Version-3 (February-2017)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Curriculum Development |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | K Kranthi |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2202030105 ![]() |
Abstract: The study is about curriculum development, importance of curriculum development and guide to Curriculum Development: Purposes, Practices, and Procedures in higher education. Previous studies have shown that curriculum development today is exposed to different pressures to respond to demands in labour markets and in society at large. Less is known about how faculty members engage in curriculum development and how their ways of engaging are related to their understandings of curriculum, and their teaching and research experiences. This research investigates how curriculum is understood in history as a discipline and how the faculty members engage themselves in its development. It also seeks answer of how faculty members' understandings of curriculum, and their teaching and research experience influence their curriculum development work.
Key words: Curriculum, Curriculum Development, Academic Plan, Faculty Members, Higher Education, design, methodology, originality, value
[1] Robin Wolven, (2013) "Curriculum development resources for teachers and school librarians: a selection of resources", Reference Reviews, Vol. 27 Iss: 6, pp.4 – 9
[2] Bilbao, P. P., Lucido, P. I., Iringan, T. C., and R. B. Javier (2008). Curriculum development. Philippines: Lorimar Publishing, Inc.
[3] Jack C. Richards, Curriculum Development in Language Teaching (Cambridge Language Education) Kindle Edition
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Abstract: Empathy is experiencing emotions that match another person's emotions and discerning what another person is thinking or feeling. Compassion consists of three major requirements: person must feel that troubles that evoke their feelings are serious, person requires that sufferers' troubles are not self-inflicted, and the person must be able to picture themselves with the same problems. WHO defines Quality of Life as individuals' perception of their position in life in the context of the culture and value systems in which they live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and concerns. The present research aims to find the difference between nursing students and medical students with respect to empathy, compassion............
Keywords: Empathy, Compassion, Quality Of Life, Nursing Students, Medical Students
[1] Angkurawaranon, C., Jiraporncharoen, W., Sachdev, A., Wisetborisut, A., Jangiam, W., & Uaphanthasath, R. (2016). Predictors of quality of life of medical students and a comparison with quality of life of adult health care workers in Thailand. SpringerPlus, 5(1), 584.
[2] Arora, N. K. (2003). Interacting with cancer patients: the significance of physicians' communication behavior. Social science & medicine, 57(5), 791-806.
[3] Batson, C. D., Duncan, B. D., Ackerman, P., Buckley, T., & Birch, K. (1981). Is empathic emotion a source of altruistic motivation?. Journal of personality and Social Psychology, 40(2), 290.
[4] Caruso, D. R., & Mayer, J. D. (1998). A measure of emotional empathy for adolescents and adults. Unpublished manuscript, 713-726. [5] Cox, T., Griffiths, A., & Cox, S. (1995). Work-Related Stress in Nursing: Managing the Risk. Geneva: International Labour Organization.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Joe Christmas's racial ambivalence dilemma in William Faulkner's Light in August |
Country | : | The Ivory Coast |
Authors | : | NAOUNOU |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2202031317 ![]() |
Abstract: William Faulkner intended Joe Christmas to be a tragic character who would constantly seek an identity. He combats any threat to his safety—be it physical, mental, or emotional safety—with violent reactions that generally manifest in outbursts toward women for threatening his conception of his sexuality by coercing him into an intimate relationship. At many points throughout the novel, Joe Christmas associates himself with the black race and endures all of the ridicule that comes with it just to believe that he knows a little bit about his personal history and allows his racial confusion to influence his construction of his sexual identity throughout his adolescent and adult life. His overpowering drive to define himself as a victim of the racial hostility leads to a tragic end—specifically, his castration and murder..............
KEY WORDS: Identity, sexuality, racial confusion, victim, racial hostility.
[1] Bell, Kevin. Ashes Taken for Fire. Aesthetic Modernism and the Critique of Identity, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2007.
[2] Clarke, Deborah. Robbing the Mother, Women in Faulkner. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1994.
[3] Daileader, Celia R. Racism, Misogyny, and the Othello Myth. Cambridge University Press, 2005.
[4] Faulkner, William, Light in August. New York: Random House, Inc., 1972 (1932).
[5] Fowler, Doreen, Abadie, Ann J. Faulkner and Religion. Jackson and London: University Press of Mississippi, 1991.
