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Abstract: Background: Uterine fibroid is a common benign neoplasm of female genital tract and it is prevalent in Africa. Myomas are the most frequently recorded benign smooth muscle tumor of the uterus, affecting 20% - 60% of women of reproductive age and negatively impacting fertility and the outcome of pregnancy. Objective: To assess uterine leiomyoma in a private hospital, Aba, Abia State, South Eastern Nigeria. Methods And Materials: This is a retrospective study of all the patients (321) managed for uterine leiomyoma in four years and relevant information on clinical features, surgical operations, findings at surgeries and postoperative morbidity were retrieved from the medical record unit......
Keywords: Assessment, leiomyoma, Aba, Abia State, South Eastern Nigeria, Private hospital
Eze,C., U., Odumeru, E., A., Ochie, K., Nwadike, U., I., Agwuna, K., K., Songraphic Assessment Of Pregnancy Co-Existing With Uterine Leiomyoma In Owerri, Nigeria. Afr Health Sci. 2013;13(2):453-60. Doi: 10,4314/Ahs.Vi3i2.36. PMID: 24235949; PMCID: PMC3824468.
Zhao, R., Wang, X., Zou, L., Li., G., Chen, Y., Li., C., Zhang, W., Adverse Obstetric Outcomes In Pregnant Women With Uterine Fibroids In China: A Multicenter Survey Involving 112,403 Deliveries. Plos One. 2017;12(11);E0187821.
Doi: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0187821. PMID:29136018: PMCID: PMC5685483.
Laughlin, S., K., Schroeder, J., C., Baird, D., D., New Directions In The Epidemiology Of Uterine Fibroids. Semin Repro Med. 2015; 28(3): 204-17.Doi: 10.1055/S.0030-1251477.Epub 2015 Apr 22 PMID; 20414843; PMCID:PMC5330647.
Munusamy MM, Sheelaa WG, Lakshmi VP. Clinical Presentation And Prevalence Of Uterine Fibroids: A 3-Year Study In 3-Decade Rural South Indian Women. International Journal Of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics And Gynaecology. 2017; 6: 5596-601.
Wakabayashi, A., Takeda, T., Tsuiji, K., Li. B., Sakata, M., Morishige, K., Yaegashi, N, Kimura,T., T., Antiproliferative Effect Of Adiponectin On Rat Uterine Leiomyoma ELT-3 Cells. Gynecol Endocrinol, 2011; 27(1): 33 – 8.:
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Abstract: Background: Placenta previa refers to a placenta located either fully or partially in the lower uterine segment and covering the internal cervical os. It is one of the main cause of vaginal bleeding in the third trimester and a significant cause of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. It is a major risk factor for postpartum haemorrhage and can lead to morbidity and mortality of the mother and neonate. This situation prevents a safe vaginal delivery and requires the delivery of the neonate to be via caesarean delivery. The......
Keyword: placenta previa, caesarean section, post partum haemorrhage
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Abstract: Background: There are many narratives about the determinants of immunization coverage. India has the largest immunization program in the world. COVID-19 outbreak has occurred during the period 2020 -22. A Global Health Emergency was declared during the 1st quarter of 2020 and immunization was affected. Large-scale migration of people, diverting all health resources for COVID-19 response along with other factors, was responsible for the decreased coverage. Services resumed after gradual relaxation of COVID-19 norms. National Family Health Survey.......
Keyword: Immunization, COVID 19, social determinants, full immunization, complete immunization
Vaccines And Immunization. WHO. Https://Www.Who.Int/Health-Topics/Vaccines-And-Immunization#Tab=Tab_1
Devasenapathy, N., Ghosh Jerath, S., Sharma, S., Allen, E., Shankar, A. H., And Zodpey, S. (2016). Determinants Of Childhood Immunization Coverage In Urban Poor Settlements Of Delhi, India: A Cross-Sectional Study. BMJ Open, 6(8), E013015.
Ministry Of Health And Family Welfare. Government Of India. (2024) Routine Immunization Manual For Medical Officers
Choudhary, T. S., Reddy, N. S., Apte, A., Sinha, B., Roy, S., Nair, N. P., Sindhu, K. N., Patil, R., Upadhyay, R. P., And Chowdhury, R. (2019). Delayed Vaccination And Its Predictors Among Children Under 2 Years In India: Insights From The National Family Health Survey-4. Vaccine, 37(17), 2331–2339. Https://Doi.Org/10.1016/J.Vaccine.2019.03.039
Crocker-Buque, T., Mindra, G., Duncan, R., And Mounier-Jack, S. (2017). Immunization, Urbanization And Slums - A Systematic Review Of Factors And Interventions. BMC Public Health, 17(1), 556. Https://Doi.Org/10.1186/S12889-017-4473-7
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Abstract: Introduction: Bladder cancer accounts for 6.6% of all cancer cases worldwide, making it the fourth most frequent malignancy among men. It accounts for 2.4% of all cancer cases in women, making it the ninth most frequent malignancy. Unfortunately, there is currently no data on the prevalence of bladder cancer in our nation, despite the fact that it appears to be rising due to an ageing population and increased exposure to toxins. Aim of the study: The aim of the study is to assess sex-based variation in the occurrence of urinary bladder carcinoma........
