Version-3 (November-2017)
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Abstract: The formation of traditional Turkish house which occupies a significant position due to its architectural and cultural features expands from interior to exterior space. The basic planning unit of this house is room. Upper floor which is formed with the merging of rooms is the main living space. That is why the room is the key in planning traditional Turkish house. Outer shell of the house is the outside reflection of interior space. Although the kind of constructional materials used in interior space of house changes with respect to regions, still the general planning principles of the room remain unchanged. Furthermore, application methods of construction materials are also the same in each region and these application methods constitute material application methods of civil Turkish architecture............
Keywords: Application technique, construction material, interior space, Safranbolu, traditional Turkish house
[1] M. Eric. Construction physics and material. (Istanbul: Literature Publishing; 1994).
[2] S.H. Eldem. Turkish house. Ottoman period v1. (Istanbul: Turkish Foundation for Preserving Monuments, Environment and Tourism Assets, 1984).
[3] R.Gunay. Turkish house tradition and Safranbolu houses. (Istanbul: YEM Publishing; 1999).
[4] O.Kuçukerman. The rooms. (Istanbul: Turkish Turing and Automotive Association; 1973).
[5] F.Uluengin, B.Uluengin, M. Uluengin. Classic construction details of Ottoman monumental architecture. (Istanbul: YEM Publishing, 2001).
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Abstract: The blowing music on Batak Toba ethnic of HKBP adherents belongs to big band, because the instruments used are trumpet, tuba, clarinet, saxophone, trombone, percussion (drum type), drums, and keyboard. But Batak Toba ethnic is more familiar with the term blowing music (brass band) than the term big hand, because the term blowing music (brass band) is better known by Batak Toba ethnic since its entry into the land of Batak. The introduction of blowing music to Batak land is in connection with the arrival of German missionaries to Batak land along with the spread of Christianity, which was first introduced by Nommensen in a church service in Silindung (Tarutung). Initially, the blowing music was only used in church services to accompany the song of the church.............
Keywords: Blowing music; ethnic; anthropology; Batak Toba.
[1] Alkitab 2002; Perjanjian Lama,Jakarta : Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia Aritonang ,Tetty Bonawaty 1992 Ensambel Music Tiup Masyarakat Batak Toba di Kota Medan : Analisis Gaya dan Fungsi Sosialnya Pada Upacara Saur Matua.Skripsi Sarjana Fakultas Sastra USU : Medan
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Verbal Symbols of Islamic Communication Ethics at Gayo Ethnic in Central Aceh, Indonesia |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Marhamah |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2211032032 ![]() |
Abstract: Culture is a sign system (semiotic), so that to explain the concepts of signs in language it will be very appropriate if it is studied with semiotic. Culture can be said as a concept expressed in symbolic form through which humans communicate using language. Communication plays an important role in human life, because human beings as social beings require others to interact. It is a fact that most human beings are formed from social integration with their neighbors. The verbal symbols of ethical communication ethics in Gayo ethnic language in Central Aceh District are seen in the use of speech used in everyday life based on the kinship system and position or function (title). The denotative meaning in this speech can be understood from the meaning in the Gayo language. Meanwhile the connotative meaning in this speech is understood based on Gayo's cultural values. Understanding the connotative meaning of this speech becomes a reference in using speech in accordance with the context.
Keywords: Al Quran; verbal symbol; Islamic communication; ethics
[1] Abd. Gani, Zulkiple. Islam, Komunikasi dan Teknologi Maklumat. Kuala Lumpur: Utusan Publications & Distributors Sdn. Bhd, 2001.
[2] Abdul Baqi, Muhammad Fuad. Shahih Al Bukhari, Jilid I. Jakarta: Pustaka As Sunnah, 2007.
[3] Alwasilah, A. Chaedar. Pengantar Sosiologi Bahasa. Bandung: Angkasa, 1997.
[4] Aminuddin, Semantik. Bandung: Sinar Baru, 1988.
[5] Amir, Mafri Etika Komunikasi Massa Dalam Pandangan Islam. akarta: Logos, 1999.
