Version-6 (December-2018)
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Abstract: Under the theoretical ambit of chaine operatoire, the present paper attempts to explore the technological perspective of the Nongpok Sekmai pottery in the valley of Manipur (India), and could revealed seven significant stages of operational sequences starting with ceramic resources procurement process to post-firing treatment through shaping, decoration, drying and firing. The study could also unveil an amalgamation of traditional technological system, geo-morphological context of the area and inherent knowledge domain of the people in giving unique character of the earthen vessels that the people produced.
Key words: Chaine Operatoire, Traditional technology, operational sequence analysis, Nongpok Sekmai pottery, Manipur valley, India.
[1]. Leroi-Gourhan, André. ‗Châtelperron et Aurignacien dans le Nord- Est de la France (d'après la Stratigraphie d'Arcy-sur-Cure, Yonne)', ‗Aurignac et 1'Aurignacien: Centenaire des Fouillesd'Édouard Lartet,' Bulletin de la Société Méridionale de Spéléologie et de Préhistoire. 1963;VI–IX:75-84.
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[5]. Leroi-Gourhan, A. L'homme et la matiere. Editions Albin Michel, Paris. 1943.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Popular Arabic Terms in Indonesia: Forms and Its Meanings |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | MamanLesmana |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2312060811 ![]() |
Abstract: In Indonesia, there is a phenomenon that we might not find in other countries, namely the use of Arabic terms at certain times andpurposes. The use of the Arabic terms to give a certain understanding of ideas in Indonesian society has been going on for a long time. The problem is whether there is no other term, other than Arabic, which can be used to give an understanding of the idea, so as not to confuse the public. Arabic terms are popular in Indonesian society in various forms. This article found that from the data taken it can be concluded that one of the reasons for the emergence of Arabic terms in Indonesian society was the role of the ruling leaders at that time. This is consistent with the opinion that when Islamic powerinfluenced the life of the nation, many words wereborrowed from Arabic. Likewise when influencing power was not Islam, words would emerge from the language used by the ruler..
Keywords: Arabic, Indonesia, language, morphology, semantics
[1]. Anies, M. Madchan , 2009, TahlildanKenduri: TradisiSantri danKiaiYogyakarta: PT LKiSPelangiAksara
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[3]. Ber-Zuber, 2010, Kiamat itu Indah, Jakarta Hikmah (PT MizanPublika)
[4]. Chodjim, Achmad, 2003, MistikdanMakrifatSunanKalijaga, Jakarta: PenerbitSerambi
[5]. Hafidhuddin , Didin, 2006, Agar LayarTetapTerkembang: UpayaMenyelamatkanUmat, Jakarta : GemaInsani Press.
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Abstract: The Sustainable Capacity Development Program is an effort by the government to improve teacher quality and professionalism. For some teachers that CLA is only for promotion and promotion requirements so that once the goal is Reached the teacher has not developed his profession. This study aims to explain the Behavior of Teachers in the policy of Sustainable Food Development program, and problems that Arise in Arjasari teachers in SMPN 2 Bandung West Java regency. In this research there are three problem formulation items, namely, First, How is the teacher's attitude about the obligation of continuous professional development in SMPN 2 Bandung regency Arjasari? Second.....
Key words; Master, Professions, Sustainable.
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[4] Nawawi, Hadari. 1982. Organisasi Sekolah dan Pengelola Kelas, Jakarta: Gunung Agung.
[5] Purwanto, Ngalim. 1994. Ilmu Pendidikan Teoritis dan Praktis, Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya.
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Abstract: The purpose of the study was to find out the relationship of selected physical fitness variables with basketball shooting accuracy of male basketball players in south nation, nationalities and peoples of Ethiopia. To achieve the purpose of the study, 40 male Basketball players were selected as subjects who were participated in university and project and club basketball tournament. The age of the subjects were ranged between 18 to 25 years. The shooting accuracy of basketball players were selected as dependent variables. The independent variables selected for this study were leg strength, shoulder strength, agility, balance, speed, cardiovascular.........
