Version-4 (December-2018)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Reading 'The Palace of Illusions'- A Feminist Perspective |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Devi Viswaraj |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2312040104 ![]() |
Abstract: Ever since man,the thinking animal, began to do so, it was a hectic hunt for ideas toimprove life. These intellectual exercises got etched in his ethos as myths. Hence myths as a rule ingrained pragmatic solutions for ensnaring puzzles, encapsulated as exciting artifacts which appealed to human aesthetic sensibility and served as stimulants for man‟s thought process and as an ideal base for framing ideas.Mahabharata, the magnum opus of Indian Culture, consists of over 100000 slokas and long prose passages. The myths ingrained in The Mahabharata are not mere stories, but morals aimed to highlight the right path. Retelling of myths has of late become a fascinating trope for creative writers. Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni‟s The Palace of Illusions is a........
[1]. Divakaruni, Chitra Banerjee. The Palace of Illusions, Picador Publishers, 2009
[2]. "Draupadi, The firstfeminist".28 December 2013.Web.
[3]. <>
[4]. Second-wave feminism.6 September 2018.Web.
[5]. <>
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Abstract: The purposes of this study are 1) Analyzing the Factors that influence the human resources development of Army Soldiers at district military command 0818/ Malang on crops UPSUS (special effort) activities, 2) Analyzing the most dominant variables in army soldiers at district military command 0818/ Malang on crops UPSUS (special effort)activities. This research was conducted in Kalipare District, Malang Regency. The main reason for choosing the location is because this agency is one of the sub-districts which is a model for the soldiers who carry out state defense awareness.........
Key words: Human Resources Development, Army Soldiers, UPSUS
[1]. Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2002. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek.Jakarta: Penerbit Rineka Cipta.
[2]. Ancok, D, 2007, Teknik Penyusunan Skala Pengukuran, cetakan ke 9, Pusat Penelitian dan Kependudukan – UGM, Yogyakarta.
[3]. Bayle, L., 2010. Strategies for Decreasing Patient Anxiety in the Perioperative Setting.AORN Journal, 92(4), pp. 445-457.
[4]. Hasibuan, Malayu. 2001. Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
[5]. Santosa, P.B. & Ashari.2005. Analisis Statistik dengan Microsoft Excel dan SPSS.Yogyakarta: Andi.
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Abstract: Ecological or environmental consideration of the 20th century development has been attracting attention of the whole world‟s intellectuals for more than half a century. From early 20th century onwards a large number of writings that pointed out the danger of self-destructing nature of growth of the modern society. Thus the Ecological or environmental repercussions of all spheres of the world led the people to think about the new route of living process that can be continued over time. A thorough going visit to the literary world of Rabindranath Tagore presents ample evidences of his deep concern about nature and the self-defeating activities of the human race that have enormous bearing on environmental health. This paper attempts to focus on Tagore‟s consciousness and thought on environment and the lessons as is found in his many writings for ecological co-existence..
Key words;Eco-consciousness, 20th century, Bengali Literature
[1]. Ahmed Imtiaz, Muchkund Dubey and Veena Sikri. Contemporising Tagore and the World. The University Press Limited.,.Dhaka 1000, Banglaesh., 2013. Print.
[2]. Ahmed Shafi U., Songs of Rabindranat Tagore. Shahitya Prakash, , Dhaka, 2010, Print.
[3]. Alam Fakrul , Radha Chakravarty, edts. The Essential Tagore. India: Visva-Bharati , 2011, print.
[4]. Ali Md. Moksed, Rabindra-Rachanabali. Vol-7. , 38/2, Banglabazar Dhaka, 2010, Print.
[5]. Ali Md. Moksed, Rabindra-Rachanabali. Vol-8., 38/2, Banglabazar Dhaka, 2010, Print.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Structuration of Condom Usage |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Hairuddin Kudding |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2312041926 ![]() |
Abstract: Increasing of HIV sufferers due to unhealthy sex, it shows variations to sex behavior of commercial sex workers. The phenomenon of the problem of condom usage can be observed in the relation between individual behavior and their social structure. Therefore, the researcher used the sociological glasses of Anthony Giddens, Theory of structuration as an analytical knife. Common problems found in the phenomenon of condom usage were formulated as follows: How to structure of condom usage in commercial sex workers in Makassar City, South of Sulawesi. This research used phenomenological qualitative method. The research findings showed that commercial sex behavior in using condoms was reflection of the structure process. The structuring process shows that variations in condom use are very likely to.......