[6] al-Gayoni, Yusradi Usman. Tutur Gayo, (Jakarta: RCIG, 2012.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Cultural Diversity: An Approach to Multiculturalism |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Md. AyubMallick |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2211033337 ![]() |
Abstract: People feel that the prescription for perceived linear process of development is the result of dangerous cultural homogeneity. But peoples have their own ways of life as value, as right, as responsibility and as their opportunity. For culture and development to come together harmoniously and for humanity to progress authentically each and every individual seeks a strong sense of identity as well as community. Salad-bowl pluralism is essential to establish and flourish democratic initiatives. We should not recognize mono-cultural and mono-lingual expansionism, but we should construct our identities by recognizing one‟s self and the other without losing sight of other. We need not Western expansionism. In fact, human cultural behaviour is learned and dynamic. Cultural diversity essentially unfolds itself in different castes, races, religions, tribes, contesting voices and oral languages etc. Everyone should be included in the......
[1]. Amyot, Grant. 1985. Review – Democracies: Patterns of Majoritarian and Consensus Government in Twenty-One Countries. Canadian Journal of Political Science (Vol. 18: No. 1).
[2]. Boskin, Joseph. 1968. Opposition Politics (New York: Glencoe Press).
[3]. Chatterjee, Partha. 1986. Nationalist Thought and the Colonial World: A Derivative Discourse? (London: Zed Books).
[4]. Chatterjee, Partha. 1993. The Nation and Its Fragments (Princeton: Princeton University Press).
[5]. Forgacs, David. 1988. An Antonio Gramsci Reader (New York: Schocken Books).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Media freedom and Legislative Privilege: A Case study in Karnataka |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Bhargavi D Hemmige |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2211033842 ![]() |
Abstract: The conflict between media freedom and legislative privilege came to the forefront on June 21, 2017 when editors of two Kannada tabloids Ravi Belagere and Anil Raju of Hi Bangalore and Yelahanka Voice, were sentenced to a one-year prison term and a fine of Rs 10,000 by the Karnataka assembly headed by the Speaker K.B Koliwad, on a recommendation of the House Privileges Committee of Karnataka State Assembly for allegedly publishing defamatory articles against a few of its members. This was for publishing an allegedly defamatory article by Ravi Belegere on Koliwad, than just a Member of Legislative Assembly of Congress Party, (it could also raise questions of conflict of interest in Koliwad, who himself had moved the breach of privilege in 2014, presently........
[1]. Edward S Hermen & Robert W Mc.Chensy (1998) The Global Media
[2]. Erskine May (2004) Treatise on the Law, Privileges, Proceedings and Usage of Parliament, 23rd edn,
Lexis Nexis, U.K.
[3]. Kaul M.N and Shakdher S.L (2001) Practice and Procedure of Parliament
[4]. Lok Sabha Secretariat (2004) Question of Privilege
[5]. Naomi Klein (2002) Fences and Windows.
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Abstract: Teaching is a powerful way of inculcating the essential knowledge that could be employed in helping students become responsible citizens in future. The teachers should integrate current topics and relevant concepts into their classrooms. They should choose a model that suits the reality and interest of their students, which is functional and effective. Creative thinking lesson plans provide children with opportunities to develop and practice higher-order thinking skills. The teachers incorporate concept maps into their instruction to visualize and measure the depth, breadth and organization of the students' knowledge. With its help, teachers can firstly understand the prior knowledge of students and consequently revise...............
Keywords: Concept maps, Group Concept Mapping Model, Lesson Template, Innovation, Science teaching
[1] Benedict, K. Y. (2001). Non-Formal Models in Chemistry Education. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation,
University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram.
[2] Educational Goals and Objectives. A Guide to Developing Learner Based Instruction. Retrieved 10 May 2017 from
[3] Briggs, G., Shamma, D. A., Cañas, A. J., Carff, R., Scargle, J., & Novak, J. D. (2004). Concept maps applied to Mars exploration public outreach. In A. J. Cañas, J. D. Novak & F. González (Eds.), Concept maps: Theory, methodology, technology. Proceedings of the first international conference on concept mapping (Vol.