Key Words: Urinary Bladder Carcinoma
Stein JP Lieskovsky G, Cote R, Groshen S, Feng AC, Boyd S. Radical Cystectomy In The Treatment Of Invasive Bladder Cancer: Long Term Results In 1,054 Patients. J Clin Onco 1200; 19:666-675.
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Igor Burstyn, Hans Kromhout, Christoffer Johansen, Sverre Langard, Timo Kaupinen And Judith Shaham. Bladder Cancer Incidence And Exposure To Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Among Asphalt Pavers. Occup Environ Med 2007; 64:520-526.
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Abstract: Inter-professional conflict is the misunderstanding, disagreement, antagonism, and squabbles that occur among staffs in a workplace. Employees’ related conflicts in organizations are a common occurrence. Thus, this study aimed to examine task conflict, relationship conflict and process conflicts which are three dimensional types of inter-professional conflict and its influence on employees’ productivity. A total of 303 healthcare professionals comprising males and females were selected for the study to respond to a fourteen items self-reported questionnaire which......
Keywords: Inter-professional conflict, Task conflict, Relationship conflict, Process Conflict, Employees’ Productivity
Adim, V. & Odili, C. P. (2020). Conflict Management And Performance Of Health Care Professionals In Teaching Hospitals In Rivers State Conflict Management And Performance Of Health Care Professionals In Teaching Hospitals In Rivers State.
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Al-Khasawneh, A. & And Khadar, B.A. (2021). Organizational Conflicts In Hospitals And Their Impact On Employee Turnover: A Case Study Of Jordan. Problems And Perspectives In Management, 19(2), 206-216.
Al-Shourah, A. (2015). The Impact Of Conflict Management Or Organizational Effectiveness (A Case Study: Ministry Of Higher Education Of Jordan). European Journal Of Business Management, 7(36), 75-85.
Amin, T., & Shila, S. (2015). Enhancing Organizational Effectiveness By Performance Appraisal, Training, Employee Participation, And Job Definition. European Journal Of Business And Management,7(12),56-63.
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Abstract: The optimization of titanium mesh fabrication for Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR) via 3D printing represents a significant advancement in tissue engineering, offering personalized and highly effective solutions for bone defect repair. Titanium, due to its excellent mechanical properties, biocompatibility, and corrosion resistance, is widely used in GBR applications. This paper explores the potential of 3D printing technologies to create patient-specific titanium mesh scaffolds with optimized structural and biological properties. By manipulating parameters such as porosity, surface texture, and lattice design, it is possible to enhance cell infiltration, promote osteogenesis, and provide.......
Shabestari GO, Shayesteh YS, Khojasteh A, Alikhasi M, Moslemi N, Aminian A, Et Al. Implant Placement In Patients With Oral Bisphosphonate Therapy: A Case Series. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 2010;12:175-80.
Khojasteh A, Behnia H, Shayesteh YS, Morad G, Alikhasi M. Localized Bone Augmentation With Cortical Bone Blocks Tented Over Different Particulate Bone Substitutes: A Retrospective Study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2012;27:1481-93.
Kolerman R, Nissan J, Tal H. Combined Osteotome-Induced Ridge Expansion And Guided Bone Regeneration Simultaneous With Implant Placement: A Biometric Study. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 2014;16:691-704.
Shayesteh YS, Khojasteh A, Siadat H, Monzavi A, Bassir SH, Hossaini M, Et Al. A Comparative Study Of Crestal Bone Loss And Implant Stability Between Osteotome And Conventional Implant Insertion Techniques: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial Study. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 2013;15:350-7..
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Abstract: Introduction- Vertical transmission in Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) refers to the transmission of the virus from an infected mother to her baby during pregnancy, delivery, or shortly after birth, meaning the baby acquires the infection from the mother at the time of birth; this occurs in approximately 5% of cases where the mother is infected with HCV, with a higher risk for women with high viral load or co-infected with HIV. The detection of HCV infection in newborns requires careful monitoring with PCR testing for HCV RNA, as maternal antibodies can interfere with early antibody tests. Currently, there are no widely recommended interventions to prevent vertical transmission of HCV during pregnancy.......
Keywords: Anti HCV antibody, HCV RNA Quantitative, Vertical transmission. Breast feeding, anti-viral treatment, DAA
World Health Organization. Combating Hepatitis B And C To Reach Elimination By 2030. Geneva, Switzerland: WHO, 2016.
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Abstract: Medical ethics deals with the moral principle that doctors should adhere to in their transaction with patient, colleagues and the state. It concerns not only doctors but also patients and society. The core of medical ethics is doctor patient relationship. Ethics has been derived from Greek word ethikos which means theory of living. Ethics are needed in every aspect of life, including medical field which is most pious profession and is thought to be equivalent to God because both of them save many precious lives. There is ethical deterioration in every field of life, including the medical one......
