Version-2 (February-2017)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Promotion of Ethics and Human Values through Teachings of Gautama Buddha |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | John Kanaparthy || Dr. T. Swarupa Rani |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2202020103 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper aims at presenting exemplary philosopher, Siddhartha Gautama Buddha. The Buddha who attained enlightenment under the Bodhi tree presented his philosophy as the world view of the people of the sixth century B.C. The Buddha intended his philosophy to be a practical one, aimed at the happiness of all creatures and he laid out a clear path to the goal and also observation on how to live life wisely. He taught Four Noble Truths and Eight Fold Path. These promote social ethics and individual values.
[2] Dr.BabasahebAmbedkarWritings and Speeches – vol – II (1992) and
[4] David J. Kalupahana (1994)A HISTORY OF BUDDHIST PHILOSOPHY
[5] Richard F. Gombrich (1991)sBUDDHISST PRCEPT AND PRACTICE
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Abstract: Globally, the nexus between migration and development has remained an issue under vigorous academic discourse. Therefore, the process of people migrating to other areas in search of a better life is not a novel one. What has however gained currency is the increasing voluntary movement in the quest for better quality of life by low-skill and low-wage workers as well as high-skill and high-wage workers from less developed rural areas to more developed urban areas, especially among the poor in the developing countries. This is also a situation that has continued to manifest in Gwagwalada, which has resulted in mass influx of people into the area for various reason............
Keywords: Migration; Labour Migration; Development; Rural Area; Urban Area
[1] Adebayo, A. (1989). Youth Unemployment and National Directorate of Employment and Self
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[2] Adedeji, A. and Rowland, L. (1984): Management Problems of Rapid Urbanization in Nigeria. Ile-lfe:
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[3] Adefolalu, A. A. (1977). The Significance of Transportation in Rural Development: Omolade,
Adejuyigbe and Frederick M. Helleiner (eds): Environmental and Spatial Factors in Rural Development
in Nigeria. Pp. 158-164.
[4] Adejugbe, M. A. (2004). Industrialization, Urbanization and Development in Nigeria: An
Introduction in Industrialization, Urbanization and Development in Nigeria 1950-1999. Concept
Publications Limited. Pp. 11, 15-16.
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Abstract: Nalbari district including a large part of the Brahmaputra with its tributaries, such as, Nona, Pagaldia, Burahdia, Borolia etc. has a big wealth of fish fauna. In fact, the success of fisheries in a country depends on proper catch of its fish fauna. Fish catching is one of the oldest occupations of mankind and fish has been also one of the most important food items of the human beings from the primitive time. In India million of people of fishermen community including Kaibarttas have been depending on this occupation. Like other parts of India, fishing is a caste based occupation in Assam and is traditionally practised by the Kaibarttas. Fishing is their only main traditional occupation of livelihood..............
KEY WORDS: Nalbari District, Fishing Tool, Kaibartta, Scheduled Caste
[1] D. K. Bezbaruah, Brahmaputra Upatyakar Kaibartta Jatir Ruparekha, (Guwahati, 1997) 6-14
[3] S. Mitra, Sarala Bangla Abhidhan, (6th edition) 295
[4] R. N. Sarma, Principles of Sociology, (Asia Publishing House, New Delhi, 1971) 50
[5] D. K. Bezbaruah, Brahmaputra Upatyakar Kaibartta Jatir Ruprekha, (Guwahati, 1997) 22
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Abstract: Violence against women is a topical concern of the primate city of Kolkata in the State of West Bengal in India. There has been notable spurt in the incidences of crimes against women between 2001 and 2011 with a decadal growth rate of 8.18 per cent, while an annual growth rate of 80.32 per cent has been recorded from 2011 to 2012 in Kolkata city according to the reports of National Crimes Records Bureau (NCRB). Such victimizations take place regardless of age, socio-economic status as well as domestic and outside domestic frontiers...............
Keywords: - Vulnerability, social environ, domestic violence, dowry deaths, demographic and social status
[2] Heise L. (1998): 'Violence against Women: An Integrated, Ecological Framework', Violence Against Women 4(3),Sage Kolkata Police Records (2001-2015), Government of West Bengal, Kolkata
[3] Shaban, A.(2010): 'Mumbai: A Political Economy of Crime and Space', Orient Black Swan, New Delhi In Electronic Media
[4] Kapoor, S. (2000): 'Domestic Violence against Women and Girls', Innocenti Digest 6,Innocenti Research Centre, Florence, Italy
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Abstract: An industrial unit changes the socio-economic fabric of the vicinity. It gives some benefits to the area and posses certain problems. The thermal power plant named as Kalisindh Thermal Power Project constructed in State Rajasthan is no exception to this. For construction of this power project land of nearby villages viz Devri, Motipura, Nimoda, Singhania and Undal was acquired. Problems of school education in these villages have analyzed to know the difficulties faced by villagers for education of their children. A survey has been carried out on people living in these villages through a structured questionnaire to collect data. Convenience sampling is used for collection of data. Frequency, percentage, simple arithmetic mean and ANOVA are the statistical tools used for the analysis............
Key words :- ANOVA, Convenience Sampling, Socio-Economic Fabric, Social concern.
[1]. Peshkin Alan, "Growing Up American: Schooling and the Survival of Community", Chicago: The
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[2]. Peshkin Alan, "The Imperfect Union", Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1982.
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Development Studies, October, 1998, Vol. 35, No. 1, pg. 39-65.
[5]. Kingdon G. and Jeemol Unni. .Education and Women.s Labour Market Outcomes in India., Education
Economics, August 2001, 9, No. 2: 173-195.