I, pp. 109-116). Pamplona, Spain: Universidad Pública de Navarra.
[4] Cañas, A. J., Ford, K. M., Novak, J. D., Hayes, P., Reichherzer, T., &Suri, N. (2001). Online concept maps: Enhancing collaborative learning by using technology with concept maps. The Science Teacher, 68(4), 49-51.
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Abstract: From the perspective of positive psychology or holism, mental health may include an individual's ability to enjoy life, and create a balance between life activities and efforts to achieve psychological resilience. The present study is making an attempt to identify the relationship between academic resilience and protective factors among senior secondary school students. The data was collected from 200 secondary school students of Kasganj district in Uttarpradesh with due weightage to gender and type of school. Sample was selected using simple random sampling technique and the data was collected using Academic Resilience Scale and Protective Factors Scale. Mean difference analysis and correlation were the major statistical techniques used in the study. The result of the study revealed that there is a positive correlation between academic resilience and protective factors among secondary school students.
Keywords: Academic Resilience, Protective Factors, Secondary school students
[1]. Fraser, M.W., Kirby, L.D., & Smokowski, P.R. (2004). Risk and resilience in childhood. In M.W. Fraser. Risk and resilience in childhood: An ecological perspective, Washington, DC: NASW Press, 13-66.
[2]. Gizir, C.M. (2004). Academic Resilience: An Investigation Of Protective Factors Contributing to the Academic Achievement of Eight Grade Students in Poverty.
[3]. McLaren, S.and Challis, C. (2009). Resiliency among men farmers: The protective roles of social support and sense of belonging in the depression-suicidal ideation relation. Death Studies, 33(3), 262-276
[4]. McLaren, S.and Challis, C. (2009). Resiliency among men farmers: The protective roles of social support and sense of belonging in the depression-suicidal ideation relation. Death Studies, 33(3), 262-276.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The health system in Zambia, merits, opportunities and challenges |
Country | : | Zambia |
Authors | : | Field Phiri || Margaret Phiri |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2211035663 ![]() |
Abstract: Zambia has a legislative and institutional framework designed to ensure good delivery of health services and the desired coordination of the various levels and actors. The legislation is inadequate, however. For example, 14 applicable acts were enacted more than 50 years ago, and some are irrelevant to current health sector dynamics. Additionally, most new policies and legislation are still in draft form. In 2005, the coordination challenge was exacerbated by the repeal (without replacement) of the 1995 National Health Services Act, which had approved the establishment of health boards. The lack of an act to provide a framework for the organization of health services has created a situation where the health sector operates in a legislative vacuum. Much activity has gone into developing specific areas of policy without the...........
Keywords : Ministry of Health Trained medical providers Primary Health care Rural Health facility Poverty Income
[1]. This heading is not assigned a number.
[2]. A reference list MUST be included using the following information as a guide. Only cited text references are included. Each reference is referred to in the text by a number enclosed in a square bracket (i.e., [3]).
References must be numbered and ordered according to where they are first mentioned in the
paper, NOT alphabetically.
[3]. Examples follow:
[4]. Journal Papers:
[5]. M Ozaki, Y. Adachi, Y. Iwahori, and N. Ishii, Application of fuzzy theory to writer recognition of Chinese characters, International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, 18(2), 1998, 112-116. (8)
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Abstract: The present study concerned about the fish marketing in Singra fish landing center based on existing marketing system economic futures of marketing activities and in efficiencies in Singra fish marketing is all most exclusively a preserved of the private sector where livelihoods of a large number of people are associated with fish distribution and marketing system. The market chain from producers to consumers passes through a number of intermediaries: local traders agents and suppliers, wholesalers and retailers. In Singra fish landing center 80% fishes are imported form Chalan beel 20% form various fisheries resources. It estimated that the amount of supplied fishes 60% is carp fish, 20% is small fish and 20% is cat fish
Keywords: Fish marketing, marketing channel, profit margin, Singrafish landing center Bangladesh
[1] Ahmed M, Rab A, Bimbao MP. Household socioeconomics, resource use and fish marketing in two thanas in Bangladesh. 1993; ICLARM Tech. Rep. ,40. 82 pp.