Keywords: Medical Ethics, Clinical practice, Bond, Litigation, Stress
John R. Williams. Medical Ethics Manual. World Medical Association. 2015.
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Abstract: Nanotechnology is redefining orthodontics by elevating material properties at the molecular scale. In orthodontics, nanocomposites, nano-coated wires, and brackets are being used to improve treatment outcomes. Nanocomposites provide strong, better durable, and aesthetically pleasing materials for braces and aligners. Nano-coated wires reduce friction, accelerating tooth movement and potentially shortening treatment durations. Improved adhesives offer stronger bonding, while self-cleaning and antibacterial nanomaterials help maintain oral hygiene and reduce infection risks during treatment.......
Keywords: Nano technology, nano dentistry, nano materials, orthodontics, nano robotics.
Bhardwaj A, Bhardwaj A, Misuriya A, Maroli S, Manjula S, Singh AK. Nanotechnology In Dentistry: Present And Future. J Int Oral Health. 2014 Feb;6(1):121-6. Epub 2014 Feb 26. PMID: 24653616; PMCID: PMC3959150.
Gambhir, Ramandeep Singh,*; Sogi, G. M.1; Nirola, Ashutosh2; Brar, Rajdeep3; Sekhon, Tegbir4; Kakar, Heena5. Nanotechnology In Dentistry: Current Achievements And Prospects. Journal Of Orofacial Sciences 5(1):P 9-14, Jan–Jun 2013.
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Maheshwari S, Verma SK, Tariq M, Gaur A. Nano-Orthodontics Revolutionizing Oral Health Care. Indian J Oral Sci. 2014 Sep 1;5(3):109.
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Abstract: Background: Since its introduction, Macintosh laryngoscope has proved to be inefficient in many situations of difficult airway. Video and optical laryngoscopes showed great success in many situations. So, we have compared the efficacy of Tuoren video laryngoscope, Airtraq optical laryngoscope and Macintosh laryngoscope in terms of number attempts of successful intubation and time taken to intubate adult patients. Materials and Methods: Ninety adult patients undergoing elective surgery were divided into three groups to achieve tracheal intubation with Tuoren video laryngoscopes (Group T), Airtraq (Group A) and Macintosh (Group M). The primary objective was number of attempts required for successful intubation with three devices......
Keywords: Intubation; Laryngoscopes; Anesthesia; Heart rate; Blood pressure.
Thim T, Krarup NH, Grove EL, Rohde CV, Løfgren B. Initial Assessment And Treatment With The Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability, Exposure (ABCDE) Approach. Int J Gen Med 2012;5:117-21.
Macintosh RR: A New Laryngoscope Blade. Lancet 1943;1:205.
Aziz MF, Dillman D, Fu R, Brambrink AM. Comparative Effectiveness Of The C-MAC Video Laryngoscope Versus Direct Laryngoscopy In The Setting Of The Predicted Difficult Airway. Anesthesiol 2012;116:629-36.
Silverberg MJ, Li N, Acquah SO, Kory PD. Comparison Of Video Laryngoscopy Versus Direct Laryngoscopy During Urgent Endotracheal Intubation: A Randomized Controlled Trial Crit Care Med 2015;43:636-41.
Yumul R, Elvir-Lazo OL, White PF Et Al. Comparison Of Three Video Laryngoscopy Devices To Direct Laryngoscopy For Intubating Obese Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J Clin Anesth. 2016;31:71-7.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Awareness About The Practice Of Expressed Breastmilk Feeding Among Working Women In An Urban Setup |
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Authors | : | xxx |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2403016269 ![]() |
Abstract: Objective: To assess the awareness about practice of expressed breastmilk feeding among working women. Methods: This cross-sectional observational study was conducted in Chennai city within a period of 5 months from May 2018 to September 2018. Working women attending the OPD at ESI Hospital, KK Nagar were included. The data was collected through interview method using a pretested questionnaire. Multi-variable logistic regression model was developed considering EBF practice as dependent and the significant independent variables. Results were reported as Crude Odds Ratio (COR) or Adjusted Odds Ratio (AOR) with 95% Confidence Intervals (CIs).......
Keywords: Expression of Breastmilk, Working women, Practice
International Institute For Population Sciences (IIPS) And Macro International. National Family Health Survey (NFHS-3), 2005-06: India: Volume I. Mumbai, India: IIPS, 2007.
Socioeconomic Determinants Of Breastfeeding Practices In South India - A Hospital-Based Cross-Sectional Study Sridevi A Naaraayan1, Dorairaj Priyadharishini1, R Geetha2, A Vengatesan2 From 1Department Of Pediatrics, Institute Of Child Health & Hospital For Children, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, 2Directorate Of Medical Education, Kilpauk, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India Rapid Industrialization And Urbanization Increases The Stress
Effectiveness Of Structured Teaching Program On Knowledge And Attitude Regarding Expression And Storage Of Breast Milk Among Employed Postnatal Mothers In Sothupakkam, Kanchipuram District By Ms. G. Elaiyamudha
Health Topics. Breast Feeding. In: World Health Organization; 2016. Available From:
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