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Abstract: Language is the ability to acquire and use complex systems of communication, particularly the human ability to do so, and a language is any specific example of such a system. The scientific study of language is called linguistics. Error analysts distinguish between errors, which are systematic, and mistakes, which are not. They often seek to develop a typology of errors. Error can be classified according to basic type: omissive, additive, substitutive or related to word order. They can be classified by how apparent they are: overt errors such as "I angry" are obvious even out of context, whereas covert errors are evident only in context. Closely related to this is the classification according to domain...............
Keywords: - Error analysis; phonology; segmental; language; intralingual; interlingual
[2] Al-Suyuthy, Abdurrahman Jalaluddin, tt, al-Muzhir fi Ulum al- Lughah wa Anwa'iha, Dar al-Fikr, Beirut Libanon, vol I
[3] Badri, Kamal Ibrahim, Ilmu Lugah Al-Mubaramaj Saudi Arabiyah, Imadat Syabauni Al-Maktab Jama'tu Malik Su'u d - Riyad, 1982
[4] James, Errors in Language Learning and USE AddidisionWesley: Longman Limited , 1998James, Error in Language Learning an Use : Exploring Error analysis London ; Longman, 1998
[5] Chaer, Abdul, Fonologi bahasa Indonesia Jakarta: Reneka Cipta, 2009Coorder, S.P. The Significe of Leamer's Errors Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1981
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Abstract: Some Islamic Political Parties and some of political party based on Islam in Indonesia support democracy and choose democratic system as the best solution solving life of the nation. Some Islamic Political Parties and some of political party based on Islam in Indonesia believe that the democratic system is in accordance with the teachings of Islam. Meanwhile, Hizbut-Tahrir Indonesia is strongly opposed to the democratic system and looks at this system as a kufr system. Hizbut-Tahrir Indonesia North Sumatra has a formidable cadre/members. This organization also has a good management organization and management da'wah. Having a strong faith for the success of da'wah. Da'wah message conveyed by Hizbut-Tahrir is a universal message of kindness which are not for one class only. Have a clear concept of the caliphate.
Key words :- Organizational organization; Hizbut Tahrir; political parties; khilafah
[1] al-Qur'an al-Karim dan Terjemahnya. Riyadh, Arab Saudi, Kementerian Agama dan Wakaf, 1998. Abdullah, Kurniawan "Gerakan Politik Islam Ekstraparlementer: Studi Kasus Hizbut Tahrír Indonesia", Tesis, UI, tidak dipublikasikan, 2003.
[2] al-Bayanuni, Muhammad Abu al-Fath. al-Madkhal ila 'Ilm al-Dakwah, Beirut: Muassasah al-Risalah, 1993.
[3] ________________________________. Al-Madkhal Ila 'Ilmi Al-Da'wah, Beirut: Muassah Al-Risalah Nasyirun, 2001.
[4] al-Faris, Ibnu. Mu'jam Maqayisil Lughah, tt:, Ali M.Syarif. At-Ta'rifat, Beirut: Dảrun Nafả'is. 2003.
[5] al-Ishfahany, Raghib. al-Mufradhat fi Gharibil Quran, Mesir: Musthafa Baby al-Halaby wa Auladuh, 1961.
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Abstract: Da'wah to the goodness and forbid the munkar (commanding the good and forbidding the 'evil) is obligatory for every Muslim (mukallaf). It is not only because Islam is a religion of da'wah to invite all human beings to the path of truth and peace but it is also the order of Allah. Wilayatul Hisbah (WH) and Civil Service Police Unit (Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja) in the enforcement of sharia law in Aceh, especially in North Aceh, is always seen as the implementation of da'wah that it is the responsibility for each individual to enforce commanding for good and forbidding the evil. Some challenges which are faced by WH in the enforcement of Islamic Sharia in North Aceh Regency, among others are; ideological challenge, psychological challenges, political challenges, socio-cultural challenge, historical challenges and methodological challenge.
