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Abstract: In this study Karasek's Job-demand control model has been applied to this research for the purpose offinding the relationship between the effect of support available at one's workplace, the amount of decision making authority available to be exercised by one as well as job demand upon the level of experienced job strain indicated by the employees'. A sample of 80 was taken from private sector organizations'. Employing a survey research design, non-probability convenient sampling method was used to gather the pool of data. The sample had a clear distinction between an equal number of both male and female participants. Linear Regression and Correlation were the statistical tolls that measured the data by using SPSS and MS Excel to identify the relationship between support, decision making.............
[1] Fagerlinda, C.A., Gustavssonb, M., Johanssona, G., Ekberg, K. (2013). Experience of work-related flow: Does high decision latitude enhance benefits gained from job resources? Journal of Vocational Behavior, Volume 83, Issue 2, 161–170
[2] Grohol, M.J., Nauert, R. (2006).Job Strain, Burnout and Depression.Psych Central
[3] Torp, S., Gudbergsson, S., Dahl, A., Fossa, D.S., Flotten, T. (2011).Social support at work and work changes among cancersurvivors in Norway.Scandinavian Journal of Public Health,Suppl 6, 33–42
[4] Kuper, H., Marmot, M., (2002).Job strain, job demands, decision latitude, and risk of coronary heart disease within the Whitehall II study.JEpidemiol Community Health, Vol5, 147-153
[5] Johnson, J. V., Hall, E.M. (1988). Job strain, work place social support, and cardiovascular disease: a cross-sectional study of a random sample of the Swedish working population. American Journal of Public Health October, Vol. 78, No. 10, 1336-1342.
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Abstract: The Loktak, a Ramsar Protected Site under the Ramsar Convention, is the largest freshwater lake in North East India, located in Bishnupur district in the Imphal Valley, Manipur. The construction of Loktak Multipurpose Hydro Electric Project was taken up by the Ministry of Irrigation and Power, Government of India in 1971 and was commissioned by the Government of India on 4th June, 1983 with the National Hydro Electric Power Corporation (NHPC) executing the project. The present paper aims to find out the adverse impact on the socio-economic condition that the project which aims to generate 103 MW of electricity and irrigate 24,000 hectares of land in the oval shape Imphal Valley. On the contrary, the impact of the project which aims to generate sufficient electricity and irrigate extensive agricultural land, has adversely affected the eco system of Loktak lake and has also flooded around 80,000 acres of land in............
Keywords: Submergence, Self-sufficient, Artificial reservoir, devastated homesteads, Indigenous fishes.
[1] Joykumar, N.(1993). "Ithai Barrage: A Danger to The Identity of the People of Manipur" in Gangmumei Kabui (ed); Ithai Barrage A Boon or Scourge For Manipur, The All Manipur Ithai Barrage People's Organization
[2] Kosygin L. (2002). Limnological Studies of Loktak Lake with special reference to role of Phumdis in the Lake. In Management of Phumdis in Loktak Lake, (eds Trisal, C.L. and Manihar, Th.), Wetlands International South Asia and Loktak Development Authority Publication, pp. 18-21.
[3] LDA and WISA. (2004). "Sustainable Development and Water resources management of Loktak Lake". Technical Report, Submitted to India Canada Environment Facility, New Delhi.
[4] LDA and WISA.( 2008). "Management action plan for Loktak and associated wetlands integrating Manipur river basin". Loktak: Newsletter, 4: 8 -10.
[5] Mitre, Vishnu, Prasad, K. V. and Guha, P. K. (1986). "Technical report by members of multidisciplinary survey of the Loktak Lake". Submitted to the Government of Manipur in 1981..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Role of Education in Achieving Millennium Development Goals |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Mamta Sharma || Dr. Keshav Dev |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2211011823 ![]() |
Abstract: Education is a key factor in achieving Millennium Development Goals. Education can help lift people out of poverty. Education equips people with the knowledge and skills they need to increase income and expand employment opportunities. Equal schooling for both boys and girls is the foundation for development. No other policy intervention is likely to have a more positive multiplier effect on progress across all the MDGs than the education of women and girls. Education saves young lives. Evidence shows a strong correlation between educating women and girls and higher maternal and child life expectancy as well as improvements in child and family health and nutrition. Girls and women who are educated are far more likely to immunize their children.............
