Robert Holte, AI Mok, Louis Rosier, Igor Tuichinsky, and Donald Varve1, The Pinwheel:A Real-Time Scheduling Problem
[4] Jin-Woo Kim, Yeonwoo Lee and Seong Ro Lee, Interference Aware MAC scheduling for Collision Avoidance using Energy Detection Scan, Vol. 7, No. 3, May, 2013, International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications
[5] Lun-Wu Yeh, Meng-Shiuan Pan, and Yu-Chee Tseng, Two-Way Beacon Scheduling in ZigBee Tree-BasedWireless Sensor Networks, 2008, IEEE International Conference on Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous, and Trustworthy Computing
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Abstract: Data security has become a growing concern in this digital age. Current cryptographic algorithms either compromise on computational speed or data security. We put forth a variable key length 1024-bit symmetric cryptosystem which encrypts and decrypts text data in the form of 256-bit blocks at a time. It is fast as well secure and it is completely dependent on the key.
Keywords: Cryptosystem; Encryption; Decryption; Ciphertext; Cellular Automata; Block Cellular Automata; Margolus neighborhood; Rule generator, Add key
[1] Said Bouchkaren and Saiida Lazaar, "A Fast Cryptosystem Using Reversible Cellular Automata" in (IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 5, No. 5, 2014
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