Keywords: Islamic shari'ah; da'wah; communication strategy; kaffah
[1] Abdullah, Irwan. Konstruksi dan Reproduksi Kebudayaan. Jogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2006Ali Muhammad,Rusydi, Revitalisasi Syariat Islam di Aceh; Problem, Solusi dan Implementasi, Jakarta:
--------, Revitalisasi Syari'at Islam di Aceh; Problem, Solusi, dan Implementasi , Cet. I Jakarta: Logos,
[2] -------- Alquran dan Terjemahannya, Bandung : Mizan Bunaya Kreativa, 2001Abbas, Syahrizal, Dimensi Pemikiran Hukum dalam Implementasi Syariat Islam di Aceh, Banda Aceh:
Dinas Syari'at Islam, 2007
[3] --------,Paradigma Baru Hukum di Aceh, dalam Kata Pengantar Qanun Aceh Nomor. 7 Tahun 2013 tentang Hukum Acara Jinayat, Banda Aceh: Dinas Syariat Islam, 2014
[4] Azyumardi Azra, dalam Kata Pengantar, Rusjdi Ali Muhammad, Revitalisasi Syariat Islam di Aceh; Problem, Solusi dan Implementasi Jakarta: Logos, 2003
[5] AGHamdani., Akulturasi Budaya dalam Mewujudkan Kerukunan Beragama dan Harmonisasi Sosial, Penelitian Kolektif Kemenag, tahun 2016
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Islamic Communication Planning In Improving The Quality Of Education Services |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Fifi Hasmawati |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2202033237 ![]() |
Abstract: There are some problems found in this research such as: how the Islamic communication planning in improving the quality of service in the system of Islamic education in the city of Medan. The purpose of this study is to describe the Islamic communication planning in improving the quality of Islamic educational institutions in Medan. This study is conducted test empirically, finds some facts and examines Islamic communication planning in Islamic education system scientifically, using the principles of Islamic communication and public Service theory.The method used is explanatory survey method, with quantitative approach. The population in this research are students and parents on educational institutions, Madrasah Aliyah Negeri, in Medan. In taking sampling..........
Keywords: Islamic communication; service quality; communication planning
[1] Amir, Mafri. Etika Komunikasi Massa dalam pandangan Islam, Jakarta: Logos,1999.
[2] Muis.A, Komunikasi Islami,Remaja Rosdakarya, Bandung: 2001.
[3] Al-Rasyid, Harun, Dasar-dasar Statistik Terapan dalam Meningkatkan Pelayanan Publik, Penyunting Teguh Kismantoroadji, dkk, Bandung: PPS-Unpad. 1994.
[4] Al-Jauziyah, Ibnu Qoyim,Ighatsanu lahfan min Mushahidis Syetan, Kairo:tp, 1320 H, Juz 1, 2011.Beekun. Rafik Issa, Etika Bisnis Islam, Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar,2004.
[5] Barry Berman dan Joel R. Evans,Retail Management: A Strategic Approach, Tenth Edition USA :Pearson Prentice Hall. 2007
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Abstract: Education plays a vital role in today's competitive world. The Government of India has taken measures to educate students at world level. As an initiative, it has formed many commissions and those commissions concentrated on the comprehension level of the learners and their maximum exposure to the practical life. As a result, government formulated scheme of evaluation called Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation. This paper discusses some of the core issues related to the testing of English at lower elementary level.
[1] Allied publishers limited, Primary Education in India, New Delhi(1997). [2] Ravi, S. Samuel. A Comprehensive study of Education. PHI learning private limited, New Delhi(2011)
[3] CBSE, Teacher's manual on CCE, New Delhi(2009).
[4] G. O (Ms) No. 143 dated 19.9.2011
[5] State Council of Educational Research and Training, Continuous and comprehensive evaluation , English Teachers' Manual Primary (Standard I to V)Term I, Chennai
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | O' Connor's Letters: A Thematic Study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rekha. P. M || Dr. P. Eliah |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2202034146 ![]() |
Abstract: Mary Flannery O'Connor's letters constitute an expression of her theological and philosophical concepts, literary discussions, social comments and personal beliefs. The letters lend an opportunity to study and survey the congruence between her work and where-abouts. In a sense, her letters to her dear ones or to people who corresponded with her on the subject of her works or their own works or any other issues reveal her literary sensibility. The letters as an open medium express her identity and outlook.
Keywords: Identity, literary discussions, outlook, personal beliefs, philosophical concepts, social comments, Theological concepts
[1]. Coles, Robert. Flannery O' Connor's South. Baton Rouge and London: Louisiana State University Press. Print
[2]. Ficket, Harold and Gilbert, Douglas R. Flannery O'Connor: The Images of Grace.
Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1986. Print
[3]. Fitzgerald, Sally. Flannery O'Connor : The Habit of Being. New York: Vintage Books. 1980. Print
[4]. O'Connor, Flannery. Collected Works. New York: Library of America, 1988.Print
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Abstract: The present paper examines the concept of the new women of the twentieth century American society through the character of Blanche DuBois from Tennessee Williams' play 'A Streetcar Named Desire'. It also analyzes the reasons behind Blanche's mental breakdown at the end of the play based on Clara Thompson's psychoanalytic theories of personality development. According to Thompson, women's psychology is actually formed by the passive acceptance of social norms related to cultural and economic factors. But the defiance of these norms becomes a threat to the traditional patriarchal society and throws women to an imbalance..........
Keywords: Cultural Factor, Economic Factor, New Women, Patriarchy, Women's Psychology
[1] T. Williams, A streetcar named Desire (Penguin Books, New York, 1974).
[2] G, Sarah. "The New Aspect of the Woman Question." The North American Review, vol. 158, no. 448, 1894, pp. 270–276.
[3] C.M. Thompson, Cultural Pressures in the Psychology of Women, Psychiatry, Vol. 5, Iss. 3, 1942.
[4] V. Woolf, A room of one's own (Harcourt, Brace and Co, New York, 1929).
[5] Vaughn, Sally Rae, Gender Politics and Isolation in Kate Chopin's The Awakening and Tennessee Williams's A Streetcar Named Desire, Unpublished MA. Dissertation, Texas Woman's University, 2005.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Globalization and American Power: (Dis)order Through the Politics of Cultural Imperialism |
Country | : | Tunisia |
Authors | : | Hana Riani |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2202035261 ![]() |
Abstract: As a powerful ideological force, American globalization has played a predominant role in creating a new world (Dis) order based on the premise of hegemonic imperialism. It has shifted the dynamics of US power to a one governed by the politics of global businesses and corporations such as McDonald, Coca Cola, Mickey Mouse, Sony, TV programs, Music and other cultural artifacts. Within this vein, the globalization of American culture strengthens the iconography and influence of the US while eradicating cultural diversity and de- historicizing "otherized" cultures. The rampant popularity of US cultural commodities across the globe recycles the long-held myths about the power of an exploitative metropolitan global culture dependent on the production, circulation and consumption of American way of life and values..........
Keywords: Globalization, (Dis)order, Cultural Imperialism, homogenization, Islamic cultural identity
[1]. Bagader, Abubaker A. "Contemporary Islamic movement in the Arab world". In Ahmad, A. S., & Donnan, H. Islam Globalization, and post modernity. London: Routledge: 1994. [2]. Bennabi, Malik. The Quest of Culture. Petaling Jaya and Surrey: UK and Malaysia, 2003.
[3]. Cashmore, Ellis. Beckham. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2004.
[4]. Euben,Roxanne L., "Mapping Modernities, 'Islamic' and 'Western'" in Fred R. Dallmayr, ed., Border Crossings: Toward a Comparative Political Theory (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 1999), 19.
[5]. Friedman, Thomas. "Commentary Why Those Angry Men Want To Kill America." The New York Times. August, 25 1998:7.
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Abstract: Cell phones have emerged as one of the most vital communication gargets worldwide. Nearly every family in the general population possess at least one cell phone. In Kenya, cell phone use by high school students within the school premises, remains outlawed. Educationists and parents have continued to associate poor performance in Language subjects with the increasing use of cell phones due to overuse of the short message service. In the recent past, cases of sexual promiscuity have been reported to be on the rise. There have been incidents of students from various schools in Nairobi and its environs being arrested engaging in sexual activities in clubs and buses..........
Keywords: Sexting, Cell phone, sexual behavior, Adolescence.