[1] UNESCO. 2011. Aid brief: Recent trends in aid to education. EFA Global Monitoring Report website Paris.
[2] UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet). 2009. Education For Sustainable Development. Second
Collection of Good Practice. Paris.
[3] UNICEF. 2004. Girls, HIV/AIDS and Education. New York.
[4] Vandermoote, J. and Delmonica, E. 2000. Education ‗vaccine' against HIV/AIDS. Current Issues in
[5] Comparative Education. Vol. 3, No1. Watkins., K. 2010. When learning saves lives: education and child mortality.
World Education Blog
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Section 57 of ICT Act: A threat to the freedom of expression through the suit of defamation |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Munmun Saha |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2211012427 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to draw how the cyber law is being abused by the political leader, affluent people of our country. The country of Bangladesh believes in the equal contribution of every people. To make our country great, our Constitution has introduced the idea of freedom of expression. The action which is taken by any public figure can be questioned if anyone thinks that it is against the interest of people and obviously through the application of some restrictions .So comment or criticism on public matter cannot be stopped by filing suit on the base of defamation. If we do not take necessary steps to stop the misuse of defamation under section 57 of ICT Act then the idea of freedom of expression will be a joke.
Keywords: Freedom of Expression, Defamation, Case, Criticism, Restrictions
[1] accessed on 12.10.2017
[2] Article 39 of Bangladesh Constitution.
[3] Article 39(2) of Bangladesh Constitution
[4] Chowdhury, M. Jashim Ali. "Freedom of Speech, Expression and Press", An introduction to The Constitutional Law of Bangladesh (Chittagong, Book Zone Publication, 2017) 217- 237
[5] Ahmed, Dr.Julfiquar. "Cyber Defamation", A text book on cyber law in Bangladesh ( Nilkhet, Dhaka, Hasan law books, 2017) 417- 431.
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Abstract: Continuous research is needed to be conducted in order to find out the professionalism of PAI teachers at the Elementary Schools, Binjai, with the title of this research, "Correlation of Work Motivation, Innovative Attitude, Self-Concept, and Organizational Climate with the Islamic Education Teachers' Professionalism at Binjai" as the guidance for Binjai City Administration and the Ministry of Religion in improving the Islamic education teachers at the Elementary Schools. The result of the analysis in this dissertation showed that 1) there was positive and significant correlation between work motivation and PAI teachers' professionalism at the Elementary Schools, Binjai, 2) there was positive and significant correlation between innovative attitude and PAI teachers' professionalism at the Elementary Schools, Binjai, 3) there was positive and significant correlation between self-concept and PAI teachers' professionalism at the Elementary............
Keywords: WorkMotivation, Innovative Attitude, Self-Concept, AndOrganization Climate With The Islamic Education Teachers'Professionalism.
[1]. A.Anggrillidan Helfat, L.,1981. Child Psychology. New York: Boreus & Noble Books.
[2]. Michael Hubermandan Matthew Miles, 1984. Innovation Up Close: How School Improvement Work
(New York: Plenum Press.
[3]. ArfanIkhsandanIndraMaipita, 2011. PerilakuOrganisasi. Medan: Madenatera.
[4]. DjamaluddinAncok, 2012. PsikologiKepemimpinan&Inovasi, Jakarta, Erlangga.