Keywords: structuration, condom usage, commercial sex workers
[1]. Alkhudri, A. T., and Asnawi, Y. H., 2014. The Discourse of Environmental Problems in the Grand Theory of Gidden's Structuration Studies. Proc., Conf. on Ecology, Culture, and Development. Bogor. Indonesia
[2]. Ashaf, Abdul Firman. 2006. Pattern of Media Relation, State, and Society: Anthony Giddens's Structural Theory as an Alternative. Sosiohumaniora, Vol. 8 (2): 205 – 218
[3]. Creswell, John W. 1989. Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design Choosing Among Five Traditions. London. Sage Publishing
[4]. Direktorat jenderal P2P. 2018. Indonesian Health Profile Data and Information Jakarta in 2017. Indonesian Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia.
[5]. Dixon, Kevin. 2011. A 'third way' for football fandom research: Anthony Giddens and Structuration Theory. Soccer & Society. Vol. 12 (2) : 279–298.
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Abstract: This study titled "‟ Social History and Educational Development Crises in the 21st Century, Nigeria;The Way Forward‟‟ It has been basically carried out to examine the Historical evolution of Social History, Subaltern studies, relevance, role, and impact on Nigerian state and human‟s society in general. In the same vein, it studies and highlights some challenges associated with the Social-Historical Studies in Nigeria during the period under Historical examination for proper preservation, documentation and reconstruction into historical reality with a view to proffering solution for the progress and betterment of the discipline, Students,scholars, researchers and Nigerian Academic Institutions......
Keywords: Social, History, Educational, Development, Crises, 21st, Century, Nigeria, Forward
[1]. Erim, O.Erim. (1989) "African Historiography: Trends, Praxis and Democracy in Nigeria; 25thInaugral Lecture" Delivered at University of Calabar, Nigeria.
[2]. Akombo, E.I Lawson, E.H & Suleiman, D (etail (2015) History; Synopses of Some Basic Themes and Concepts in Teaching and Learning History(Macronet publishing company Ltd. Jalingo)
[3]. Block, Marc. (1953) The Historians Craft (Trans-Peter Putro, New York)\
[4]. Anna, Clark. (1995) The Struggle For the Beaches, Gender and the Making of the English Working Class (Berkelay, University press)
[5]. Samuel, Raphael. (1985) History Today Vol. No. 35 (Issue March)
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Abstract: In any case, it is quite interesting to be borne at the back of the intellectual minds of both the researchers, students, scholars irrespective of the field of study and general reading public that this study titled Reinvigorating Historical Scholarship, Historian's Position and the Quest For Visionary, Nigeria has been initiated consequent upon the understanding of the failure of the Nigerian government, or the policy makers, educationists, traditional political authorities, students and their teachers on the whole, to wholeheartedly and unreservedly rise to the responsibility ahead of them, particularly with regards to the backwardness of Historical studies in our Tertiary Institutions of Learning...........
Keywords: Reinvigorating, Historical, Scholarship, Historian's, Position, Quest, Visionary, Nigeria
[1]. Car E. H. What is History (Penguin, Books Ltd, 1961)
[2]. Erim, E. O. African Historiography: Trends, Praxis and Democracy in Nigeria 25th Inaugural Lecture (Nigeria, University Press, 2004) [3]. Ifemeje, C. C. Introduction to History, (Nigeria, Pacific, 1988)
[4]. Khaldun. I. The Muqaddimah; (London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1958)
[5]. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary (6ih Edt) UK, Oxford, University Press, 2000)
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Abstract: The Right to Education Act 2009 created a right to free and mandatory schooling for every child of the age 06 to 14 years until the accomplishment of the elementary school. Additionally, according to the United States Department of Education (2018), more than 14,000 school districts at the local level are solely responsible for running public schools, developing and implementing their own educational programs, employing and managing professional teaching staffs, arranging fund to pay for schools and implementing the federal and state policy in this regard as well as these schools got finance from the state, local and federal government, however, lion amount of outlays and spending come from the state and local level governments. In this context, this paper will try to analyze the recent trends of outlays and spending on the state and local government policies and infrastructure specifically education policy areas with a brief literature review. The secondary sources will be used to analyze the outlays and expenditure of state and local government's education policy areas.
[1]. Adsit, T. L., & Murdock, G. (2014). Cutting Costs and Generating Revenue in Education (2nd ed.). Maryland, United States: R & L Publication.