[1] Berger, G., Sinha, A. & Pawelczyk, K., 2012, 'South African mobile generation: study on South African
[2] Young people on mobiles',, T. (2011). Young women and "technologies of the self‟: Social networking and Sexualities. Agenda, 25(4), 75-86. Doi: 10.1080/10130950.2011.630579
[3] Chalfen, R. (2009). 'It's only a picture': Sexting, 'smutty' snapshots and felony charges. Visual Studies, 24(3), 258-268. Doi: 10.1080/14725860903309203
[4] Consumer Electronics Association. (2008, November 13). CEA study shows nearly half of teen activities are driven by technology [Press Release]. Retrieved from Current News/press release detail asp? id=11635
[5] Dake, J.A., Price, J.H., Maziarz, L., & Ward, B. (2012). Prevalence and correlation of sexting behaviour in adolescents. American Journal of Sexuality Education, 7(1), 1-15.doi:10.1080/15546128.2012.650959
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to establish satisfaction among residents on recreational facilities in Kasarani neighbourhood in Nairobi city. The study objectives were to examine the status of the existing recreational facilities, to assess the facilities needs of the Kasarani residents, and to identify interventions necessary for the gaps established in provision of recreational facilities. Methodological approach used primary data collection involved observations and administration of questionnaires to the officials of the Nairobi County Government, interviews with the Kasarani residents and managers of the recreation facilities. The study revealed the residents were not satisfied with the status of recreational facilities provision because they were inadequate in integrated planning, urban governance..........
Keywords: Neighbourhood, residents' satisfaction, recreation facilities, planning parameters, City of Nairobi
[1] Dosio, J. (1982). Recreational Planning: A case of Nairobi Municipality. Unpublished Thesis, University of Nairobi.
[2] Goodman, W. & Freund, E.(1968). Principles and Practice of Urban Planning: International City/County Managers' Association, Washington, DC.
[3] Government of Kenya, (1996). The Physical Planning Act, Chapter 286 of the laws of Kenya, Nairobi: Government Printer.
[4] Government of Kenya (2001). National Development Plan (2002-2008). Effective Management for Sustainable Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction. Nairobi: Government Printers.
[5] Government of Kenya, (2007). Kenya Vision 2030. Nairobi: Government Press.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | College Students' Friendship Quality |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mr. Wakjira Sima || Dr. Paramvir Singh |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2202038589 ![]() |
Abstract: The significance of friend support in the lives of individual's has been evidenced by psychological research across different age groups. Having friends was correlated with a sense of well-being across one's life span and that the developmental outcome depended on the quality of the friendship. This study was aimed at identifying quality of friendship among some selected college students using the friendship quality scale. Samples of 401 college students were selected using proportionate sampling techniques from four colleges in Ethiopia and standardized Friendship Quality Scale (FQS) was administered to the samples. Finally, the data was analysed via descriptive statistics (mode)...........
Keywords: Friendship quality scale, Safety, closeness, Acceptance, Help
[1] Foster, G. (2005) Making friends: A non- experimental analysis of social pair formation. Human Relations, 58, 1443-1465.
[2] Hartup, W. W., & Stevens, N. (1999). Friendships and adaptation across the life span. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 8(3), 76-79
[3] Baumeister, R. F., & Leary, M. R. (1995). The need to belong: Desire for interpersonal attachments as a fundamental human motivation. Psychological Bulletin, 117(3), 497-529. doi:10.1037/0033-2909.117.3.497
[4] Cohen, S. (2004). Social relationships and health. American Psychologist, 59(8), 676-684
[5] Thoits, P. A. (1995). Stress, coping, and social support processes: Where are we? What next? Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 35, 53-79. doi:10.2307/2626957
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Abstract: A number of researches done in Zimbabwe have mainly focused on the role of media in educating and bringing awareness to people on issues of HIV and AIDS. Today it is assumed that many communities are aware of the disease and have been educated enough but the media should not stop at that. This study examines print media's advocacy role for people living with and without HIV and AIDS and reduce infections with specific references to Kwayedza newspapers in Zimbabwe. Kwayedza is a weekly newspaper published in Shona one of the largest local language in Zimbabwe. The weekly is owned by the largest newspaper publishers in the country, Zimpapers which is a public entity..............
[1] Dorfman L and Themba M, (1993), Media Advocacy and Public Health: Power for Prevention;Woodruff , Sage Publications, Inc., .
[2] Gerbner, G., Gross, L., Morgan, M., &Signorielli, N. (1981). A curious journey into the scary world of Paul Hirsch. Communication Research, 8, 39–72.
[3] Gerbner, G. (1972). Communication and social environment. Scientific American, 227, 153–160.
