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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Image Encryption using RSAA |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Vishal Snedan Robertson || Krishnakant Vilas Redkar |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1903040105 ![]() |
Abstract: Information security has become very important nowadays in storage and transmission of data. Images are used everywhere around us. The security of certain images from unauthorised users is important. We present a variable key length cryptosystem based on Block Cellular Automata. It encrypts images by dividing it up into blocks 50 X 50pixels and encrypting each block at a time. It provides high security even with a key which is a single character. It is highly robust as it produces similar distorted cipher images for any type of input image. Cipher images aren't distinguishable to the naked eye. It can be used to store personal images securely on one's system and large scope for storing images securely on a server or cloud storage. Brute forcing this algorithm will take a lot of time due to the immense rule space of Block Cellular Automata and due to the variable sized key.
Keyword: Key, Encryption; Decryption; Cipher Image; Cellular Automata; Block Cellular Automata; Margolus neighbourhood; Rule Generator, Add Key, Hashing.
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Abstract: Companies that utilize automated IVR systems have a veritable treasure trove of data that can be analyzed to improve the quality of the customer experience.After all, many customers who are greeted by linear thinking IVR systems instead of human voices already assume that their self-service experience is going to be less than favorable.Analyse the call Centre Performance includes various parameters like Cross-Team Visibility, Monitor Interactions in Real Time, Simplify reporting, Evaluate and streamline journeys etc. This paper focus on an approach in which IVR data is analysed and comparison is done based on HIVE, SPARK and FLINK frameworks.
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Abstract: This paper derives exact shape functions for both non-uniform (non-prismatic section) and inhomogeneous (functionally graded material) Timoshenko beam element formulation explicitly. In this paper, the shape functions formula embedded the explicit functions and its derivatives describing the non-uniformity and inhomogeneity of a beam element. The shape functions are made interdependent by requiring them to satisfy three homogeneous differential equations associated with the Timoshenko's beam theory. With the formulated axial, transverse and rotational displacement shape functions, the stiffness and mass matrices and consistent force vector for a two-node Timoshenko beam element are developed based on Hamilton's principle. Comparison studies with reference work on the accuracy..........
Keywords: Exact shape functions, Timoshenko beam, FEM, Functionally graded material
[1] D.K. Nguyen, B.S. Gan and T.H. Le, Dynamic Response of Non-Uniform Functionally Graded Beams Subjected to a Variable Speed Moving Load, Journal of Computational Science and Technology, 7(1), 2013, 12-27.
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Abstract: This paper considers block ciphers and key schedule algorithm that is one of the crucial components of a block cipher. It computes round keys/subkeys for relevant round from a short key. The presented experiments show that proposed key schedule algorithm which inspired by Advanced Encryption Standard's (AES) key schedule has desirable properties: Avalanche Effect and Strict Avalanche Criterion (SAC). It satisfies good bit confusion and diffusion. The average success rate of the proposed key schedule algorithm for the SAC test is 95%. As a side result it was found that while testing SAC effect computed values that lie between confidence lower and upper bounds, greater than upper bounds and less than lower bound all of them reach normal distribution. Also based on example given experimental result, proposed structure exhibits a very strong Avalanche Effect because almost at the first round approximately half the bits are changed in the key.
Keywords:AES, Avalanche Effect, Key Expansion Algorithm, Key Schedule, SAC
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Survey Paper on Various Algorithm's based Recommender System |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Priyanka |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1903042732 ![]() |
Abstract: Recommender systems have become extremely common in recent years. It helps the customer to discover information and settle on choices where they do not have the required learning to judge a specific item. It can be utilized as a part of different diverse approaches to encourage its customer with effective information sorting. It is a software tool and techniques that provide suggestion based on the customer's taste to discover new appropriate thing for them by filtering personalized information based on the user's preferences from a large volume of information. Users taste and preferences should be constructed accurately in order to provide most relevant suggestions. This survey paper compares and details the various type of recommender system and popular recommendation algorithms and its uses.