[2]. BenDavid-Hadar, I. (2014). Education, Cognitive Development, and Poverty: Implications for School Finance Policy. Journal of Education Finance, 40(2), 131-135.
[3]. Delaney, J. A., & Doyle, W. R. (2014). State Spending on Education Capital Outlays. Journal of Higher Education, 55(1), 433-466.
[4]. Duncombe, W., & Wang, W. (2014). School Facilities Funding and Capital-Outlay Distribution in States. Journal of Education Finance, 34(3), 324-350.
[5]. Federal Governments Grants to State and Local Governments (2011), The Report of the United States Congressional Budget Office..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Usin sinba: the case of Khurkhul |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Ngathem Pungfa Singh || S. Jibonkumar Singh |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2312044855 ![]() |
Abstract: The present study was conducted in Khurkhul village in Manipur. Traditional healers, called "maiba‟ and "maibi‟, thereof, use a holistic approach in dealing with health and illness. "Usin sinba‟ is one of the traditional practices of substituting a seriously ill person with a fish through an act of ritualistic performance by a "maiba‟. It is generally done by releasing a "Meitei ngamu‟ (Channa gachua) into the pond or river. At family level, as one of preventive measures of illness or traditional health seeking behaviour, it is performed annually in large scale during "Lamta‟, the Meitei month in February-March and "Cheiraoba‟ (the "Meitei‟ New Year celebration in "Sajibu‟ i.e. in the month of April). At the village..........
Keywords: Khurkhul, laiharaoba, maiba, sanakhongnang, usin sinba, yelhing thaba.
[1]. Karobi Saikia and Rezina Ahmed, 2012 Wetland fish biodiversity of Majuli island (India) and their medicinal values, The Clarion Volume 1 Number 2 (2012:81) ( Accessed: 03/03/2018)
[2]. Chingtamlen Wangkhemcha, 2011, The tradition of ngamu usin of the Meitei Race of Kangleipak, Discovery of Kangleipak-25 ( history-of-manipur). Accessed: 10/03/2018).
[3]. Kleinman A, Eisenberg L, Good B. Culture, illness, and care: clinical lessons from anthropologic and cross-cultural research. Ann Intern Med. 1978 Feb; 88(2): 251-8 ( Accessed: 03-12-2018).
[4]. (Accessed: 07-08-2017).
[5]. T.C.Hodson, The Meitheis: Akansha Publishing House, New Delhi; 2010..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | ON Tom Regan's Defence of Animal Rights |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dr. Omotosho I.F |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2312045661 ![]() |
Abstract: There is no doubt that Tom Regan is the leading protagonist of the Animal Rights abolitionist project in philosophy. The abolitionist decry the use and exploitation of non human animals. This paper examines Regan's arguments in defence of non human animal rights and the abolitionist project. Using the philosophical method of critical analysis and argumentation, the paper examines Regan's thesis that non human animals are bearers of rights and revealed that there are some seeming inconsistencies in Regan's thesis
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Religious Reflections in the Works of Parvin Etesami and Emily Bronte |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | NafisehEmadi || AtoosaBahadori |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2312046264 ![]() |
Abstract: This study investigated religious themes in the works of Parvin Etesami, a 20th century Persian poetess and Emily Bronte, a 19th century English novelist and poetess. First a biography of both of the leading figures in the world of literature was provided, then their religious ideas and backgrounds were explained in detail. It was found that both, Parvin Etesami and Emily Bronte,applied their religious beliefs in their works,especially the concept of afterlife and eternity that played a significant role in their writings
Keywords: Comparative Literature, Religious Reflections,Parvin Etesami,Emily Bronte
[1]. Moayyad,H.(1974). A Cry in the Wilderness, IslamwissenschaftlicheAbhandlundgen, Wiesbaden, The EncyclopædiaIranica, Vol. VIII, Fasc. 6, pp. 666-669. Retrieved from
[2]. Biography – Emily Bronte,Haworth Village,Retrieved from
[3]. Bronte, E. (1847). Wuthering heights. London: Thomas Newby.
[4]. Boutchkova, I. (2001). God, man and themes of mortality in Emily Bronte's Poetry. International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language, Retrieved from
[5]. Crossier, J. (2012). Religious reflections from the life of Emily Bronte: The number three and its significance in Wuthering Heights. Forum on Public Policy. Retrieved from
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Abstract: Women invariably perform the duties of both employees and the housewives. This dual role entails heavy mental and physical effort which often leads to complete exhaustion of women due to over work. .But very often are overlooked in the family and instead they are viewed as economic burdens. . Good health is a requirement throughout life and vital to women in terms of their daily activities, but nutritional deficiency is a major problem for women in India. To overcome these problems daily diet of the women should be nutritious. But health is a crucial area where no due attention has been paid for women. The study was carried out in Jagatsinghpur district of Odisha. This research consist sample..