[5]. ElizabethB.Hurlock, 1993. Child Development. terjMeitasariTjandrasa, cet. 2. Jakarta:PenerbitErlangga
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Towards the understanding of surnames and naming patterns in Meitei society |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Bobita Sarangthem |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2211013543 ![]() |
Abstract: Meiteis are the major ethnic group in Manipur, a North East Indian state. Surnames came into existence before king Loiyumpa (1074-1122 AD). Surname is part of a personal name that is passed from either or both parents to their offspring. Surnames in Meitei society are derived from father‟s name. Meiteis have 7 clans and each clan has several surnames. In the 14th century A.D during the reign of King Kiyamba, Brahmins from the mainland of India started to come and settled in Manipur. They have been given different surnames except the seven clans. Again, during the reign of King Khagemba, in the 16th century, Muslims from Bengal started to settle at Manipur, known as Pangal [paŋəl]. These people are now known by the name Meitei pangal. They also have been given with different surnames except the seven clans. This paper is an attempt to provide some insights of surnames and naming patterns in Meitei society and their importance in the society
Keywords: Bamon, clan, Meitei, Pangal, surname.
[1] Chinglen, Ningombam, Ningthourol Inot - Ahanba Saruk, (N Gokulchand Meetei, Wangkhei Angom
Leikai, Imphal, 2015)
[2] Manikchand, Konsam, Loiyumpa Silyel-The Ancient Constitution of Manipur (Konsam Imo Singh,
Khurai Konsam Leikai, Imphal, 2012)
[3] Mc Culloch, W, Account of the Valley of Munnipore and of the Hill tribes; with a comparative
Vocabulary of the other Munnipore and other languages (Calcutta: Foreign Dept. Govt. of India, 1859).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Women's development problems and prospects |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Kaitha Satheesh |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2211014448 ![]() |
Abstract: Women, one of the Nations, are still in social in social bondage and have suffered greatly in human history. They suffered lack of social liberty, child marriages, polygamy enforced widowhood and want of education. . They do arduous work as wage earners, casual labour in paid and unpaid family labour. a large number of women workers and agricultural labourers suffer from various problem. Female infanticide a higher mortality rate, higher morbidity rate, lower literacy rate levels, lower levels of employment adverse sex ratio. The girl child is discriminated against from birth, and indeed oven before birth..............
Keywords: Women development social liberty equality education employment political participation
[1] A.Anuradha 2004 Empowerment of Rural Women
[2] Bhatia Anju 2000 " Women Development and NGOs". Rawat Publication, New Delhi.
[3] Bala, Neetu 2007 Economic Reforms and Growth of Small Scale Industries: Deep and Deep Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
[4] Bhagyalakshmi, J. 2004 Women‟s empowerment
[5] Kishor, S. and Gupta, K. 2004 Women‟s empowerment in India and its states. Economic and Political Weekly.
[6] Lipi 2009 "Women Empowerment: Globalization and Opportunities" in Empowerment of Rural Women in India Kanishka Publishers, New Delhi.
[7] Monica das gupta, Lincoln c chen, T.n Krishnan 1998 women‟s health in India: risk and vulnerability
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Abstract: The development of globalization looks like not much influence the ritual tradition of "disaster rejection" are often carried by Malay society especially in Pantai Labu district of Deli Serdang. We still can meet almost all local traditions and "disaster rejection" ritual still implemented. As one of local wisdom, it is necessary for us to we preserve and keep the ritual as Nation assets. For cognitive anthropology, culture is known in two strategies as proposed by Kutowijoyo, first, culture is understood from the outside to inside which is related to the physical environment to the social system and the effect on the system of symbols. Secondly, culture is understood from the inside to outside, it means that the value system influences the system of symbols and will ultimately influences the social system of the society............
Keywords: Disaster rejection, ritual, Malay people
[1]. Abdullah, Irwan. 2002. Simbol, Makna, dan Pandangan Hidup Melayu. Yogyakarta: Balai Kajian Sejarah & Nilai Tradisional.