Key words: physical fitness, basketball performance, shooting accuracy
[1]. Bag, A., Borman, A. S., Das, S., & Chawdhury, B.(2015). Comparative Study on Physical Fitness of Volleyball and Football Players in University Level.
[2]. Beena Lal. (1990). Assessment of motor fitness components to volleyball playing ability. Unpublished Master Degree Thesis, University of Madras.
[3]. Chittibabu, B. (2014). Relationship of selected physical fitness components on shooting accuracy of women handball players. International Journal for Life Sciences and Educational Research, 2(2), 49-51.
[4]. Erčulj, F., & Supej, M. (2006). The impact of fatigue on jump shot height and accuracy over a longer shooting distance in basketball. Ugdym., Käuno kult,Sportas, 63, 35-41.
[5]. Hoare, D. G. (2000). "Predicting success in junior elite basketball players—the contribution of anthropometic and physiological attributes." Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 3(4): 391-405..
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Abstract: The research investigated stakeholders‟ attitudes towards the use of Shona as the medium of instruction at Victoria Junior and Dikwindi Primary Schools as advocated in the 2006 Education Amendment Act. The descriptive survey research design was used. The population comprised 50 teachers, 381 pupils, 2 school heads and 2 education inspectors. Data was collected through the use of the questionnaire, interview and observation. Research findings indicated that the use of the Shona language aids understanding that is why teachers at the two schools fall back to........
Keywords: Attitudes; indigenous languages; Shona; mother tongue
[1]. Ajzen, I. Attitudes, Personality and Behavior. Milton Keyness: Oxford University Press.(1988).
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[5]. Benson, C. Designing Effective Schooling in Multilingual Contexts: Going Beyond Bilingual Models(2009) , in Skutnabb-Kangas,T., Phillipson, R., Mohanty, A.K. and Panda, M. (eds) Social Justice Through Multilingual Education (pp 63-81) Bristol: Multilingualmatters..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Buddha's Relics and Images: Extension of Buddha's Biographical Process |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ranjana |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2312063541 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper broadly explores the mutual relationship between relics stupa and Buddha image. Buddha relics Stūpa was considered as sacred symbol of his Parinirvāna, and which viewed as the Buddha -body (dharmakāya) or Buddha's transcendent and immanent presence in this world but if we see his relics and symbol tells the biography of Buddha and the causes of his final life and Buddhahood as well as their cessation.Relics are extensions of the Buddha's biography. It is perhaps possible to think of this as an assertion of the ongoing ―presence‖ of the Buddha, but it is preferable to think of it as the further development of a powerful narrative. Simply put, though the.........
Keywords: dharmakaya, transcendent, Parinirvāna, anthropomorphic
[1]. Chan Khoon San, Shrines and Relics in Buddhism, Taman Petaling Malaysia,2013,p-27
[2]. John.S.Strong, Relics of the Buddha, Princeton University press, 2004, p-9
[3]. Ibid,p-10
[4]. Ibid, p-12
[5]. Ibid,p-13.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Causes of Delay in Civil Litigation in Bangladesh |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Md. Shahin Kabir || Syeda Marufa Yeasmin |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2312064246 ![]() |
Abstract: Adversarial or accusatorial character in the civil process is practised in Bangladesh and delay is one of the main problems in our civil litigation. The main objective of this study is to find out the causes of delay in civil litigation and to suggest provable remedies to solve the problem. Where it should take one or two years for the disposal of a civil suit, but it takes five to ten years, or even more. So, it is the high time to take proper steps to get remedy against such delay. An essential requirement of justice is that it should be dispensed as quickly as possible.
Keywords: Civil, Litigation, Delay, Causes, Bangladesh.