Keywords: Feedback techniques, Recommender system, Types of the recommender system.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Comparison between Adaptive and Conventional RBFNN Based Approach for Short-Term Load Forecasting |
Country | : | Jordan |
Authors | : | Eyad Almaita |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1903043340 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper, a comparison between novel adaptive Radial Basis Function Neural Networks (RBFNN) algorithm and conventional RBFNN is conducted. Both algorithms are used to forecast electrical load demand in Jordan. The Same forecasting features are used in both algorithms. Most of the forecasting models need to be adjusted after a period of time, because the change in the system parameters. The data used in this paper is real data measured by National Electrical Power co. (Jordan). The data is divided into two sets. Set for a training and the other for testing..........
Keywords: Load Forecasting, Neural Network, Radial Basis Function, Short-Term, adaptive.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Research on Moving Pedestrian Identification Based on Bayesian Classifier |
Country | : | China |
Authors | : | Wu Hua-zhi |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1903044147 ![]() |
Abstract: Pedestrian identification systemplays an important role in vehicle safetyassistant driving technology. In order toidentify the movement of pedestriansmore quickly and easily, motion pedestrian identification is carried out based on the Bayesian classifier. The identificationprocess was realized in two steps. Firstly, Bayesian classifier is designed based on the HOG feature. Secondly, the image captured by the camera is processed by taking the five-frame difference methodto extract the identification target from the pre-processed images and the HOG feature of the identification target is extracted as the input of the classifier to identify the target. The results show that this method can achieve the goal of identifying pedestrians quickly and simply.
Keywords: Pedestrian identification; moving target; HOG features; Bayesian classifier.
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Abstract: Intrusion Detection Systems considered as an indispensable field of network security to detect passive and anomaly activities in network traffics and packets. In this paper a framework of network based intrusion detection system has been implemented using Logistic Model Trees supervised machine learning algorithm."NSL-KDD" dataset which is an updated dataset from "KDDCup 1999" benchmark dataset for intrusion detection has been used for the experimental analysis using percent of 60% for training phase and the rest for testing phase. The testing and experimental..........
Keywords: Intrusion Detection System (IDS), Logistic Model Trees (LMT), Logistic Regression, NSL-KDD
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Abstract: Noise is the major problem in the field of image processing. In Medical image such as Ultrasound image are contaminated by different types of noise. The usefulness of US imaging is degraded by the presence of signal dependence noise known as speckle noise. In the presence of such noise it is difficult to diagnosis. To acquire a better performance we state another method that works efficiently to reduce noise an image without blurring the frontiers between different regions. This paper demonstrates wavelet based thresholding technique for de-noising and improving visual image quality in ultrasound images. This proposed method is compared to other existing approach and give superior..........
Keywords: US images, Speckle noise, dwt, threshold
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Abstract: Image fusion is the process of integrating two or more images of a specific scene, captured from different sensors to form a single image that contains all the details of the source images. In satellite remote sensor images, this technique is used in the integration of the geometric detail of a high-resolution panchromatic (PAN) image and the spectral information of a low resolution multi -spectral (MS) image to form a single high resolution multispectral image. For satellite images, wavelet based fusion methods have shown to produce better results...........
Keywords: Remote sensing, Image fusion, Discrete wavelet packets, Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Packet Transform.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Mobile Commerce (M-Commerce) Interface Design: A Review of Literature |
Country | : | Malaysia |
Authors | : | Zaifulasraf Ahmad || Roslina Ibrahim |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1903046670 ![]() |
Abstract: Advances in wireless technology have led to rapid growth on various mobile services. This includes changes of shopping activities by the online shopper. Previously, shoppers use in-store shopping or through web shopping sites which is electronic commerce (e-commerce). Nowadays, with the increased use of smartphones and mobile application, the popularity of mobile commerce (m-commerce) is increased among consumer. Due to growth of m-commerce, it is crucial to ensure the m-commerce applications are highly usable and friendly. Therefore, it is important to properly design the interface of the apps...........
Keywords: Interaction Design, Interface Guideline, Issues, Mobile Commerce, User Experience
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Abstract: WSN consists of hundreds / thousands of wireless nodes distributed within the geographical area. The wireless nodes gather information and supply towards the central node for further processing. There are different factors that affect the WSN design like transmission media, power consumption, routing protocols etc. Congestion in WSNs can lead to packet losses and increased transmission latency. Different type of congestion is present like node level, Link level, etc. Lot of work is performed by the different researchers to detect the congestion and remove or decrease the effect of congestion. The congestion gives the energy loss and packet drop over the communication...........
Keywords: Wireless Sensor Network, Congestion, NS-2, Adaptive Approach, Routing.
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