[2]. Abdullah, Irwan. 2008. Agama dan Kearifan Lokal dalam Tantangan Global. Yogyakatra: Sekolah Pascasarjana UGM bekerja sama dengan Pustaka Pelajar.
[3]. Ahmadi, Abu. 1986. Antropologi Budaya. Surabaya: CV Pelangi.
[4]. Amin, Rais Mohammad. 2008. Keragaman Masyarakat Ujung Bone: Sebuah Ritual "Addewatang Putang Sereng" di Sulawesi Selatan. (Irwan Abdullah ed). Agama dan Kearifan Lokal Dalam Tantangan Global. Yogyakarta: Sekolah Pascasarjana UGM Bekerja sama dengan Pustaka Pelajar.
[5]. Basri, Irsyan. 2014. Komodifikasi Ritual Duata pada Etnik Bajo di Kabupaten Wakatobi Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Denpasar: Universitas Udayana.
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Abstract: In essence, language is a product of a particular culture itself involves values and social life as well as what is believed by society. Culture is living powers of ordinary people about values, beliefs, and prejudice owned by society. Language is initially using spoken language but for this purpose it is used the data is written to be diverted into English. The structure and use of vocabulary written text is not different from the spoken text. However suprasugmental elements contained in the texts can not be appeared in the text of this paper.
Keywords: Culture, Text, Suprasegmental, Translation
[1]. Baker, Mona. In Other Words : A Course Book On Translation London: Roudledge. 1997
[2]. Hagfors, Irma. The Translation of Culture-Bound Elements Into Finnish In the post-war period. Meta, Vol Xl VIII, 1-2, 2003.
[3]. Hornby. Mary Snell. Translation Studies; An Integreted Approach Amsterdam/Philadelpia: John Benyamin Publishing Company. 1998.
[4]. Katan, David. Translating Cultures; An Introduction To Translator, Interpreter And Mediator. Danvers: St. Jerome publishing. 1999.
[5]. Newmark, Peter. A texk book of translation . Hertfordsire: Phoenix Elt. 1995
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Abstract: Sociology study on literary works is the objective and sciences study concerning to human, social and the process of social in society. Sociology of literature studies about the way of growth and development of society. The speed of social life can be seen through various creation of literature in society. A creation of literature contains of expressing, feeling, thinking, and also several events experienced by rhymist. Not only prosa, fiction, and drama are catagorized as genre of literature, lyric is also the genre of literature creation. The statement above is justified because the lyric in song is also poetry. The creation of literature is not only to express the idea but also write society experience in author's creation. The lyric in song "Manyongot" tell about the form of local wisaom culture of Malay in Tanjung Balai. Tanjunng Balai is a heterogenic city consists of Bataknese, Mandailing, Nias and Minang but characterized as Malay in daily activity. The activity of Monyongot can be a prooven how crucial the relationship between the cration of literature and society
Keywords: Literature of sociology, Manyongot, Malay culture, lyric, local wisdom
[1]. Damono.. Kajian Sastra dalam Antropologi Masyarakat. Jogjakarta: Rineka Cipta. 2002
[2]. Endraswara. Preskpektif Sosiologi Sastra. Bandung: Angkasa. 2004
[3]. Faruk, Dr. Pengantar Sosiologi Sastra, dari Strukturalisme Sampai Post-modernisme. Yogyakarta : Pustaka Pelajar. 2003
[4]. Moelioni, dkk. Apresiasi Sastra dan Puisi. Jakarta: Erlangga. 2007
[5]. Retno. Sastra dan Masyarakat. Jogjakarta: Pustaka Belajar. 2009
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Abstract: The video game industry has a relatively short history if it is compared to other media industries, such as the film industry, which has a history more than a hundred years. The first video game industry is operated video game coin, Galaxy Game in 1971, this industry is forty years old. Of course, video game is developed previously, but it is not used for business transactions between providers and consumers. Research about playing video games has been widely done and is generally done by urban communities. This study is conducted to explore more information about the culture of playing video games in the perspective of the Leisure Class Midle Lower in Jember District. There are 16 informants who will be the source of data derived from militant gamers.............