[2] Ahmed, M., Rab, A. and Bimbao, M.P., 1993.Household socioeconomics, resource use and fish marketingin two thanas in Bangladesh. ICLARM Tech. Rep., 40. 82 pp.
[3] Ahmed, N. 1957.Description of some problems of different fish market of East-Pakistan their solution.Pakistan J. Sci. Lahor.5(1): 10 pp.
[4] Ahmed, N. 1993. Storage Marketing and transporting system of Fishing industry. Directorate of fisheries.
Est Pakistan Govt. Press Dacca.
[5] BOBP (Bay of Bengal Programme), 1985. Marine small scale fisheries of Bangladesh: a general
description, Madras, FAO Bay of Bengal Programme. 59 pp
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Gender Represented In the Gothic Novel |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Asmat Nabi |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2211037377 ![]() |
Abstract: The genre of Gothic became one of the most popular of the late 18th and early 19th century, and the novel usually regarded as the first Gothic novel is Horace Walpole's The Castle of Otranto, first published in 1764.1 The first great practitioner of the Gothic novel, as well as the most popular novelist of the eighteenth century in England, was Ann Radcliffe.2 She added suspense, painted evocative landscapes and moods or atmosphere, portrayed increasingly complex, fascinatingly-horrifying, evil villains, and focused on the heroine and her struggle with the male tyrant. Her work The Italian (1797) have the ability to thrill and enthrall readers. Inspired by Radcliffe, a more sensational type of Gothic romance, exploiting horror and violence, flourished in Germany and was introduced to England by Matthew Gregory Lewis with The Monk (1796). The novel follows the lust- driven monk Ambrosio from one abominable...........
Keywords: Male, Female, Gothic, Victim
[1] Chris Baldick, In Frankenstein‟s Shadow: Myth, Monstrosity and Nineteenth-Century Writing (Oxford: Clarendon, 1987)
[2] Georges Bataille, Literature and Evil (London: Marion Boyars, 1973) Fred Botting, Gothic (London: Routledge, 1996)
[3] Julia Briggs, Night Visitors: The Rise and Fall of the English Ghost Story (London: Faber and Faber, 1977)
[4] Peter Brooks, "Virtue and Terror: The Monk,‟ English Literary History, 40 (1973), 249-63
[5] Marshall Brown, "Philosophical View of the Gothic Novel,‟ Studies in Romanticism, 26 (1987), 275-301
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Abstract: Green marketing is going to be proactive topic with it steps into the world of the consumers where consumers are not only aware for the multiple brands and their perceived quality but also they have started to pay more attention to the environment and thereby becoming more eco friendly. Therefore the companies are also exploring the various ways for communicating with the customers so that customers can be retained as loyal for long by adopting green marketing. The aim of the study is how consumer buying behavior is affected by the green marketing. How demand could be enhanced by pursuing the green strategies. The results from this illustrates that companies need to increase their communication with the customers for going green, and that attributes like price and quality are more important than "environmental responsibility". The research study took place in selected districts of Tamilnadu. The data has to be collected from well structured questionnaire to understand the importance of green and sustainable development, in addition to books, journals, and websites.
Keywords: Green marketing, consumer behavior, green management, sustainability
[1] Jaya Tiwari,(2016), "Green marketing in India: An Overview", IOSR Journal of Business and
Management (IOSR-JBM), e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668, Pages 33-40.
[2] Meghna Sharma & Prachi Trivedi (2016), "Various Green Marketing Variables and Their Effects on
Consumers‟ Buying Behaviour for Green Products" IJLTEMAS, Volume V, Issue I, Pages 1-8.
[3] Shamila Nabi Khan, Muhammad Mohsin (2017), "The Power of Emotional Value: Exploring the Effects of Values on Green Product Consumer Choice Behavior", Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 150,
Pages 65–74..