[1]. Black R.E., Victora C.G., Walker, S.P., Bhutta, Z.A., Christian, P., de Onis M. et al. (2013) Maternal and child undernutrition and overweight in low income and middle income countries. Lancet, 382(9890), 427-51.
[2]. Giri Chura (2012) "Reproductive Health of Women among the Lisu Community of Arunachal Pradesh", National Seminar on Health, Regional Disparities and Social Development, IASSH, Mumbai, in Collaborative with Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi
[3]. Kamalapur Sunilkumar.M Reddy Somanath (2013) "Women Health in India: An Analysis", International Research Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 2(10), 11-15, October (2013).
[4]. Kushwah Vandana (2013) "The Health Status of Women in India", Research Journal of Chemical and Environmental Sciences. Volume Issue 3 (August 2013): 66-69
[5]. Mishra Manasee (2006) "Gendered Vulnerabilities: Women's Health and Access to Healthcare in India", the centre for Enquiry into Health and Allied Themes- Mumbai
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Abstract: Human Anatomy constitutes the point of outburst of all medical knowledge. The aim of this paper is to make a critical assessment of the way its teaching-learning process have been carried out during the last decades, taking into account the author´s working experiences in different universities. Classical sociologist researching methods like questionnaires and interviews were used as well as some statistics and theoretical methods. The results are shown as answers to questions and they are faced up to those reported by local and foreign researchers. One of the two main medical paradigms or approaches determines the current approach of the teaching of Anatomy: biomedical or biosocial. Deep transformations to contextualize the teaching of this discipline are necessary to place the teaching of Anatomy to the level of the current development of the Medical Education and the Pedagogy..
Key words: Anatomy, Didactics, Learning, Medical education, Methods, Particular methodologies
[1]. Aziz, M.A., McKenzie, J.C., Wilson, J.S., Cowie, R.J., Ayeni, S.A., & Dunn, B.K. (2002). The human cadaver in the age of biomedical informatics. Anat Rec, 269(1), 20-32.
[2]. Blevins, Ch., & Donald R. (1973). Gross Anatomy: current courses, training programs and prospective needs. Journal Medical Education, 48: 264-270.
[3]. Cañizares Luna, O., & Sarasa Muñoz N. (2000). El paradigma sociomédico cubano: un reto para la enseñanza de la Anatomía humana. Educ Med Super, 14(2), 148-154. Available in:
[4]. Chi Maimó, A., Pita García, A., & Sánchez González, M. (2011). Conceptual and methodological fundamentals for a developing teaching-learning process in the human morphophysiology discipline. Educ Med Super, 25(1): 3-13. Available in:
[5]. Enríquez Clavero, J.O., Mendoza Faget, T., & Carbó Ayala, J.E. (2009). Approach to the problem teaching as a viable methodological alternative in the Higher Medical Education. EDUMECENTRO, 1(2):29-32. Available in:
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Abstract: Since its inception, the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945 fully respects and upholds human dignity. Respect and protection of human rights as the basic rights that are naturally inherent in human beings contained in our Constitution, the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, the bail in the Preamble and its Articles. Therefore, protection and enforcement of human rights, particularly of vulnerable groups, ie persons with disabilities (or often called the disabled or handicapped). The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, signed by the Government of Indonesia on 30 March 2007 in the preamble (point e) states: Recognizing that disability is an evolving concept and that disability results from the interaction between persons with impairments and attitudinal and environmental barriers that hinders Reviews their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others. Law Number 19 Year........
Keywords: Physical and Non Physical accessibility, disability, Normative Policy, Disability
[1] Bruggink ,JJ, dalam Bernard Arief Sidharta, Refleksi Tentang Hukum, Citra Aditiya Bakti, Bandung, 1999..
[2] Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, 2006.
[3] Departemen Pendidikan Dan Kebudayaan. 1989. Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, Balai Pustaka.
[4] Edwards, Robyn and Karen Fisher, Disability Policy – Sources for Evidence, SPRC Report 15/08, , Social Policy Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney, . 2008.
[5] Hadjon M. Philipus, Penelitian Hukum Normatif (Fakultas Hukum Universitas Airlangga), tanpa tahun.