Keywords: Culture of playing; video game; leisure class; social-culture observation.
[1] Abu -Lughod, Lila.1993. Finding a Place for Islam : Egyptian Television Serials and the National Interest, London: Routledge
[2] Ahlstrom, M.,Lundberg, N. R., 2012. Me, My Spouse, And My Avatar: The Relationship between Marital Satisfaction and Playing Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs), Journal of Leisure Research, 44(1), 1+ Retrieved from
[3] Alverson, B. 2016. Game Changers:Books Based on Video Games and Their Characters Have Broad Appeal, School Library Journal, 6(11), 30+Retrieved from
[4] _________, 2004. Dramas of Nationhood : The Politics of Television in Egypt, Chicago, IL : University of Chicago Press.
[5] Askew Kelly, Wilk Richard, 2002. The Anthropology of Media : A Reader. Oxford : Blackwell
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Abstract: Related to corruption crime In Indonesia, it is regulated according to Article 2 and 3 of Law no. 31 Year 1999 Jo. UU no. 20 of 2001, which according to the provision determines the threat of death penalty for the corruptors who conduct the corruption "in certain cases" that is if the state is in an economic crisis, it means not all acts of corruption are threatened with the death penalty, even though the death penalty in positive law is allowed. Similarly, according to the provisions of Islamic criminal law, where the act of corruption is identical with Sariqah (stealing) so that according to Alqur'an and hadith, the act can be put to death because Sariqah has made the destruction of the earth. So whether by positive law or Islamic criminal law, the death penalty can apply to corruptors, but in reality the death penalty is never decided by the Judge in court.
Keywords: Death penalty; corruptor; positive law; Islamic criminal
[1] Arsyad, Jawade Hafidz, Korupsi Dalam Perspektif HAN, 2013, Sinar Grafika, Jakarta.
[2] Atmasasmita, Romli, Pengkajian Mengenai Implikasi Konvensi Menentang Korupsi 2003 ke Dalam Sistem Hukum Nasional, 2004, Proposal, Departemen Kehakiman dan HAM-RI, Badan Pembinaan Hukum Nasional, Jakarta.
[3] Klitgaard, Robert, Penuntut Pemberantasan Korupsi Dalam Pemerintahan Daerah, Alih Bahasa Masri Maris, 2005, Yayasan Obor Indonesia, Jakarta.
[4] Marpaung, Laden, Tindak Pidana Korupsi, Pemberantasan dan Pencegahan, 2007, Djambatan, Jakarta.
[5] Nurwahidah, Eksekusi Hukuman Mati Di Indonesia (Tinjauan Hukum Pidana Islam), Jurnal Hukum, 2009, Fakultas Syariah dan Ekonomi Islam, Banjarmasin
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Learning beyond Classroom |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. K. Lalitha Bai |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2211018385 ![]() |
Abstract: The belief that many teachers strongly possess is that learning depends primarily on the teacher. The revolutionary changes that took place in the education system emphasize the need of a learner- centered approach. The diverse and marginally prepared student population entering into higher education is one reason for shifting to this approach. The demand of rapidly changing information is another reason. In this approach the role of teacher and student just reverses. From the predominant role as an active participant the teacher‟s role shifts to a facilitator in making the student as active participant. The teacher frames a mind map and develops a deeper and more understanding of what goes on in the mind of the learner. Teaching process should proceed in such a manner where a learner becomes a communicator and creator himself becomes one of them. Learner should be given the freedom to create his own views and opinions in the process of language learning. The process of learning and teaching should go side by side.
[1] Brown, H. Douglas. Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy, Prentice Hall: 1994.
[2] Brumfit, Christopher. Communicative Methodology in Language Teaching, Cambridge University Press, 1984.