[4] Global HIV/AIDS Response– Epidemic update and health sector progress towards Universal Access – Progress Report2011
[5] Holsti O.R (1969), Content analysis for the social sciences and humanities, Philippines, Addison-Wesley Pub. Co
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Abstract: The study sought to find out factors that affect students' academic performance in accounting in public secondary schools in Anambra State. Two research questions guided the study and two null hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. Population of the study comprised 5,389 accounting students. Simple random sampling was used to select 845 accounting students as sample for the study. The instrument for data collection was a structured questionnaire validated by three experts with a reliability coefficient of 0.81. Data collected were analyzed using mean for the research questions and z-test for testing the null hypotheses. Findings revealed that institutional and socio-economic factors affect students' academic performance............
Keywords: Accounting, Academic performance, Secondary schools, Gender, Perceived factors.
[1] Atieh, S. H. (2013). Student perceptions of the causes of low performance in principles of accounting: A case study in Saudi Arabia. JKAU: Economics and Administration, 10, 35-50.
[2] Browny, E. B. & Sunniya, S. L. (2002). Social-emotional facts affecting achievement outcomes using disadvantaged students: Closing the achievement gap. Educational Psychology, 15, 28-36.
[3] Enu, J, Agyman, O. K., & Nkum D. (2015). Factors influencing students' mathematics performance in some selected colleges of education in Ghana. International Journal of Education Learning and Development, 3(3), 68-74.
[4] Eze, Ezenwafor & Obidile (2016). Effects of problem-based teaching method on students academic performance and retention in financial accounting in technical colleges in Anambra State. Online Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(6A), 634-639.
[5] Ezeagba, C. E. (2014). Problems in the teaching and learning of accounting as a vocational subject in Nigeria secondary schools. International Journal of Science and Technology, 3(2), 208-226.
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Abstract: Constitution of the People's Republic of Bangladesh is the supreme law of the country that manifests the rules and regulations, by which the State and its citizen shall be governed. Apart from Part III of the Constitution of Bangladesh, some other human rights principles can also be found in Part II, as fundamental principles of state policy. Judicial hands are open in protecting those fundamental rights that are ensured under Part III of the Constitution of Bangladesh. However, this rule is not applicable for the principles laid down in Part II of the Constitution. Judicial hands are tied in respect of implementing those Fundamental Principles of State Policy. The government should also bear in mind that, those principles are the political commitments...........
Keywords: Fundamental Principles of State Policy, Role of Judiciary, Human Rights, Bangladesh Constitution
[1] Halim, M. A. (2014). The Legal System of Bangladesh (8th ed.). Dhaka: CCB Foundation.
[2] Islam, M. (2002). Constitutional Law of Bangladesh (2nd ed.). Dhaka: Mullick Brothers.
[3] Kamal, M. J. (1994). Bangladesh Constitution: Trends and Issues (1st ed.). Dhaka, Bangladesh: Dhaka University.
[4] Arneson, R.J. (2016). Freedom and Religion. In The Oxford Handbook of Freedom.
[5] Bielefeldt, H. (2013). Misperceptions of Freedom of Religion or Belief. Human Rights Quarterly, 35(1), pp.33-68.
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Abstract: In "The Danger of a Single Story," Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie reveals how people construct other people's image through the story they tell about them. She explains how power plays an important role in defining one group whose story is told over and over from the perspective of those in position of power. The end result, Adichie suggests, is that a single story reduces people to mere misrepresentations, what is even more dangerous about it, is that how people perceive the defined group is determined by the single story teller, that is, the more powerful. This study argues that Adichie herself comes close to misrepresenting Northern Nigerian identity in her fiction...........
Keywords: Postcolonial, identity, hybridity/hybrid, Biafra, Nigeria, Africa
[1] F. I. Asoo, The short stories of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, An International Journal of Arts and Humanities, 1(4), 2012, 13-27.
[2] P.O Iheakaram, The short story in Africa: the Nigerian situation, Literature and Black Aesthetics, 5, 1990, 272-283.
[3] C. N. Adichie, The role of literature in modern Africa, New Africa, 2010, 96-96.
[4] C. Nnolim, A new writer in a new context: Camillus Ukah's When the Wind Blows,ANA Review: Journal of the Association of Nigerian Authors, 1, 2012, 158-64.
[5] P. Adesanmi, C. Dunton, Introduction: Everything good is raining: Provisional notes on the Nigerian novel of the third generation, Research in African Literatures, 39(2), vii+. Web 9July 2016