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Abstract: The violent conflict, necessitated by Boko Haram insurgency in Northeastern Nigeria and the use of force adopted by the Nigerian government to counter it resulted into mass displacement of people from their homes in order to seek refuge in Internally Displace People‟s camps (IDP camps.) This scenario precipitated a humongous humanitarian crisis in a region which was already lagging behind in socio-economic development, leaving about 5 million people suffering from food insecurity, 2. 2 million people in travail of acute malnutrition, 3 million people without access to safe drinking water and good hygiene, while about 2 million children were denied access to education. This scenario, no doubt, presents a serious challenge to the achievement of the SDG of poverty........
Keywords: Displacement, Humanitarian, Intervention, poverty, sustainable.
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[5]. International Organisation for Migration (2016). Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM Round XII Report, October
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Abstract: The study examined The Essence of The Principle of Establishing Good Laws and Regulations for Realizing Quality Regional Legal Products. The purpose of this study is to find the essence of the principles of the formation of good legislation in realizing quality regional legal products, to find out clearly the implementation of the principles of the formation of good legislation in the formation of regional legal products, and to find the factors that influence the implementation of the principles of the formation of good legislation in realizing quality local legal products...
Keywords: The Essence of the principle, Good legislation, Legal products
[1]. Achmad Ali, 2009, Reveals Legal Theory and Judicial Prudence Including Interpretation of Laws (Legisprudence), Prenadamedia Group, Jakarta.
[2]. Ahmad Redi, 2018, Law on the Establishment of Legislation, Sinar Grafika, Jakarta
[3]. Hamid Attamini, 1990, Role of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia in the Implementation of State Government, University of Indonesia Dissertation
[4]. Amiroeddin Syarif, 1997, Legislation (Basic, Types and Making Techniques), Rineka Cipta, Bandung
[5]. Andi Mustari Pide, 1999, Regional Autonomy and Regional Heads entered the XXI century, Gaya Media Pratama, Jakarta
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | You Are What You Eat- Changes in the Food Tradition of Malabar |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. SAJAN. R |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2312066874 ![]() |
Abstract: In this article discusses the evolution and growth of Malabar food, the economic factors behind a cuisine, migration and socio-cultural diffusion, the history and geography of a place and its influence on the cuisine and other cultural implications of food. Malabar was also a hotspot of all kinds of spices. Malabar cuisine relies heavily on spices which was a major item of trade during ancient and medieval times. The curious blend of the cuisines from all parts of the world renders Malabar to be a culinary hotspot. It is fact that Food being the catalyst of all human activity. The decision of man to cook his food was the result of a revolutionary notion. Food is an indispensable....
[1]. Achaya, K.T, 2012, The story of our food, Hyderabad, University press
[2]. Civitello, L, Cuisine and culture; a history of food and people, (2004) Hoboken; john Wiley and sons
[3]. Fabio Paarasecoli, Food Culture (2004), Gree wood publishing groop
[4]. Helou, A, Feast: food of the Islamic World, (2018)Bloomsbury publishing
[5]. Kannampilly, V, 2003, The essential Kerala cookbook, New Delhi, Penguin books
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Abstract: Ecotourism is tourism that involves traveling to relatively undisturbed natural areas with specified objectives of studying, admiring and enjoying the scenery and its wild plants and animals as well as any existing cultural aspects found in these areas.In business of tourism natural resources are intensively explored and consumed and it has major impact on environment, ecosystems, economy, societies and culture. Ecotourism is major business sector across the globe. It has been identified one of the key sectors propelling the country's economic growth. Karnatakae....
Key Words: Ecotorism, Protection, Sustainability
[1]. Gopal Iyer, K. (1996). Sustainable Development: Ecological and Sociocultural Dimensions. New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House.
[2]. Higham, J. (2007). Critical Issues in Ecotourism: Understanding a Complex Tourism Phenomenon.Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.
[3]. Honey, M. (2002). Ecotourism and Certification: Setting Standards in Practice. Washington DC: IslandPress.
[5]. Glance.pdf