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Abstract: This study investigated the parenting practices influencing outcomes of primary school children in Rarieda Sub-county. The Functionalism theory which views the society as a structure with symbiotic parts was used. A descriptive survey research design and co-relational design were used. The target population was 9,300 Standard 7 and 8 Pupils. Other respondents consisted of one Sub County Education Officer and 510 teachers from 120 Sub-County Primary Schools. Purposive sampling technique was used to select 10% from each of the schools, teachers and sub county education officer while simple random sampling was used to select 10% of pupils (girls, boys' and co-educational) from standard seven and eight classes. The sample size consisted of 930 Standard 7 and 8 Pupils, 1 Sub County Education Officer and 51 Teachers.............
Keywords: Parenting, Practices, Academic, Poverty, Children, Rarieda
[1] M. U. Akpa., N.C. Ojinnaka, E.E. Ekanem, .Academic performance of school children with behavioral
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Parental Involvement and Secondary School Students' Academic Achievement, Education Research
International Volume 2011, Article ID 915326, 1-10, doi:10.1155/2011/915326.
[3] UNESCO (2017). Access to quality education. International Institute for Education Planning. Retrieved
[4] Ireland (2004). Constitution of Ireland. Dublin: Oifig ant Soláthair.
[5] United Nations (2009). Universal Declaration on Human Rights. Retrieved from
[6] K.P. King, Bringing transformative learning to life: Understandings its meanings and opportunities for
learners and educators. Malabar, FL : Krieger, 2005.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impact of Indian agriculture on the economy, possibilities and challenges |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Vikram Singh Yadav |
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: | 10.9790/0837-221101104107 ![]() |
Abstract: Agriculture: India was primarily an agricultural economy until it changed in line with world economies over the years. India ranks second in the world in terms of agricultural production. In 2005 18.6% of GDP was contributed by agriculture and related sectors such as fishing, forestry and logging and provided employment for 60% of the total workforce. The government has taken several steps to maintain agricultural production and its economy. In this research, we will study the arrangements made by the Reserve Bank of India for its development.
[1]. District Cooperative Central Bank Limited Annual Report 2007-2012
[2]. District Cooperative Central Bank Limited Annual Report 2007-2012
[3]. Directorate of Statistics and Economic Statistics Handbook, Government of India.
[4]. Economic, Jagat Government of India, New Delhi
[5]. Yojana, Yojana Bhawan, Parliament Street, New Delhi
[6]. Business Standard, New Delhi
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Abstract: Raja Rao's 1938 novel "Kanthapura" is a seminal piece of postcolonial literature that delves into the intricacies of Indian identity, tradition, and resistance during British colonial rule. Set in a quaint South Indian village, the narrative revolves around the residents' confrontation with the socio-political upheaval of the era. The narrative style of "Kanthapura" is marked by its authentic representation of the subaltern voice, achieved through the use of vernacular language and a non-linear structure reminiscent of oral storytelling. Religion plays a crucial role, acting both as a unifier and a source of division......
KEYWORDS: Postcolonial literature, Subaltern voice, Narrative technique, Vernacular language, Oral tradition, Colonial discourse, National identity, Non-cooperation movement, Satyagraha, Caste system.
[1]. Ambedkar, B. R. (1936). An undelivered speech on the untouchables and the problem of Hindu society. In B. R. Ambedkar: Writings and Speeches, Vol. 5. Education Department, Government of Maharashtra.
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[3]. Guha, R. (1988). The small voice of history. In R. Guha (Ed.), Subaltern studies: Writings on South Asian history and society (Vol. 5). Oxford University Press.
[4]. Spivak, G. C. (1988). Can the subaltern speak? In C. Nelson & L. Grossberg (Eds.), Marxism and the interpretation of culture. University of Illinois Press.
[5]. Achebe, C. (1958). Things fall apart. Oxford University Press.