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Abstract: Television culture is pre-dominant in India since the inception of Cable Television. Television is popular among the masses as because the viewers become mesmerized by its feature of visual image. Soapopera as a genre emerged in Television industry as a platform of fashion culture inclusive of costumes, hairstyle, accessories, make-up, and furniture. Since women are the main viewers of Television soap-operas, the researcher conducted the study to find out the Television habits of women and also if the fashion portrayal in the soaps effect the women viewers to follow the same.............
Keywords: Couture house, fashion statement, impact, soap-opera, women television viewers
[1] Aggarwal, Vir. Bala. & V.S. Gupta.(2002). Handbook of Jouirnalism and Mass Communication, New
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[4] Munshi, S.(2010). Prime Time Soap Operas on Indian Television, New Delhi, Routhledge Publication.
[5] Journal Articles
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to investigate the income and spending behaviors of university students, Kilifi County Kenya. in relation to social life and living conditions. Across sectional survey design About 360 Students were randomly selected from the university's schools using stratified and proportionate random sampling technique. The results revealed that majority of the female students spent almost twice the amount they receive from different sources compared to males. The average income of a male student was found as Ksh 5538.50 compared to that of a female student (Ksh 6678.60)..........
Keywords: Income and expenditure, Spending behaviors, Social life, Living conditions, Kenyan Public University students.
[1] Abdullah,M. C., Elias, H., Mahyuddin, R., Uli, J. (2009). Adjustment amongst first year students in a
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[2] Akoojee, S. and Nkomo, M., (2007), 'Access and Quality in South African Higher Education: The Twin
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[4] A potentially stressful event for adolescents with preoccupied attachment patterns.
[5] Attachment and Human Development, 7(2), 171−185
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Abstract: Cross sectional survey design was used on this study among university students in Kilifi - Kenya. A sample size of 364 was used. Stratified random sampling technique and a questionnaire on Knowledge level on HIV and AIDS was administered. The study revealed knowledge level as 90%. Results on student's sex and sexuality revealed that 5.6% had multiple sexual partners, 28.9% had one partner, 93.3% are in heterosexual relationships, and 6.7% practiced lesbianism. Sex methods used emerged with heterosexual (90%) most preferred, oral sex(6.6%) and anal sex (2.67%). 7% of respondents were alcoholics, 7% had been raped, 1% HIV positives.
[1] HIV Surveillance (2014) Annual Report
[2] HIV/AIDS AVERTS Reports (2015)
[3] Idele, P., et al (2014) 'Epidemiology of HIV and AIDS Among Adolescents: Current Status, Inequities,
and Data Gaps
[4] Kenya AIDS Indicator Survey –KAIS, (2012)
[5] Krejcie at al (2002) R.V., & Morgan, D. W. (1970) Determining sample size for research activities,
Educational and psychological measurement, 30, 607-610
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Abstract: Job Satisfaction of employees of any organization is a key factor in the overall progress of that organization. That‟s why many researchers has considered Job Satisfaction as one of the most important influencing factors which can motivate employees to perform their job positively and increase the level of performance as well as their productivity. But it is not very easy to ensure Job Satisfaction of employees because it depends on so many factors. Through the present study an attempt has been made by the investigators to assess the level of Job Satisfaction of Teacher Educators working in different types of B.Ed. colleges in West Bengal in relation to some personal and socio-demographic variables...............
Keywords: Job Satisfaction, Teacher Educators, B.Ed. College
[1] Akhtar, S.N., Hashmi, M.A., and Naqvi, S.I.H. (2010). A Comparative Study of Job Satisfaction in Public and Private School Teachers at Secondary Level. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2 (2), 4222-4228.
[2] Alemi, B. (2014). Job Satisfaction among Afghan Teacher Educators. Teacher Education Master Programme, Unpublished.
[3] Anees, A. (2013). A Comparative study of Job Satisfaction of Teacher Educators working in Public Funded Institutions in Relation to their Work Motivation. Excellence International Journal of Education and Research, 1(3), 250-260.
[4] Anees, A. (2013). A Comparative Study of Job Satisfaction of Teacher Educators Working in Private and Public Funded Institutions in Relation to their Work Motivation And Occupational Aspirations.
[5] Balwaria, R. R. (2013). A Study of Job Satisfaction of Teacher Educators Associated With Professional Variable. International Educational E-Journal (Quarterly), 2 (4), 77-96.
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Abstract: This study examines the adaptation strategies to climate change of small scale farmers in Kakamega County in Kenya.Kakamega County is a rich agricultural area where various food and cash crops are grown. However, changes in climate coupled with declining soil fertility over the area have an impact on crop production, and hence affect food security especially among small scale farmers. The study sought to examine farmer's perceptions to climate change and factors that influenced small scale farmers in adapting to climate change. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. Data from both primary and secondary sources were used. Primary data included Focal Group.............
Keywords: Climatic Change, Adaptation Strategies, constraints, Small scale farmers
[1] Bryan, E., T.T. Deressa, G.A.Gbetibouo, and C.Ringler.( 2009). Adaptation to ClimateChange in Ethiopia and South Africa: Options and Constraints. Environmental Science and Policy12:413-426.
[2] Central Bureau of Statistics, (1999) Ministry of planning and National Development.
[3] Deressa, T.T. (2008). Measuring the Economic Impact of Climate Change on Ethiopian Agriculture: Ricardian Approach.CEEPA DP25, South Africa: University of Pretoria.
[4] Deressa, T., Hassan, R., Ringler, C., Alemu, T., &Yesuf,M. (2008). Analysis of the determinants of farmers' choice of adaptation methods and perceptions of climate change in the Nile basin of Ethiopia.IFPRI Discussion Paper No. 798, Washington. Retrieved from
[5] FAO, (1986b) Tropical Forestry Action Plan Committee on Forest Development in Tropics, UN food and Agriculture Organization, Rome February 12, 2010.